MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Hmmm... not as effective as I would have thought, Zimbartel thinks as he observes the result of his blast of water on the fire. I will need to practice that spell some more so that I can have a better idea of its limitations before I need it again.

Hawk Granek |

Applying my check to this turn.
"That's a fire mephit," Hawk shouts. "From what I've studied, we need to cold to take it down. But watch out, it can regenerate its wounds and also knows some dazing spells."
Hawk then works to organize as many more people as possible to join the bucket brigade.

Isiros of Nisroch |

Isiros turns as he hears the creature breathe fire into the room. Of course, fires don't start themselves..
He hears someone shout that it is weak to cold and can regenerate itself. Well, I only have my sword... Isiros decides to move towards the creature, though his sword is still sheathed.
Actions: 1. Stride. 2. stride. 3. stride

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Fire’s turn: A sudden WHOOSHing sound accompanies the northern door of the chamber flying open as flames burst through, setting the area behind the council table alight. This second blaze begins spreading just as quickly as the first. Each of the fires spread separately. 6 more squares are burning, 13 total.
Turn Order (bold can act):

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Might have to wait for buckets to put out the fire.. but if that creature is weak to ice, I can do something about that.
Cast Ray of Frost at the Fire Mephit.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Ash Burnit |

The fires have finally come!
Ash has been running around a bit like a kid on candy, watching the progress of the fire intently while herding people out the door. Mostly kids, who are amused at his antics. Or old people, who still fear what goblins are like around fire. Either way, out the door they go!
When the mephit emerges, Ash goes "Oooh... the visions never showed me one of those. Wonder why it's here."
After Hawk shouts, Ash starts a rapid-paced rambling discourse. "Is it immune to fire? I mean, not saying we should have more fire, but it turns out I'm really good with fire, but it looks like something that wouldn't care, so..."
While doing so, he'll move up a bit closer to the flickering flames and smoke. So pretty! Then he glares at the fire mephit. "Bad mephit!" Strangely, his simple words carry the weight of divine rebuke.
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 round
You cloud the target's mind and daze it with a mental jolt. The jolt deals mental damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier; the target must attempt a basic Will save. If the target critically fails the save, it is also stunned 1.
Crit Success (27+): 0 damage
Success (17-26): 2 damage
Failure (8-16): 4 damage
Crit Failure (7-): 8 damage and stunned 1

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Mephit Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
The mephit's eyes momentarily lose focus as it is stunned by the mighty mind-powers of the flame oracle.
He snaps out of it and squeals in rage, then takes a deep breath and breathes out, flames engulfing Isiros, the only one near him.
fire damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 plus persistent fire: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Isiros, you'll need to attempt a DC 17 Reflex save to halve the damage. The mephit won't be able to breath again for rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 3. On your turn, you'll take 3 persistent fire damage, then attempt a DC15 flat check to stop being on fire.
Councilmembers’ turn: The councilmembers each direct a spectator out the back doors of the chamber, a few of them literally jumping over their council table to do so. All spectators saved!
Greta and Warbal each convince a bystander to join the bucket brigade, then do so themselves. Together, they begin passing buckets full of water to the door.
At the start of each of your turns starting now, there will be a bucket of water available at the southern doors of the chamber. To make use of it, you’ll have to move to the door, use an action to grab the bucket (make sure to copy and paste the image and take it with your character), then move to within 10 feet of the fire, and use an action to splash it onto the flames. When you do so, roll a Dexterity or Wisdom check; depending on your result, you may put out one or more squares of fire. If you choose to get right next to the fire, you gain a +1 on the roll, but you will take 1d4 Fire damage from being so close to the flames.
Mephit 13/16
Fire 13 squares.
Turn Order (bold can act):
Fire Mephit

Isiros of Nisroch |

DC 17 Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 full damage
1. Stride
2. Draw longsword
3. Strike w/ Longsword: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
The creature burns Isiros with fire breath and he's too slow to react. What'd you expect running towards this thing? He steps towards the creature, making sure to keep distance from the fire, and draws his sword. He strikes the creature and yells "Not today, foul beast!!"
EOT Persistent fire damage DC 15 flat: 1d20 ⇒ 13 The fire still burns him

