V20 - Chapter One - Clan Tremere - To Tame the Red Dragon (Inactive)

Game Master Dennis Harry

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Dramatis Personæ
Henry Gaden - A7
Zhang Jim - A3
Marcus Townshend - A2
Badger - A2
Wenzel Rainer - A2

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The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Celestyn moves forward as there are no more questions and the Spear falls in behind him. As he approaches, the door opens of its own (or his) volition. The doors close behind the group.

The Church's romanesque towers and gothic outside motif are breathtaking as you all enter. Inside the vestibule there are several candles lit for prayers of petitioners. He pauses, "When I was young this place was old already. My Mortal life had been extended beyond my natural life.

It was immortality that we sought. We achieved it, but not the way we expected to".

He continues through to the nave. As with any other Roman Catholic church, the motif is that of the holy trinity on the walls, Jesus on the cross behind the altar for a brief moment stares at you all, or is it your imagination?

He moves through the main aisle between the pews and through to the back of the church, opening a door to the inner sanctum. To the left is a wall which disappears at the Elder Tremere's touch, revealing a set of spiral stairs leading down into darkness.

As heads down, the sconces on the wall flicker with a pale dull light allowing you to see enough to not slip on the narrow stairs. You reach a basement level beneath the church itself. This small space has three doors, one red, one black, and one yellow.

Celestyn moves to the red door and it opens before him, a long passage looms before you all. Once more, sconces light up as you approach. Down the passage are many alcoves shrouded in darkness, not by magic but by design of the hall. You sense movement within some but not others.

At the end of what feels like a several minute walk, you reach a door. On the door is the symbol of the Clan itself. Surrounding the symbol are seven arcane marks. You all deduce these are the personal seals of the Council of Seven. It appears you have arrived.

The door swings open silently after a short wait. It opens to a round audience chamber, as you all step in, with the exception of Jim, this chamber is recognizable. Each of you have been here before, when receiving the first draught of Blood from the Council itself, binding you to the House and to the Pyramid structure.

Only one figure is present at the moment. He is in the middle of the chamber, holding a chalice. He stands 5'6" tall and of average weight, with long, tawny blonde hair and blue eyes. His face is slightly rounded.

Celestyn takes a knee and bows, "Sire, it has been some time".

The figure frowns, "Rise my Childe. I do not remember you being so stubborn before you left. You have picked up bad habits on your long journey it seems".

Celestyn shrugs and says nothing further.

The figure holding the chalice turns to Jim instead of speaking further to his Childe, "Come Jim Zhang. This drought is for you. It is time for you to become properly bound to the Clan.

I am Etrius. Member of the Council of Seven and Childe of Tremere, our Founder".

Well, great.

James steps forward a bit hesitantly and takes the poffered goblet, then slowly tips it into his lips... just a bit. Enough to get the message.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Etrius nods at Jim with a stern eye, "Drink. Fully Fledgling".

Celestyn watches, his gaze impassive.

When you drink, for you realize you have no real choice here. You gain 7 BP and will be OVER you natural limit, for the remainder of the evening. You will feel more positively disposed towards Etrius as well. The Blood is indeed powerful. For the remainder of the evening you will also gain a temporary dot of Potence.

Henry offers a bow to Etrius. His deferential nature could be easily suspected as an attempt to butter up his superiors; and indeed, they were likely whispers to that effect. But for Henry it was a genuine awe. He was a firm believer in the pyramid and fully bought into the notion that Tremere were special amongst the kindred for making their own fate as a clan. Here was one of the founders of the clan he had devoted well over a century to. It was impossible for him not to view this moment as akin to meeting with a god, or at the very least a saint.

As Jim steps forward he finds it curious; as far as he was aware, all of the clan were bonded here. Perhaps this newcomer was a fledgling, but he dismisses that as his rank was too high for that. Curious, but Etrius seemed largely unconcerned with it.

