The Heart of Darkness

Game Master Torvald Torvaldson

Adventures in the lost continent of Urath

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Adventures in the lost continent of Urath

For hundreds of years tongues have wagged recounting the tales of the lost continent of Urath. The glory, the wealth, the horror. Overrun by savage orc hordes the land was locked away behind the towering magics of the elves in a final desperate act of self-destructive retribution. The charts to Urath were lost, destroyed, or held in secret for a future time.

That time is now.

The magical barriers that the elves erected long ago have failed and now varied groups; adventurers, mercantile guilds, sovereign nations, and more ~sinister~ forces; grasp for access and control of the lost lands and wealth of Urath. Willing to pit their strength, resources, and luck against the once unstoppable force of orcish might in the hope of fame, fortune, and glory.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3


Your years in Elap have been sad and solitary. One of the Newborn, conceived in desperation with the hope of preventing the extinction of your kind, you training was harsh and uncompromising for with so few elves left there is no room for weakness or error. For the last thirty years you have criss-crossed Elap carrying messages, items, and running other important errands for Urathian Younglings, having never once met an Elderborne, always with the promise that one day you would be called upon to provide greater service to the legacy of your folk.

Now, seven days have passed since Aerendyl Advyre's eagle familiar soared down from the skies and bade you make haste to her tower in the coastal city of Kraste. Your long strides have carried you many leagues and during that time you have made peace with the fact that in order to satisfy the "request" of the earthly representative of Yuelral you will be forced to break your vow to never again enter a city of men.

You crest a final hill and the sight and smell of the sea washes over you, as does the distinct stench of too many humans in one place. The high stone walls of Kraste and the city beyond loom in the near distance, a massive gate marking the end of the road you have traveled.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

This better be important, this must be important, otherwise why bring me to this place?

Is the gate to the city open? If so, enter the city and head to Advyre’s tower, assuming the location is known to Curumir or readily apparent.

Your eyes easily pick out a magnificent tower near the southern end of the city, clearly its tallest spire, even higher than those of the city keep which dominates a hilly seaside cliff nearest the harbor. You chuckle to yourself as you realize that the tower has been built (carved? shaped? formed?) as a massive slender crystal with faceted windows gleaming in the sun. Surely that must be the home of Advyre!

The city gates lie open to you but there is significant traffic through them. You think you might be jostled or pushed, but the throngs seem to melt away from you as the assembled masses point and whisper in hushed voices at the appearance of an elf on the streets. The gate guards, who had just moments prior been giving a wagon master quite a hard time about permits or weights or who knows what, catch their breath as you come into sight, bowing deeply as you approach.

You ask for Advyre's tower and they point out the structure you noticed on the way towards the gate as well as give some directions to take you there.

The streets seem empty, but many eyes peer out at you from windows and balconies. The city must have a magic all its own as it appears that somehow its residents have become quickly aware of your presence and are content to stay clear of the streets but gawk and speculate from all about you.

You find Advyre's tower in the center of an area clear of other buildings but filled with gardens and trees that you deem to be several hundred years old; maybe planted when she first decided to settler here. Your best guess is that the city slowly grew around her dwelling during the years that followed.

Finding your way to the center of the flora you see that the base of the tower is smooth and plain, cut from some type of iridescent white stone. There do not appear to be any openings to the building outside of the windows, the closest of which appears to be about 20 feet off the ground.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Hmmm, let’s see if there is more here than I can see with my eyes.

Detect Magic around the base of the tower trying to discover if there is a door disguised by magic. Or maybe just a concealed or secret door.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

As you reach out with your magic to see what might be unseen a pair of ornately carved double doors shimmer into sight. A set of intricate artwork, clearly completed by a master stonecutter, depicts a beautiful woman swarmed by ioun stones in various scenes etched into the doors

An inscription above the doors reads "To my guests, welcome. To my blood, know this will always be a refuge for you." Two large pearlescent door handles in the shape of half-clam shells protrude from the doors.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Hope I’m on the guest list.

Reach out and open the door.

As your hand touches the handle a surge of warmth flows up through your arm, infusing you with hope and energy. A kindly voice in your head says-Welcome Curumir.

