Temporal Agents 2023

Game Master rando1000

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Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

This is a link to discuss the potential still-in-the-works campaign Temporal Agents. Players already have the rulebook. We can discuss characters and progress here.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4


Do you want to open Gameplay for dotting?

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

*peace sign*

Howdy hey.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:


Do you want to open Gameplay for dotting?


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Howdy y'all!

My idea as it stands is a former neolithic shaman and psionic who's powers allowed him to rule a couple bands of hunter-gatherers as a semi-divine shaman king.

That was until the Temporal Defense Society came to recruit him, and due to a mistranslation and his absolute shock at their technology and powers he feels he was kidnapped by them.

Mechanically, he'll either go for raging or unarmed combat, and invest heavily into psionic powers.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Pasting from the old Starfinder discussion thread:

Uret Jet wrote:

A young scientist who was a member of an organization called "Zukunfterde" (Future Heritage), a division of early WW2 Germany that was never meant to exist, where they dealt in matters relating to time travel. Agents came in, busted the operation, and apprehended him as a potential key figure.

Having been exposed now to the breadth of humanity's potential and reach in the future he's been in essence 'de-programmed'. Now he seeks to make amends for crimes he nearly helped commit by preventing others from making the same mistake acting as a TASC and generalized expert on temporal matters.

The caveat on this was that everyone approve the character before hand. Being Jewish, I thought long and hard about whether I could run a character like this, but finally decided that his penitence for his past deeds combined with the fact that he was stopped toward the beginning of the atrocity made the character acceptable, and it does allow for some interesting role-play.

So far Simeon is the only one to not yet have okay'd the character, so let us no when you can if this is okay.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Additionally, I've accepted a request to raise the Point Buy to 20 instead of 15. Everyone okay with that?


Right, I'm alright with Uret's character. I've got similar feelings of discomfort about a former Nazi character, but I agree with Rando that having him search for redemption is a good story beat.

Totally fine with 20 point buy as well.

GM, how would you feel about a feat that lets you choose a single psionic ability to use like a cantrip?

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

I appreciate ya'll giving him a chance to prove himself as being more than the mobster he might've become. Plus, my second idea was also a caveman, so that was about all I had hahah...


One of my favorite character Starfinder concepts I’ve never gotten to play was like…basically a Lashunta caveman. A soldier that used a bow and an axe from a community of lashunta that decided the Gap was a call to restart and go back to the stone age while taking the best bits of tech with them.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:


Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

That sounds pretty cool, not gonna lie! Cave folk gotta get that representation, haven't seem them on the big-screen since those Geico ads stopped running. ;)

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

With the limited skill selection, kinda have to specialize... what do the characters do mechanically?

Combat style preference?

Who wants to be the fly-boy pilot?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Not a lot of movement here yet, which is fine; we can start whenever. We've got two solid character ideas, so we need to figure out who's the historian and who's the TASC pilot (I envision the German scientist could fill either role, while the caveman will function largely as both mental and physical muscle). I plan to throw in a 4th member (was thinking of a "modern" late 21st century android, but can mod if that's similar to whatever Hassan comes up with).

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Oh, am I the only one left?

I can go for something like Tanta in the Starfinder game... Pilot, Precision Combat Style.

I actually have a very sensitive background, she can be from right now or the very near future.

Palestinian orphan adopted by a loving Israeli couple who could not have children of their own (years ago, most of her life with them)... she's IDF and MIA presumed KIA.

Actually, she was recruited by TASC.

I'm Egyptian, I can pull it off without offending anyone... it's my super power.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:

I can go for something like Tanta in the Starfinder game... Pilot, Precision Combat Style.

Okay, that works for me. I'll make my NPC a medic.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:
Djack Nymball wrote:
I can go for something like Tanta in the Starfinder game... Pilot, Precision Combat Style.
Okay, that works for me. I'll make my NPC a medic.