Sarah takes a moment to soak in the significance of the room, the history, and the presence of the mighty Etrius.

With a respectful bow of her head she steps forward slightly from the group and her gaze focuses on Etrius.

"It is an honor to stand before you, Etrius, a member of the Council of Seven." she begins.

"I stand ready to assist in whatever capacity required of me for the success of this endeavor! If it is the will of the Council of Seven and yourself then I am more than willing to embark on this journey and to face whatever challenges that may arise and make a name for myself within the Clan."

She pauses.

"I am humbled to be part of the Spear of Celestyn and I commit to upholding the honor and the values of our Clan in every task we undertake."

With that said, Sarah steps back.

James finishes his aperitif and then hands the chalice back to Etrius, with a slight stagger indicating the unexpected potency of the draught.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Etrius smiles at Jim, "I officially welcome you to Clan Tremere. I wish I had more time to debrief you, but my Childe has created quite the stir and the Council wishes to convene tonight to discuss his request".

Etrius listens intently to Sarah's statement, "Claas speaks highly of you. It is fortunate that we were able to retrieve you as your skill sets are I understand... unique". Your final sentence causes him to chuckle and turn to your coterie's "benefactor", "Spear of Celestyn eh".

Celestyn shrugs, "It has a nice ring to it no?"

Etrius does not respond and instead walks to the far side of the room and ascends a set of stairs none of you previously spotted, but is familiar. It is the raised seating upon which the Seven sit in session. As Etrius takes his seat at the center, several other figures appear in spectral form!

To Etrius' left, Xavier de Cincao, Meerlinda, and Grimgorth. To Etrius' right, Abetorius, Elaine de Calinot, and Thomas Wyncham.

Celestyn takes a knee.

Wyncham speaks first, "I should have known, Celestyn!" His spectral head turns towards Etrius, "You claim to have no knowledge of this, this endeavor Councilor?"

Etrius remains with his gaze fixed upon Celestyn, "None. This is a surprise to me as well Councilor Wyncham".

Meerlinda interjects, "First, I would like all of the Acolytes present to announce themselves to ensure that we have an accurate accounting of who is present".

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Taking a knee and briefly looking at the council before bowing his head, “I am Wenzel Rainer, Apprentice of the Second Circle. My sire is Simon Augustyn and my Grand Sire was Dr. John Dee.”

Henry follows the others in taking a knee, head cast deferentially down.

"Acolyte Henry Gaden, Apprentice of the Seventh Circle. Childe of Mansfield Bidwell."


8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

With a quick bow and a nod, the archaeology professor (emeritus) introduces himself. "I am Dr. Marcus Townshend, Apprentice of the Second Circle, Childe of Tiberius."

Badger, too, gives a slight bow. "Badger. Childe of Edward Bainbridge. Apprentice of the Second Circle."

Since everyone's speaking up out of order, James finishes handing off the chalice and then says, "As noted, Zhang James, Apprentice of the Third Circle." He closes his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose briefly. Apparently the potent elder blood has given him brain freeze.

Sarah bows and then kneels.

"I am Sarah. My area of specialty lies in using my magical skills mainly for combat. I My journey has taken me far and wide, allowing me to see the world and the secret places that our clan holds in trust. It's an honor to be in the presence of the Council of Seven."

She takes a step back, allowing for others to introduce themselves.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

The child Kindred steps forward and bows, Donato Elba, Childe of Lord Casmir, Apprentice of the First Circle".

As introductions are complete, Celestyn speaks, "Greetings Councilors. You all know me, some of you personally. I have returned from my wanderings with a humble request..."

Interrupting Celestyn, Wyncham speaks once more, "Several Acolytes, many promising. All to be handed to you. A Ronin if not an outright Autarkis. Your meddling in territories designated to my own sphere of influence have cost me a great deal of consternation.

I see no reason why any request from you should be honored, certainly not until you have proven that you are properly reintegrated into the Pyramid".

