The Heart of Darkness

Game Master Torvald Torvaldson

Adventures in the lost continent of Urath

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The Baron, turns and looks at you; a combination of relief, angst, concern, and maybe a little anger washing over his face all at the same time. Hoo lad, I guess I underestimated your brass and overestimated your brains or ability.

I'm not sure why the elves sent you here, that's your business to be sure. However, I do know that my Baroncy would be short lived if I had to tell the King that the first elf sent to a Bestrar outpost lost their life a little more than a day after arriving.

I instructed Major Hawkins to have the troops keep an eye on your goings and I'm glad I did. As soon as the officer on watch was informed that you exited the postern he pushed the ready squad out the gates to follow you for a ways just in case, and of course just in case seemed to come quite quickly.

The squad caught up to you shortly after you fell fighting that gang of tuskers. They were too busy squabbling with each other over what to do with you and your equipment to notice what was coming their way until it was too late. The squad killed those tuskers that didn't flee, grabbed you up, and then hoofed it chop-chop back to the walls.

I had my cleric do his best for you and you have been asleep here for just about two days. A nervous time, to be sure, but it looks like you will pull through. They may not have sent the smartest, but you are surely as tough as any trooper I've ever led.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thank you Baron and my apologies for putting you in such a position but that leaves us a bit of a dilemma as I do really need to get out there and look around. If you think it would help i’d be willing to write a letter absolving you of any responsibility for me and indicating that I fully understand the high risk of death beyond the walls of the keep.”

Baron-If you want to look around, why don't you go out with one of our patrols? At minimum, your chances of dying would be significantly reduced. If you have some secret elf stuff you have to do, I respect that, but I don't think you being dead is going to help you accomplish your objectives.

Want to go out again by yourself?-I can't stop you; I'd probably get in worse trouble for that than you dying. If you do decide to go out alone, I'll take you up on your letter offer. It may not save my title, but it will probably save MY life.

Think about my offer of patroling, at least till you learn the lay of the land a little better or get better in the field by yourself. You seem like a likely enough fellow; hate to see all this work be for nothing.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Ok, I’ll go out with a patrol and we’ll go from there.”

The Baron breathes a little sigh of relief-Like I said, just till you feel like you are ready to go on your own, but don't think anyone will give you a free pass out there. If anything, they might ask you to do more because you are an elf and they think this is your home. Plus, you are probably tougher than most of the troopers you will go with.

Speaking of which, in addition to worrying over you, I've done my best to keep squire Marshap at bey as best I could. Once he finds out you lived and are awake, I'm not sure all the troops will be able to keep him from seeing you.

He chuckles to himself.

Do you need anything else from me right now Curumir? If not, I'll be back about my business. When you feel you are ready, REALLY ready, for patrol, go see Major Hawkins. He'll get you squared away.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thank you, I’m good for now, I’ll go see the Major when I’m ready.”

Once Baron departs:
Is Curumir down any hp?
If so he will use the healing sprig to bring himself to full hp.
Then out of bed to find the Major to discuss patrols.

Curumir is at full HP, but still quite tired from his near-death experience. After a while you achingly raise yourself out of bed and get dressed. No sooner do you exit your room than you coincidentally "bump into" squire Marshap.

Marshap excitedly-It's good to see you up and about Sir Curumir! Is there anything I can do for you today? I'm here at your service.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thank you Squire Marshap, good to see you too and no need to call me Sir. If you know where Major Hawkins is and could lead me to him that would be helpful as I would like to speak with him. Take it slow, I’m still a bit tired from my trip outside.”

Almost tripping over his words-Of course! Of course! This time of day he should be near the barracks down in town. Follow me! We walks off double time before he looks back and realizes that he was not listening very well and sheepishly returns to guide you more slowly.

Did you really go beyond the wall by yourself? That is one of the bravest things I have ever heard of. Many of those that do don't end up coming back. There are just SO many tuskers out there!

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Yes I went out aline. Foolish or ignorant probably describes my actions better than brave. Too many tuskers for one, that’s for certain. How is your training?”

Excitedly-The armsmaster seems pleased with my progress. A few more weeks and I think they will let me take patrol! I'll need to show my ability as a trooper first, but once I do I'm sure that I will be on my way to becoming an officer. Father told me that earning an officer position here is the first step in gaining some title and standing for land of my own. I won't fail him!

