Outmaneuvered II: Revenge of the Grappled... Outmaneuvered II: Revenge of the Grappled Tuesday, July 12, 2011About a month ago I was punished... er.., I mean rewarded with the task of answering questions about combat maneuvers in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The blog was so well received that I quickly promised to do another one in short order. Well, projects flew by, and I got pulled away, and short order dragged out into weeks, but now I'm back, and here to answer more pressing questions about combat maneuvers. Ready? ......Tags: Design Tuesdays Grapple Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Tyler Walpole Outmaneuvered... Outmaneuvered Tuesday, June 7, 2011Even in the midst of PaizoCon preparation, the design staff just loves those crazy little rules questions that pop up on the messageboards, during actual play, or that just randomly stray into our heads when we are designing an archetype or putting the finishing touches on a monster. Since I just returned from Comicpalooza in Houston, I had a number of those questions come up while conversing with players or that popped up during play, and shared those...Tags: Allison Theus Animals Anti-Paladins Design Tuesdays Grapple Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Roleplaying Game |