GM MattMorris |

It's a quiet afternoon in Detmer, the cleanest port city you've ever been in, as you sit in the common room of the Prophet's Purse, a fine inn offering Druman fare at the usually exorbitant prices. After the message you sent in Kerse, it seemed wise to plan your next move somewhere with a bit of breathing room.
A hooded figure approaches your table, but before you have an opportunity to put hands on your hidden blades, he uncovers his head, revealing a familiar face. The slender aiuvarin man with golden brown skin and long white hair who wears a red hooded cloak over leather armor. His dark red eyes glitter, but he approaches calmly and in a non-threatening manner.
You recognize Vatum, a high-ranking courier who serves the Vernai and is known as a favored contact of Blood Mistress Jakalyn. While assassins in the field are typically assigned new contracts by courier, you've not been approached by Vatum before. A personal visit from one of the Blood Mistress's favorites is a high honor.
"Greetings, friends. I've arranged with the innkeeper for use of one of his private dining rooms. Shall we sup together?"
Following the courier, you feel the brush of magic and see a faint shimmer of runes as you cross into a room at the back of the inn, and Vatum closes the door.
"I've taken the liberty of ensuring our privacy. My most sincere congratulations for completing the contract on Prophet Ganrill. Kerse is swarming with Blackjackets like a kicked ant's hill. His fellows will surely question whether there supposed road to "divinity" protects them from justice."
"Considering your accomplishments, a new target has been selected for a visit from He Who Walks: A powerful, notorious priest of Gorum: General Ordulf Bladecaller."
The courier quickly briefs you on information about the target, then opens the floor for questions.
• General Ordulf Bladecaller is an Ulfen man, born in a now destroyed fishing village along the shores of Glacier Lake in Irrisen.
• Ordulf escaped from the winter witches of Irrisen as a young man and fled west, eventually seeking shelter in the neighboring Lands of the Linnorm Kings; rumors that he personally wrestled one of the chicken-legged animated huts that guards the borders of Irrisen to the ground swiftly won him acclaim and respect in the eastern regions of the Linnorm Kingdoms.
• Ordulf earned the byname “Bladecaller” for his intimidating nature: he had a noteworthy tendency to win conflicts through insults alone even before drawing a blade—his words, many say, cut as deep as any sword or axe.
• Today, Ordulf’s standing in the church of Gorum is obscure. Some rumors say that he is one of the god’s favorites and been blessed so that he cannot be killed, while others insist that he’s turned to
other sinister powers to ensure his longevity and that his faith in Gorum is a sham. Of note, all those who confronted Ordulf on matters of his faith were swiftly slain by the warlord.
• Ordulf wields a frost greatsword and a wounding battleaxe capable of fighting on its own at his side in battle.
• Ordulf single-handedly slaughtered a clan of adlets who had taken residence in an ancient dwarven fortress in the foothills of the Stormspear Mountains. Now renamed Crownhold, this fortress is his seat of power. The closest settlement to Crownhold is a remote trading post called Glacier’s Rest.
• Recent rumors say that Ordulf is preparing his forces to wage war against Trollheim, the capital of the kingdom of Hagreach in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, rather than following local tradition and killing a linnorm to become a king. Many in Hagreach and kingdoms beyond see this as an affront to tradition, but Ordulf’s reputation is such that none dare oppose him—least of all King Freyr Darkwine, who arrogantly considers Ordulf to be a “mountain-squatting troll” and not worth
his time to even consider a threat.
"The call for Ordulf’s assassination reached our ears via many whispers," Vatum concludes. "While none in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings would dare claim responsibility for setting these events in motion, the assassination of General Ordulf Bladecaller, a man who would abuse his position of power to usurp the rightful traditions of rule, is now a matter for the you to resolve."
"You are to return to Ilizmagorti once the deed is done with his personal religious symbol in hand as an offering of respect to He Who Walks. As what questions you will; you should set out presently."