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After the combination of Ash's mental onslaught and Isiros' longsword, the mephit falls to the floor in pieces, then dissolves as its body is returned to its own plane.
The mephit was clearly summoned to this plane by a summoning spell.
Turn Order (bold can act):
Isiros 9/20 (3 persistent fire damage)
Fire Mephit

Hawk Granek |

Arcana 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
"From the way that thing disappeared, it looks like it was brought here by a summoning spell. The only question is, who summoned it?"
Hawk moves towards the head of the bucket brigade and grabs a bucket.

Abalyn Tisane |

”Isiros, you’re on fire! And not in the good way!” Abalyn rushes forward and pulls bandages out of her bandolier. ”Well, I guess in the good way too, since you just killed that thing, but that’s not the important one! Not that it’s not important that you killed the monster, but... Never mind. Here.”
Stride, stride, battle medicine
Medicine 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Heal Isiros for: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8 hp

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Fire’s turn: The fires continue to spread, getting dangerously close to Isiros.
Isiros feels intense heat coming from the fire as it spreads toward him... it's likely that if he doesn't move during his turn, he will take some damage from the flames. 7 more squares are burning, 20 total.
Turn Order (bold can act):

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

"Stand back a little, I'm going to try something!" I hope this works better than the other spells I've tried so far.. Zimbartel scrambles onto the benches and then concentrates on the bucket at the door. It starts to wobble a little, and then suddenly shoots across the room in the general direction of the fire.
Cast Telekinetic Projectile on the bucket at the door.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Ash Burnit |

"Ooh, good throw!"
Wish I could do that!
Ash runs towards the door for a bucket. "The fire is spreading too quickly for buckets, unless you want to lose half the building."
If there are councilmembers still by the entrance, I'd like to cajole them to extend the bucket line into the building cause that could get us another 25-ft reach saving us each an action every round, and they seem like they'd be smart enough to walk outside if the fire got too close.
"You councilfolks, if you don't want to lose your seats, help carry buckets in!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Stride, stride. If they're close enough and that talking takes an action. Otherwise, I grab a bucket.

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Zimbartel tosses a bucket at the fire, and his aim is so impeccable that he is able to dribble a bit of water on Isiros right before splashing a large area with water. 4 squares of fire put out!
Ash tells the councilmembers to help out some more. They look at each other, nod in determination, and extend the bucket brigade into the room.
A full bucket will now be available at the beginning of each of your turns at the square where Warbal stands (or any other square along the line of councilmembers)!
Turn Order (beginning of round 4, bold can act):

Hawk Granek |

Hawk carries his bucket up the center isle (stride, stride, stride).

Isiros of Nisroch |

"Thanks for the stiches Abalyn, that's a useful skill you have there!" Isiros states with appreciation and sincerity. He feels the heat grow more intense though a flying bucket splashes him with water. He uses the moment to try to rub the water around to put himself out of fire. Must...put...out..!
Persistent fire DC 15 flat: 1d20 ⇒ 5
The water was not very effective in putting Isiros out of fire. He decides to retreat from the flames. I can always jump in the city fountain if i need to
Actions: 1&2 Extra recovery check from persistent damage, 3 stride
Persist fire damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Persistent fire DC 15 flat: 1d20 ⇒ 16 recovered
On his way to the fountain, the fire burned him one last time before it seemed to put itself out naturally. Phew...

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Well, that worked very well! We should try it again and see if we get consistent results. Zim climbs over a couple of benches to get a little bit closer to the fire, and then casts his spell again.
Cast Telekinetic Projectile on Warbal's bucket, aiming for the eastmost fire in the original fire.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Ash Burnit |

Ash grins at the councilmembers' response to him. "Good work! Now we've got this licked."
He sprints towards the fire, glee in his eyes. He pauses only to grab a bucket of water along the way.
Hopefully it isn't _all_ out before I get there.
Stride, Grab, Stride.

