Ancient Evil, New Opportunities

Monday, January 13, 2014

Illustration by Craig J Spearing

Seattle is rather far north by my reckoning, even though its proximity to the ocean keeps the temperature quite reasonable. It's certainly northerly enough to have some gloriously long days in summer as well as some long, dark, sunless nights in the winter. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That's right. Vampires.

Vampires love winter because they only have to "call it a day" for about eight hours before night falls again. Fortunately, the Pathfinder Society has a proud tradition of training undead-thrashing heroes, and I'm calling on all of you to do your part in culling the glut of shadow-loving ghouls, wraiths, and other such risen monstrosities by playing the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, which is sanctioned for Pathfinder Society Organized Play beginning today! You can find the rules and Chronicle sheets for Carrion Crown on the Additional Resources page and product pages for each respective Adventure Path volume.

Of course, the folks in the southern hemisphere aren't off the hook, either. I understand trouble's brewing in the Mana Wastes of Garund, and the Pathfinder Society will need particularly brave and powerful heroes to send to Alkenstar. Keep an eye out for more sanctioned material later this month.

John Compton

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Tags: Craig J Spearing Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society
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Any work on Wardens getting sanctioned? John said more than a month ago that it was pending.

Scarab Sages 5/5

The Remnants of the Beast boon has not been fixed yet, shall i just tell my players it is a one time use or?

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