You notice for the first time as you walk out of the barbican and through the streets of the town that there are several work gangs of orcs doing hard manual labor. They are largely chained together by an ankle and there appears to be at least two overseers per group, usually half-orcs armed with whips, spears, and bows. You also see individual orcs, with brands on them, moving about apparently running errands or carrying heavy loads/burdens from one place to another.

A short while later you reach the primary barracks area for the troops stationed in the town. Three stout buildings framed with heavy timbers and wattle and daub walls, covered by thick thatch roofs. It looks like each two-story building can hold about 200 troopers. There is a separate, smaller building that is more precisely constructed that you assume is for the officer group as Marshap walks in that direction.

Several squads of soldiers are going through formation drills. It looks like they are trying out tactics they might use against large groups of undisciplined foes.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Is your father here as well? How many soldiers are here at the fort? Are these working orcs captured foes? How many of them are here? Where are they housed? What about the half-orcs where are they from? And what is with the orcs with tattoos?”

Marshap-No, by father is on Elap. I'm his fourth son so I won't have much chance for inheritance there, but my family's name has some status so coming to Urath at least gives me a chance to do more than be married off to some harridan from a lesser house.

There almost 800 troopers here in total. They rotate between guard and patrol and we get reinforcements on the supply galleon about once a month. The fort has been here about a year and the Baron was the first one to land and begin the settlement with a few of his friends.

The chained tuskers? Most are the small number that surrender from battles on patrol, although some we buy from the few tuskers that decide they would rather trade with us than fight all the time. Once they realized we weren't going to eat them or sacrifice them to some demon-god they decided slave labor was actually not so bad compared to their previous life. Hard work, certainly, but no one actively trying to kill them all the time. All told there are close to fifty tusker thralls in town. There is a hall that they sleep in close by to the barracks here, just in case. It's pretty disgusting; they are filthy animals despite all our attempts to show them the benefits of civilization.

The Halfers are mostly from Elap, here to find a better life without all the stigma they suffer from in the old country. However, a few we have rescued during patrol. The locals here use the Halfers as slave fodder and when we release them they are happy to return the favor to their previous masters.

Those aren't tattoos; they are brands. Thralls that show promise are given more liberty, but the owners mark them so there is no confusion over ownership. Hard to tell one tusker from the other, honestly, they all just look like savage brutes.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Hmmm. When you trade with the orcs, what do they offer besides slaves? And what do they get in return? Where do these trades occur? When you’re finished answering all my questions let’s find the Major.”

Gold, jewels, occasionally some type of antiquity from the lost times of your folk. We give them luxury goods and some better weapons and armor than they can make on their own. Tuskers don't seem very good at making things with quality. I can't believe they ever beat you guys! Every few weeks some orcs will come to the edge of the clearing outside the walls and signal that they are looking to exchange goods.

Hey look, there's the major now!

Marshap points out a man that is fairly tall and carries himself with a regal bearing. He moves like someone with military training, but he also has a degree of grace that you wouldn't expect from a trooper. In a sharp cut uniform, the handle of a longsword thrusts from the scabbard at his belt. It looks like he has come out from the office quarters to observe the drillwork of the troops.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Good day Major Hawkins, may I have a few moments to speak with you?”

Assuming answer is yes, continue with:

“The Baron recommended I speak with you about joining a patrol. I could be ready by tomorrow, just let me know the appropriate time and place and if there is anything else I need to know or bring.”
(Assuming Curumir believes he would be fully recovered by tomorrow, if not he would name appropriate date based on his best estimate as to when he will be recovered).

Major Hawkins-Yes, well we were all quite surprised to see you go out on your own. I suppose now you know better.

If you think you will be ready on the morrow, assembly is right here at 600 hours. Lieutenant Yarsh will lead patrol tomorrow; I'll let him know to expect you.

Will you require anything else?

DC 12 sense motive:
You are surprised how cool his attitude towards you is. Very unlike the enthusiasm and respect everyone else has shown you to this point.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

sm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Curumir nods his understanding.
“Appreciate your time, good day Major.”

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

To Squire Marshap once we leave Major Hawkins:

“I’m going to head back to my quarters to rest unless you think there is something I need to do or obtain before I go out with the patrol tomorrow? I get the feeling Major Hawkins doesn’t like me very much, what can you tell me about Lieutenant Yarsh.”

Marshap-Just make sure you have lots of water. I've heard the troopers talk about getting the runs from drinking the water out there. I can't tell if they were kidding around, but I know I wouldn't want to have to deal with that while worrying about tuskers.