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Zim's telekinetic water-chucking is working even better than he could have imagined. A large area of fire is snuffed out by his bucket!
You were able to splash the water across SIX squares! Currently 14 squares of fire remain.
Ash hurries over to grab a bucket, ready to be helpful!
One of the councilmembers shouts out the door to the guards. "Guards! Get your sorry asses in here and help! If we're willing to put our lives on the line, you should be doing so too!"
Your bucket line is extended another ten feet by the guards.
Turn Order (beginning of round 5, bold can act):

Hawk Granek |

Hawk tosses the water from his bucket on the fire directly in front of him.
Dexterity: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Assuming all the fire near me isn't out...
Hawk then casts Snowball on the fire as well.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Cold damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2

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Hawk puts out a bit of the fire, but his spell of cold had far less effect than he had hoped. You put out one square with the bucket and one with your Snowball spell. 12 squares remain. Note that the square that you hit with Snowball does not get drenched, so it COULD reignite, if the fire re-spreads there.
Turn Order (round 5, bold can act):

Isiros of Nisroch |

Maybe I should be helping with this fire.... Isiros sees the councilmembers and guards extending the bucket line and rushes over to grab a bucket. "I'll take it from here!" he tells the guards as he reaches for the bucket.
Stride, Stride, Grab

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Unfortunately, Abalyn doesn't seem to do much to the fire with this attempt to smother it.
Fire’s turn: As the smoke begins to fill the chamber, you feel your lungs start to ache, and you double over for a moment with a deep and painful cough. Each creature in the room takes 1d6 damage from smoke inhalation (damage rolled below).
Isiros: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Abalyn: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Hawk: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Zim: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Ash: 1d6 ⇒ 6
councilors: 1d6 ⇒ 3
YEESH! That will happen on each subsequent turn, BTW. You can use an action on your next turn to cover your face with a wet cloth, which will make you take only 1d3 damage in subsequent turns.
The fire spreads, though it has been fairly well contained in the northwest corner, with few places to move to. The fire should have spread to 5 squares, but could only find 3 squares to spread into thanks to the soaked wood you've been creating, so well done!
Turn Order (bold can act):

Ash Burnit |

Ash moves quickly forward, building up a spinning momentum as he gets close to the flames, and lets his bucket of water fly at the blaze.
Dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 (+3 more if it's Acrobatics or Ranged)
He'd cheer, but he's trying fiercely not to breathe in any more smoke, a maneuver he's well-used to as the resident somewhat-fire-resistant fire fighter at several points in his travels. Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 (+3 if Fort)
Stride, stride, splash.

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Zimbartel coughs as the smoke begins to overwhelm the room. He holds his breath as he scrambles forward over the benches and prepares to launch another bucket at the fire.
Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 (+3 if Fort).
Telekenetic Projection Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

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Ash tosses a bucket in a flying arc at the fire, dousing a nice chunk of flames. Five more squares go out! This does count as Ranged, so you got a 20 total.
He is able to hold his breath and not inhale more smoke.
Zim tries to hold his breath, but is already too winded and sucks in a lungful. You'll still take smoke damage on the fire's next turn.
He sends a bucket flying as well, putting out a nice chunk of flames. Four more squares put out! The fire is essentially cut off in that corner now. Currently 8 squares of fire left, total.
The councilmembers, Warbal and the guards all cough and hack after breathing in the smoke. They all start to panic a bit and run out of the room. As Greta leaves, she says "You've done a great job, but you should get out before this blasted smoke takes you!"
You'll now once again need to travel all the way to the door to get a bucket of water in any given turn.
Turn Order (start of round 6, bold can act):

Abalyn Tisane |

Abalyn coughs at the thick smoke and covers her mouth. She moves closer to the back and attempts to heal herself.
Medicine 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
But bandages don’t help against smoke in her lungs.
Cover mouth, stride, battle medicine fail