The doors open to a large area filled with luxurious couches. In the center of the room is a fountain shaped like a magnificent tree with water spouting out of various branches cascading down into a pool below. The sound of the water creates a melodic tune that is very soothing.

Near the fountain is a table set with various decanters of drinks and a large assortment of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and cheeses.

There is a faint ripple in the air ahead of you and a disembodied voice speaks-Greetings Curumir. Please take advantage of some refreshements and relax. They will meet with you in short order.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

This is all quite curious. Well might as well do as suggested and take advantage.

Curumir pours himself a drink and samples some of the fruits and cheeses while wandering about the room until finally stopping in front of the fountain tree.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

The fruit is sweet and sticky, being just on the verge of overripe. You wonder where it comes from as all of the gardens outside were purely decorative with flowers, blooming bushes, and shaped trees and hedges interspersed with wild copses of trees. Nothing fruit bearing caught your eye and the season, being late fall, is wrong in any case.

The cheese is similarly delightful, thick semi-soft wedges, with just a faint hit of nuttiness whispering through each creamy bite. Again your curiosity is tickled as you feel that you have a good working knowledge of the beasts used to make cheeses, but you can't quite determine what creature would make something like this.

At first you think the decanted drink is some type of brandy spirit, but after feeling no real effect from the first few sips you then guess that is simply water drawn from the fountain in the center of the room.

Your quick repast completely revitalizes you from your hard march, and the stench of gutters and unwashed bodies of Kraste becomes a distant memory. The disembodied voice remains silent, but you catch glimmers in the air out of the corner of your vision that you assume are your host.

Your wandering finally ends in front of the fountain which is constructed out of thousands of colored gem stones; how they are held together or allow water to pass up and out of their construct is quite beyond your understanding but you believe it to be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen made by mortal hands and the dulcet tones of the water drops cascading into the pool bring tears of joy and wonder to your eyes.

How long you stand transfixed in front of this marvel you do not know, but eventually the disembodied voice speaks gently-They are ready for you now Curumir. Place both hands in the waters of the pool in front of you and you will be taken to the audience that awaits.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Here goes, it will be interesting at least to see what all this is about.

Curumir does as instructed.

You place your hands in the waters and they tingle briefly as the room around you suddenly changes (or you shift) and the sound of the water falling takes a different tone. You notice that the water is now falling from an actual tree (of a type you have never seen before) that is massive and soars into the air above you at least 50'.

The room you are in is far too large to fit in the tower, if it is actually a room at all. Sister and brother trees tower nearby the pool, their branches arching up and over, weaving seamlessly together overhead making a ceiling of branches and leaves; and yet, somehow, sunlight filters through them (inside the tower?) illuminating the area like it was a soft spring day. A friendly breeze plays through the branches, wafting the smells of spring water, fresh grass, and vitality. Strange sounding birds chirp and twitter, but whatever they are, they elude your sight.

The same kind voice that spoke in your mind when you touched the door handles now rings enchantingly in your ears from behind you-He is here-and you turn to see a sight almost beyond comprehension: The largest assembly of elves you have ever seen in one place, at least thirty or so, including five of the Elderborne.

The tallest and fairest of the five Elderborn glides forward gracefully and with a warm smile says-Welcome to the home of Aerendyl Advyre, I am your humble host and pleased that you accepted the call of my friend Iolaire. I'm sure you have many questions, but let me answer at least a few of them.

Your entire life has been building for what lies ahead. Your parents believing in desperate hope and ignoring the despair that consumed so many others after the Passing. Your lessons and training with harsh and uncompromising masters. The last thirty years of service to tasks designed to test not just your ability but your resolve as well. All of this for today and your voyage to Urath.

Now that the Veil has fallen and Urath is found once more, we must send agents back to our homeland to determine what has happened in the centuries since we left it. Is there a chance to return? Are there any of our folk still standing on that dark continent? Or, perhaps, some darker future with less hope that requires us to recover certain things to enable us to finish what should have been done long, long ago.

We will send you on a supply ship to one of the outposts established recently by the nation of Bestrar. From that fastness you will support their efforts in bringing a civilized edge back to Urath as you also quest to find out what remains for us there.