Grimgorth interjects, "I agree with Councilor Wyncham. Three of those assembled before us are important, one critical, to our efforts to dislodge the power of a very active Methuselah on the British Isles".

Meerlinda speaks, "An odd assortment. Seven Tremere, instead of one representative of each of our spheres of influence, or in other words, a representative of each Councilor. Three are chosen from Grimgorth's Acolytes, none from Xavier or Elaine's territories. One, the Childe of a true Autarkis, who has in many ways, proven more dangerous than some of the Acolytes of Goratrix".

Etrius winces at the mention of his old rival.

Xavier shakes his spectral head, "I have no qualms at those chosen".

Abertorius speaks, "While Celestyn has traveled far, he has never proven a hindrance to the Clan or a danger to the Pyramid Wyncham. Should one who has entered a long torpor be so judged? Celestyn is among the Eldest of our Clan. One who hails from House Tremere itself, his exemplary record speaks for itself".

Elaine sighs, "I too have no objection, at the moment, to your oversight of these Acolytes.

What is not clear to me, is what you intend to do with them Elder".

Celestyn nods to Elaine, "Indeed, I appreciate the circle back to my request.

Those assembled before you have, despite their limited time among the Clan, demonstrated useful attributes, many of which possess skillsets that the average Tremere does not possess. Thus, the mix I have chosen would be well suited for the task at hand.

I intend to create a chantry, set on a powerful intersection of leylines on the mainland of the Middle Kingdom".

The Councilors appear taken aback, before Wyncham can fire off an angry rebuke, Etrius inquires, "What is the purpose of this endeavor my Childe?"

Celestyn responds, "I have strong evidence that at least several descendants of Saulot hide among the... ah... Vampires of the far east. This Chantry would be a sanctuary from which this new Coterie would be able to identify, apprehend, and ultimately slay them. In addition, it is a location from which we may be able to assist Councilor Wyncham in expanding his sphere of influence".

Wyncham looks apoplectic, "As this is my sphere of influence, I should have been consulted on this matter Elder! This is not a decision for the Council to make".

Etrius shrugs, "While I will recuse myself from the decision, as I have a clear bias in the matter based upon who is making the request, I believe this is indeed a matter for the Council to decide upon".

I will let the scene breathe for a moment, if any of you wish to react out loud, or by posting your inner thoughts in a soliloquy, feel free.

Sarah does not believe that speaking without permission is adequate so she remains silent.

As Donato introduces herself, Henry eyes widen in surprise. Lord Casmir was a known figure in their clan, albeit it one whose claim to fame, as it were, was almost 500 years ago. He had been instrumental in helping the Giovanni with the coup that made them into a clan. Henry had always thought him long destroyed, but his childe seemed to suggest he yet lived. An interesting figure in clan history, though not one that was much lauded within it. Henry took that to mean that the clan did not think his actions appropriate, or at least wished to give that impression.

Like Sarah, he listens to the back and forth in silence, not about to speak up in front of so many elders without given express instructions to do so. Inwardly however he hopes very much they approve of Celestyn's plan. It would be dangerous, and he does feel some regret at leaving his home, especially when he holds a grudge against Mithras. But establishing a new chantry in a hostile territory would only serve to increase the power of the clan and open a new untapped realm to them. It would also prove his worth to them, and his elevation to regency would be self assured.

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Ley lines and new Chantries? How does this involve me? Marcus thinks to himself.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Abertorius proceeds, "Our penetration into the mainland of China has been all but non-existent Celestyn.

If Wyncham and his resources have not been successful thus far, why will this endeavor succeed? Moreover, it's failure could result in the loss of several promising acolytes".

Elaine picks up on the thread, "If the goal is to hunt down the final members of the Salubri Clan rumored to be in hiding, would not a better resource be the employment of Assamites?"

Xavier, hot on Elaine's heels speaks, "Even if the Chantry could be founded, it would be in hostile territory, the defense of which would prevent any significant progress towards the very goal of the establishment of that Chantry".