Sister Dianora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dianora gives a smile.
"Sure do, that sounds like something we can handle. I think they call folks like that iron-tongued 1, if I remember correctly. Though that never made a ton of sense to me. If his tongue was iron, it'd be awfully hard to speak. And you probably couldn't taste anything, which would be a real shame. Nothing like a good piece of cooked heart to really whet the appetite," she rambles.
Ordulf's words may be deadly -- but Dianora's could be no less so. The only difference was his apparently tried to kill you, while hers made you just wish you were dead.
"Anyway, not sure why it made me think of that, but can you tell us anything about Glacier's Rest, or Hagreach? Anything we need to worry about there, or places we could get supplies if we need?"
1: An aphorism I wrote for Gorum: Iron-tongued: This descriptor -- kin to silver-tongued and acid-tongued -- is used to describe people who always manage to say the right thing to start a fight, though few openly connect the phrase to Our Lord in Iron.

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich, a brooding shape standing at attention behind Dianora, gives no sign that he has taken in any of the briefing. His face is painted in a warmask, though instead of the traditional patterns of Belkzen tribes, his mask instead evokes the severe planes and harsh lines of an insect - a blood-red mantis, to be specific. His tusks, jutting from his lower jaw, have been filed into serrated points.

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal, turns her small glass mirror back and forth, checking the makeup on her face and flicking back her long reddish brown hair before tucking it back into her crimson read cloak and nodding.
"Okay. Ordulf. Ordulf..." She says the name slow and holds it long on her tongue to commit it to memory. "Yes what more do we know of where he is staying and where he is located? What sort of job do we expect this to be? More open among his army or are we finding him in a tent or a social event? Or is that for us to learn when we get there..."
Without another beat she retrieves the mirror again to check her face, reapplying a new coat of red lip paste and pitch black shadowing around her eyes.

GM MattMorris |

"Glacier’s Rest is located in northwestern Hagreach in the foothills of the Stormspear Mountains, just north of a long road that winds along the northern border of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, connecting remote Stormspear Keep to the east on the Irrisen border with the settlement of Turvik on the well-traveled Path of Aganhei over a hundred miles to the west. When Ordulf isn't campainging, he can be found at his keep, which he styles 'Crownhold,' a few miles outside the town," Vatum helpfully informs you.
"You're expected to carry out the killing of General Ordulf Bladecaller in a way that leaves no question that his death took place upon the blades of the Red Mantis. However, as long as he’s killed in a way that none can mistake who slew him, the methods and timeline of his assassination are left entirely up to you," the courier continues. "This is not a matter to be resolved politically, or with the aid of anyone in a position of power within the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. This is the duty of the Red Mantis alone. I suggest you thoroughly infiltrate Glacier's Rest and Crownhold to familiarize yourself with the target's resources and choose the best point for the assassination."

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

As Vatum speaks, Kimmich reaches up to a bandolier and takes out a thin metal star, one of many strapped to the bandolier, which he idly rolls across his fingers as the courier speaks. When the instructions are finished, the orc nods deeply to the courier, and closes his eyes for a long moment; the star vanishes, reappearing on the bandolier next to its bretheren.

GM MattMorris |

Yuki is very familiar with Glacier's Rest! Perhaps she visited there long ago, or the information came to her in a vision.
The Locals
The majority of locals revere Gorum. Anyone who wears heavy armor or carries a greatsword gains a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Coerce, Make an Impression, Request, and Gather Information. Conversely, anyone who is revealed to be an enemy of the faith or who publicly mocks the Gorum-worshipping lifestyle is swiftly seen as a coward, and they instead take a –4 circumstance penalty to all of the above checks.
Important Residents
Einn Snowspeaker (female rimesoul undine alchemist 5) shy alchemist, nature lover, and artisan
Gundar Icebreaker (male human innkeeper 4) observant, middle-aged host of the Frosty Stein
Jarlin Innveig Stonefist (female human wrestler 6) foulmouthed and short-tempered enforcer of “peace”
Notable Locations
Crownhold Warehouse: As merchants come into town, they deposit goods bound for Crownhold here under the care of Kranold Buergon (male dwarf prospector 5). Kranold lost his fortune searching for adamantine in the Stormspear Mountains and now acts as warehouse custodian until he saves enough for another expedition into the unforgiving north. He makes deliveries to Crownhold once a week, after the merchant caravans have gone.
Frosty Stein: The friendliest innkeeper in town, Gundar Icebreaker (male human innkeeper 4) caters to the merchants who arrive about once a week. He earned his surname after a demonstration where he punched through a solid block of ice, a demonstration he still performs on request. Prices for meals and lodging here are standard, as listed on page 294 of Player Core, although no extravagant suites or fine dining options are available.
Gunilla’s Goods: Locals use this small market for their everyday goods, while merchants give Gunilla Crowfriend (female human witch 5) a huge boost in business to resupply their caravans or purchase tools to fix their wagons. Common magic items (other than weapons or armor) of level 5 or lower can be purchased here.