Hawk Granek |

To Greta: "I'm not giving up just yet. At least keep the buckets coming to the door."
Seeing Abalyn running and coughing, Hawk tries to heal her.
Heal (2 actions)
Heal: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Hawk then covers his mouth with a bit of cloth that he wipes around the damp bucket.
Cover mouth

Isiros of Nisroch |

Isiros begins coughing from the smoke. I can't seem to take a break. He decides to try to recover from his coughing fit and hold his breath as he heads towards the fire to dump his bucket. Isiros decides the best place to throw the bucket is directly in front of him which seems to be the center of the fire.
Actions: Hold breath. Stride, throw water
Hold Breath (Con): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 +5 if fort
Throw Bucket (Wis): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

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Isiros is able to put out the entirety of the northern fire!
While the area is still smoldering, the smoke begins to clear and the fire to the northwest peters out on its own. Out of combat!
After the ordeal, you find yourself outside the town hall with the survivors. After a moment, the soot-stained councilors emerge from the crowd and Greta Gardania whistles loudly to get the scared crowd’s attention.
Greta looks around, hugging some of the townspeople next to her, while others wearily clap her on the back in thanks for their lives. “What manner of madness just happened?” This can be no accident! Did anyone see anything?”
One of the guards who was stationed outside before the fire began raises his hand, then his voice. “Aye,” says the wearied, uniformed man. “The clerks saw everything—it was Calmont, that cad of a bookseller’s apprentice. He lit the fires in the halls next to the chamber. He also set that fire monster loose on the crowd!”
The second guard shouts in assent. “Indeed!” says the grave but steely woman. “And witnesses outside the building saw him run toward Hellknight Hill!”
A surprised and worried wave ripples through the crowd at this information, including Warbal’s distinct voice: “The citadel! My Bumblebrashers!”
Greta raises her hand authoritatively, and the crowd begins to calm. “Friends, we’ll get to the bottom of this,” she assures them. “But we can’t do it alone. Who are the heroes in attendance today? Heroes, are you willing to investigate Hellknight Hill?”
Please introduce yourselves to the council in-character. If you’re willing to take on the task of investigating Hellknight Hill, the town is willing to pay you for your services.
Greta offers the group a sum of 10 gold for the job of contacting the Bumblebrashers, and 10 gold to track down Calmont, whom she asks you to bring back alive for questioning, if at all possible.
She also gives you two minor healing potions, a lesser antiplague and a lesser antidote, as well as 50 silver apiece.
Chapter 1 complete!

Hawk Granek |

After clearing his lungs, Hawk steps forward. "Most folks call me Hawk, I'm a sorcerer and I saw the evil being that was brought forth in that room. It was a mephit from another plane. I also unfortunately know that cost such dark magic can take. I'm willing to undertake an investigation to make sure any other dark activities such as this are stopped. Though, I would prefer some allies in such an endeavor."

Ash Burnit |

Ash wanders out from the burning building, looking energized, albeit a bit sooty. "Hah, a real trial by fire, that."
He dusts off some of the soot, clears his throat, then yells, "Everyone hurt. Yes, you, all you councilfolk, you guards. If you're hurt, come close."
I can Diplomacy if anyone actually hurt is hanging back.
The goblin oracle raises his hands, warmth and light gathering around him. He winks to the crowd, and drops his hands. The wave of warmth and light spreads out from him.
Heal all within 30 feet: 1d8 ⇒ 2
He eyes the crowd critically, then looks at Abalyn. "You think bandages got the rest, or should I do it again?"
Finally, he looks a bit remorsefully at Greta. Nice to meet you and I'd love to do your quest. I'm Ash, a humble traveler and oracle. I had a vision of fire coming to the town, and came to warn you and help out. I really didn't think it would show up so soon, though."

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Zimbartel is pleased by the results of his spellcasting - not everything worked exactly as well has he hoped, but overall it was a successful, if unexpected, experiment. He quickly casts one spell that he is actually quite practiced in (Prestidigition) to clean the soot from his clothing.
"Greetings, Council President Gardania. My name is Zimbartel, and I would be pleased to help investigate. What about these Bumblebrashers? I believe Ms. Warbel was just beginning to inform us of them when that fire broke out. What do we know about their situation?"