Wyncham remains silently seething as the Councilors, who moments before appeared on Celestyn's side, have taken an aggressive line of questioning.

The Elder responds, "Current Tremere policy in the East closely aligns with Camarilla policy in the East, which is essentially the policy of the Domain of Avalon.

I have spent centuries wandering both the mainland of China as well as the subcontinent of India.

While I have certainly had my share of run ins, I have also made significant alliances. These alliances will allow for the Chantry to be established, especially if we are careful of the politics of the region, which of course, we shall be. These Acolytes will certainly fail and succeed as we all have. Indeed some may perish, but those who do not will become wiser and in turn, Embrace promising Fledglings from the local populace, ingratiating ourselves into the local region.

Perhaps Councilor de Calinot, but should we not claim the last of the Blood of Saulot and strengthen the power of these worthy Acolytes? Why allow the assassins to claim such powerful blood?"

None retort, seemingly satisfied with the answers.

Wyncham begins anew, "This entire scheme should have been brought to my attention first as a formality if not a courtesy, Celestyn. As Councilor of the region I should oversee it, assuming it is even approved".

Celestyn shrugs, "I see no reason why this Coterie cannot stop and formally introduce themselves to you before embarking on a trek through the mainland Councilor".

Wyncham grits his teeth, "Your silver tongue will not work on me Elder, nothing in that response acknowledges my right to oversee this plan of action".

Meerlina interjects, "Certainly Wyncham is correct Etrius, your Childe, though older in years than Wyncham, is subordinate to the Council. The Pyramid structure cannot be overturned, even in special circumstances such as this case".

Grimgorth frowns, "I see no reason why this is even being considered as any special circumstance. This plan falls clearly in the purview of Councilor Wyncham. It is for him to approve or disapprove, with local resources, I might add.

While it is certainly encouraging for you to have safely returned Celestyn, and I would be interested to hear tales of your exploits, this request has no business taking up the limited time that the Council has, is there not an imperative to discuss our reactions to these so called Balkan Crises which have lit the Mortal world within the Empire upon which Prime sits?"

Again, I will give the scene a second to breathe.

"If I may be so bold as to interject... ?"

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Etrius nods to you Jim, "Proceed Acolyte".

Also Sarah raises a hand but of course waits to be called as she does not dare to speak directly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"长期统一的帝国必然分裂. Zhongguo is in a fragile state, making inroads possible into a territory heretofore unexplored by the Camarilla," starts Jim.

"This represents opportunity. The shen of the Middle Kingdom have their own names for things, and I have heard them whisper of Zao Lat. They have no love for any of us, but that name is known to them already, whatever it means, so it is so pervasive as to be part of their discourse."

"In service to the clan, we often seek glory through our individual contributions, but the highest service is in our sacrifices. We work toward a shared goal, and that goal is to promote the welfare of our clan. The most notable moments in doing so are when we put our own interests aside in order to further the greater goals of the clan."

"Thus, this impasse is not truly about procedure, or bureaucratic formalities. It is a question about who is willing to set aside their personal glory in order to facilitate the clan's goals. If that sacrifice means sharing one's territory with the clan in pursuit of an important project? Or subsuming one's resources into a project overseen by the elders for clearer direction? Greater sacrifices have been asked, and made, for the sake of the clan."

"Those of us who survive this operation will be remembered by our contributions... or by the barriers we put up toward advancement."

James speaks carefully, aware that a poor choice of words could incite an angry response—and any one of these elders could reduce him to ash in moments, or order one of his spear-mates to do the same to him. Nevertheless, the implication is clear: Squabbling elders need to get out of the way of progress and set their enmity aside, because they'll get more glory with the clan by facilitating this project than by holding it up.

Literary allusion to Romance of the Three Kingdoms: A kingdom united must divide (China is about to enter civil war), a kingdom divided must unite (Clan Tremere must come together for this operation).

