Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Falkwyn sleeps, but not well. While he doesn't remember dreaming, he wakes several times during the night, each time with a start. I'm not usually prone to nightmares. Perhaps I'm just anxious to get going...that must be it.
In the morning he heads down to breakfast and greets Cathoris with a smile. "G'morning, Cath. Sleep well?" The half-elf orders a warm breakfast as well, and coffee if it's available.
When food arrives, he digs in, suddenly famished, and speaks around mouthfuls of food and caffeine. To the spellcaster's question he answers, "We've got several suits of studded leather and that scalemail on the wagon."
We've also got the MW leather armor Falkwyn is wearing as well. I know it gives a +1 against armor penalty, being masterwork. Would it give any sort of bonus to spellcasting? A reduced failure percentage or something? Not sure, but figured I'd ask. He'd be more than agreeable to giving it up if it helps someone else more, and just wear some of the studded leather. Maybe we could even sell it?

Cathoris |

Cathoris makes a sour face at Falkwyn’s question shakes his head.
It feels odd taking things off the people we kill, he says thinking of the sickle. But, I suppose it makes practical sense.
After breakfast, he looks through the studded leather for the best fit.
I can only use light armor, so I’m fine with someone else taking the scale.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Falkwyn joins Cathoris, for moral support if nothing else. "Considering what we're up against, it would be a waste to simply discard all this, no? No different than skinning a deer or rabbit you've hunted for it's meat. It does makes sense. No guilt."
As the half-elf speaks, he glances down at the fine leather he was now wearing, and sighs. While quite masterfully crafted, some of the other studded armor was actually more practical for his own purposes. Wearing this, I'd likely be worried about scuffing it up all the time. It's almost too nice...
After sorting through the armor that Cathoris wasn't taking, the ranger shrugs out of the fine leather armor, sets it onto the pile and straps on a suit of the studded leather instead. He grins at his friend, "Suits me better, eh?"
Leaving the mw leather in the pile for someone else or for us to sell. Taking a suit of studded leather.

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

Awww, she likes him! Thanks for that :=) He would have happily walked with her and talked, possibly sharing some true information, even. He flirts back, some hand holding happens, a light brush of hair away from her face, but he's a gentleman for as much as he presents himself as a scoundrel.

Alexander Valindir |

Alexander picks up the ring, giving it a good look over. There is a small glint in his eye.
well, while it isn't the greatest quality, every noble has a ring. Do they not?
you can't use spellcraft without detect magic right? Bah. Already missing eldritch scoundrel haha.
The ring does match, doesn't it? He asks the others as he puts it on his finger. More a question of whether anyone else desires it, rather than one of fashion.
Note, Alexander is a bit of a greedy bastard, so IC he will likely try to take more than his right. OOC I don't really care much, save maybe a few items later on. Though those would likely be purchased haha.

Kronk the Cook |

At this point, any armor will end up helping Kronk. I don't think he can use the scale armor anyway, brawlers can only use light armor. Kronk is using a hide shirt right now. As for the ring, Alexander: we should probably talk in Discussion about it, and keep in mind the loot distribution. I like the method where each person can claim items from the party loot by paying the selling price to them (so, a +1 RoP would mean paying 1000 gold, half of its 2000 buying price).
Kronk looks awkwardly at the spoils of their last adventure, not really knowing much if anything would end up being any useful to him or the others at all. He wasn't used to it and didn't hide.
I am glad you guys are finding these things useful... We should really try to use them as we journey in our quests. - says the cook - From my side, I don't think I know how to use most of it!
He laughs for a moment, still delighted on how far from his reality this was all sounding.

