[Shattered Star] What do YOU want to be able to do? Today [PF-inspired homebrew]


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I'm running a playtest of my homebrew system with roots in Pathfinder. The greatest problem I seem to run into with players is a lack of drive to play what they want, many seem to want to look at a list of classes and choose from among them.

Here I'm offering you a choice of what YOU want to be, cooperative character creation between player and GM.

We're at level 2 and have plans to start play some time in the next 10 hours [likely towards the later end of it.]

Current party is a Technical Hero [full BAB warrior type with rogue flair] and a Chi Hero [full BAB warrior type with monk flair.]

We could really use a caster of some sort, but any character type is acceptable.

We play via Roll20, either text or skype voice chat.

NOTE: when I say everything, I do mean everything. One of the present players is a weird custom race and a player with spotty attendance is playing a literal [very young, with PC type statistics and abilities] Medium Sized White Dragon.

This sounds interesting. I have a homebrew class/race combo that is still very much a WiP...

I am listening Seth, talk to me about it.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
I am listening Seth, talk to me about it.

Mind if we use gtalk or another form of communication for this discussion? =^^=

Would be faster. Or Skype

It might be faster but I feel this sort of public conversation is good for the recruitment thread, just in case you don't work out.

Is that alright with you Seth?

To speed it up a bit though, just go ahead and infodump your plans on me and then we can refine the details.

Okay. Gotcha.
I have a doc with some stuff worked out. Up to level 4 i think

The race is similar to what a tyranid is. Sentient hive minded like bug race. It evolves as it grows. So each level you gain an evolution that goes with some class ability etc.

Thats the short of it.

Oh boy, this team certainly would be full of freaks.

Throw me a link [either publicly in this thread or via Private Message] and we'll go from there.

Sent =^^=

I replied.

One of the player's mic is busted so we're playing by text chat.


So it looks like we're adding an insectoid Mind Mage to the crew. But on the chance this doesn't work out somehow or someone else somehow drops out of the group, I'd like anyone else interested to please chime in.

Turns out we didn't manage to play today after all. But Seth's Mind Mage turned out pretty awesome. Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule soon.

In the meantime I'd be happy to build a character with anyone else who's interested in possibly becoming a backup.

Sadly scheduling issues (understandable given the huge timezone gap on opposite ends of the world) have taken our caster from us.

Is there anyone else interested? We have a game scheduled for tomorrow afternoon if you can make it, but that's no requirement.

Dark Archive

I may be interested, but in the UK with a family I doubt I can make any sort of matching schedule.

Dark Archive

look, i know you PMed me, and i said i may not be able to play this, to be honest I want to play this...

but seeing that 90% of my posts come by phone there are only two ways I'll be able to play... if you have a premium account or I have a premium account on D20... but I don't think you do, and I'm not paying just to play a game :/

So both of you have scheduling challenges. Would you each please tell me the day(s) of the week and time (including your respective timezones) of day you would be most available?

If anyone else is interested I'd love to hear from you, as well as the two I'm waiting on details from.

Dark Archive

oh, my current time restraints are mountain time 12-8pm on weekdays, and not at all on weekends.
and i would be communicating by chat, no Skype and such

william Nightmoon wrote:

oh, my current time restraints are mountain time 12-8pm on weekdays, and not at all on weekends.

and i would be communicating by chat, no Skype and such

We can totally work with this. One of our existing player's mic recently gave out anyway.

What sort of character do you have in mind?

Dark Archive

I have a custom race I'd like to try out, probably play as a kinetisist. if your okay with it


Aberration (3RP)
Abilities:+2 Dex,+2Wiz,-2Cha
Languages: xenophobic(0RP): Chitian,bonus:Common, Aklo, Dwarven, Elvish
Natural armor:(3RP)+2 Natural armor.
Jungle camouflage(1RP):+4 to stealth in forest or jungle
Nimbleness(2RP): gains weapon finesse as bonus feat
Mind thrust: cast mindthrust II 1/day with CL=Hitdie
Incectile climb(6RP):Constant spiderclimb on non-smooth serfaces.+16 to climb checks
Sting: have a sting natrual weapon as a secondary attack. (1d4+1/2xstr)
Minesight (2 RP): Members of this race have darkvision 90 feet; however, they are automatically dazzled in bright light and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against effects with the light descriptor.
4-armed(8RP): have four limbs that act as arms
they are an insectile 4 armed race with an affinity to psychic energies, but they are really weird to other races

alternatively they have a flyspeed of 40ft with clumsy maneuverability if they replace their climb speed.

they can also be toxic if they replace the jungle camo. the poison is the paralytic one.

Race is fine conceptually, details might need work.

Rather than 'Kineticist' tell me exactly what you want your character to do. What sort of abilities/powers/theme appeals to you for this character?