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Before anyone else can speak in response to Jim's measured words, Etrius points to Sarah, "Proceed Acolyte".

Henry is surprised by the boldness of the newest acolyte, and truthfully more surprised when his perceptive is considered.He makes good points, largely those that Henry himself would have made, though phrased differently.

The eldest apprentice remains silent, because to speak up now would make him appear as though he was trying to support Jim's arguments. But there was also the practical consideration; elders had long memories, and favoring one side or the other would earn some of their ire. Especially given the one most likely to oversee things already harbored resentment for the plan.

Well, it's a good way to make enemies, but in theory everyone here is bound to the Clan, so it's leaning upon that supernatural loyalty as well by saying "Don't you want to get out of the way and help the Clan to do stuff?" The trick is for elders who have to change their position to find a way to save face while doing so, so that it doesn't look like they've been shown up.

Storyteller Usurper wrote:

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Before anyone else can speak in response to Jim's measured words, Etrius points to Sarah, "Proceed Acolyte".

Sarah, who'd been observing quietly, stepped into the conversation with a bow after the approval.

“Councilor Wyncham, I understand and acknowledge your jurisdiction over the East. However, the grandeur of our goal here transcends any single domain. The establishment of a Chantry within mainland China, where our presence has been noticeably absent, opens doors to understanding and resources previously untapped. It offers a platform of growth, knowledge, and influence that spans beyond regional boundaries!“

She shifts her gaze to Xavier.

“Councilor Xavier, the threat of a hostile territory is indeed daunting. Yet it is not insurmountable. I believe it is through facing such challenges that we truly evolve and grow stronger. And the defenses we would establish would be invaluable, a beacon of Tremere might in an uncharted territory!“

She looks at the team.

“In the end, the decision lies with the council. I merely urge a broader perspective, one that acknowledges risks but also appreciates the potential rewards. As the saying goes, fortune favors the brave!“

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

Despite his desire to speak up, the blood that binds Marcus fully to the Clan prevents him from questioning the Council.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

The Councilors remain silent at the comments from Sarah. Etrius looks around at his fellow Councilors and at the Coterie. None speak.

After several moments, Etrius breaks the silence, "Well?"

Wyncham addresses the collective, "I will only approve if the Elder agrees to provide me complete control over this endeavor".

Celestyn shakes his head indicating that he has no intention of doing so.

"Very well then, I deny your request to collect Acolytes like figurines to do with as you will. An Elder you may be, but you have relinquished the right to sit on this Council based upon your silent wanderings".

He falls silent and Meerlinda picks up from there, "While I have great respect and admiration for you Celestyn, Councilor Wyncham is correct. You do not have the authority to gather these Acolytes to you and then expect us to acquiesce to this demand after the fact. Proper protocol must be observed. I too must deny this request".

Grimgorth smiles, I am almost convinced to allow this gambit to proceed based upon the passions of Acolyte Cordon and the precise logic of Acolyte Zhang. However, I too deny this request. I think I made myself quite clear in my previous comments".

Councilor de Cincao frowns, "Protocol? Hierarchy? Is this what we have been reduced to?

Is Clan Tremere not in existence for our ability to exist outside of the constraints of such paradigms? While I agree in form with your arguments Councilors, I disagree in substance. This is perhaps the most dynamic and ambitious project we will embark on this century and we are allowing it to die in committee? I approve".

Councilor de Calinot nods her head in agreement with Xavier, "We must grow or we will stagnate. I have risked much for growth on the dark continent, as have the Councilors before me. Much is to be gained by risk. These Acolytes, promising as they may be, existences are worth the risk for substantial gain. I approve".

Finally Abertorius unceremoniously states, "Aye. Go forth".

All eyes turn to Etrius, he sighs, "What am I to do? If I approve, I have played favorites. If I disapprove, I seem petty is denying my Childe this opportunity after his long absence, as if in punishment for him disobeying. I therefore, abstain".

