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A Night in Katheer

Players who read though Lost Omens Legends might find that they want to learn more about just what kind of deals Baba Yaga can offer them or the cool alchemy techniques that Artokus Kirran saves for only his most important students. GMs who read through the book might see that Queen Abrogail Thrune has contracts that can offer great power (with an obviously high price) or that Runelord Sorshen can teach a new, enchanting spell. These cool new options are easy enough to hand out, but we want tables to do more than just snag a new feat or magic item. We want you to meet these legends in the flesh! At least, as best as one can with a roleplaying game.

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Tags: Lost Omens Legends Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Tales of Lost Omens: Be Kind to Strangers

Patross, the staff lead, was sneering again, and Ivy knew that would soon cause trouble for her. The waitress didn't even need to look to know what had offended the surly man. The two guests that sat by the dock-side windows—prime seats of the establishment, Patross would protest!—stood out enough from the regular crowd. It was an open question on what about them offended the most. The woman's clothing was too shabby, the man's clothing was too foreign. The woman was vicious and unpleasant. Truthfully, Ivy thought that Patross was most upset that the pair were both old, and the woman incredibly ugly.

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Tags: Lost Omens Legends Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Tales of Lost Omens Web Fiction

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