Hawk Granek |

"I think our gnome friend here arrived a just as the meeting started. But it was most fortunate he was there. Allow me to fill you in."
I fill Zimbartel in on what Warbal said before the meeting. Namely: She's the ambassador for the Bumblebashers tribe, acting as a go between of sorts for the tribe and the town. She typically meets the tribe chieftan, Helba, every 2 weeks, but Helba hasn't shown up the last two times, which is unlike her. There are red plumes of smoke coming from the citadel, which is the tribe's signal for distress. The tribe is usually able to live in the citadel unharassed, but they do spend most of their times in the catacombs. The citadel is crumbling in places which might allow wild animals to get in.

Isiros of Nisroch |

Isiros is elated to have the fire finally quelched anad even moreso to receive some healing from Ash. "Thank you Ash"
In the aftermath he listens to the discussion over the incident and answers when called. "I am Isiros. I am good with a sword, and am eager to help with the investigation of Hellknight Hill.". He then turns to the gnome. "Zimbartel, huh? Pleasure to meet you-- That was some clever thinking with the flying buckets of water in there!" he says with sincerity. Finally he turns to Hawk. "And nice to meet you as well Hawk. You seem to have impressive knowledge that will no doubt prove useful to the investigation" with an equal measure of respect.

Abalyn Tisane |

Abalyn stands up straight. ”You all know me. Some of you don’t like me much, as my opinions are not always popular. But I will stand with these brave heroes as they track down this nefarious suspect!”
She looks at Ash. I can also bandage anyone who needs it.
Society check to know more about Calmont.
Society ??: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Hawk Granek |

"Well, it seems we have a good group willing to investigate the matter. Is there anything else you are able to tell use about Calmont? I think someone mentioned he was a bookseller's apprentice? Might we know where the store he works at is located?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Isiros of Nisroch |

Isiros, while listening to the discussion and hearing Abalyn's offer to heal decides he might try to stitch his own wounds. Treat Wounds (self): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
heal: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5

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Abalyn is well aware of the halfling man known as Calmont. He works for the local book-seller, whose name is Voz. He's never been what you might call a shining beacon of intelligence, and Abalyn has overheard Voz berating him for doing some stupid thing or another and costing her money. She also knows that he's a sneaky little man, and would likely stab someone in the back before facing them in fair combat.
She thinks he might be unhappy in the job because of Voz's constant berating of him, but otherwise doesn't have any idea why he might set fire to the council chamber.
When Hawk asks around, he confirms that several people witnessed Calmont running from the scene and toward Hellknight Hill. No one seems to have any idea why he would do so, though. Hawk takes a few minutes to go try to talk to Calmont's boss at the bookstore, but finds it shuttered and locked.

Hawk Granek |

Hawk will ask around if anyone recalls when they last saw the proprietor of the bookstore or knows where they might be.

MorkXII - Zimbartel |

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Zimbartel has spent some time in this town researching spells both in the Archives and in the book store, and decides to go ask some of his contacts in town to see if they know anything about where Voz might be.

Ash Burnit |

Ash gratefully accepts Abalyn's bandaging.
Heal 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Healed: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
"Warbal, tell me everything of your tribe. Names, faces, favorite pets, strange colored smoke distress-based rituals, the works."
If a Diplomacy is necessary to unlock anything...
Ash sweet talks Warbal as only a goblin pyromaniac cozying up to a singed and frantic goblin ambassador can. Diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Poorly.

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Zimbartel is not able to learn much more about Voz... she's a half-elf, owns the book shop, and mostly keeps to herself. She's known for fair prices and for fast repairs to broken bindings.
After learning everything that you can, and healing any wounds that need tending, you head out toward the old Hellknight citadel. The journey will take you most of the day into the evening, as it's several miles away by foot.
It is around 1pm, and it will take you several hours to get to the citadel by foot, arriving around dusk.