Wyncham grins, "A stalemate. It appears that you may not proceed with our blessing nor have we denied you the right to do so".

Celestyn sneers, "If I move forward you will deem this an action of an Autarkis?"

Wyncham shrugs noncommittally. Celestyn turns towards the Coterie that may never be, "If you agree to join me in this, you may all be branded renegades..."

Before any of you or the Councilors have a chance to respond, the sound a of a door creaking open slowly can be heard quite prominently. Etrius stands, his body language bristling with agitation, "Announce yourself immediately! This is a closed chamber session, none are allowed entry!" He searches for the offender, the fire of the lure of the flames igniting on his hands.

The figure enters the light from the area just beneath the seats of the Council, a space where there was no door... surprised Etrius takes no action.

The figure shuffles to Celestyn and leans down to whisper in his ear, only slightly taller, he then places his hand upon the Elders' shoulder and slowly turns to bring his face back towards the Council, half circling Celestyn in doing so. His cloak is plain, with no ornate embroidering as have most in this room. The hood is impenetrable, the face cannot be seen.

Meerlinda's image also stands, "Councilor Etrius has...."

The figure removes his hood, he turns to regard the Councilors in turn and then each of you. His face, a pallid clean shaven face, appears inhuman and yet the prototype of the face of the patriarchs described in the ancient texts of the ancient scriptures of the religions of the world. His hair is dark at the base and greyed at the tips. The scrutiny under which you find yourself as his disinterested eyes pass over you burns your very soul with its odd intensity. A palpable nimbus of power unseen but unmistakable crackles around him. Every failure, every triumph you have ever faced flashes through your mind, your failures seem petty, your triumphs insignificant. His judgment weighs upon you, does he approve? Disapprove?

His expression is unreadable. You are only able to take your eyes off of him for a second and at that moment you realize that Celestyn and the Council have all taken a knee, heads down. Silence permeates the room. No one breathes, of course no one needs to in this place of the dead.

Then suddenly, the hand is removed, the cowl is pulled back over his face and the figure withdraws to the shadows beneath the seats of the Council. The oppressive weight of His presence exits.

Celestyn remains kneeling as Etrius and the images of the Councilors compose themselves.

Wyncham is the first to speak, "It appears that I was hasty in my judgment Elder. You may proceed". His projection winks out.

Meerlinda sighs, "I too approve". She too disappears.

Grimgorth looks puzzled, "Proceed as you see fit, Celestyn". His face fades from view.

Those who approved prior say nothing and merely nod before also disappearing from view.

Alone Etrius remains, "I remain steadfastly neutral my Childe. The chamber belongs to you and your Spear for the remainder of the night. Do see me before you go". Etrius, a puzzled look on his face, exits the room, physically, through a back door.

Celestyn does not even acknowledge Etrius' exit, "Well, how quickly fortunes shift eh? Renegades no more!"

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

Flabergasted by the mere presence of who the cowled man seemed to be, Marcus quickly drops to a knee when he notices that the Councilors have done the same.

When the presence is gone, Marcus gets back to his feet. Following Celestyn's comment, Marcus quips, "Certainly not. In fact your mission seems to have be endorsed from highest levels of the pyramid. When do we leave?"

The choice for Henry is no choice at all. The offer is tempted, a big gamble providing with it great rewards. But the very idea that he could be acting without clan sanction is enough to make it a nonstarter in his eyes. He prepares to say as much when the man enters.

Of course, he quickly realizes this is no man. Standing before them all is Tremere himself. It takes everything Henry has in him to resist groveling in front of the deity. His presence was the highest honor; even most elders would never glimpse an antediluvian, much less survive the encounter. Perhaps some of the Giovanni, but theirs was a pale imitation of a real clan regardless. At least the Tremere had engineered their own embrace, rather than having to beg another for it.

