Welcome to the Screaming Jungle

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Behold, the beaming excitement of the new interns! (Shhhh... Don’t tell them that enthusiasm is about to wither away as they enter the Editorial Pit of Despair known as crosschecking every feat, spell, trait, and magic item in the Advanced Race Guide.) Everybody, please give a warm welcome Alexandra and Jerome!

Christopher Carey

Hi, I’m Alexandra and I’m a new Paizo intern here in the Editorial Department. I’m not quite sure exactly everything I’ll be doing, but I’m very excited! I’ll know I’ll be showing up around the messageboards so here’s a little about me:

I’m currently going to college and finishing up my AA in Digital Gaming while working about 25 hours a week at my part-time job, doing this internship, and trying to have a social life. In my free time, I love to play RPG games and post on Tumblr. My friends and I run a Dragon Age fan blog there. Dragon Age is one of my favorite games but I’m currently playing Skyrim whenever I can. I really like to read fanfiction and write my own short stories. My favorite TV show is Supernatural, and even though it’s totally ruined now I still love it.

I’ve lived in the same place forever, so after I get settled with my life, I hope to do a lot of traveling and exploring of other cultures to feed my inspiration. I’d love to go all over Europe and Southeast Asia and check out all the fashion and food. I’m Jewish, so I’d also love to visit Israel and finally learn Hebrew.

Well, there’s me. Thanks for reading!

Alexandra Schecterson
Editorial Intern


This is Jerome, one of the new interns here at Paizo Publishing. It’s my first month on the job, and I’m excited to discover what makes Pathfinder tick. At first blush, the answers seem to be coffee, banter, and hoards of figurines!

I’m a relative neophyte to the RPG scene, having discovered Pathfinder only a few years ago. However, in the short time that I’ve been playing and GMing, I’ve become enamored of the creativity and collaborative spirit that Pathfinder brings out in people. I’m excited to see those same attitudes at work within the Paizo staff.

I’m a long-time strategy and athletic gamer with roots in Go, soccer, and 8-bit cartridges. I continue to game regularly, and have burgeoning interest in independent game design. I’ve also pursued (with varying degrees of success) kung fu, story games, Starcraft, ballroom dancing, and girls. My childhood habit of reading has blossomed into a love of writing that promises to delight and infuriate me to the grave and beyond. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to try my hand at writing for Paizo someday soon!

I’m excited to be working with Paizo, and look forward to seeing you all on the messageboards!

Good Gaming,

Jerome Virnich
Editorial Intern

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Tags: Interns Paizo
Liberty's Edge

Welcome aboard! May Pharasma have mercy on your souls...


Interns, you say...have you told them to fetch the elbow grease and headlight fluid beyond the Great Door, past the warehouse cave raptors?

Dear Interns:

Is it terrifying to try to bring coffee to a dinosaur?

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Welcome interns! Don't get lost in the jungle! ^_~

Oh, Alexandra, my girlfriend has been looking into a program for Jewish young people to go to Israel practically free. Here's the link. I'd go, but alas, I'm too old... (and not jewish, =P)

Good luck with the job! Remember: interns are entitled to a daily glass of milk.

Dark Archive

Welcome to the madness, Alexandra and Jerome!

Remember the basic rules: no bright light, no water spillings, and most of all, no food after midnight.
You have to guess who I'm talking about.

Shadow Lodge

It's rather ominous how we get these "Hi, I'm the the new intern!" blogs, and then nobody ever hears from them ever again.


Kthulhu wrote:
It's rather ominous how we get these "Hi, I'm the the new intern!" blogs, and then nobody ever hears from them ever again.

Blood for the Blood God!

...Uh. I mean, interns, please continue your work! :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kthulhu wrote:
It's rather ominous how we get these "Hi, I'm the the new intern!" blogs, and then nobody ever hears from them ever again.

Our Lord Arioch does crave blood and souls, after all... ;-)

Liberty's Edge

wow, wait - Supernatural is ruined? Why's that??? I live in Germany and am just watching season 5 on DVD... do they really screw it up in season 6 or is 5 becoming worse as it goes...?

Oh, and welcome! :)

*yum-yum* Welcome *yum-gnash-mlask-yum-gulp*

Dryder wrote:

wow, wait - Supernatural is ruined? Why's that??? I live in Germany and am just watching season 5 on DVD... do they really screw it up in season 6 or is 5 becoming worse as it goes...?

Oh, and welcome! :)

Many bad things happen to many beloved characters in Seasons 6 and 7. I've actually cried (don'tjudgeme!), so just be sure you're ready for a lot of crap to hit many proverbial fans.

On topic:

As many others have said, WELCOME!

Grand Lodge

At least you can be thankful that your duties won't include latrine cleaning with toothbrushes!

Congratz & Good Luck!

Also, if you happen to find previous interns you have yourself to blame. Hopefully someone told you not to dig in the basement, didn't they?

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