Don't worry about the major, he just gets that way sometimes. I know his family is close to the throne, I think he's like the King's second cousin or something. He can really fight tho, and when he takes the troops out they suffer very few casualties.

Lieutenant Yarsh has been here about 6 months now and is the senior lieutenant for the batallion. From what I've heard, he's pretty steady in the field. I've drilled against him a few times and he always takes a conservative approach; doesn't give up many hits but doesn't give many either.

Good luck tomorrow; I can't wait till they let me loose so I can join you!

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thanks Marshap, I’m sure you’ll be ready soon.”

Get an extra waterskin and then rest. Show up the next morning at the appointed location 15 minutes early.

Another full night of sleep has you feeling pretty good and the pummeling from the orcs begins to feel like a bit of a distant memory. You arrive a little early to find a platoon size group of troopers (about 50) idling about in the parade area in front of the barracks building. There are a few faces you recognize from your journey on ship, but it looks like someone has taken the time to do a good job of blending them in with the veterans already on station at the fort. You feel many sets of eyes on you and there are clearly several conversations about your presence in the yard.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Fifty? I guess they are not messing around.

Nod to the group, “Morning, most of you probably know of me, but if not I am called Curumir. With Lieutenant Yarsh’s leave I will accompany you today.”

diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Your quick talk has a significant impact and you see smiles on the faces of many battle tested veterans and those nearby seem to straighten up a little.

DC 13 perception:
A gruff whisper-Good to know he doesn't have a tree up his ass. I've heard that the pointy ears are mostly full of themselves. Maybe we got a good one?

Replying whisper-I heard he fought off fifty orcs single handedly before falling. Maybe he can help bring us all back in one piece today.

An man exits the officer's building and and one of the more battle scarred looking troopers bellows out TEH-SHUN! and the troops snap to attention.

The arriving man casts his voice towards the assembled platoon-Good morning men. Most of you know what we are about today. For you fresh to Urath, know that our job is to kill tuskers and not get killed doing it. I'll do my best to see you all back today, just none of you do anything overly stupid and we'll be just fine. I see you have already met our special guest, the elf Curumir. He's her on orders from the Baron, so let's keep him safe and not embarrass ourselves or our lord.

He looks at the trooper that brought the group to attention-Sergeant? Get them ready to move out.

The Sergeant salutes and turns back to the troop-You heard the Lieutenant-no screwing around or dying today! Fall into squads and prepare to move out!

The Lieutenant turns to you and in a cautious voice-Good morning Sir Curumir, I am Lieutenant Yarsh. Before we start out can you tell me what you are good at and what you would like to accomplish today? We don't usually escort guests beyond the wall.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Good morning Lieutenant Yarsh. I’m decent with my blade and passable with my bow. I can provide some healing if necessary. I speak orcish if that’s of any use. In addition to staying alive i would like to learn all I can of the area and I know very little so anything we do will be useful, ultimately I would like to see any old elvish settlements but no need to do so today unless that was already the plan.”

Yarsh looks at you appraisingly, the caution in his voice lifting a little-An honest blade is the best blade in my opinion; it's refreshing to hear someone describe themselves without claiming they could slay twenty demons in a single blow.

You're an elf, are you any good in nature; tracking and such? If you are I'll have you go with first squad as a vanguard. We move in five squads, four regular and command-that's my squad with the wizard-in the middle.

We'll be out a full day if all goes well; about five miles out and five miles back. If you want to see ruins, we'll head that way and see if we can make it that far. The tuskers will be thicker in that direction, but that just means more for us to burn.

Any questions?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“No questions. I do have some knowledge of the natural world and tracking, I will go with the van and see if I can be useful.”

Join the first squad.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25+1 traps
kn nat: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
surv: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15 tracking

The members of First squad quietly acknowledge you as you join their group and you lead them past the walls as the stout gates open allowing you to pass through into the cleared fields beyond. As before, looking back you can see the heads of sentries peeking out through the crenellations atop the battlement. You even think you spy someone waving at you. Marshap perhaps?

First squad leads the remaining body of troops by a hundred yards or so, just keeping in sight of the main mass. You hear one of the troopers mutter, unhappy-Feel like I'm always on drawing First, man. Desna never honors my prayers... One of the other troopers replies-Hey, look at it this way: maybe you'll buy it today and then you won't have to worry about being on First any more. The first trooper gives the second a dirty look.