You will not be our only hope, but you will be largely alone and should be sparing in those you trust for we know there are other powers in play with aims of there own and some in direct opposition to ours.

I have told you much, but not all. Some is not for you to know, at least not yet, until we understand better what remains in Urath. However, I will answer any questions you may have as best I can. Speak them now.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

At last a task worth doing.

“Thank you, I do have several questions, answer what you can according to what I should be allowed to know. You say be sparing in your trust, how much can I trust the agents of Bestrar that I will be supporting, what can I share with them concerning the information I might obtain? How am I to report back, will I have a means of communicating with you? Are there particular things you want me to find out or am I more or less just reporting what I find? What powers in opposition to us are you aware of? What things may need to be recovered to finish what was started?”

Aerendyl looks contemplative for a few moments-Good questions all. Bestrar is generally a good country and it's king is wise and just. His agents in Urath I cannot vouch for, however. They will have their own agendas, as humans oft do, but I don't think anything diabolical will be high on their list. More likely lust for wealth and glory. I would not advise sharing more than you need to with them, and certainly nothing about the work you do for the elves. Do not forget that there will be others there besides the officials and soldiers of Bestrar and their interests will be their own, certainly; be cautious in all your dealings.

As for reporting, Iolaire will find you as needed to hear what you have learned and pass on instruction and news. The seas are wide but they are no match for his speed and stamina. He is sure of heart and has been my companion for many years.

There will be things for you to find and places to visit, but much will depend on the state of what you discover in Urath. I see many paths in the future, but they are all uncertain. Such is the way of the future.

Although the elves have many friends in Elap, not everyone has welcomed us here through the centuries and there are many that lust for our wealth, knowledge, and power. Also, servants of darkness will do their best to limit what good can be accomplished in Urath, out of spite if nothing else. Finally, you will find incredible evil and danger in Urath itself; there is a reason we fled in shame many years ago.

I hope that things go well and we will not need to ask you to find those other things. If we do, know that it is only that we see no other hope and fear the end of light.

What else for me now?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“I believe I am ready. Is there anything I should have asked but didn’t? And where do I find the ship and when do I depart?”

Aerendyl -You asked what was in your heart, and I gave you what I deemed prudent. That should be enough to start. For now, enjoy this fellowship. Long has it been since so many of our kind have assembled in one place; since the first days in Elap if memory serves. I know there are some here who have also traveled far to bid you fond wishes and send you on your way with love.

Aerendyl smiles and the light on her face reminds you of a full moon that guides the path home after many miles. From the assembled group of elves a pair comes forward to join you and Aerendyl. It's your mother and father!

With tears in their eyes in pride on their faces, they embrace you warmly, a startling change from the last hundred years or so of expectation and challenge. Your father-We are so proud of you son. We hoped this day would come and that you would be ready to be one of the chosen to give our people another chance to have a home again. Your mother-We have worked together these long years to craft something that will aid you in the dark days ahead. Here. She hands you what looks like a large 6" dowel of wood. As you take it in your hands you notice that it feels alive with small leaves, buds, and berries tightly attached but growing out of the wood.

They tell you that this item is grown from their bonding tree and that if you eat the leaves, buds, and berries that grow on it daily it will provide you with enough sustenance to sustain you for a full day. It wil regrow each day. Its greater power is that of healing. It will allow you to cast any spell with the healing domain as a cleric of your total levels with the same frequency of a cleric; currently that is 2 1st and 1 2nd. In addition, the small stave will channel as a cleric (no CHA bonus); currently that is 3x/day @ 2d6.

You spend the night talking to the other elves, singing songs of the elder times, and thinking about the journey to come. You will leave the next morning on a Bestrarian naval vessel headed to their colony in Urath.

Any actions before next scene?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thank you father, mother, a wonderful gift. I hope that I can play some small part in the resurgence of our people.”


The next day you head down to the harbor and board the Bestrarian galley headed to Urath. It is filled mostly with troops and equipment as well as a few other non-military souls like yourself. The crew is very deferring to you and makes sure that your are kept as comfortable as possible during the three week journey. It passes without event-after you overcome the discovery that you suffer from mild seasickness.