Dark Archive

well, being a kinetist, I want to be able to fry my enemies and in otherwords be a cannon. I expect to be the heavy artillery.

I will go Pyrokinetisist at first and later add water into my arsenal. i will focus on ranged attacking as well as High damage and group effects. later i can also become a healer with the water element...

I may also switch those around, be water first and later fire. water gives me more AC compared to fire... even if fire has that touch damage.

Your thinking is being constrained by Paizo mechanics lol. But we can make that work.

Do you actually WANT to branch into water? There is a healing, nurturing warmth aspect to the fire element.

I have four characters ready to go. What kind of caster would you prefer, arcane or divine.

John Napier

Either is fine. Far more imprtant than the 'type' of caster is thw theme. What sort of caster do you want to play?

A Cleric would be fine. I can have a Succubus/1, Cleric of Sarenrae/1 ready for posting later today. I'll get home tonight at around 2:00 AM
Eastern Standard Time. With your permission, I'd like to use the spellcasting rules in lieu of the spell-like abilities. This will be an open posting, since I don't know how to use the buttons to expand text.

John Napier

Ok, when you say 'cleric' do you want to be a full casting Priest or dabble in martial and magic?

In fact, are you sure you WANT faith casting at all?

It makes for a great story, I just want to make it clear that you can have the powers you want in whichever form you want them.

Anyways if you are faith-based, tell me a bit about the faith in question? A god, a demon lord, a concept?

So, after the PM you sent me and not seeing a reply, I double checked my messages (my main computer died the other day, and I don't trust this crappy laptop). When I click on your name I found this thread. I misunderstood you apparently; I was under the assumption you wanted to send me files and a scenario to run some players through then give you feedback.
But depending on the date and time you have in mind I may very well be available as a player (unless the spot is filled already).

kyrt-ryder wrote:

In fact, are you sure you WANT faith casting at all?

It makes for a great story, I just want to make it clear that you can have the powers you want in whichever form you want them.

Anyways if you are faith-based, tell me a bit about the faith in question? A god, a demon lord, a concept?

I think a faith-based caster suits the character concept. After all, Sarenrae is the Goddess of redemption. Sarenrae could have had a hand in her redemption, as per the feat. I'll try to use the button feature, as I have no experience in HTML/CSS.

Female Succubus-1 / Cleric of Sarenrae-1
NG Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil)
Init +1; Senses Perception +7, Darkvision 60 ft.
Aura: Good
AC 18 Touch 11 Flat-footed 17
( +1 Dex, +1 Natural, +6 Chainmail )
HP 20 ( 2 HD, 1d10+1d8+4 )
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +6
Immune Poison
Resist Fire 10, Electricity 5
SR 12

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Claw +2 melee 1d4 + 1
2 Claws +2 melee 1d4 + 1 per claw
MW Scimitar +3 melee 1d6+1
Ranged Sling +2 ranged 1d4 range 50ft.
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Channel Positive 1d6
Domains Good, Fire
Cleric spells prepared CL 1
0-level - Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st level - Magic Weapon, Summon Monster I (Eagle),
Protection from Evil (D)

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Attack +1 CMB +2 CMD 13
Class Abilities Aura, Channel Energy 1d6, Domains
Feats Redeemed Soul, Eschew Materials (B)
Succubus Skills Bluff +10, Craft (Calligraphy) +5,
Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (Local) +5,
Knowledge (Planes) +5, Perception +7,
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Cleric Skills Heal +6, Knowledge (Religion) +5
Profession (Scribe) +6
SQ Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil), Darkvision 60 ft.,
Abyssal Body (Immune poison, Resist Fire 10,
Electricity 5), Tough Skin (+1 Natural),
Keen Senses (+2 racial bonus to Perception checks),
Masterful Manipulator (+4 racial bonus to Bluff checks),
Spell Resistance 12, Spellcasting

Languages Common, Abyssal, Celestial
Gear MW Scimitar, MW Chainmail, Silver Holy Symbol,
Traveler's Outfit, Cleric's Vestments, Backpack,
Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Waterskin, Donkey (Toby),
Pack Saddle, 2 Saddlebags, Gp 329, Sp 4

