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You'd Better Believe It!

Over the course of Pathfinder's over 10-year history, adventurers have trekked all over the globe, pulling back the veil on distant continents and lesser known cultures in the Inner Sea. As stories of these travels filtered back and spread across northern Garund and Avistan, tales of foreign gods came with them, piquing the interest of religious scholars. Now, with PathfinderCampaign Setting: Faiths of Golarion, we're offering up the details of some of these faiths, with a few hotly anticipated divinities and notes from their authors:

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Tags: Pathfinder Campaign Setting Sandra Posada Vicky Yarova Vlada Hladkova

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Divine Intervention

When talking about the planes, you can't skip talking about the planes' most powerful entities. So we're going to chat about the gods for a little bit.

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Tags: Ian Perks Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Planar Adventures Vlada Hladkova

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Wander The Planes!

There is more to the universe than where most adventurers tread. Beyond the Material Plane lies countless worlds and near infinite planes of reality, where a countless variety of beings play out their lives, many indebted to the cosmic forces of their home plane.

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Tags: Fabio Gorla Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Setiawan Lie Vlada Hladkova

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Book of the Damned (PFRPG)

With a Little Help From My Fiends

With a thirst for the fiendish, subscribers have begun digging their claws into Pathfinder RPG Book of the Damned. What vile and wicked things might they find within its covers?

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Tags: Helge C. Balzer Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Vlada Hladkova

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