See expounded edit above... I'll wait for approval/denial.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

I can do that. Makes sense why you've have sharpshooter skills, as well. And someone who was left for dead or presumed dead would make a perfect recruit.

If you have any feats you'd recommend lifting from Pathfinder that I left out of the rules to augment your shooting, we can discuss that as well.

Minor campaign point I want to make, TASC is the vessel (Time and Space Capsule); Temporal Defense Society is the group that recruits Temporal Agents.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:

I can do that. Makes sense why you've have sharpshooter skills, as well. And someone who was left for dead or presumed dead would make a perfect recruit.

If you have any feats you'd recommend lifting from Pathfinder that I left out of the rules to augment your shooting, we can discuss that as well.

Minor campaign point I want to make, TASC is the vessel (Time and Space Capsule); Temporal Defense Society is the group that recruits Temporal Agents.

Doh! My bad! Recruited by TDS!

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

While I'd planned on him being the TASC guy and general temporal sciences expert, I can write him as a historian instead. Would play into becoming fascinated by the larger breadth of humanity rather than the limited worldview he held originally.


Gonna reuse a name I've had for several other characters, including another caveman!

Gnarok will be a face/melee combatant, combining psionic powers with his force of muscle and personality.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Uret Jet wrote:
While I'd planned on him being the TASC guy and general temporal sciences expert, I can write him as a historian instead. Would play into becoming fascinated by the larger breadth of humanity rather than the limited worldview he held originally.

Assuming he's a pretty intelligent guy, you'll have enough ranks to be reasonable at both tasks. Also Knowledge/Temporal Science seems like a good skill for your concept. He probably understands the scientific concept of time travel better than everyone in the party.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Simeon wrote:

Gonna reuse a name I've had for several other characters, including another caveman!

Gnarok will be a face/melee combatant, combining psionic powers with his force of muscle and personality.

You had mentioned something we never really explored about a psionic combat style. I was wondering if we could boil that down to a Feat something akin to the Magus ability Spell Strike; something like:

Psychic Strike
Prerequisites: Telekinesis, Telepathy, or Pyrokinesis Feat
Benefit: The character can make a melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) and expend psionic energy at the same time. You can use Pyrokinesis (any option), Telepathy (option 2 or 3), or Telekinesis (option 2 or 3) with this Feat.

Essentially, you get to make one attack with the results being both that of the power feat and your normal melee attack. There's a Feat tax, but I think the cost balances the benefit pretty well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ooh, I like that!

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Sounds cool by me! I'm thinking of sticking with small arms fire, a bit like Dr. Yusil in that sense.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Figuring out a basic Hero Lab sheet. Not ignoring.


Still here, will be able to get my sheet together this weekend.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Cool. Guess now that people are starting to get characters I have to actually start on an adventure. lol jk.

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Took a smidge longer than expected but my sheet is now in progress!

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

I probably should've gotten mine together by this point as well, oh dear. Well, better late than never. When were you thinking of starting things?

Think I'll be commandeering one of my old profiles, who was also a German character by chance.


Ze Germans and a caveman! Hell of a teamup.

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Think I'm generally finished.

Sheet: Link
Portrait: Link

Jerimiah is native born German, though his father was an Irish immigrant- hence the surname(Which is Gaelic). I'm not an expert on how those of Irish descent were treated in Germany at the time, but everything I find suggest they were, at the very least, tolerated as average citizens.

I've spec'd his skills to be something of a technician as well as a historian and scientist. Assisting him in his endeavors is the Data Archive Implant feat, as he has no quarrels against cybernetic enhancement. While he has an appreciation for most human cultures now, he still prefers the fashions of his own era.

Is there anything I'm missing? Were were doing traits, for instance?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Uret Jet wrote:
When were you thinking of starting things?

I've got the basis of a first adventure already. Once everyone has characters, I can probably kick it off in a couple days after that.

Uret Jet wrote:
Is there anything I'm missing? Were were doing traits, for instance?