Sister Dianora |

"It sounds like posing as a merchant may be our best way in," Dianora says. "We should see if there's anything we can buy here that might be of interest. Maybe some spices? A bit of this, a bit of that. Variety could be the spice of death for Ordulf."

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal pulls out a collection of small mirrors and a pair of empty vials sized for alchemical elixirs from a satchel hanging over her left side and pushes them briefly towards Sister Dianora
"Sister, if you think a good bet is to pose as merchants, I am actually a bit of an artisan. Glasswork, officially but I can also do elixirs and... other alchemicals. I have some guild licenses in a few cities... they're mostly not mine but the people they belonged to won't be needing them anymore anyway."

GM MattMorris |

After a day of shopping and a night of rest, Sister Dianora's prayers to Achaekek send you hurtling across the face of Golarion. Druma fades away in a red mist, and you are in the Quah-lands of the Shoanti, grasses and broken rock stretching far into the distance. Another casting brings you to the opposite side of Varisia, into the domain of the Runelord Belimarius. You stand on the coast, with the ancient spires of Xin-Edasseril in the distance, as Dianora completes her final casting.
A cutting blast of frigid wind greets you at your final destination in the foothills of the Stormspear Mountains on the northern border of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Based on Yuki's knowledge of the area, you know you about a half-day's cold journey west from Glacier's Rest. Nearby, you spot a major east-west road, no doubt they highway that runs from Stormspear Keep on the Irrisen border to the town of Turvik at the terminus of the Path of Aganhai.

Sister Dianora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dianora eyes the vials. "That could work, maybe. I worry they'll see right through them, though." A smile splits her face as she looks up to see if Crystal laughs at her joke.
Still chuckling, she shakes her head as she goes to make her final preparations for the voyage.
"Ah, it's good to be back home," she says as they arrive at the new location. "A real cold welcome. To Glacier's Rest then?"

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal smiles but takes back her wares and looks down at her mantis armor. "Right then, let's get moving, but I'd better look the part first."
With little more than a wave of her hands, the armor's illusory disguise shimmers over it showing little more than a worn set of leather armor over her work clothing. She tucks her sword into one sleeve, then slides the second slowly inside one of her mirrors.
Throwing her still crimson cloak over her shivering shoulders she nods and begins following Yuki along the trek to Glacier's Rest.

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich has cleaned his mask off of his face for the teleporting day, revealing a face unlined by age but ritually marked by scars. His sabers from yesterday are nowhere to be seen, but a menacing greatsword is visible over his shoulder, and two daggers have been added to bookend the rows of shuriken on his bandolier. He keeps his eyes alert as he takes position at the back of the group.

Sister Dianora |

"If Crystal is our merchant," Dianora says, her sabers concealed in their sheaths, "then Kimmich, you and I are guards. Unless you have some other role you want to play. Perhaps a scribe?"
With my weapons so obvious, I don't think I could really play a role other than guard. Though open to suggestions!

Crystal Clarity |

"Yes of course. No merchant in any land across Golarion would travel without guards so long as they could afford them, so that shouldn't be an issue."

