May is Starfinder Month at the Fantasy Grounds College

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The volunteer community at the Fantasy Grounds College is hosting classes with a Starfinder ruleset focus for the month of May.

Actual Starfinder gameplay on Fantasy Grounds – encounter with Space Goblin Zaperators

Actual Starfinder gameplay on Fantasy Grounds – encounter with Space Goblin Zaperators

What is Fantasy Grounds and why is there a “college,” you ask? Well first, Fantasy Grounds is a popular virtual tabletop (VTT) software used to host and play games over the internet. The robust software creates a virtual tabletop roleplaying experience with rollable dice, character sheets, a digital book library, and tools you would expect at your physical game table. What’s more is that it offers unique gaming experiences such as automated combat trackers, GM management tools to simplify distribution of experience and loot, digital battle maps and tokens for tactical play, and much more!

That brings us to the question: why a “college”? The Fantasy Grounds College (FGC) is a group of volunteers who are passionate about VTTs and want to help create player connections for tabletop roleplayers, no matter where they are in the world or the circumstances they find themselves in that prevent physical gaming. Founder Laerun’s vision for the FGC has been, and remains, a commitment to offer classes free of charge and deliver valuable learning outcomes for students who wish to take full advantage of what the Fantasy Grounds software provides. Classes are given for all experience levels, and for players and Game Masters alike!

Our Mission Statement

Fantasy Grounds College logo: Gold F G and C lettering on a red battered shield

Fantasy Grounds College is committed to providing the highest levels of support and instruction for all members of the Fantasy Grounds Community.

Starfinder Classes Offered

The staff at the FGC have come together to draw on expertise from their faculty members and Fantasy Grounds Community Developers to offer a jam-packed month of classes for May. Here is a list of what is being offered:

  • [SF] Intro - New Fantasy Grounds Users
  • [SF] CC101 - Character Creation
  • [SF]GM101 - Fantasy Grounds Tools
  • [SF] GM102 - Campaign Development
  • [SF] COMBAT 101 - Combat Operations
  • [SF] STARSHIP101 - Starship Operations

Steps to Sign up for Classes

Since all classes are taught on the community Discord server via Live Stream, your first step should be to create a Discord account if you don’t already have one, then join us on our server: Fantasy Grounds College Discord Server.

Your next step is to head to our website and view our calendar for May or events list and sign up for classes here: FGC Calendar and Event List.

Your third and final step is to enjoy your Starfinder experience and connect with friends and strangers alike, and to create new memories in the vastness of space!

Greg “Rex” is a volunteer instructor at the Fantasy Grounds College. He has been playing tabletop RPGs and mini wargames since the mid 1990s.
Twitter: @xGRexx

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Tags: Fantasy Grounds Organized Play Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

Hey, there were no “Space Goblin Zaperators” in 1-01!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I attended the GM 101 class last night and I highly recommend this. Our instructor was organized, demonstrated features well, and answered a TON of questions. I'm looking forward to other classes in the series.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kurt Wasiluk wrote:
I attended the GM 101 class last night and I highly recommend this. Our instructor was organized, demonstrated features well, and answered a TON of questions. I'm looking forward to other classes in the series.

Do you know if any of the classes are going to be released as youtube videos?

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