PFS off to a busy start!

Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 07:41 AM Pacific

99 tables of PFS mustered and sat in 10 minutes. 16 participants in GM 101. Five tables of Gen Con Goblin Attack continuously full of players and cycling every hour. The BB and Kids Track room packed to the gills with all 10 tables and overflowing. Going to be a busy weekend!

Mike Brock
Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Tags: Gen Con
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and we want pictures of this madness

Scarab Sages

Seems they've got 99 tables, but an empty slot ain't one. ;-)

Wish I was there to go adventuring with you all.

"Have fun storming the castle!"

Jealous <sigh> :)

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

99 tables of PFS in the hall, 99 tables of PFS...

Oooooh! What is this "Gen Con Goblin Attack" of which you speak? or it didn't happen. ;)

Dark Archive


Grand Lodge

Oh to be a Tier 1 GM there...

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Oh to be a Tier 1 GM there...

Tier 1 can be rough. I did it in 2009, and had tons of fun, but it was hard to deliver a great experience by the 7th or 8th table. And I consider completely unacceptable to do anything less, especially when I'm at a major convention (and partially on someone else's dime).

Maybe next year.

Grand Lodge Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gen Con Goblin Attack is a series of five, one hour adventure type quests for 1st level characters or pregens. Three adventures come from the first chapter of the Rise of the Runelords, while the other two come from the first two comic books.

When a player walks up to one of the five tables, they receive a punch card similar to Kid's Track or Beginner Box Bash. Once they have all five adventures checked off, they receive a special Chronicle sheet the awards one of their characters the Mask of Goblin Seeming. The adventures can be played in any order and can be played at anytime when someone has at least one hour free.

If you wear the goblin mask being handed out at Gen Con when activating, it doubles the duration of the Mask's ability.

It has been. A big hit through the first slot and into the second.

Grand Lodge

bugleyman wrote:

Tier 1 can be rough. I did it in 2009, and had tons of fun, but it was hard to deliver a great experience by the 7th or 8th table. And I consider completely unacceptable to do anything less, especially when I'm at a major convention (and partially on someone else's dime).

Maybe next year.

True enough. I remember Space City Con being a test, especially when I volunteered to run First Steps back to back. And that was only three days.

Michael Brock wrote:

Gen Con Goblin Attack is a series of five, one hour adventure type quests for 1st level characters or pregens. Three adventures come from the first chapter of the Rise of the Runelords, while the other two come from the first two comic books.

When a player walks up to one of the five tables, they receive a punch card similar to Kid's Track or Beginner Box Bash. Once they have all five adventures checked off, they receive a special Chronicle sheet the awards one of their characters the Mask of Goblin Seeming. The adventures can be played in any order and can be played at anytime when someone has at least one hour free.

If you wear the goblin mask being handed out at Gen Con when activating, it doubles the duration of the Mask's ability.

It has been. A big hit through the first slot and into the second.

Sounds like a great way to fill an hour. Maybe next time you could give out a We Be Goblins promo mini (a la Konkrud) for folks who get all five done.

I'm off to tonight's session of one of the Gen Con specials in just an hour. Can't wait, only my second PFS session so far overall. Deciding whether to play the halfling paladin or the gnome evoker.

Grand Lodge

Good luck Bill!

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