You move up a little in front of First and check the land. It looks like some significant groups of orcs (50+?) have passed this way in the last 24 hours. You don't see any laying in ambush, but you get the sense that there is trouble ahead.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

How many men in first squad? Is there someone in charge?

Curumir points out the tracks.

“Looks like large numbers of tuskers have passed through here recently.”

perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
surv: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 = 14

Ten men in the squad. As your words to the squad leader register on the rest of First, any sense of jocularity amongst the troopers immediately stops and a serious air comes over the group. The men stop moving forward-blades rasp from scabbards, leather squeaks as hands clench shield straps, a few men ready javelins.

The squad leader looks at what you have pointed out-Well that's what we're out here for, especially the lucky few that draw First.

To the rest of the squad in a serious but calm voice-All right, you know the drill. Eyes open and shut your dick holsters; from here on out we need to focus. Stay in sight of the rest of the platoon. If anything significant pokes its head out we fall back slow while they hustle up to support. If anything REALLY significant shows up we double time it back to the lines and hope the Lieutenant is his level-headed self today.

Back to you-Thanks Curumir, not sure we would have noticed anything otherwise. Let's keep going; let me know straight away if you see anything else that doesn't look right.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3


perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
surv: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 1 = 27

You lead the squad for another mile or so before you spot a small hill to the left with some large boulders atop it. They don't appear to be a native part of the hill. Someone or something dragged them up the back side of the hill?-you wonder as you don't see any markings on the visible side of the hill. A little to the right of the direction you have been travelling in is a thicket of trees, similar to what hid the orcs that ambushed you a few days earlier.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“The boulders on that hill don’t look natural, someone put them there. And that thicket would be a good place to spring an ambush. Maybe hit us from both sides if we go between? So if we keep going we should move to one or the other and avoid the middle.”

Squad leader-Squashed like grapes. Good eyes Curumir. Those boulders look like trouble from any direction, I think that rules out the hill.

To the squad-All right boys, let's head over to those trees and see if we have any tuskers waiting to give us a welcome. Keep an eye on that hill as well in case there are more Ts in that direction. The rest of the platoon will be up here before too long.

As the squad moves towards the trees a cry of frustration can be heard from atop the bouldered hill. A group of orcs comes out from behind the massive stones, clearly outraged at the squad's change in direction. One ambitious orc leverages a colossal rock, which tumbles down the hill coming up well short of First. It probably would have decimated First had you stayed on your previous course.

Answering cries sound from the trees and a group of more than twenty orcs rush out towards First.

Squad leader-All right boys, time to earn some of that gold the King throws at us; I love being in First!

The orcs incoming from the trees appear to have only rough-looking melee weapons and are coming on in a chaotic wave. The troopers of First form a line and prepare to meet the charge. Those with javelins hurl them at the mass of orcs, dropping a few, before also joining the line.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Use bow if possible, when troopers use javelins, otherwise join the line (at one end since no shield and no training with the group doesn’t want to screw it up), wait and ready blade.

bow: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 2 = 17
dam: 1d8 ⇒ 8

When orcs arrive, attack with blade, use ki point for extra attack.

ECB: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 + (5) = 13

ECB: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 = 29
dam: 2d10 + 2 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 7) + 2 + 4 + (2) = 17

Last 1d6 is sneak attack if applicable.

T/O: 2d20 ⇒ (11, 3) = 14

Your arrow shot drops an orc as does one of the javelins. The rushing orcs advance pell-mell, and as they crash into the line of troopers the weight of their numbers somewhat compensates for their lack of skill or equipment. This shows especially on the ends of the line where they try to turn the flank. You do your part, however, and quickly cut down two foes taking some of the pressure off.

As before, once the orcs figure out there is an elf present the yell and hoot wildly in a frenzy. Two orcs face off against you gleefully.

Orc 1
great club: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 211d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Orc 2
great club: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 181d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

DC 17 perception:
You can hear the agitated cries of the orcs on the hill increase and begin to get closer. Sounds like they don't want the wood orcs having all the fun!

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3


Hope the other squads show up fast.

Use another ki point for extra attack.

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 2 = 20
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5

T/O: 2d20 ⇒ (5, 17) = 22

The orcs numbers get thinned enough to about equal the First, but the surviving attackers don't break contact. It looks like all of the First is still standing as you hack down one of your two foes.