Straug Fireborn |

Straug looks over the haul and picks up the Potion of Remove Disease. Might need this in case I go over into any more wells I suppose.
Someone else take that healing potion, I've got one here and we should spread them around a bit we seem to take our fair share of beatings around here dont we?
Should we start a loot table or something so we can indicate what has been found/claimed/intended to sell/sold/coins etc? Straug isnt a greedy one (I'm looking at you Alexander haha) but with the most recent loot list and everyone claiming etc its getting complicated. And of course I dont want to miss the opportunity to sell something so we can get the coin to buy some righteous gear later. I'm no excel expert or anything so if anyon has a template or something we can share in google drive or something we can use that, if not I can try to start something but dont expect to be impressed.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Let's start a Loot List under the Discussion tab, and mark what's been claimed/carried. Then at some point we can do a definitive split of treasure and whatnot.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Falkwyn sighs and moves away from the equipment, "Ok. We should get moving. First to see Payday, then to pick up whatever supplies we still need. We're losing daylight, and should be moving already..."
And with that, the half-elf starts moving, not at a quick pace, towards Payday's office. "Anyone coming?"

GMMichael |

As you get to the Lumber Consortium office, Payday is there with a couple guards waiting.
Welcome. Welcome. Have yur cash here. Laurel already told me yur gonna continue to follow up on getting the ingredients fer the cure. Ive granted the employees an extended leave of absence. Kreed sends his thanks and gave each of you a bonus in yur cash.
Heres 55gold for each of you. Thats a 10% bonus for a job well done.

Cathoris |

Cathoris finishes strapping on the leather and looks at the others. He eyes Alex’s ring but says nothing about it.
Me, too. He adds as he grabs his staff and walks along side Falkwyn.
Prepared Spells
Adept 0 - Create water; ghost sounds; light
Adept 1 - Cure light wounds
Magus 0 -Detect Magic; Ray of Frost; Touch of Fatigue
Magus 1 - Blade Lash; Chill Touch
New stat block
Cathoris AC:16 (FF:13/T:13) CMD: 16 HP:13/13 Saves-FO:2 RE:2 WL:5
1st Adept M Human Defenses: None
Spells Adept 0:3/3 1st:1/1 Magus 1st: 2/2 HeroPoints:2

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

Thal, sporting his new armor, some new accessories, and strangely more confident sense of self, Smiles at the mention of the bonus and says, "A bonus? Too kind. And don't worry, if we have anything to say about it, your camps will be back up and running in no time."

Straug Fireborn |

Straug accepts the money somewhat awkwardly.
This feels an odd transaction. This has become about more than just gold now, he thinks to himself. I dont want to be just a mercenary for hire, but I suppose this will help me do more good if I use it well.
After thinking this through he confidently pockets the gold. He has also picked up the cure light wound potion from the loot stash in the cart on his way over.
Alright lads, lets take an hour to ready ourselves and sell or stash what we have and then we must be on our way urgently!
He picks up the unholy symbol the priestess was carrying. Unless anyone has an objection this goes in the fire, I'll be glad to destroy it and not have it with us.
Straug is carrying the unholy symbol from the old man, are these the same symbol? He will destroy both of them if nobody objects. If someone does they need to take the new one, but the one from the old man he previously claimed is going in a fire. He will also take it upon himself, assuming everyone is ok with it, to try and sell the unclaimed loot and get the gold to his comrades.

Straug Fireborn |

Sounds good I'll take 10 on that for a Knowledge: Religion check of 16.
Was editing previous entry so you may not see it but Straug is taking it upon himself to sell off everything else that remains unclaimed. For the group I would highly suggest someone snag that Tanglefoot Bag!

GMMichael |

Straug had been looking at the unholy symbol and thinking crefully and realized it is a symbol to Zon Kuthon

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

"A bonus? Much appreciated, Payday. Seriously." Falkwyn nods, and is almost immediately showing signs of impatience for the group to get moving. "How about half an hour, Straug? We really need to get on our way..."
GMMichael, Falkwyn needs to replace his arrows and perhaps purchase enough to carry 30 at a time. Also, are there swords/axes/etc available in town the group can purchase? Right now all he has is a handaxe for melee.

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

Thal decides that his bonus would be well spent in getting a buckler. After all, as often as people have been swinging weapons at him recently, a little more protection seems like a good choice.
5gp for a buckler.

