City of Gold and Shadows

Game Master Nicos

The Promenade

Npc Cast:

The Tiran's Enclave:
Azzin zin: 40-something yearsd old, tall, Slim white and blue eyed man. He is the representative of the enclave for the issues the true masters of the place don't bother to deal personally. He is soft spoken and calm

The authorities:
Paolo Viscari: 20-something years old wizard. He is scrawny, has lightly tanned skin, blue eyes and an unremarkable face. Paolo works as a freelancer spellcaster for the police.

Niadra Elberos: 37 years old damphir, tall and fit. She is A moneylender of moderate success in the gem district.

General division of the city:
The River: The city is divided in two half by a slow-moving and wide river. Except in winter months, when it have ice on it, the rive have a great deal of barge traffic.

The bridge:This is the sole land link between the city's two halves (though there are rumors of deep tunnels beneath the city). Swift capital punishment for anyone (anyone not of the guard, that's it) who commit an armed assault or try to block anyone's way.

The bridge is a huge and sturdy construction, you can find houses, inns and merchants in there.


Temple district This district is not only the home of the majority of small religious sanctuaries of the city, it also have inns and taverns to cater the pilgrims, business offices and residence of well-to-do but not that rich merchants. The only magical academia of the city is here.

The River Slums: Derelict, the destitute elderly and poorest lives in mean and stinking streets of this least respectable city quarters. Sailors are recruited and take shore leave here (drinking, brawling and wenching seems their most popular pursuits). Those who don't go to sea toil daily on the harbor barges, taking garbage away and goods to and from vessels that can't - or whom owners don't want to- get to a wharf to tie up.

Wave district:Located to the west of the north portion of the city, this quarter is home to business concerned with seafaring trades, shipbuilding, ropemaking and map making. About a half of he local population of sages and scribes lives here. However, for the discomfort of the residents, sleep here is often hampered by the toll of the great bell used to sound warnings to shipmasters trying to run through storms into the harbor.

Gem district: This is, perhaps, the most spectacularly wealthy quarter of the city, home to new "money" in all its vulgar and breathtaking excess.


Bridge district The immediate quarter south the bridge is home to many poor laborers (street vendors, shop helpers, cart-and-carry men, hod-carriers). The narrow and winding streets of this quarter hold business catering to caravan trade. The interested can find many shady little shops selling illicit, broken and used goods.

Coin district: Coin flow, Merchant deals, and power is hurled without pause in the always -bustling mercantile heart of the city.
The open shopping stadium of our golden lady's promenade is the greatest landmark here, though the quarter also holds many taverns , inns, and festhalls of the wealthy.

Scepter district This is the most exclusive quarter of the city, home of the council house and the aristocratic families. THe most powerful families owns entire city blocks, sprawling compounds rather than mere mansions. No commoner is welcome here unless they are on specific errands for "scepternians".This quarter is located in the most south-west side of the city, just to the west of the coin district. The scepter district is separated from the rest of the city by a well guarded wall.

Grave district: This quarter is filled with ornate mortuary houses, much used for trysts, business meetings, and even daily dining. The grave district is patrolled at night to prevent ongoing tent dwelling, grave desecration and overbold lawlessness. An special unit of the city's guard deals with taking care that the deads remain dead.

The shades:
The thieves guild deals with Assassinations, burglary, extortion, blackmail, bounty hunting, information gathering, smuggling, piracy, racketeering, fencing, pick-pocketing, street begging, etc.

Anonymity is key. The shades work on small cells, captured individual members only have information of their inmediate superiors, or the agents who directly work beneath them.


Our Golden Lady
Alignment: Neutral
Temple location: Coin district.

One the good side, she is the patron of everything related to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade, as well as the beneficial use of wealth to improve civilization. On the flip side, She is also the patron of all kinds of illicit and ethically wrong trades.

She doesn't care about what is being traded (apples or slaves, it's the same for her), but she does care that all the parties involved in the trade play farily.

She is the Patron goddess of the city, and her temple is by far the biggest one.

The Mistress of Secrets
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Temple location: THere is no public place of worship to this deity. Her faith is forbidden in the city.

Goddess of darkness and secrecy, she Rejoices for every dark deed that is committed in darkness or hidden from sight.

Her worshippers are highly secretive and average people don't know much about them. They do us corruption and subversion to spread their dark faith.

NPc Cast:

The Tiran's Enclave:
Azzin zin: 40-something yearsd old, tall, Slim white and blue eyed man. He is the representative of the enclave for the issues the true masters of the place don't bother to deal personally. He is soft spoken and calm

The authorities:
Paolo Viscari: 20-something years old wizard. He is scrawny, has lightly tanned skin, blue eyes and an unremarkable face. Paolo works as a freelancer spellcaster for the police.

Niadra Elberos: 37 years old damphir, tall and fit. She is A moneylender of moderate success in the gem district.