The Long Wait is Nearly Over

Monday, September 23, 2013

Illustrations by Kelly Perry & Mathias Zameck

Approximately six weeks ago when the web team sent out the August Scenarios to GMs to prepare for Gen Con, I envisioned the expanse of days between releases would be a leisurely break in which to develop a pair of scenarios and get ahead on work. In fact, in that time I've stayed quite busy with new projects and initiatives as well as a finishing up a few pieces that had to wait in preparation for that huge convention. Spoiling exactly what's happening behind the scenes will have to wait for a future blog.

What's more, reading forum posts has been an enlightening experience as I see players and GMs alike discuss the start of Season 5, provide feedback, and speculate about what is to come. Developing season-long theories is tricky business when we've only seen three scenarios, and in a few days we'll begin to broaden the picture of what Season 5 entails.

For the first time in the season we shall see not only a Tier 7—11 scenario, but also one without any direct faction interests: Pathfinder Society Scenario #5—05: The Elven Entanglement by Ryan Costello, Jr. We will also receive the first scenario to continue several factions' story in Pathfinder Society Scenario #5—04: The Stolen Heir by David N. Ross, resuming the Andoran and Taldor narratives. What's more, though neither is a stranger to writing RPG material, for the first time we get to see these two authors write for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

In developing these two scenarios I grew rather attached to the two NPCs depicted below, one from each adventure. GMs in particular know that when there's a full-body depiction of an NPC, there's a fairly good chance that the character is a combatant; when an NPC's image is limited to a portrait from the shoulders up, it's not always so clear. Part of what I like most about these NPCs is that they fit that portrait-only model beautifully.

The Elven Entanglement and The Stolen Heir release this week!

John Compton

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Kelly Perry Mathias Zameck Pathfinder Society
Liberty's Edge 3/5

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ooh, art!

While I'm, of course, also attached to the character from my scenario depicted in one of those two portraits, my favourite encounter is elsewhere in the scenario. But I can see what John likes about that NPC.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 ****

Posting as Xanster Forgedawn

I am looking forward to seeing the homeland. I have heard so much about Kyonin growing up and now, finally, getting a mission there will be worth the potential risk involved.

Silver Crusade 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Reading the Queen of Thorns gives you a nice tour of the elven homeland. I enjoyed the book.

Shadow Lodge 5/5 5/5

Can't wait to get these on the table at an organized PFS day!

Silver Crusade

Good to see Ryan getting more Paizo work!


Awesome Ryan - I'll be running this next week!

Also looking forward to playing in David's scenario.


After being such a fan of Ryan's podcasts, 3.5 Private Sanctuary and Know Direction, I can't wait to see what he does with his first PFS scenario!

5/5 *

Lass wrote:
After being such a fan of Ryan's podcasts, 3.5 Private Sanctuary and Know Direction, I can't wait to see what he does with his first PFS scenario!

Pretty much this for me as well. Very keen on trying it out!


But no pressure Ry :)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks guys. And let me say if every caster in the adventure has know direction on their spell list, it is because it's 100% thematically appropriate.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Ryan Costello wrote:
Thanks guys. And let me say if every caster in the adventure has know direction on their spell list, it is because it's 100% thematically appropriate.

Yeah, I saw that one and decided to leave it in.

I did have to call you on putting the orison in a creature's spell-like abilities and then using your web address as the superscript that would normally denote the spell's source*.

The Elven Entanglement wrote:

During Combat <<Creature>> casts know direction in the place of performing a full attack action. It winks knowingly at any character that makes a successful DC 15 Spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast.

Special Abilities
Bottom Third (Ex) <<Creature>> is constantly accompanied by a small panel that hovers near its legs and grants it constant cover. Knowledge checks made to identify <<Creature>> receive a +5 insight bonus due to the helpful information inscribed on the panel.

Not actually true, but it would have been somewhat amusing were this to be the case
Liberty's Edge 3/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I should have given that creature the ability to summon a minotaur. That way he could introduce tonight's special guest, Mr Bullman.

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