QM rainzax |

GM request - can someone put a Bo Staff token in the square that Toa fell? (You never know...)
@Shimmer - I am unsure you can decline to use the devise roll unless you choose a different target - would you mind pulling up the text please?

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I can't, that's why she's not attacking when it would be a failure.
"You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy. Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll you made to Devise a Stratagem for your Strike's attack roll instead of rolling. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks.
"When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.
"If you're aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action."
Oh, I think I see what you mean. "Round," not "turn," so a readied attack still uses that roll. And also gets Strategic Strike, so that's helpful.
In that case, ignore the spoilered attack roll. It's definitely 21, and will deal an extra precision damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1.
(Although I think 21 still misses without cover?)
Devise is definitely more useful so far when there are multiple enemies (or, y'know, I roll well enough), though I hope to pick up a few more useful non-attack actions through skill feats over the next few levels which will help.
"Huzzah, my very powerful class feature has allowed me to determine in advance that if I attack it will fail! Therefore instead I will...
"...attack twice, knowing the first one fails."

QM rainzax |

Go ahead and retcon that Readied attack two actions, Shimmer!

QM rainzax |

I have posted the AC for the Boss Monster, so Shimmer would know that the Readied attack will be a miss.
Are you sure you want to essentially forfeit the rest of your turn?

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GM request - can someone put a Bo Staff token in the square that Toa fell? (You never know...)
Maybe! Is that the right square?

QM rainzax |

I looked up Retributive Strike and it looks like you are out of range of the trigger

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I looked up Retributive Strike and it looks like you are out of range of the trigger
Yep how dare the creature move to gain a tactical advantage ;-)
going to be out of range this turn too but preparing for next

QM rainzax |

QM rainzax wrote:@Shardul,
I looked up Retributive Strike and it looks like you are out of range of the triggerYep how dare the creature move to gain a tactical advantage ;-)
going to be out of range this turn too but preparing for next
No no, you misunderstand - it is your ally who is out of range. Read the trigger for your character's ability!

QM rainzax |

Let me see if I can install a “halo” for your character token...
...you are again out of range, please read the text of your ability, it is important to keep track of the trigger language and the range!

QM rainzax |

I suppose the corgi mount gives flank? It is an ally, can act (it won't because it is not commanded, but could act), and as it is small the bloodsucker is in reach? Going with this assumption, Toavandil Hanustar does his hit-and-run trick, hitting from the corgi-provided flank.
Ordinarily, familiars cannot use the Strike action to my knowledge, so it would follow they would be unable to threaten a flank.
Unless through special feats and/or bestowed keywords this is explicitly called out, I am very strongly inclined to rule no.
(Aside: corgi...)
While I’m here, I’ll throw one last bone the party’s way!
Final Hero Point to Shimmer, Simon, or Toavandil?: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Toavandil!

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Sprinkle doesn't meet the requirement to flank because he can't attack.
Shimmer does though, as long as she has a reach weapon in hand. That's why I did that.

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OK now I found some text for it:
"It can't make Strikes, but it can use trained skill actions for skills for which it adds your spellcasting ability modifier. If it attempts an attack roll or other skill check, it uses your level as its modifier."
so it can "attack" but not "strike"? Does that mean it might be able to trip or grapple? Flanking says it has to be able to "attack" so it is a bit unclear. And the first forum posts that I found are similarly in disagreement. Anyway, it didn't matter in this case, I'm just wondering the official rule.

QM rainzax |

@ Toavandil - I would agree with your interpretation that according to that text a familiar may not Strike (thus not threaten) but may indeed Grapple, Trip, Escape, etc (skilled actions with Attack trait)
@ Eric Parker 82 - check your PMs good sir!

QM rainzax |

We are done, pending a couple of you forgetting to Check In in the Recruitment tab.
Feel free to role play the transition as we switch GMs and Bounties.
Also, if you all could supply me your emails by clicking on the “Contact Info” link in my QM Alias!

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For those of you interested in getting things started on the next Bounty, I am getting it set up now.
Recruiting Thread for Bounty #3 Shadows and Scarecrows
Google slides and sign in sheet links at the top of the thread

QM rainzax |

Next up we have:
4) Cat’s Cradle @ GM Melda
Feel free to use this campaign or start your own!

QM rainzax |

I will bury (and later unearth) this campaign once all are dotted in.

QM rainzax |

Thread restored.
Hyphy has leveled out of 1st due to an irl game I ran and assigned him credit to. Besides, putting him on the shelf to see what the New Witch has in store for him when Remaster goes live.
Deciding which 1st Level character I got to bring...

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I am going to bow out at this point, I like Shardul and I'm going to play her in a couple of games this weekend at wich point she will no longer be level 1 and I have no wish to start another level 1 character at this time, Fortunately my gm duties are fulfilled (although even if they werent I would still run obviously)

QM rainzax |

@Shardul / Merisiel The Risen, I have removed your aliases from this campaign. See you around the circuit!
Players, going to attempt to recruit one more Robin!

QM rainzax |

My last living grandmother irl is "Thea" so... =)

GM Super Zero |

Please verify that everything looks right on RPG Chronicles, because I have a feeling I'll be doing that tonight.

GM Frost |

I decided to create a gameplay thread for our next game, Bounty 6: The Road from Otari. You can proceed HERE to dot in and delete.

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Chronicle looks good. Thank you for running the game!

GM Frost |

I decided to create a gameplay thread for our next game, Bounty 6: The Road from Otari. You can proceed HERE to dot in and delete.
Already have Shimmer, Gerrika, and Zenobia signed up for Bounty #6. Waiting for Simon and Zoila to join us.

QM rainzax |

Thread restored.
In preparation for Gameday - in which I won a lottery and slotted my #2001 into a high-level game! - I need to pare down my games somewhat, and, having learned a lot about Zóila for now, am going to put her on a backburner for another day.
So, count me out of the final Bounty - I will wait for folks to transition to a new campaign before putting this organizing campaign down for good.

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Will this thread be used for the last Bounty #7 or there will be another one? Who will be GMing it?

QM rainzax |

Gerrika's player.
Going to de-activate this campaign as soon as the final bounty is booted up.
Again, sorry I can't join you, but I got into both the games I applied for, meaning I gotta make sure to keep my own active dashboard a single row!