Orc 2
great club: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 111d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

DC 13 perception:
You can hear the war cries of the hill orcs behind you. Probably only a few more rounds before they reach you.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

“Orcs coming from behind us soon!”

Another ki point for extra attack.

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 = 26
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4

T/O: 2d20 ⇒ (2, 11) = 13

You cut down your remaining foe and maybe just in time, as two members of First squad also fall, the line faltering a little as it starts to break down and combat becomes more one-on-one. The sides remain relatively evenly matched, however, with orc ferocity and numbers being balanced by better equipped and trained troopers.

The death of your immediate enemy leaves you unengaged for the moment and you can see the hill orcs have made it to the bottom of the mound and are now racing towards the edge of the woods where your battle rages.

DC 18 perception:
You also see the remaining four squads of the platoon moving at a quick trot towards your battle scene and trying to interpose themselves between you and the hill orcs.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Question: if Curumir uses the healing sprig obtained from parents to channel energy will it exclude enemies or not?

perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

“Steady! Help is coming!”

If it excludes enemies he will channel energy trying to get all the wounded and downed troopers
channel: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

If not, attack an orc attacking a nearby trooper.

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 = 25
conf: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 2 = 11

We'll say it excludes.

T/O: 2d20 ⇒ (16, 10) = 26

With refreshing healing energy washing over First, the tide turns completely as a few more orcs drop and the survivors turn and flee. From behind you comes the sound of a detonation as you look to see the surviving hill-orcs scattering from the effects of a fireball recently released in their midst as the rest of the platoon moves in to slaughter any stragglers or survivors.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Search the area for anything of interest or value.

Ask the squad leader: “Is there a cleric as well as a wizard with us or are we on our own for the day?”


The squad leader is already leading the troops that are able enough in stacking orc corpses in a pile, after making sure they are thoroughly searched. Squad leader-There's about fifty gold there; you are entitled to a full share, plus whatever salvage we get from their weapons-armor is just fuel for the fire. In fact, I will recommend you for a double portion based on your fighting and healing. Things were getting tight there for a moment and would have turned out a lot worse without your help. We have a junior priest in the Command squad with a wand that will heal up anyone that is still injured, yourself included of course.

You notice that all the dead orcs and those blasted by the fireball are the same green-skinned type that you fought on your first solo foray.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Acknowledge the information from the squad leader, “Sounds good.”

Then help out with stacking, when done go get healed.

Stacking orc corpses is nasty enough work, but the smell of their burning flesh somehow makes the stacking not as objectionable.

As you move away from the stench of the orc burn a man dressed with the regalia of an Irorian priest approaches you-You were with First, are you wounded? Most of the troopers were a little nicked up, but not as bad as I feared.

You notice the remaining squads have formed a perimeter around First and its activity of orc burning, almost like an honor guard.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Yes, one of the tuskers tried to pulverize me with a great club.”


CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Irori bless you., the man says with some healing before he tends to the next person.

Lieutenant Yarsh comes into view-I hear some thanks are in order Curumir. The corporal tells me that things might have gone a bit differently if you weren't handy with your blade. Didn't know when you said "some healing" you were talking about channeling; I thought only priests could use that type of divine energy?

In any case, we've put about forty tuskers to the torch today which is a good start, but there is plenty of day left. We haven't even made lunch yet! The bad news is, enough got away that every war band in running distance will be looking for us soon. Of course, that's also the good news; killing tuskers is why we are out here. The land isn't going to pacify itself after all.

If you are still able and willing, I'll have you take point again with First squad and we'll see if we can't get you to those ruins you hoped to see.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“The channeling is a bit of elven magic courtesy of my family, definitely useful in a pinch. First squad appears to suit me so I will continue with them.”

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
kn nat: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
surv: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 1 = 27

Excellent work pushing all your good rolls out in non-combat ;-D

You and First take the van once more. Now there appears to be a sense of confidence and pride, somewhat lacking previously, and the desultory comments from the first part of the march have blossomed into more braggadocio and fun jest amongst the troopers.

You pass through another two miles or so of patrol without incident before a small rise in the topography reveals a large warband of orcs assembled about 300 yards in front of you. A quick scan of the assembled swarm of foes gives you an estimate of more than five score orcs.

Corporal-Hold here First. No need to take a formation yet. They are too far away for bow shots, assuming they have them, and if they head this way before the rest of the platoon shows up we are falling back double time. Don't want to surrender the high ground without need.

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