GM MattMorris |

Your cover story established, you set out on the frosty journey.
An icy wind blows across the open tundra south of the town of Glacier’s Rest, which crouches atop an upthrust escarpment of stone that looms a hundred feet above the surrounding plains. To the north stand the formidable Stormspear Mountains, while a treacherous-looking trail consisting of three switchbacks ascends the ridge to the town from the trade road that winds into the distance to the east and west.
The town itself is bordered by further defenses—palisades of pine that block the frigid winds and deny townsfolk a view of the southern tundra, further accenting the dominance of the mountains to the north. Clusters of log cabins, alehouses, trading posts, and storehouses huddle together around a massive longhouse, ribbons of smoke reaching to the sky through holes on either end of the town’s largest building. A single track winds north from town into the mountains—the only indication that this remote settlement is not the last bastion against the frozen wilderness to the north.
Yuki was familiar with some landmarks and people in town. You can use that as a starting point or detail some other avenue of approach.

Sister Dianora |

"What a lovely town. If by lovely, you mean, 'can we go back to Mediogalti now?' " Dianora observes. "I guess we should head to the Frosty Stein, which I'm sure will be loads better than just sleeping out here on the ice. Then perhaps this Kranold Buergon can give us some clues to what we'll find once we finally get to leave this idyllic vacation spot."

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich nods in agreement - vehemently at the unflattering analysis of the podunk town, and agreeably to the plan of checking out the inn. "Heh. Scribe," he chuckles to himself as his broadsword clanks with each step, still amused by Sister Dianora's joke from earlier in the morning.

Yuki the Red |

“Maybe you’re a scribe and I’m a guard.” Yuki laughs. “But yeah I think I can make a believable assistant/scribe type person.” Yuki has also changed her clothes to something more suitable to the frigid climate. As they approach town she takes on a more demure persona. Deferring to the sister like a good assistant would.

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal shivers slightly. "Let's just... get out of this weather, it's chapping my lips and I intend to look my best upon our arrival." There's a slight grimace on her face as she pulls her cloak tighter around her body and pushes towards the inn.

GM MattMorris |

You make your way to the Frozen Stein, a sturdy and well-kept inn. Your entry makes little stir, as the common room is already crowded with a crew of merchants.
The only one who makes particular note of your arrival is a burly, blond man wearing an apron. "Welcome! Grab a seat and I'll bring you an ale."
The innkeeper suits word to deed and brings you refreshments, "What brings you to town?"

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal flips her hair over her shoulder on one side and smiles as softly and charmingly as she can. "I'm a merchant coming up from Varisia and scoping out new trade routes up here in the Linnorm lands. A rival of mine seems to have taken over some of my previous buyers so I'm taking the excuse to do some travel and find myself some new markets. I'm hoping to stay a few days and hopefully make some contacts, would you happen to have room for us?"

GM MattMorris |

"Well, of course. Eight silver a night for a private room, meals additional," the innkeeper offers. "You won't find a finer place to stay in Glacier's Rest. Gundar Icebreaker, at your service."
"Not much custom in town for foreign goods, but you may have some luck up at the Crownhold," he gestures vaguely to the north. "Competition though. Another big caravan just came in, and those folks will be bringing their goods up to the fortress for the next two days."

Sister Dianora |

"Is there any other place to stay?" Dianora asks blithely, looking around.
"Perhaps we can travel with them?" she muses, falling into her guard role. "Anything we need to worry about on the path there that might be interested in her goods without spending gold?"

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich nods thoughtfully at the mention of the other caravan, and grins in a predatory way at the intimation of banditry or other dangers. "Wouldn't mind scrapping with something on the walk to Crownhold," the orc says under his breath.