Any actions prior to boarding or on ship?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Is everyone else on board human?
Do the non-military look like adventurers? Arms and armor?
Trying to determine if they may be people I will be working with.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

The vast majority of passengers are human and all of the crew is. About 150 soldiers packed in the ship. Most look like medium or heavy foot wearing scale or banded, all with pikes, swords, and crossbows. They look like seasoned veterans with a few fresher faces mixed in. There are about 15 archers with nice looking bows. Four dwarves; they appear to be sappers or blacksmiths. Two of the six officers are half-elves, although both of relatively junior rank. There are also 2 people you assume to be merchants by their looks. No one on board gives off an air of adventurer.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Curumir will just enjoy the ride and try to stay out of the way of the crew.

The three weeks at sea go much faster once you stop being sick. The crew and other passengers are courteous almost diffident, which makes thinks more than a little awkward given the tight quarters. More than anything, you miss the freedom of being able to go wherever you will your feet to take you. That and eating any food that isn't salted our caught out of the sea.

Soon enough the shrill cries of gulls echo across the sea and shortly thereafter the sight of land. The captain of the ship consults his charts and is well pleased to find that his course has been relatively true-Only a few more days and we will be at the stronghold!, he declares with certainty.

That certainty pays off as just a two days later you round a headland with a small but proud light giving rod at its far peak and see a pair of rough stone piers jutting out into a calm bay. There are several two-story buildings sheltered behind a 30' stone wall that begins at the water and forms a half circle terminating in the fastness of the start of the headland. A simple stone keep sits at the headland side, half carved into the rocky outcropping that help shelter the waters of the bay. In the distance, outside of the walls, several trails of smoke can be seen. Your guess is from fires still burning or recently extinguished.

The galley finds its way to the far end of the longer pier and a gangplank is lowered, allowing passengers to exit prior to freight being taken ashore.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Guess I should head to the keep, get the lay of the land, and meet the folks running this place.

Go ashore and head to the stone keep.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Tired from your sea voyage, you don't notice much on your way to the keep. Faces and sounds are indistinct and by the time your feet get you to the barbican of the fort you realize you were mostly just elated to go somewhere without ending right back where you started.

The gate is curiously unguarded and you pass through the stout double towers without incident. Men are training in the bailey, although your passage causes some distraction and many hits are scored as foes take advantage of their opponents lack of concentration. Making your way to a lone guard at the entrance to the iron-bound keep doors he greets you respectfully and asks how he can be of service. After a brief introduction, he shouts to one of the combatants in the court.

A young man wearing heavy padded armor and carrying a double weight sword and shield, clearly in his teens, runs up the stairs, saluting the guard. The guard introduces you-Sir elf, this is the squire Marshap; he will guide you to the Baron's quarters.

Squire Marshap beams with pride, clearly considering it quite an honor to be selected to escort any significant personage, much less a mighty elf! Marshap-Of course I will! Certainly can't have an elf left to just wander the halls of the castle aimlessly, that would never do. Just let me put my gear back in the racks properly; the armsmaster would give me a thorough thrashing on the morrow if I simply left it on the stairs. He trots away briskly to a set of racks on the side of the courtyard.

Guard to Marshap as he moves away-And right deserved it would be too! A soldier is only as good as his gear, even if he is a knight! Not all of us will have squires at hand to tend to our needs, best you understand what us common grunts have to deal with if you plan to lead us some day.

Guard to you-Marshap's a good lad sir elf, but he's a bit flighty when he gets excited. You can see it when he fights, and those of us who have been around a while use it to give him a good thumping from time-to-time when he gets too big for his britches.

Marshap bounds up the stairs, and a little breathlessly says-Are you ready sir?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

While waiting, Curumir thanks the guard.

“I’m ready Squire Marshap, lead on.”

The guard nods in acknowledgement.

Squire Marshap struggles for a brief moment, flush with embarrassment, with the thick, heavy, iron-bound doors to the keep-Must have been more tired than I thought from training. He then leads you into a simple and relatively spartan chamber, through some halls, and up a flight of stairs.

