It's Banquet Time!

Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 7:15 PM Pacific

Every table has at least one Paizo employee, and this is my table. Imagine my surprise to find it full of Fawtlies... and a Red Mantis assassin. Can't decide if this is scary, or awesome, or scary. My money's on awesome. And scary.

Gary Teter
Software Developer

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Tags: PaizoCon

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I thought we were crazy!!!

What delicious condiment was on Taig's fork?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Where ismall the news from the banquet for all us shmoes who couldn't attend?

Sovereign Court

So who is who in the pic?

The Exchange

Just want to hop on and congratulate myself and the rest of the people at my table for winning the trivia contest. Go team Gnot Gninjas!

Callous Jack wrote:
So who is who in the pic?

Counter-clockwise, it's Gavgoyle, The Eldritch Mr. Shiny, Paris Crenshaw, Taig, Wolfthulhu, Jess Door, and Justin Franklin.

C'mon Gary, were you really surprised?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

OK, not really.

The Exchange

I do not look like a nice man in this photo...


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I think it's the eyepatch. Yarr!

Is he really wearing an eye patch?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I was running low on eyeballs, so I "borrowed" one. It's not so much an eyepatch as an eyeflap.

That's unpossible. You're just a greedy, grasping hot mess of tentacles.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Is he really wearing an eye patch?

I was channeling my one eyed Bard from Kingmaker.

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