GM MattMorris |

"Only the dungheap that goat-lover Vid calls a tavern," Gundar informs you. "If you've made it here, you've probably already dealt with the most charming neighbors: giants, trolls, the occasional wyvern."
Preparation Time!
Sounds like you have two days where the large caravan in town will provide you with good cover, if you are careful.
Here are the suggested activities. If you have some other ideas, we can adapt. Each day will be divided into 4 phases, and you can attempt one activity per phase. (So, there will be eight checks total.) Some new activities may reveal themselves based on your actions.
You create a single-use tool specially designed for infiltrating the fortress, such as a camouflaged cloak that perfectly matches Crownhold’s stonework, forged invitations to a war council, etchings on armor to match those worn by Crownhold’s guards, or the like. Attempt a DC 30 Crafting check to create this one-use tool.
--Success You create an effective, single-use tool that grants 1 Leverage Point for a complication. At any point during a complication, you can spend an LP to describe a flashback scene of you preparing just the right tool for the job. In doing so, you must describe how the tool helps overcome the specific complication. This Leverage Point should be represented as a special token or a specific entry on your sheet, and when you (or another player) uses the tool to help in a complication and spends the Leverage Point this tool granted, the tool is consumed.
--Failure You create a middling tool. When you or another PC
use this tool, it’s consumed and its Leverage Point is wasted.
--Critical Failure As a failure, but a PC who tries to use the Leverage Point to help with a complication gets a critical failure, even if they use the LP after rolling a failure.
You seek out and learn secret information about General Ordulf Bladecaller. Attempt a DC 30 Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Society check. Alternatively, attempt a DC 28 Gorum Lore or Warfare Lore check.
(Secrets to be revealed on Crit Success/Success)
You learn key information about Crownhold through interviews and investigation. Attempt a DC 30 Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Society check. Alternatively, attempt a DC 28 Dwarven Lore check.
--Critical Success You learn two secrets and the party earns 1 Leverage Point.
--Success You learn one secret, and the party earns 1 Leverage Point.
--Critical Failure You learn nothing of note, but your prying draws unwanted attention. Gain 1 Awareness Point
You organize an attention-grabbing event that’s primed to occur during your infiltration of the fortress. This might be an explosion, a fire, or other crisis. Attempt a DC 30 Deception, Performance, Religion, or Society check.
--Critical Success As success, plus the distraction is so spectacular that it pulls the fortress guards’ attention away from your infiltration and drowns out subtle signs of your presence. Reduce your Awareness Point total by 1. The party earns 1 Leverage Point.
--Success The party gains 1 Leverage Point from the minor distraction.
--Failure The distraction fails; the fortress guards hold fast to their duties but don’t notice that you tried to distract them.
--Critical Failure The distraction backfires significantly when you use it, reminding the guards of the need to remain vigilant against danger at all times. Gain 1 Awareness Point.
You attempt to get close enough to Crownhold to observe it for a period of time while remaining unseen. Attempt a DC 30 Stealth or a DC 28 Scouting Lore check. If you have a means of becoming invisible or similar magical aid, adjust your rolled result up by one degree of success (with GM approval).
--Critical Success You sneak up to Crownhold without being detected. If your next exploration activity is to Observe Crownhold, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to that check.
--Success You sneak up to Crownhold without being detected.
--Failure You sneak up to Crownhold, but leave traces of your passage for others to find. Gain 1 AP.
--Critical Failure You’ve been spotted! Any PCs who also attempted this activity at the same phase cannot get higher than a Success on their check. You manage to avoid getting caught, but gain 2 AP.
--Requirements Your last exploration action was to Approach Crownhold and you did not critically fail.
You study Crownhold from several vantage points, examining its layout, likely complications, and defenses. Attempt a DC 30 Perception, Stealth, or Survival check or a DC 28 Architecture Lore, Scouting Lore, or Warfare Lore check.
--Critical Success You learn three of the facts about Crownhold that you or your allies haven’t already discovered. The party also gains 1 Leverage Point.
--Success You learn one fact that you or your allies have not already discovered. The party also gains 1 Leverage Point.
--Critical Failure You fail to gain any information, and unwittingly leave traces behind of your presence that are discovered soon thereafter. Gain 1 Awareness Point.
You can earn Leverage Points during your Preparations that you can spend while exploring the fortress. If your Awareness Points get high enough, people in the fortress may make things more difficult for you.

