Year 6: Year of Rotting Ruins with eddiephlash [PACS] [ACG] [GameDay VIII]

Game Master eddiephlash

Turn order:

Dances with Dragons/Lirianne

During this Adventure Path:

At the start of each scenario, examine a new Harrow blessing. Its harrow suit is the harrow suit for the scenario. When choosing deck upgrades, treat Harrow blessings that match the adventure's harrow suit as being level #.

Each character records the supporters they rally, the supporters they uncheck, and the supporter feats they gain on their own Chronicle sheets. (When there is a choice regarding these, each character makes their own choice.)

When a scenario includes the Base, shuffle all supporters rallied by at least one character into it. Each character may only play supporters they have rallied and may only use supporter feats they have gained.

Rallied Supporters:

Pathfinder Chronicler (Rallied by: All. Feat: Aric, Maznar, Valeros):

None Supporter 0
Traits: Human Bard
Display. While displayed: • On any check against a barrier, a spell, or an item, you may bury to add 1d4+#. • [] You may bury to examine the top 3 cards of any location.
Oh! I do think I read about that recently. Now, was it in the Bestiary of Garund or that latest report from Absalom...?

Pathfinder Bodyguard (Rallied by: All. Feat: Hakon, Lirianne):

Traits: Human Fighter
Display. While displayed: • When a local character suffers damage, you may bury to reduce it to 0. • [] To let any character avenge, you may bury; during the encounter, add 1d6 to all checks.
Pathfinders take all types. Some read books, delve tombs, or influence politics. I get stabbed and bludgeoned.

Ketrik (Rallied by: Maznar, Valeros, Hakon):

None Supporter 2
Traits: Human Fighter Veteran
Display. While displayed: • On any combat check, you may bury to add 1d4+#. You may also add the Fire trait. • [] You may bury to draw 3 new armors, then banish 2 of them.
If we move now, we might be able to get to them before their army can get to us.

Boors (Rallied by: Aric, Hakon):

None Supporter 2
Traits: Human Ranger
Display. While displayed: • You may bury to examine the top card of up to 3 locations. • [] You may bury to draw a new Melee weapon and a new Ranged weapon, then banish 1 of them.
Look out there. Give your eyes some time to adjust and look at the horizon.

Moise (Rallied by: Ezren, Lirianne, Hakon):

None Supporter 2
Traits: Human Hunter
Display. While displayed: • You may bury to heal a local character a card and you may remove the scourges Plagued, Poisoned, and Wounded from them. • [] You may bury to draw a card, then each local character may recharge a card; any that do may draw a card.
The infection has really gotten to him. I’m afraid he won’t be the only one; this is spreading too quickly. We need to find something to help.

Links to scenarios:

Adventure 1: City of Sails and Shrouds
Adventure start
Scenario 1A: Powder Keg - Reported with GameDay 8
Scenario start
Finished on 9/25/19
Scenario 1B: Tangled Sails - Reported with GameDay 8
Scenario start
Finished on 10/10/19
Scenario 1C: To Seek the Devil’s Doorstep
Scenario start
Finished on 12/3/19
Scenario 1D: Treating the Infection
Scenario start
Finished on 12/3/19

Adventure 2: Urgathoa's Persistent Shadow
Adventure start
Scenario 2A: Of Swords and Plowshares
Scenario start
Finished on 4-1-20
Scenario 2B: Spoiled Victuals
Scenario Start
Ended on 9/18/20 (Covid delay)
Game indefinitely paused