Jerax Hellfire |

"Alright. You mentioned getting to Ruckleer's with haste, so let's go, but what happened last night? Can someone fill me in?"
"You mean before or after we found you at the jail?" The towering tiefling asked.

GM Snowheart |

Cimri looked like she was about to fire back some sort of quip, then blinked in confusion as she remembered they had in fact been in separate places. "Both, I guess?" She shrugged, then fell in line for the walk to Ruckleer's.
==At Ruckleer's==
"Healing!?" the warmage barked indignantly. "I'm no priest. But a wand?" He squinted slightly, more in an effort to focus and give the halfling a closer examination. "Working for the Archbaron, hmm? Normally, I'd turn someone asking around and slam the door behind them."
He seemed to consider something, then said, "Look, I'm not in the business of... business. Do you see any signs? No. What I have is my own and not for sale, no offense to the archbaron or his factors."
Give me a diplomacy or intimidate check.

Jerax Hellfire |

The towering tiefling ponders Cimri's question, then gives an answer. "After you fell, I ran to your side and produced one of my healing potions, which I believe kept you from Pharasma's Embrace. But it looked like the act of moving you to Rohalendi's reopened much of your wounds. Rohalendi found you a nice bed and bandaged your wounds, and she allowed me to sit by your side as you slept."
Jerax pauses momentarily, then continued. "Later that night, it is as I said, a representative of Archbaron Fex brought a healing draught for you to drink in the morning. Just like that."
"As for what the others did after I left them to get you to Rohalendi's, I do not know."
==At Ruckleer's==
The towering tiefling, along with the human and dhampir, enter the home of Ruckleer.
"You appear to be an observant man, Ruckleer. You must see that events are changing in town very quickly. Paradigms are shifting. Very soon, it will be an uncomfortable place to be on the wrong side of Archbaron Fex..or his representatives. His Right and Lawful leader of Longacre would be gratified to know that those in his employ were cared for well by such an upstanding member of the community."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

GM Snowheart |

I think Slenk would have arrived at Ruckleer's before you, but in this particular instance I see no reason to delay the arrival too much. Nobody is under threat of bodily harm.
Cimri nods a bit but her attention seems to drift, glancing at the palm of her hand as she falls silent. After a moment, she comes out of it, "Well, thank you, Jerax. I don't really know how to repay you, but I'll find a way." It is said in an oddly earnest tone, neither flirtatious or playful. She doesn't talk much the rest of the way.
At Ruckleer's
The rest of you are coming up the walk and past the hedge surrounding Ruckleer's house as the retired warmage seems to be about to slam the door in Slenk's face. He pauses, however, when he sees you, then the words from Jerax and Slenk soften his disposition somewhat.
"Well, when you put it that way... Fine, just a moment. Please wait here." The room is warm, almost unpleasantly so, though there is no obvious source of flame or heat. Curiosities both magical and mundane, including the skeleton of a small monkey perched on the rafters, can be found throughout the vaulted parlor and stained glass windows cast a disorienting kaleidoscope of light across everything.
I'll put the next part in a spoiler box with Ruckleer's return, premised on the idea nobody tries to wander off while he's getting the wand. If someone does, or gets overly inquisitive, we'll nix the spoiler boxed content and proceed differently.
It has 45 charges

Slenk |

Slenk counts out the coins and hands over the purse, keeping the wand.
"Thank you, I know you are not a merchant but your cooperation is appreciated and noted. I apologize for the interruption to your schedule and wish you good fortune. If you have need, I am called Slenk and can be found in the Archbaron's service."
Slenk bows respectfully and turns to join his approaching companions.

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

Alyczandra had entered with the others, clearly relieved to be out of the sun for a moment. She had been ready to speak up just when Jerax did, but found herself closing her mouth after hearing what the tiefling and halfling had already said, having nothing to add. Inside the shop she glanced around, making a mental note of the place but disturbing nothing. As Slenk completed the transaction for the wand she added, we are also in need of silvered weapons, should we inquire here or go to one of the others?
Swamped in RL this week, sorry for the limited posting. Should get better after the weekend.

Jerax Hellfire |

"We are also in need of silvered weapons, should we inquire here or go to one of the others?"
"Wait. Did we nab some silversheen from the church yesterday?" Jerax posed.