Sister Dianora |

"Someone should talk to these people and see what we can find out," Dianora suggests. "But I think this town is killing me. I'm going to see if I can find someplace more hospitable. Maybe the frozen wastes..."
With that, she slips away toward Crownhold, using her magic to make sure she approaches unseen.
+24 Stealth to Approach Crownhold, and then to Observe Crownhold. Will use invisibility to boost my chances.

Yuki the Red |

Yuki excuses herself after finishing her drink (can’t let those go to waste). She moves about town, ostensibly gathering information for her mistress about trade opportunities. But, in reality gathering information on Ordulf himself. Using her knowledge of Society.
+23 Society to learn the mark’s secrets.

Crystal Clarity |

"Very well, I'll ask around some of these public stores and try to make some contacts around town. I can't stand being out in this crazy cold too long anyway so maybe I'll get some benefits out of a few conversations around a fireplace."
That's a +23 Society from me as well but to learn Crownhold's Secrets.

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich stays at the bar, then asks around for the roughest, toughest place to wet one's whistle. He shoulders up to anywhere he can find large people of violent professions and listens, using his physical presence to deter any unwelcome attention and to scare out any intel about Ordulf.
+21 Intimidation +1 additional for my striking Greatsword intimating my Gorumite leanings for a total of +22 Intimidate to gather secrets on Ordulf

GM MattMorris |

1d20 + 24 ⇒ (4) + 24 = 28
1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 24 + 2 = 27
1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26
1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (15) + 22 = 37
You can stay here and Observe Crownhold as your next action without needing to Approach Crownhold again.
Massive Arms: Tholl the Thrice-Burned (male human smith 5) runs the most successful smithy in town. He provides Crownhold with all of their basic weapons and armor, specializing in heavy armor and two-handed weapons. When he’s not forging another implement of war, he crafts iron sculptures from scrap metal. Common metal armor, metal shields, and weapons of up to level 5 can be purchased here.
Sensible Science: The local apothecary also doubles as an alchemist’s shop run by Einn Snowspeaker (female rimesoul undine alchemist 5). While the locals and visiting Ulfen alike are suspicious she might be a Jadwiga spy, they still go to her when they need healing supplies. Common alchemical elixirs and tools of level 5 or lower can be purchased here.
Hidden Compartments Crownhold was built by dwarves thousands of years ago during the height of their ancestral expansion to the surface world. The dwarves abandoned this outpost to consolidate their troops during the Five Kings War, and the outpost has been changing occupants ever since, usually through conquest. Over the years, those who have occupied the fortress have found some, but not all, of the hidden compartments the dwarves built into the structure. This knowledge allows the party to use a Leverage Point to assist with the Hide Bodies complication; when you use a Leverage Point in this way, describe a convenient feature of the immediate area (a small hidden nook, a narrow gap in a wall, a secret panel that opens into an empty compartment) that gives you an advantage.
More details about Hide Bodies when it becomes relevant. Gain 1 Leverage Point
One of the caravan guards relaxing in the common room tells you that Ordulf has become one of Gorum’s favored priests, and that he has been granted Gorum’s major boon.
Gorum’s Major Boon (healing) When Ordulf is reduced to 0 Hit Points, Gorum feeds him the zeal of his Aesir, allowing Ordulf to draw upon his own life force to fight on and on without falling. He is healed to 150 Hit Points and becomes doomed 1 (or increases his doomed condition by 1), causing his features to look progressively more gaunt and scarred. Once he reaches doomed 4, he dies.
Leverage Points: 1
Awareness Points: 0
Round 2 of 8
Kimmich, Yuki, Crystal are up
Round 3 of 8
Dianora is up

Kimmich Half-Blessed |

Kimmich spends more time at the Hatchet and Barrel - the last piece of information was so intriguing (and honestly, combatively exciting) that he feels some more time around the bar is in order.
continuing to intimidate for info on Ordulf, +22

GM MattMorris |

1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30
A blue-skinned giant with three eyes emerges from the central doors on the second floor holding a mug, tosses the coffee dregs over the wall, then goes back inside. You don't recognize the type of creature, but you could accurately describe it.
Unless you get lucky, there's little else you can learn about Ordulf.

