GM Chapel | Gallows of Madness

Game Master Chapel36

Loot List

Time: 2:30 pm

Mayor Trinelli
Handout #1
Handout #2
Handout #3

LN large town
Corruption +0; Crime –4; Economy +1; Law +3; Lore +1;
Society +2
Qualities long memory, strategic location, superstitious
Danger +5
Government autocracy
Population 2,110 (1,800 humans, 200 half-elves, 60
gnomes, 50 other)
Apothecary Majara Pricknettle (LG female gnome
alchemist 4; Advanced Player's Guide 26)
Father Ildris Ruvarra (LG male human cleric of Erastil 5)
Mayor Sandra Trinelli (LN female human aristocrat 6)
Tavern-Keeper Alcie Kruptin (LN female human
expert 2/fighter 2)
Base Value 2,200 gp; Purchase Limit 10,000 gp;
Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4
Long Memory The people of Saringallow have a deep-seated hatred for members of House Sarini. Any such individual who makes his presence known in town is attacked with nonlethal and improvised weapons within 1d4 hours. Sarinis who survive this attack are warned and unceremoniously dumped outside the town’s walls; those who return are subsequently hanged. Similarly, residents look upon other nobles with suspicion, and known nobles visiting town must pay 200% of the normal price for goods and services and may face mockery, insult, or even violence.