Special Qualities
Your soul has been redeemed of its evil beginnings.
Prerequisites: Evil subtype, good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against
attacks made and effects created by evil creatures, and
on Constitution checks to stabilize when you are reduced
to negative hit points (but not dead). This bonus stacks
with similar bonuses from spells and abilities, such as
that granted by protection from evil.
In addition, whenever you damage a creature with the
evil subtype (including with attacks, abilities, and spells),
you deal additional points of damage equal to 1/2 your
Hit Dice. You count as having the good subtype for the
purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Spells: A succubus casts divine spells drawn from
the cleric spell list. She can cast any spell she knows
without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a
spell, a succubus must have a Charisma score equal to
at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class (DC)
for a saving throw against a succubus’ spell is 10 + the
spell level + the succubus’ Charisma modifier.
A succubus’ spells per day and spells known are
identical to a bard’s (see the Core Rulebook), and she
receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma
score as normal. She casts orisons instead of cantrips.
A succubus need not prepare her spells in advance.
She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming
she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day
for the spell’s level.
In addition, the succubus gains Eschew Materials as
a bonus feat at 1st level, and adds the following spells
to her spell list at the given spell levels:
2nd—detect thoughts, suggestion, tongues, vampiric
3rd—charm monster
4th—dominate person
6th—ethereal jaunt, greater teleport

Spells Known
0-level (4) - Detect Magic, Create Water, Light, Stabilize
1st level (2) - Cure Light Wounds, Bless Water

Spells per Day
0-level - unlimited
1st level - 2

Cleric Spells per day
0-level - 3
1st level - 2 + 1

Domain Powers
Touch of Good 3 + Wis Mod ( 5 ) / day - Nevael can touch
a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus
on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws equal
to half her Cleric level rounded down ( min. +1 ) for
one round. She can use this ability a number of times
equal to 3 plus her Wisdom modifier.

Fire Bolt 30 ft. 1d6 + 1/2 Cleric Level ( min 1 )Fire -
As a standard action, Nevael can unleash a scorching
bolt of divine fire from her outstretched hand. She
can target any single foe within 30 ft. as a ranged
touch attack. If she hits the foe, the fire bolt
does 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 for every two
cleric levels she posesses. She can use this ability
a number of times per day equal to 3 plus her Wisdom

Personal Details

Nevael is a non-evil succubus that has voluntarily
exiled herself from the Abyss. The passage was very
traumatic and stripped away most of her Hit Die. She
appears to be eighteen. She is six feet tall and weighs
126 pounds. She has pale skin, long red-brown hair and
brown eyes. Also, she has a barbed tail and small
horns coming out of her forehead. She currently resembles
a Tiefling.

She dresses conservatively and likes to be around
others. She has a fondness for infants and children.
She dislikes unnecessary violence and hates to see
innocent people suffer. She has a quiet personality
and prefers to think things through rather than act

Yay!! Success!!

John Napier

Sounds like your looking for a Cubii (my choice of term for the succubus/incubus race) of Saranrae who dabbles in martial combat and magic, who doesn't really employ the seductive angle of the race?

Air0r wrote:

So, after the PM you sent me and not seeing a reply, I double checked my messages (my main computer died the other day, and I don't trust this crappy laptop). When I click on your name I found this thread. I misunderstood you apparently; I was under the assumption you wanted to send me files and a scenario to run some players through then give you feedback.

But depending on the date and time you have in mind I may very well be available as a player (unless the spot is filled already).

Tell me what sort of character you have in mind Air.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Sounds like your looking for a Cubii (my choice of term for the succubus/incubus race) of Saranrae who dabbles in martial combat and magic, who doesn't really employ the seductive angle of the race?

Seduction doesn't necessarily mean sex. It could also be used as a diplomatic tool to aid in the redemption of the 'misguided.' Besides, I view her more as 'combat support', healing, miscellaneous magic, and later

because of her eventual high charisma, be the public 'face' of the group.

That's what I meant by it. She's charismatic but modest.

Focusing on the support casting huh, alright I shall work something up for you.

Character is awesome btw.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

That's what I meant by it. She's charismatic but modest.

Focusing on the support casting huh, alright I shall work something up for you.

Character is awesome btw.

Thank you. It is this sort of dichotomy that gives rise to legendary characters, such as a certain Drow Ranger with two scimitars.

I understand that the group will be using Roll20. I'll set up my account later today. I have a headset but no webcam. Can skype be used without one? What else will I need?

John Napier 698 wrote:
I understand that the group will be using Roll20. I'll set up my account later today. I have a headset but no webcam. Can skype be used without one? What else will I need?

Skype can be used without a camera OR a mic. Truth is our last few sessions have been done via text chat in roll20 with skype text chat for OOC discussions.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I understand that the group will be using Roll20. I'll set up my account later today. I have a headset but no webcam. Can skype be used without one? What else will I need?
Skype can be used without a camera OR a mic. Truth is our last few sessions have been done via text chat in roll20 with skype text chat for OOC discussions.

OK. I had a staff meeting for Tekkoshokon earlier today that ran a little longer than average. Will set up my Roll20 account on Tueday, as tomorrow is my eleven hour shift for my security career.