On the way, Marshap giddy with excitement but with awe and admiration(?) in his voice-We have never had an elf here before. I've never even seen an elf; not even when I went to court with my father and brothers. Are all elves as tall as you? You are frightfully skinny; how can you even draw your bow? Father says that now that Urath is found again your people will want to return to your homes. He says you have never been right comfortable in Elap. Are all elves really thousands of years old? Does Urath look the same to you as when you left it? Can you really talk with birds and the trees? What do young elves look like? Are girl elves as beautiful as the tales?

As you get to the top of the stairs it looks like he is about to pass out from lack of air.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Well, that’s a lot of questions Squire Marshap. I will do my best to answer them. I am considered somewhat tall for an elf and also a bit heavier than most but we tend to run thin as you have observed. Part of the reason I am here to help determine when other elves might return here. Most elves are not thousands of years old, for instance I am only 133 and this is my first time in Urath, you probably know more of it than me. Some elves can speak with plants and animals but not all, I might be able to communicate with some animals in a manner but I don’t comprehend their speech, at least not yet. Young elves look much the same as adult only smaller. As for beauty that often depends on the eye of the beholder.”

Squire Marshaps eyes bulge more than a little when you announce your age to be 133 years. You have never been to Urath? My father said that the elves had stopped having children for some reason; like they had given up hope or something. I can't imagine being that old, no offense.-he stammers-The oldest person I have ever met was my great-aunt. She turned 87, but passed away during the high holidays last year. 133 feels like it might as well be a thousand. Again, no offense.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“I suppose some elves may have given up hope but definitely not my parents. Your words do not offend me, hopefully our conversation will allow us to understand each other a bit better.”

Realizing how inappropriate he has been, Squire Marshap bows deeply-As you say, sir elf. I apologize for my inquisitiveness and any delay it has caused you. This way to the Baron's chambers.

With that he leads you a short distance to a door that looks the same as just about any other you have seen so far and knocks politely before enthusiastically announcing-A guest to see you my lord Baron. A special elven guest. He just can't seem to help himself!

A deep rumbling voice penetrates the door-Well let him in squire. Knowing you, I'm sure his pointy ears are probably fit to fall off or burst into flames at this point.

Marshap blushes once more and gentlemanly opens the door for you.

Inside is an office with a large desk in the center, facing away from a high-quality window that gives a view of the courtyard, barbican, and fortified hamlet below. Behind the desk sits a man in his mid-forties with a face weathered by sun and elements and thick calloused hands that look to be built more for holding weapons than quills. The man stands agilely and quickly moves around the desk to greet you, hand outstretched. He is tall, but a bit shorter than you, and thick with muscle that is just beginning to be shadowed by the fat of age and inactivity. There is an energy in him, and it looks like he would feel more comfortable leading a troop than sitting behind that desk.

With a keen glint of wit in his eye, he says wryly-Most call me the Baron, but for you ser elf, Duncan will do just fine. How were your travels across the sea and what can you tell me of your mission here?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“No apology needed Squire Marshap. I found our conversation quite interesting. Good luck with your training, I hope to see you around. And please forgive me for not introducing myself earlier my name is Curumir.”
“Well met Duncan, I am called Curumir. Apparently I’m not much of a sailor as the voyage was not to my stomach’s liking, but I’m feeling better with the earth under my feet again. As for my mission I guess you could call me an explorer I’m here to take a look around and see what elves might encounter if they choose to return. How far beyond the walls have you and your men explored? Are you sending out patrols, how far do they range? What can you tell me of the surrounding area? Any other settlements/forts nearby?”

Just trying to get a sense of the Baron.

sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Duncan pauses for a moment, you think considering his response. Finally-Will there be anything else squire? Perhaps you had some other task to complete here? He chuckles. Run along squire Marshap; I'm sure whatever story you concoct will be better than whatever the truth is.

Squire Marshap turns a brilliant shade of scarlet, bows, closes the door, and you hear the distinct sound of boots running away towards what you guess is the stairs.

