James Sutter Contributor |
Charles Evans 25 |
As to how they're going to get out of this... Well we know Gelgur's still got some of that wine left, and is good at mimicry.
A few things struck me:
1) There seem to be an awful lot of locked doors around to get in the way of Gelgur, Ralice, and Kordroun, whilst their opponents are zipping around the place getting ahead of them to cut them off all the time.
2) There seem to be an awful lot of locked doors around to which Kordroun apparently usually has a key on a ring. Just how big is his bunch of keys, and why didn't it feature in the artwork?
3) There seem to be an awful lot of locked doors around generally. Including in the cellars. I suppose to some extent this is a security thing since it is a gun works, but aren't there any guards on any of these doors too?
(NB I note some of the doors earlier did have alarm bells wired to a guard-room or something like that.)
However, keep it up, and looking forward to episode 6.