GM Snowheart |

Alyczandra realizes this very much is the mage's private home and is not really setup as a shop. Rather, Ruckleer is known for his reputation as a magic user and, as such, more likely to possess magical goods or have access to them.
The man gazes at her for a moment, glances at Jerax as the latter comments about silversheen and the church, then adds, "If you need an actual weapon, I'd try the Rees House. Karrio has all kinds of strange odds and ends, though there's no guarantee. She's no blacksmith--little more than a pawnbroker, frankly. But, if silversheen is all you need, I probably have some, yes."
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 He can sell up to four doses.

Slenk |

Slenk turns to his companions. "My weapons are not martial in nature, silversheen does little for me. I will leave it to you whether you wish to purchase silver weapons or the alchemical equivalent."

Jerax Hellfire |

"Silversheen is temporary, but less expensive", states Jerax.
Turning to the noblewoman, the towering tiefling asks, "Lady Delaise, we were the front-line fighters yesterday. I doubt that arrangement will change. I spent all my money on the wand. Did we or did we not pick up some silversheen..at our last meeting yesterday?"

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

Sense Motive1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
The pale woman shot Jerax a brief, knowing look, understanding what he was wanting to avoid. Yet Alyczandra glanced between the different conversants, looking a bit puzzled. I learned little of trade, but followed my father often enough to hear the prices of different goods. This silversheen, here she glanced at Ruckleer, is 250 gold coins per dose. But a smaller silvered weapon, a dagger say, is no more than 20 such coins above the cost of the weapon. Yet the cheaper one lasts forever. Is the choice not clear?
She turned to leave, motioning the others to follow. A good day to you, Goodman Ruckleer. With the bit of Silversheen we have we will not need additional wares today. Upon leaving the house she added to the group, let's see if this Karrio fellow has a silvered weapon of use.
A silver weapon adds 20gp's to the cost of a light weapon. So a silver dagger is 22gp's and a silver short sword is 30gp's. You do take a -1 to damage to hit which Silversheen doesn't cause, but at 250gp's for 1 hour Silversheen seems ridiculously overpriced. In any event, assuming we can get a couple of light silver weapons Alyczandra will be gtg. Jerax can use the 2 doses of Silversheen we found on Allamar since his weapon is masterwork and not light.

Jerax Hellfire |

To his companions he adds, "To the Rees House then?"
Jerax lets out a small yawn. Still a little tired, the tiefling asks, "What's at the Rees house?"

Slenk |

Slenk looks at the teifling, "Apparently, weapons crafted of silver. To slay the lycanthrope... Hmm... You do know what we are about, do you not? I know you were distracted by the injuries of our compatriots."

Jerax Hellfire |

"Slenk, I'll just apply some silversheen to my spiked chain. Don't worry about me, but if you are thinking about yourselves, yes, by all means", Jerax answered.

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

I was certainly thinking of myself, Alyczandra responded before Slenk spoke. A pair of silvered short swords, or even daggers could make the difference for me against that....thing. Glancing down at Slenk she added, I don't think we need this one anywhere close to the fight. But let us head now to the Rees house to make the purchases. I can do so alone if the rest of you wish to accomplish other tasks. Just let me know where to meet up with you.
Alyczandra is off to buy silvered weapons. Given that she's the only PC looking to do so, if others want to get a jump on the Info Ops campaign she can catch up later.

Jerax Hellfire |

"No, no, no", waved the antipaladin. "Longacre is quickly becoming a powderkeg. I don't want anyone going out into the field alone, to be a prime candidate for an ambush. I will join you..that is if you don't mind, Lady Delaise?"

GM Snowheart |

Cimri listened to the others then glanced at her own weapons which had proved remarkably -- and completely -- useless against Caggan. "My only hope is to catch him from behind and find a soft spot. But, if we need silver and Karrio doesn't have what we need, maybe the archbaron can procure it for us. That little fly-baby thing seems to be able to find lots of odds and ends when it's told to."
Arriving at the so-called Rees House, it is actually run by the neighbor, Karrio Rutsward, and is more of a curio and pawnshop than anything else. After some discussion, she agrees to open up the "armor shed", a dusty, cobweb-thick shack filled with bladed farming implements, old metal weapons and armor, mostly dinged but functional chainmail and breastplates of standard issue Chelaxian military design.
When you mention silvered weapons, she pokes around for a bit, inviting you to do the same and, in the end, is able to find one -- but only one. It's a short sword, tarnished from years of neglect, and the hilt seems to have been engraved with the initials of its previous owner.
Given the circumstance, she is willing to sell it for 90% the usual value (i.e., 10% discount).
5d100 ⇒ (91, 71, 67, 32, 100) = 361 Oof. In this case, high was not good.

