GM Quirk |
Greetings, all! What's that I hear? A distress signal?
Welcome to Precious Cargo.
I will need the following information from you:
1. Your character's name, class, race, and level.
2. Your organized play number + character number.
3. An email address for me to send the chronicle sheet.
4. Slotted faction.
5. Please put a "bot me" expression on your online character.
6. Instead of simply "dotting in" over at game play, please feel free to post a short background for your character. It can be a short description, or it can be narrative in form.
7. (Optional) A little bit about you as a player might be nice. I always enjoy getting to know the people I interact with here. On the other hand, I know some also appreciate the anonymity of the internet, so feel free to skip this part.
A little about me:
My name is Alan, and when I'm not playing games with all of you I'm working at a community television facility in the midwest United States. I live at home with my wife, two teenagers, and Chef Brian the cat.
I have been playing and GMing RPG's since 198coughcough.
Thalious |
- Liilywind
- Witchwarper
- Level 2
2. 1348801-711
4. Wayfinders
5. Paizo Sheet
6. Handled
7. A little about me: Heya, participating in my 4th Outpost event and happy to be here. Been playing SF since just after launch and the only PF I know is from the GCP. I've played a bit of D&D and random other games but have really only excelled at SF. Otherwise, I'm a laid back and easy going nerd who knows a bit about everything and quick to research to know more when needed. Glad to meet you all and hope we have a great game.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
1. Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD; Biohacker 2
2. 108507-706
3. cosbornb (a) gmail .com
4. Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
5. I should have an updated one on my character sheet, I use it when posting regularly.
6. Background is complex, but she has an in-character description. If you want her background as well I can supply that as well.
7. I've been playing on these boards consistently for the past 5-ish years, and enjoy the roleplay aspect of PbP as you can get into descriptions and really build a rapport with other characters. As a person, I live and teach English in Japan so my posting times tend to be a bit off from everyone in the States and Europe.
8. (Important Class/Ability Information) Seggas is Sturmvanger's bonded character. This gives her and Sturm the ability to communicate via short range telepathy (30' I think, but might be completely misremembering that) and both roll initiative but both act on the faster of the two.
Zint |
1. Your character's name, class, race, and level. Zint, Skittermander Vanguard 1
2. Your organized play number + character number. 73425-706
3. An email address for me to send the chronicle sheet. joeymjr29732@hotmail.coom
4. Slotted faction. Exo guardians
5. Please put a "bot me" expression on your online character.
6. Instead of simply "dotting in" over at game play, please feel free to post a short background for your character. It can be a short description, or it can be narrative in form.
7. (Optional) A little bit about you as a player might be nice. I always enjoy getting to know the people I interact with here. On the other hand, I know some also appreciate the anonymity of the internet, so feel free to skip this part.
Note: Zint is in a game right now I was sure would be done before this started but has slowed down a good bit so now i'm not sure... I may have to swap ccharacters...
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
Dangit, the forums ate my intro post yesterday. I'll get another one up shortly, but that is frustrating.
Zint |
Yes. As I feared the game Zint is in does have a good bit to go. My options not in game (or very soon to be) are a level 2 biohacker, which we already have one, or make a new or do a pre gen and just apply iy elsewhere.
Well, we have a soldier, 2 mystics. I'm thinking the biohacker. Thing we need another soldier type or a tech type? For better party comp a more tech type might be needed.
Edit: The biohacker is more techy than I thought... Meh, I'll play anything.
Sturmvanger |
1. Sturmvanger 2nd level Dragonkin Soldier (Battlemaster)
2. 143948-705
4. Wayfinder
5. Done.
6. Done.
7. I have also been playing RPGs since 198X. I have played every version of D&D that exists and another few dozen games. I started on the forums and in Society play a year or two before Starfinder was announced and started playing Starfinder a year or so after it was released. I also write gaming material (which you can find links to in my bio, if interested.)