I'll look it over, but no, we're not using traits. Aside from general rules, which are not in the "book" I made, I'm trying not to pull much from outside. Making the game as self contained as possible. Not that I plan on publishing it or anything, just keeping it simple.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

I'll have something by... Tuesday. Sorry for the delay!

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

What were you working on yourself then, again?

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

The operator/precision person, like Oren.

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Sounds fun then!

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

I'm going to post something at some point over the next few days. If you have time at some point over the long holiday weekend, feel free to hop in. Even if you don't have your stats entirely done, I think everyone has enough grasp on their character to get started at this point.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 57/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4
rando1000 wrote:
I'm going to post something at some point over the next few days. If you have time at some point over the long holiday weekend, feel free to hop in. Even if you don't have your stats entirely done, I think everyone has enough grasp on their character to get started at this point.

Roger! Great idea!

Embarrassingly, I did miss my self imposed deadline.

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Sounds swell, I'll do so

Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

I briefly looked around for a German accent translator, no luck, might look into it again later if they're not too annoying.

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Male Human Starving Artist 6, Cartographer 6, Babysitter 4

Seeing as how languages known aren't exactly important due to the translation virus, I've put in a number of them that Jerimiah has decided to learn 'By Hand', signifying his newfound love for humanity. He enjoys the challenge of teaching himself a new language without the aid of the translators, perhaps using a neural interface that temporarily disables them during his study sessions.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

How is everyone doing on completing the crunch for your characters?

Female Human Caucasian Driver Pilot Precision +1d6 Bekkah Khadaji <<< Doc Link

Not so great, but I'm out of the weeds... will work on it today.

Male Human (Proto-Indo-European)|HP 9 | AC: 17; T: 12; FF: 12 | CMB: +3; CMD: 15 | Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +5

Slight note, I used my telepathy ability to directly message Jeremiah.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Gnarok wrote:
Slight note, I used my telepathy ability to directly message Jeremiah.

Sorry I missed that. Ignore the raised eyebrow.

Female Human Caucasian Driver Pilot Precision +1d6 Bekkah Khadaji <<< Doc Link

What lists to we shop from? Is there a list of standard equipment (go bag)? Technically, we shouldn't be bringing non-era-appropriate items?

Bekkah would just want tools for any kind of mechanical repair.

Do we have hidden peer-to-peer comms?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Bekkah Khadaji wrote:
What lists to we shop from? Is there a list of standard equipment (go bag)?

There's a basic equipment list in the Temporal Agents rulebook, at the back. If you want something not on that list, we can reasonably import items from other D20 games (PF, D20 Modern, etc) on a per-each basis.

Bekkah Khadaji wrote:

Technically, we shouldn't be bringing non-era-appropriate items?

To a limited extent, yes. A key Exception will be the stunner you were given by the Society (which is small and easily concealed) and potentially a suit of light or medium armor, which can be disguised as appropriate to any era. In fact, the light armor can easily be worn under most clothes. Medium armor can be sewn into thick clothing (robes or a coat). The heavy armor is harder to disguise depending on the era.

Bekkah Khadaji wrote:

Bekkah would just want tools for any kind of mechanical repair.

A toolkit is 25 CR.

Bekkah Khadaji wrote:
Do we have hidden peer-to-peer comms?

It's assumed most of you will have bought a Comm for 20 CR. It's roughly equivalent to a modern cell-phone, with a 3 mile "walkie-talkie" feature (ie you can use it at close range without a network).

Female Human Caucasian Driver Pilot Precision +1d6 Bekkah Khadaji <<< Doc Link

OK, added equipment.

Everyone should have at least view access to her character sheet.

Female Human Caucasian Driver Pilot Precision +1d6 Bekkah Khadaji <<< Doc Link

Not sure if it's your intent... Legal Apartheid started around 1948.

Possible after Jeremiah, definitely before Bekkah. But as historian, he may have knowledge.

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