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Lord of Penance—Chapter Four: Under Siege

Lord of Penanceby Richard Lee Byers ... Chapter Four: Under SiegeFor a moment, nothing made sense. Then Sefu realized that he and Leyli were lying twitching and entangled on the floor. She looked sunburned in spots and patches, and bits of her robe were smoking. ... His spastic, helpless shuddering subsided, and to his relief, hers did too. Are you all right? he croaked. ... I think so. ... Stay down. Following his own advice, still shaking a little, he looked around for Olhas. The gillman...
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Lord of Penance—Chapter Three: The Temple By Night

Lord of Penanceby Richard Lee Byers ... Chapter Three: The Temple By NightThe waning moon had passed its zenith and was slipping westward, and although a city like Absalom never entirely slept, only a few scattered lights glowed amid the darkness, while the perpetual background drone had subsided to the faintest of hums. ... Olhas peered down the silent street that led to Domitian's manor, rolled tension out of his shoulders, and said, Ready? ... If you are. Sefu hesitated. You know, you...
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Tags: Colby Stevenson Lord of Penance Pathfinder Tales Richard Lee Byers

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Lord of Penance—Chapter Two: The God-To-Be

Lord of Penanceby Richard Lee Byers ... Chapter Two: The God-To-BeUnlike most of the gods-to-be, Domitian didn't actually live on the Avenue of the Hopeful, or anywhere particularly near. Sefu and Olhas had to walk across a goodly portion of the Ascendant Court, passing such landmarks as the raucous wooden mead hall sacred to Cayden Cailean and the red limestone statue known as the Iomedaenne before reaching the quiet side street where the cult reportedly occupied a manor, at which point...
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Tags: Colby Stevenson Lord of Penance Pathfinder Tales Richard Lee Byers

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Lord of Penance—Chapter One: Reunion

Lord of Penanceby Richard Lee Byers ... Chapter One: ReunionSefu studied the gaunt, shuffling girl in the shapeless black robe, and when he was certain, he winced. ... Is that Leyli? Olhas asked, his brown hair plastered to his long, narrow skull. Wary of the dehydration that could mean debilitation and even death to his race, the lanky gillman had just moments ago paused at a fountain to dunk his head and hands. ... Yes, Sefu said. She was horribly changed from the grinning, teasing imp of a...
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Tags: Colby Stevenson Lord of Penance Orcs Pathfinder Tales Richard Lee Byers