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

Alyczandra looked relieved to be back indoors after the walk over to the Rees House; the sun was not especially bright today given the scattering of clouds but the pale woman seemed bothered by it nonetheless. However, her countenance turned to a frown again as the "armor shed" was opened. This is all you have?
The question was met in the affirmative, leading the noble woman to shake her head. But she took the tarnished short sword when offered, and after a few practice swings and a bit of negotiation she opened her coin purse to pay Karrio for the weapon. Marking off 27gp's for the sword, which includes the discount
After saying farewell to Karrio, Alyczandra lingered for a moment under shop awning. I agree with Cimri, Alyczandra stated flatly, without ever really looking at the woman, seeing what Razalago and the Archbaron can get for us is a good idea. She and I fight similarly, and without the right weapons Caggan could be a much tougher opponent. Here she paused to see if others had comment, then proceeded. I propose we begin speaking with the well-placed of this town to turn public opinion of this fight with the Iomedaens towards our side. I defer to those of you who have lived here for some time as to who best to approach and how. After we begin this endeavor, we can pause to inform the Archbaron and request the additional weapons. Are we agreed or are there other ideas?

Jerax Hellfire |

Jerax scratches his chin as he considers the demibaroness's words. "I don't suppose it would hurt if we asked the Archbaron for additional aid, considering the now-supernatural aspect of it."
"I also like the idea of 'controlling the narrative'", the towering tiefling tips his head to Alyczandra. "Meeting with the right people will go along way to reducing the damage the Iomedians cause."

Slenk |

Slenk nods. "Perhaps a public address from our Magister, describing how the so-called Angel-Knight is actually nothing but a common rebel, attacking representatives of the Archbaron without provocation and employing contagious lycanthropes within the city's dining establishments - endangering all of us."

GM Snowheart |

Apologies if that turned into a wild goosechase. I may not have planned it out well. With the armor shed, she's supposed to have a 70% chance of having any "common" item, but alchemical silver didn't seem common so I dropped it to 50%... then kept rolling high. So, in the interest of expediency...
The archbaron proves to be accommodating and, while Razelago was "out" running various tasks for Fex, he said if you left a list of items with the appropriate amount of coin, he'd have Razelago fetch them for you, though it would be a day or two. Once procured, he would have Razelago deliver them to you, or summon you to the manor if the item was too heavy for Razelago to carry.
Getting to be late in the day. An address would be fine; do you want to just have one and hope people show up for it, or...?

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

@GM: on the contrary I think you handled the Rees House bit perfectly: its a smaller town with limited resources and, unluckily perhaps, they didn't have everything we'd want. Plus it offers an RP opportunity for my self-hating noble to instinctively turn up her nose a bit at the lack of options she's used to. Good stuff!
Alyczandra graciously accepts the Archbaron's offer for aid, leaving 30gp's and asking that a silver short sword (or silver dagger, if no short sword is found) to be procured for her.
After the ordering process is complete, Alyczandra speaks with the others regarding how to best approach the address. She suggests that Vade gives the address Best combined Bluff/Diplo and that the pale woman herself mainly watch for threats, given her limited knowledge of the town. Cimri and Jerax might be best at ID'ing who should be invited, while Slenk (and to a lesser extent Jerax) would be best to do the actual inviting. Alyczandra states all of this (ideally inside somewhere) with a tone of proposal, not command.

Jerax Hellfire |

"Hmm." Where shall we host this meeting? At the church?" Jerax posed.

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

Alyczandra nodded at the idea of the jail. That was damage that they caused, and no sympathy for a priestess killed in her own church. It also plays better with the narrative that we went to church to ask her about what happened and were attacked.

GM Snowheart |

I think Alixus's player has been occupied with RL, so I'm going to gently bot him here to keep things moving.
Reverend Vade nodded solemnly at the suggestion, "The backdrop of the jail will be a potent reminder. What are your thoughts on timing and posting of notices? Noon tends to be the most dramatic, but if we do it in the afternoon, perhaps we'll get more witnesses as they finish their daily chores."

Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |

Alyczandra thought for a moment of suggesting just after nightfall for the speech, but checked herself before the self-serving idea could be spoken. Perhaps afternoon is best; more people is key and I'm quite certain the Reverend here can handle the dramatic aspect. She added the last with a smile and nod to the Asmodean. So it is settled then on the jail, the next item is inviting people. Shall we get to it? If there are those who might be impressed by a noble from out of town inviting them, do let me know.