Here's a basic workup I did based on your choice to use the racial spellcasting varient [which casts as a bard with cleric spells.] Wasn't sure in which way you'd like the baseline use of the Skill Art to function [my first thought was a variant Channeling that harmed Evil and healed Non-Evil, but I figured I'd like to check with you rather than make that assumption.]

Cubii Cleric of the Dawn

You won't be needing that redeemed feat, and can use that feat slot to instead either build up your casting or reclaim some succubus abilities [like those resistances you wanted perhaps.]

As a note- you gain one feat every character level, and a Level Power [based mostly on your Skill Art or spellcasting] at every level you do not gain a new level of spells.

Dark Archive

personally, i like rules, they are put in for a reason. i had one game where someone wanted to play as a psyco murderer dwarven werecow... yes... cow.

that was a really weird game that really brought a lot into perspective for me.

could you please send me the link for the page?

... I may want to also play a godling but seeing as they eventually become Immortals... yeah I think I'll stick with what I have.

Which page exactly are you looking for?

Just checking though... Why exactly us the immortality thing an issue for you?

william Nightmoon wrote:

personally, i like rules, they are put in for a reason. i had one game where someone wanted to play as a psyco murderer dwarven werecow... yes... cow.

that was a really weird game that really brought a lot into perspective for me.

could you please send me the link for the page?

... I may want to also play a godling but seeing as they eventually become Immortals... yeah I think I'll stick with what I have.

Rules are good, but there's a reason I emphasized playing what you want.

It's because this isn't true Pathfinder, it's only based on Pathfinder. Anything you could want to play is on the table, restrained only by the level of power we happen to play at.

Honestly it's less work for me to whip up something unique than to try to adapt something that's been published :P

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Here's a basic workup I did based on your choice to use the racial spellcasting varient [which casts as a bard with cleric spells.] Wasn't sure in which way you'd like the baseline use of the Skill Art to function [my first thought was a variant Channeling that harmed Evil and healed Non-Evil, but I figured I'd like to check with you rather than make that assumption.]

Cubii Cleric of the Dawn

You won't be needing that redeemed feat, and can use that feat slot to instead either build up your casting or reclaim some succubus abilities [like those resistances you wanted perhaps.]

As a note- you gain one feat every character level, and a Level Power [based mostly on your Skill Art or spellcasting] at every level you do not gain a new level of spells.

Sounds good. I've saved the text so I can reference it in redesigning Nevael. I'd like to keep the Channel Positive so I can use it against undead, should any show up. After all, undead are beyond redemption, being forever cast out from Sarenrae's light. I'll work on it today, during my sixth straight workday of eleven-hour shifts. I swear, sometimes my security career can drive a man to drink, perhaps with moving violations.

As an afterthought, perhaps we could leave the text of the redeemed soul intact as a reference and have it simply implied that she has been redeemed? Based on the campaign, which feat would you recommend to replace the Redeemed soul feat?

Also, I have my Skype account set up. Will work on Roll20 tomorrow. I'll post when it's done.

Last I checked undead are usually Evil yes? The variant channel I've. Proposed would hurt threm too.

As to feat suggestions it all depalls on what you want to do. Give me things you want ti do and I will find or create feats for you.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Last I checked undead are usually Evil yes? The variant channel I've. Proposed would hurt threm too.

OK, we'll go with that. I'll make Channel Positive Channel Good. However, Skeletons, Zombies, and other mindless undead don't have an alignment. I know! We could add the Good descriptor to the Channel Positive feature, so that the channel harms Evil creatures simply by being Holy.

I've left my Pathfinder material at work. Dead tired after eleven hours. Perhaps Extra Channeling?


I'm also working on adding Epic spellcasting to Pathfinder. I'm planning on adapting the Epic magic from the Epic Level Handbook to work with Spell slots as recommended in the Core Rulebook. Once I've got enough material to test, I'll let you know.

Signing off for now. Getting ready for work. Will check this thread between 1 and 2AM.

John Napier 698 wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Last I checked undead are usually Evil yes? The variant channel I've. Proposed would hurt threm too.
OK, we'll go with that. I'll make Channel Positive Channel Good. However, Skeletons, Zombies, and other mindless undead don't have an alignment. I know! We could add the Good descriptor to the Channel Positive feature, so that the channel harms Evil creatures simply by being Holy.

Yes, it's Holy and harms all undead except the rare redeemed or at least consciously neutral ingelligent undead.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Last I checked undead are usually Evil yes? The variant channel I've. Proposed would hurt threm too.
OK, we'll go with that. I'll make Channel Positive Channel Good. However, Skeletons, Zombies, and other mindless undead don't have an alignment. I know! We could add the Good descriptor to the Channel Positive feature, so that the channel harms Evil creatures simply by being Holy.
Yes, it's Holy and harms all undead except the rare redeemed or at least consciously neutral ingelligent undead.

Sounds good.

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