Cathoris |

Thank you, Payday. Cathoris says matter-of-factly, clearly imitated by Payday’s presence. He takes the gold and counts it as he typically does with his pay. We should go as quickly as we can. I’d like to pick up some scrolls and parchment, and we also have to stop by Laurel’s, he reminds the group.
He thinks about his family next. Not enough time to stop by the farm. I’ll have Laurel send word to them. Oh, what troubles!
Can’t say I’ve bought scrolls in a campaign before. Is it possible that they aren’t available? I’m looking at some of the following: Blade Tutor’s Spirit, Frostbite, Shield, Shocking Grasp.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

At the General Store in town, Falkwyn replenishes his arrows and looks over the swords available for sale and asks if they happen to have any 'silvered' weapons of any sort. Then, finding a good, serviceable blade amongst their standard stock, he pays for his purchases and then heads back outside to wait, somewhat impatiently, for the others.
20 arrows, 1gp; Rapier, 20gp(if one is available, if not, Shortsword, 10gp). Will also leave the crossbow and bolts he picked up with the rest of the loot on the wagon.

GMMichael |

by 1030 in the morning any shopping the group had planned was complete and they were on the road towards Lumber camp 2, Laurel joins them for the trip out as she wants to tend the camp and the outlying farms to try and slow the diseases spread for as long as possible before the cure can be concocted. She knows shes got at least a week and a half to worry about, if things go perfectly.
The day of travel is uneventful and dark sees the group coming upon lumber camp 2.
wandering encounter 10%: 1d100 ⇒ 97

Alexander Valindir |

10%. Hah. Hardly worth the extra work and danger. Honestly. Its sad..
As the others said. The bonus is appreciated.
He looks to Straug.
I'll gladly save you the trouble if you want. I've not much to do until the marrow. He offers to take the holy symbol off Straugs list of problems to deal with. Completely intending to be rid of it...
I do wonder just how many fey we have angered.. and I wish I could have gotten a book or three on fey. Knowledge is a powerful tool after all.
I wish I had paid more attention to the lessons I had been afforded growing up.. Ah well.. I'm sure I'll know it when I see it.

Cathoris |

While on the way to the lumber camp, Cathoris walks up next to Laurel and begins talking with her.
Thank you for wrapping our wounds yesterday, Laurel. The guys and I are all feeling better because of it. Since we’re in a hurry, I won’t have time to stop by the farm to see my family. Would you let them know that I’ve gone with the others to get the ingredients for the cure and that I love them? I’m really worried about them.
The concern shows on his face, and he grows quiet in thought for the rest of the trip.
1 scroll of shield and 1 scroll of shock it is. 50 gp. There goes the payday from Payday.

Kronk the Cook |

For Kronk, the only truly useful loot we found would be the ring. Kronk could use the extra armor, and as it's useful to everybody, can we maybe roll in discussion for it? Or all the interested people, at least? (or, maybe, the GM could roll). Kronk could potentially buy a better armor, but I'm not sure if leather lamellar would be available, and he probably can't afford a chain shirt :$
Kronk saves all the coins he can find and humbly wraps it all in his backpack, happy to see more money than he ever saw before. He was closer to have almost 100 gold! This was incredible for the cook, always paid in silver.
Once all is decided and everybody is ready to depart, he pushes the sledge back to his shoulder and moves with the group.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

His new rapier belted on, and his arrows secure, Falkwyn says,"Ok then. Are we all ready? We really should keep moving. Laurel, do you think you'll be safe here? Any last minute advice?"

GMMichael |

Ill be safe. Make haste. thats my advice. make haste.
with that the group beds down for the night in the lumber camp and up at the break of dawn and heading to the 3rd lumber camp, which is empty now. Hopefully nothing has occupied the camp.
the day is long, and the weather is cool. the group makes haste across the rolling hills at the forests edge until the last lumber camp is in sight. then slowly they enter it and found it as they left it.
encounter 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 50

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

"No signs of any new occupants," Thal says, looking around, "but that doesn't guarantee there were no visitors while we were away," and he begins trying to determine if there are any tracks or other signs that anyone was here.
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Though he quickly realizes the simple fact that he's bad at this.
"Maybe we should all search for tracks or such?" he suggests, hoping someone else has the skill for this.