Istilnar |
1. Istilnar, mystic, brakim, 2
2. 291458-709
4. SS (EH)
5. Please put a "bot me" expression on your online character.
6. Instead of simply "dotting in" over at game play, please feel free to post a short background for your character. It can be a short description, or it can be narrative in form.
7. (Optional) A little bit about you as a player might be nice. I always enjoy getting to know the people I interact with here. On the other hand, I know some also appreciate the anonymity of the internet, so feel free to skip this part.
A little about me:
Started out my RPG career with Dungeons and Dragons like most everyone else. Didn't actually play the game or any other RPG for over 20 years until I heard about Starfinder, which got my attention since it wasn't a fantasy setting. I played the original Gamma World a few times and really enjoyed it, so Starfinder immediately got my attention. Started playing Starfinder Society at my local game store, but sadly haven't played an in person session since before the pandemic. Consequently I've played a ton of PBP on this board and on the Roll for Combat discord.
Bonkers123 |
OK. Swap Zint out for Bonkers the Biohacker here. Apologies everyone. That game slowed down considerably for a few weeks. Was sure it would be done by now...
1. Your character's name, class, race, and level. Bonkers, Biohacker 2, Ysoki. (This reminds me I need to update him onliine here)
2. Your organized play number + character number. 73425-705
3. An email address for me to send the chronicle sheet.
4. Slotted faction. Aquisitives
5. Please put a "bot me" expression on your online character. OK
6. Instead of simply "dotting in" over at game play, please feel free to post a short background for your character. It can be a short description, or it can be narrative in form.
7. (Optional) A little bit about you as a player might be nice. I always enjoy getting to know the people I interact with here. On the other hand, I know some also appreciate the anonymity of the internet, so feel free to skip this part.
PLayed at least one game with you in the past, remember really enjoying it! I'm an ageing IT geek from the SE US. Other than playing games (mostly online still now) I enjoy acting like I can play guitar and playing with my cats! :)
GM Quirk |
Slides are ready, and linked above. Please check them out, and let me know if you can see them, edit them, etc.
There is a slide (#2) that requires your attention. I shamelessly stole this slide from Zoomba, mostly because I love it so much. Please add your information to this slide, including your tokens, perception, initiative, and other information.
We will get things underway soon.
Thalious |
Holy jeebus, these are going to be long games if posts just keep disappearing...
Heya GM, not sure if I just missed it but you got 2 links in your details. AP stuff and whatever Gateway to Absalom is. Not sure if there was supposed to be something else or if Gateway was where we are supposed to be at.
GM Quirk |
Holy jeebus, these are going to be long games if posts just keep disappearing...
Heya GM, not sure if I just missed it but you got 2 links in your details. AP stuff and whatever Gateway to Absalom is. Not sure if there was supposed to be something else or if Gateway was where we are supposed to be at.
Those two links are for other games I am involved in, so don't use those.
The link you are looking for is at the top of the page. Look for "SLIDES".
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
Sorry, forgot there was a space up there for links.
Hey, you're like the one GM I've seen use the space in Slides. I can see now where it might be a bit easier than R20.
That's... Huh. Most of the games I've played on the boards here have used slides, heck, even a good number of the play-by-discord games use slides, I' ve had a few use Draw or a different, mobile friendly VTT, but only one use R20 before. Interesting.
Bonkers123 |
Uh oh. When Quirk says "interesting" there's no telling if that means we're in trouble or he's just pondering the mysteries of the universe again. :)
Well, turns out I was right to swap to the biohacker from my Vangaurd. The game he's in has slowed down even more... At this rate, this game might finish first... :)
Istilnar |
Istilnar, only has a +2 bonus to piloting.
Sturmvanger |
I got nothing so a +2 is the winner.
I'm glad this one doesn't have the Starship tag or we'd be in trouble.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
Seggas got an untrained 3 if that works?
Sturmvanger |
Does the fact that we've been spoken to through speakers mean that there is some form of air on the ship or that the author forgot that sound needs a medium to travel through?