Yuki the Red |

Yuki Round 2
Yuki, not wanting to overplay her hand switches to learning about the secrets of the hold itself. Making sure to compliment to Gorumites and Ordulf on their acquisition of such a defensible fortress. Hoping to get people to brag and share stories about this cool fact they know.
+23 Society to learn the secrets of the hold.

GM MattMorris |

1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
Not only does Gorum favor Ordulf, Crownhold is divinely protected and its guards are bolstered while non-believers are penalized. You understand that the entire structure and its inhabitants are protected by the effects of a 7th-rank consecrate ritual, and that the altar on which the effect is focused (and thus, the point they need to reach in order to have a chance to dispel this effect) is located in the general’s bedroom.

Crystal Clarity |

Crystal spends some time seeing if the alchemist here actually is a spy and has some juicy information about the town, playing up her own alchemical dabblings with the woman.
I'll use Society +23 on Crownhold again for round 2

GM MattMorris |

Einn Snowspeaker doesn't seem to be a spy, but she is a well-informed gossip. She tells you that there’s a secret vault in Crownhold somewhere in the basement, and that the vault reputedly stores a powerful magic rapier—a storm flash—that an assassin attempted to use on Ordulf a year ago. Rumor holds that while Ordulf defeated the assassin and kept her magic rapier as a trophy, he has a particular hatred of this weapon and has on numerous occasions nearly melted it down—yet each time, the pride at having defeated the assassin compelled him to relent and keep the weapon as a trophy.
Leverage Points: 4
Awareness Points: 0
Round 3 of 8
Kimmich, Yuki, Crystal are up
Round 4 of 8
Dianora is up

GM MattMorris |

1d20 + 25 ⇒ (17) + 25 = 42
1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42
1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27
1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27
1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33
You create two effective, single-use tools that grants 1 Leverage Point each for dealing with complications. At any point during a complication, you can spend an LP to describe a flashback scene of you preparing just the right tool for the job. In doing so, you must describe how the tool helps overcome the specific complication. These Leverage Points should be represented as special tokens or specific entries on your sheet, and when you (or another player) uses a tool to help in a complication and spends the Leverage Point this tool granted, the tool is consumed.
1d5 ⇒ 1
Out on the tundra, a pair of massive polar bear-like creatures with too many legs travel in wide arcs in front of the fortress. Two humanoid figures sit atop each bear’s back. Nature check to identify. (You can roll it.)
Leverage Points: 7
Awareness Points: 0 (+1, -1)
Round 4 of 8
Kimmich, Yuki, Crystal are up
Round 5 of 8
Dianora, Kimmich are up

Sister Dianora |

Oooh, I love those monsters. Some of my favorites!
As Kimmich arrives, Dianora nearly pulls her twin sabers, before realizing at the last moment who's approaching. "Don't you know it can be bad for your health to sneak up on someone? You nearly gave me a heart attack, by which I mean I was going to stab my swords right into your heart!"
Once she settles down to keeping watch, she notes, "It seems pretty quiet. Only thing I've seen is a blue giant with too many eyes. Or should that be two many eyes? I guess that would only be if it were a cyclops. So maybe it's just one too many eyes. For three total."
She describes it to see if Kimmich might recognize it. And then will Observe one more time before deciding what to do next.

GM MattMorris |

Kimmich can do a Society check to identify those blue giants.
1d20 + 24 ⇒ (19) + 24 = 43
1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38
-Groups of three soldiers patrol the fortress, each wearing furs under heavy plate armor and carrying greatswords.
-The balconies on the second and top floors each end with a large, round rampart on the east and west corners. Each platform holds a springald (Guns & Gears 76) with a crew of 2 soldiers.
-Occasionally, what looks like a giant white owl flies from the top of the keep. It circles around, swoops down on an elk or yak, then returns to the keep with its prey. You recognize it as a frost roc (a rare gargantuan beast.) You get 2 questions about it. You also earn 1 Leverage Point.