Duncan-He's a good lad, but over eager in my opinion. Hard to believe we were all young once.-he says almost to himself. Nice to meet you Curumir, and good to know that the elves aren't as stodgy as the rumors would have it. Drink? He pours two glasses from a decanter and leaves one for you as he takes a sip from his. It's one of the few perks of being Baron. They brink a small cask for me on every ship.

As to your questions the furthest anyone has gotten and return is about 15 miles. We only have so many scouts and certainly only so many brave ones. Of course the problem with the brave ones is that they frequently don't come back. And I'm not sure I would call it exploring, more like surveying. If we send bigger groups they attract too much attention and we can't soak the losses like the tuskers can. Fortunately we established our foothold far from any of the major cities the elves told us about, so we aren't expecting the significant concentrations that we otherwise might.

Patrols, we send out five miles or so. Groups of close to forty men-at-arms accompanied by at least one mage and an apprentice. The smoke you probably saw as you came into harbor is from a few of our more recent forays. We burn all the bodies we kill. It looks fearsome and tends to keep the scavengers away from the settlement area.

As far as we know this entire area was mostly wild when Urath was abandoned. The closest settlement, ruin now of course, we have come across is near the current edge of our scouting radius. Not much to look at now, but you get a sense that once it was quite beautiful.

To my knowledge we are the only settlement from Elap within several days sail of here. There are definitely several tribes of orcs nearby, a few even offer trade when they aren't busy trying to murder all of us. I don't think they will ever make good merchants. Slaves and shock troops seem to be their only reasonable uses.

You feel that he is an incredibly straight forward man without much use for duplicity.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Curumir takes the offered drink and sips it.

“Thank you, I know a few stodgy elves, but I’m probably not ordinary in that regard, I recently found I need to be more adaptable and willing to partake in things I once would have avoided to be here. What use would I be here if I can’t work with humans or be willing to travel the wilderness filled with tuskers, I’m assuming that’s another name for the orcs or is it a separate menace? Your information should prove valuable to me, thank you for sharing. Can you show me on a map the location of the ruined settlement? Or at least the heading from here? I know your time must be very valuable and you must have many responsibilities here, will I be meeting with you in the future or is there another that I should report any findings of interest to? And anyone else I need to meet here at the settlement? Are there quarters where I can rest for the night before setting out in the morning?”

Duncan-I'm happy to hear they sent us someone with some panache; it should help you fit in a bit more here. Yeah, someone called the orcs "mother tuskers" during the initial efforts to drive them from the shores and establish our first fort and it just stuck.

He points to a large framed piece of canvass on the wall that is a well done painting copy of what must have been a very detailed map; duplicate of some ancient elven work? With a fat, gnarled finger he points out some directions:

We are here. About a day's careful travel to the West, in this valley here, are the ruins of what we guess to be a former elven town. It's hard to tell, really. Your people built so much in nature, after all these years it's challenging for us to tell what is ruins and what is just surrounding environment. Plus, it's not like we had any real time for serious exploration. We found it on our last big patrol push out that far before we decided to shrink our area of coverage. You should be able to still see where we worked our way through and the fire we lit with the corpses of slain tuskers. I think we cleared the area out pretty well, but those bastards breed like summer crickets and they are a cowardly lot when they are losing, so I'm sure there are survivors around.

You are always welcome to see me; I'll make the time. If Bestrar agreed to you being here it must be as important for us as for your folk and I need all the help I can get. If you feel more comfortable, you can always talk to any of the officers here. Major Hawkins has rank and is a fine leader, if a little stuck on how things worked in Elap versus Urath. Grumroum Bristleback, a dwarf, is the quartermaster for the battalion and can help you with supplies or buying and selling. There are also a few merchants that maintain their own homes down near the docks. Sell booze and some non-military sundries in exchange for coin and trinkets the troops take from the dead.

You can stay here in the keep if you want; I'll clear a room for you. If you'd rather, you can bunk in the barracks inside the walls. Heck, you could even camp if you prefer. Not sure what elves like, just recommend you sleep inside the walls. You look formidable enough, but there are lots of things out there that will kill you besides tuskers.

Anything else I can do for you Curumir?

