There are just 11 days (including one weekend) left in the open playtest period for Starfinder’s upcoming nanocyte class and mech system. If you haven't already downloaded the free playtest PDF and tried out the nanocyte or mechs—or both!— you still have time! The playtest ends September 18, and we need your feedback to make these best they can be.
If you haven’t yet, test out a nanocyte or mech build in a home game (or a nanocyte in Starfinder Organized Play), and then share your thoughts via our surveys or playtest forums. Links to both of those options, plus more information about the Tech Revolution playtest, are available here! Remember that you can always come back and update your survey responses later if you get more information or your feedback changes!
Meanwhile, we're already poring over the feedback you've sent us so far and discussing the ways we might improve both the nanocyte and mechs—thank you! Based on what you've told us, especially via the surveys and playtest forums, there are a few design aspects we already know we'll address (though these are far from the only community-driven changes we're making!).
For the nanocyte, it’s clear that the system of nanite investment for the nanite gear array is in need of revision or reconsideration. For mechs, we have heard the call for a simplification of formulae, as well as for more options when building a mech—both are high on our list of priorities. Of course, these design concerns just scratch the surface of the possibilities for the final versions—and there's still time to make your voice heard.
For those who have already participated in the playtest, we thank you, and to those who plan to still send us feedback: we eagerly await your thoughts!
The Starfinder Team
Starfinder Tech Revolution Playtest Closes Soon!
Monday, September 7, 2020