GM Snowheart |

Okay, so morning started with the wand shopping, then armor, then the archbaron's... so it's probably early afternoon already. If the execution will be in the afternoon, it seems like today will be spent posting notices, then the speechifying the following afternoon. Sound right?
Cimri places her own order for some gear before leaving Fex's manor. Notices are drafted and posted of the upcoming speech and people alternately express interest, curiosity or dread. Work has begun on repairing the jail but it will take a couple weeks.
Want to skip ahead to the next day and the speech, or anything else to do in the interim? I assume you'll be spending the night at the Ash House?

Jerax Hellfire |

Go head and skip to the speech. Jerax looks after Cimri for the rest of the day, making sure she doesn't overexert herself.

Jerax Hellfire |

I remembered I wanted to do something before the next day.
During one of his patrols of Longacre with Cimri, Jerax stops by the newly-owned Arch and Lark. The towering tiefling, if he can, would like a momentary access to the kitchen area, and find a butcher knife, one that Caggan likely used and could identify, and take it to hang from his belt. A reminder and promise of a butchering to come.

GM Snowheart |

I remembered I wanted to do something before the next day.
During one of his patrols of Longacre with Cimri, Jerax stops by the newly-owned Arch and Lark. The towering tiefling, if he can, would like a momentary access to the kitchen area, and find a butcher knife, one that Caggan likely used and could identify, and take it to hang from his belt. A reminder and promise of a butchering to come.
Do you mean the Last Stand Tavern? That was Caggan's. The Arch and Lark is a competing establishment run by Fordaneil Cembers.
Jerax is able to procure a variety of knives, running from modest paring knives to cleavers and even a machete-like blade meant for carving large roasts. Cimri glances at it, then at Jerax, and laughs, "Oh my, you planning on a roast pork dinner?"
** spoiler omitted **
The night passes uneventfully, and the next day comes with the town abuzz. Rumors are swirling, from the death of the priestess under mysterious circumstances, the disappearance of her twins, and Caggan's escape from the jail. When the time for the speech arrives, probably half the town is in attendance.

Jerax Hellfire |

Do you mean the Last Stand Tavern? That was Caggan's. The Arch and Lark is a competing establishment run by Fordaneil Cembers.
Jerax is able to procure a variety of knives, running from modest paring knives to cleavers and even a machete-like blade meant for carving large roasts. Cimri glances at it, then at Jerax, and laughs, "Oh my, you planning on a roast pork dinner?"
Yes. Sorry. Got my restaurants mixed up. The Last Stand is what I'm raiding.
"Maybe", Jerax answered, examining the edge of the large cleaver. "From what little I know about lycanthropes; at the point of Death, they revert back to their human..or unafflicted form. So there may not be fresh bacon on the breakfast table, but I bet Caggan will recognize the blade and it's intended use", Jerax paused, looking at Cimri, "flavor the meat with some abject terror!"
"How are you doing, Cimri? You've been awfully quiet."

GM Snowheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"I--" She stopped short and quickly averted her gaze.
Cimri's reputation as a volatile and reactionary thug was well earned. At times seemed utterly incapable of acting with any degree of impulse control, lashing out at the slightest provocation and firing off barbed comments without a lick of caution or restraint. And yet, time and again, through some sort of native cunning and charm, she'd always escaped the worst of the consequences.
Now, she seemed decidedly more conflicted, glancing about the tavern as if there were watchful eyes in every corner. After a moment, she seemed to reach a decision and looked back up at the towering tiefling. She then hopped up on the bar, grabbed Jerax's collar and pulled him in close. It wasn't, however, for a kiss. Her lips went right to Jerax's left ear, which she cupped with her free hand, and whispered.
She then released her grip and looked Jerax in the eyes.

Jerax Hellfire |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 COME THE FU<K ON!!!
Jerax's hands grab Cimri's waist, tipping her face toward the ceiling and pulls her into a long, passionate kiss.
"Don't worry. I won't let Caggan lay one more finger on you. I could not bear to see you in such a state again."
Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

GM Snowheart |

Lol. One point shy. I'll give you a circumstance bonus for taking care of Cimri last night. Go ahead and open it up. Doubt it will change Jerax's response; just a little more info/certainty about what's going on.
Initially, Cimri's muscles are coiled and taught, like a Qadiran cobra ready to strike. Then -- confident her trust wasn't misplaced -- she relaxes and returns Jerax's affection with a fierce intensity. "Thank you," she half-whispers/half-growls.
Cimri will most definitely want to spend the night with Jerax. That said, in the setup for the speech the next day, I'll leave it up to Jerax if he wants to relay anything to the others and, if so, when and where.

Jerax Hellfire |