Kronk the Cook |

Searching around the lumber camp for anything of interest...
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Searching for tracks...
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Kronk shakes his head in agreement with Thal and starts searching around. However, the cook is not talented at all for such thing either, so for moments it just seems like the obese almost-middle-aged man is wasting his time.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Also searching around the camp for anything of interest...
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
First time searching for tracks as a Ranger(+1 bonus)
Survival: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 1 = 29
Seriously? A Natural 1 on the first check and then a Nat 20 on the second?!
Seeing the others looking around the camp, Falkwyin gives it only a cursory glance, paying almost no mind and concentrates his focus on looking at the tracks to see if anything is amiss...

Cathoris |

Taking Thal’s suggestion, Cathoris looks around with the others. Do you think anyone would really have come back here?
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
But doesn’t think he sees anything other than their previous tramplings.
After a bit of searching, he say, Well, let’s make camp quickly. We don’t need to linger here.

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

In answer to Cathoris' question, Thal looks across at the young caster and says, "Honestly, I have no idea if they'd return or not, but I'd rather be safe than sorry."
A thought then seems to come out of nowhere and he glances up at Cathoris and says, "I've known some spellcaster types who can detect if there are...magical energies around, I guess? Is that a thing you know how to do?"

Alexander Valindir |

Alexander takes a careful survey of the area. Making sure to check the trees as well as the ground for stories abound of fey being able to fly or float. So a misplaced or broken branch would be just as good of evidence of their passing as any footprint.
survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
At Thallin's question, Alex replies.
I myself have been practicing... however I've yet to actually make real headway sadly.

Kronk the Cook |

Just calling attention again: Kronk is also interested in the ring, as I think other people likely are (pretty much all of us could benefit from it). Can we roll for it?

Cathoris |

Oh yeah. Yes, I can, Thal. Thank you for suggesting it. I guess my mind is still on my family. But, I’ll do my best to focus now.
Cathoris closes his eyes and brings his hands together to focus. He speaks a short arcane phrase to cast detect magic. When he opens his eyes, they have a faint glow and he begins to look around.
If there are any magical auras other than those on our persons, he’ll focus on them and try to identify. Feel free to make the rolls to keep things moving.

GMMichael |

The group spreads out looking for tracks and signs of traps or intruders. or possibly lurkers nearby...
Falkwyn finds tracks indicating something with two legs that ended in cloven hooves, like that of a goat, were on the edge of the lumber camp and went back into the forest.
Alexander is absolutely sure there is noone watching nor any traps in the compound.
Thallin and Kronk made a good show of looking for tracks but obviously were out of their element.
Straug stood at the ready for combat.
Cathoris cast a minor spell and looked around, finding no indication of any traces of magic.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...look at this..." Shocked, Falkwyn tries his best to explain his findings to the group, while showing the tracks he's discovered. "Cloven hooves, and on two legs, no less. Right there..."

Straug Fireborn |

'As much as I'd like to track down whatever creature made those tracks I think we should press on to The Elder Tree with haste. If that creature has business with us then it will find us in due time. Meanwhile we should stay vigilant, those tracks head the way we do...into the forest.'
Straug eyes the forest with a grimace and reassuringly pats the handle of one of this throwing axes. With a prayer to Angradd on his lips he says to the group:
'Ready when you are, lads, lets get about this.'

Straug Fireborn |

Oops I read the entry to the Lumber Camp as midday, definitely dont want to start off in the dark assuming we have the luxury of time and dont need to do so.

GMMichael |

The group beds down in the camp, posting there normal guard rotation. The evening passes without any threat and the group gets up ready to journey into the Darkwood. They head towards the Elder Tree, or at least towards where they think it is, since noone has actually been there. Many times they think they feel eyes upon them, but see nothing .
The journey through the shadowy forest is trying physically, but so far not dangerous. The forest gets thicker and thicker and then changes abruptly to well tended trees of oak and spruce and maple. Few Darkwoods are here. They realize they must be entering the Feywood, just as darkness starts to fall.
encounter chance 20% night: 1d100 ⇒ 91
encounter chance 20% day: 1d100 ⇒ 80