Regardless it would seem as though their endeavor had been blessed by the Founder himself. Any doubts Henry had were dismissed. He finds himself hoping for one word, one glance of praise. But he gets none, and He soon leaves.

But it was enough. If he lived for five more centuries he would remember this moment in the presence of a god.

He barely hears Celestyn's words. He feels as though he imagines a ghoul feels when bonded to their master. Except of course his feelings are entirely natural and not artificial, which makes them even more potent. Finally he recovers enough to give a brief nod to Marcus' statement.

Your plan has been blessed by the Founder himself. I and I imagine all of us will do everything we can to prove His faith in us the correct choice.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Wenzel drops to his knees when the Councilors do in awe that he would even show up in our presence. What we are supposed to do is of the utmost importance and nothing else truly matters in this moment.
After hearing the others speak Wenzel get up still in awe. Answering what Henry has said with "Yes we shall."

Sarah is puzzled and remains silent after such a spectacle.

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Celestyn turns to you all in turn, "We shall speak more of what must be done as your group moves closer to the task at hand".

Another door opens and a Tremere none of you recognize enters, "Let me introduce my Childe, Master Costanzo Giuseppe Beschi.

He shall show you to your quarters for the evening. He will also accompany you to your next destination for which you leave tomorrow evening.

Travel arrangements have been made for the Oriental Express to bring you overland to Constantinople".

Male Vampire Tremere

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Celestyn exits the room leaving his Childe behind, "Greetings Acolytes. I am Master Beschi.

In our time together, I shall be instructing you on some of the local dialects you will encounter as well as providing an overview of the pertinent geography, which you will traverse, including cities.

My understanding Acolyte Zhang, is that you originally hail from the Middle Kingdom am I correct?"

"Uh, yes, I am from Zhongguo," says Jim. "I speak a few dialects. But depending upon where we go, there are... many languages."

Henry gives a respectful nod, having heard much of the man. He's also still trying to shake off the feeling of awe that pervades through him. Languages tend to be something of a strength for him-- he speaks six fluently-- but none of them were native to their destination. It brings him some bitterness that he had not thought to prepare for this. Perhaps he could attempt to bone up on a dialect enough to at least be conversational in it by the time they arrive in China. It might make sense to attempt to learn it from Acolyte Zhang in the coming nights.

With specialization: 10d10 ⇒ (10, 3, 8, 1, 8, 2, 9, 7, 3, 5) = 56

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Forgot to add this before.

Intelligence+Occult DC 8 - 1 Success - Who is Master Beschi:
Master Beschi is a Tremere Regent from a Chantry in Rome. Currently, as the rumors go, he is attempting to wrest control of portions of the Catholic Church from the Elder Ventrue Fabrizio Ulfila. Much in the same way the Tremere Durham Chantry seeks to wrest power away from Mithras in London and Great Britain in general.

Beschi was an Italian Jesuit missionary in South India and the foremost Christian poet in the Tamil language, prior to his embrace.

It was rumored that Celestyn was his Sire but clearly now, that rumor has been confirmed.

8th Generation Tremere | Bloodpool: 13/15 | Willpower: 9/9

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Intelligence (Problem Solver) + Occult (Rituals): 4d10 + 4d10 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 5) + (3, 6, 1, 4) = 27

Ugly...8 dice and double botch...

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Intelligence+Occult(Ritauls) DC 8 - 1 Success

2d10 + 6d10 ⇒ (1, 1) + (3, 4, 6, 7, 4, 3) = 29

int occult dc 8 : 9d10 ⇒ (6, 9, 6, 10, 9, 10, 8, 7, 4) = 69 5 successes

Sarah nods.

“Greetings Master!“ she says and bows.

As they are escorted through the building, Badger looks around, taking in his surroundings, assessing their value, testing the boundaries of what may be touched but attempting to steal nothing. He doesn't really appear to be paying attention, though he very much is, until the appearance of the mysterious figure.