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

“Thank you, I think that’s it. Unless I’m displacing someone from a room I will accept your generous offer of a room in the keep.”

Unless something else occurs. The plan is to get some rest and head out in the morning at dawn.

The keep has a few extra rooms, so no one is displaced. You get to meet some other folks, including Major Hawkins, but most people appear to be either too nervous, respectful, or some other reason to approach and talk with you. You do notice that squire Marshap does his best to find a way to be around you as much as possible and if it weren't for watching eyes, you are confident that he might actually try to talk your ears off.

The night passes without event and you sleep soundly, comfortable not sleeping in a swinging hammock.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Here goes.

Head towards the ruined settlement to the West.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

The guards on the wall let you out through a small, well-defended postern door. One of the guards mutters-Good luck out'll need it...

The land outside the wall is much as you would expect to see anywhere in Elap. The largest difference is the occasional fire-scarred area that indicates either a corpse burning or a detonated fireball. The Baron's forces have kept the area just past the walls clear of any significant visual obstruction for almost 1,000', providing a clear line of fire for archers and anyone else taking up a position on the 30' high wall that rings the settlement.

Once you make it past the clear zone, however, things change significantly. Although the terrain itself is the same, largely flat plain interspersed with some low rising hills, the vegetation becomes much thicker with larger woody areas spread throughout. You get the sense of a land that has not had hands laid on it for centuries. No signs of fences, roads, structures, or anything else that might have been conjured up by those that walk on two legs. Even the game trails are fairly sparse. Between the orcs and the settlers game must be hard pressed to exist in this area.

4d20 ⇒ (5, 3, 20, 11) = 39

Maybe a mile from the walls you catch a brief glimmer of light reflecting off of something in a nearby group of trees. Metal perhaps?

opposed: 1d20 ⇒ 5

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Damn it, what’s that? Have I been spotted? Hide you fool.

Curumir will immediately seek cover in the vegetation and try to stealthily arc around (rather than take a straight path) to the area with the gleam. His immediate concern is avoiding detection or losing eyes on him if he has been spotted.

stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

A savage series of war hoots ring from the trees as a group of would be hiding orcs rush out to kill you.

init C/O: 2d20 ⇒ (11, 5) = 16

Your finely tuned senses give you the edge and you get to act first.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

How many orcs? Attack the leader if possible.

Using ki point for extra attack.

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 2 = 17
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 + (2) = 10

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 = 27
confirm crit: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19
dam: 2d10 + 2 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 2 + 4 + (1) = 19

The orcs have green slime colored skin, small tusks, and canine-like eyes. They are all around 6' tall and look well muscled. There are eight of them and none appear to be dominant.

The sweep of your blade drops a pair of the green-skinned foes, who when they get close enough to realize you are an elf, all begin screaming frantically, wide-eyed, as they rush to be the first to kill you.

Lashing out with crudely forged scimitars:
Orc 1
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 51d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Orc 2
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 201d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Orc 3
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 91d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

The other three orcs move to surround you from all sides.

heard?: 1d20 ⇒ 7

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

Use another ki point for extra attack.

This doesn’t look promising.

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 = 12
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6

ecb: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11
dam: 1d10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 2 = 13


The orcs hoot loudly in delight as they swarm all about you, laughing at your pathetic sword strikes.

Orc 1
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 141d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Orc 2
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 201d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Orc 3
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 2 = 252d6 + 8 ⇒ (4, 3) + 8 = 15
Orc 4
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 2 = 141d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Orc 5
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 2 = 241d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
confirm: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 = 61d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Orc 6
scimitar: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 111d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3


You awake back in your room with Baron Duncan pacing nervously nearby making small circles in the area's cramped confines.

AC:22/FF18/T15 HP:41 Init:+4 Ki:6 Waki: +9/1d6+5(18-20) [+2d6sneak] Longbow: +8/1d8
Disable:+11+2(tools); Perception:+12(+2find traps); Stealth:+14
Detect Magicx3

That didn’t go so well, but it’s ended better than expected. Either someone from the fort followed me or someone just happened to be nearby?

“Hello Baron, seems I owe someone thanks for keeping me alive. What happened?”

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