GM Quirk |
Does the fact that we've been spoken to through speakers mean that there is some form of air on the ship or that the author forgot that sound needs a medium to travel through?
Life support is off.
This is an often-forgotten detail in these Starfinder adventures, and probably in other sci-fi RPG's as well.
Perhaps our workaround will be that the usual life-sustaining oxygen rich atmosphere has been replaced by another inert, non-toxic gas that will carry sound (but isn't breathable).
Sturmvanger |
Sturmvanger wrote:Does the fact that we've been spoken to through speakers mean that there is some form of air on the ship or that the author forgot that sound needs a medium to travel through?Life support is off.
This is an often-forgotten detail in these Starfinder adventures, and probably in other sci-fi RPG's as well.
Perhaps our workaround will be that the usual life-sustaining oxygen rich atmosphere has been replaced by another inert, non-toxic gas that will carry sound (but isn't breathable).
Well...depending on how long/if carbon based life forms were here after the life support went off, there may be air that just has too high of a carbon dioxide content to support other carbon based life forms.
Which would still conduct sound just as well.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
Given it had enough air to liberally send jets of it out at possible intruders, I doubt it doesn't have enough air sound conduction. I wonder if it's less an air composition and more of a temperature issue? That is a massive part of life support too.
Istilnar |
Just exchange your normal heart for a black heart and you won't have to worry about it. You won't have to worry about living either.
Bonkers123 |
We'll see what interesting things this mysterious voice has in store tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Terrible day at work today, and I have run out of steam.
I understand that completely. Our unofficial motto was "do more with less." Now it's "Do even more with practically nothing." :)
Sturmvanger |
You never know the minimum number of people necessary for a job until you go one below that number.
GM Quirk |
Keskada and Bonkers: please proceed to the slides and finish filling out slide 2. Bonkers, I need your initiative and perception filled in at the bottom.
Kaskada, I'll need initiative and perception filled in, along with your character information in the area above.
To everyone: I added a few slides of some things you have come across. One of the Avid Dreamer, one of the company representative you made contact with, and one of the cargo hold you have entered into.
The slides are linked at the top of this screen.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
So sorry for not posting for a while. Life has been busy recently. I'm moving from all of the schools I teach at and my base school closed down so I was running around helping them clean-up, move things around and get rid of unnecessary things or stuff with personally identifiable information. It's sapped my energy and time. Things will be settling down next week, and I should be able to post more regularly.
But also please feel free to bot Seggas as soon as she is the one holding things up! Simply firing a gun works just fine.
Istilnar |
The following got posted on the Discord server I am playing a different SFS session on.
"Hey folks, we are coming down to 3 weeks left on Outpost V, and I hope you've all had some great games. I hope you are looking to wrap up any ongoing games in the next couple of weeks, and if you got a late start or are going a bit slower than you expected, I ask that you consider picking up the pace. As always, if you need any assistance, please let me know!"
Any chance we can pick up the pace here so we meet the deadline?
GM Quirk |
We will be picking up the pace. Today I was part of a fairly large charity gaming event. I have been working toward this for quite some time, especially the past 10 days.
This included running in-person Dungeons and Dragons, 3D printing about 150 miniatures, and lots of other smaller duties.
ANYWAY, today was a success! I anticipate getting back to 5-6 posts a week starting tomorrow.
Bonkers123 |
We will be picking up the pace. Today I was part of a fairly large charity gaming event. I have been working toward this for quite some time, especially the past 10 days.
This included running in-person Dungeons and Dragons, 3D printing about 150 miniatures, and lots of other smaller duties.
ANYWAY, today was a success! I anticipate getting back to 5-6 posts a week starting tomorrow.
Awesome! Sounds like fun. My next face to face con isn't until June and I am VERY much looking forward to it!
3d printing 150 minis.. wow, that's a lot. I hope your build plate was big enough to do several at once and you didn't have to fight with much clean up on each one!