Seeing the council drop to a knee, he quickly does the same. Not exactly the best moment to stand out. Once the imposing presence takes his leave and the palpable tension recedes, he stands again, no longer feigning indifference.

Intelligence + Occult: 3d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) = 9

Male Vampire Tremere

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Beschi nods to Jim, "Indeed, too many for any ne person to know, perhaps even an immortal.

But even a few of the more common ones will be helpful in aiding you on your quest.

Come, I shall show you your quarters for the evening, then we shall start our lessons".

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Master Beschi drones on as you make your way from the Council chamber into the halls of the Prim Chantry. The hallway is long, quite long, likely due to some magical effect. Tapestries of the history of both House and Clan Tremere adorn the walls.

After several twists and turns, Master Beschi shows you each your quarters. He then leads you all to a nearby common room where he continues his lecture on the different dialects of the Middle Kingdom which you all know to be China.

By the end of the trip, you will all have sufficient practice to speak Cantonese, Manchu, and Mandarin, no XP outlay needed.

As the night wears on and the sun will soon rise, Master Beschi takes his leave, giving you all some time to speak before the full dawning of the day forces you to sleep...

The child Kindred, Donato, who has been silent the entire time speaks, "I am truly in awe of what we have witnessed tonight. Though I have some reservations about this assignment".

Henry takes to the language lessons. It will be a long and likely painful acclimation, but he's confident he'll possess at least passing familiarity with the dialects before he arrives in China. It did mean less time studying Thaumaturgy,but it was a necessary sacrifice.Besides, he wasn't even yet sure what path he intended to focus on next, so the break might prove helpful in redirecting his efforts.

After Master Beschi leaves he looks towards his colleagues. They were all apprentices, but he was the senior ranked one by far. As such, he had a responsibility to guide his fellows and ensure they all proved of use to the clan. He would have to engage in conversations with each of them and learn of their strengths and weaknesses, the better to ensure they were directed effectively.

When Donato speaks, he regards him with mild disapproval. "We have been tasked with work that will greatly increase the power of our clan, and have met with some of the most powerful figures within it. It is a high honor that many older than us have dreamt of. A sense of awe is indeed natural, so long as it does not distract one from their duties.

"What precisely are your reservations? No doubt it will be a challenging task, but given the backing we seem to have been granted I am confident we will have all the resources we require to achieve success."

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

"Forgive me my ignorance Mr. Gaden, my Sire is not enmeshed within the Clan, at least not at the moment, in a way which has allowed me to properly understand the etiquette of Clan Tremere.

I understand what you mean certainly by way of backing of the luminaries of our Clan. I hesitate to say His name and I agree that the sight of Him was indeed humbling and awe inspiring.

But, the Councilor from the west, Wyncham. He does not appear to approve of this endeavor unless he controls it. When we are there, we will be far away from here and close to him..."

"Think of it as an opportunity to gain experience in navigating the political realities of the clan," suggests Jim. "Councilor Wyncham is in a difficult position: He oversees an area literally on the other side of the world from the centers of power for our clan. His opportunities to deal with other luminaries in-person are limited. This was a common political tactic in any number of dynastic empires: Place the less-favored nobles and counselors in positions of authority far, far from the heart of the empire, in order to limit their ability to consolidate power. In addition, Councilor Wyncham's territory is doubtless culturally alien and presents unique regional challenges, such as the shen, that the other councilors don't have to confront. His desire to retain what control he has over that region is understandable in this context."

Badger pipes up. "Yeah, his position's sympathetic, sure, but the kid's not wrong to be chary. Not exactly keen to find meself grinning at the daisy roots cause we got some elder all poked up over politics."

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry

Donato responds to Jim, "So we can then expect him not to interfere?

What are the Shen?"

"Uh, shen is the local term for various supernatural creatures. All I can say with certainty is that they are not the same as the kinds of creatures found in Europe, and they are not friendly to us," says Jim. "Frankly my best survival strategy while I was out there was to avoid them as much as possible."

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