Sigrun Barstad |
"Come to think of it, we should probably come up with a story for why we're here. The truth might be...well, the truth, but it's not that believable, nor is it likely to find too much sympathy with the locals. We're lucky the first people we ran into were so friendly." Sigrun nods to Nadya. "So...any ideas?"
Eladorn |
Eladorn looks at his new companions with greater scrutiny. "It looks like many of you have Ulfen heritage--and many of you speak Skald to match it. Do you know whether that heritage leads to Irrisen or rather a neighbor like the Lands of the Linnorm Kings? Perhaps there's a tale wherein you're seeking your family history? I could be the local guide that's showing you around."
Linge Hagebak |
Linge offers Nadya's son her hand to shale with a sweet smile.
"Hi Lars. I'm Linge. And this is Horn," she adds, as her bear cub stands hesitantly before the front door, peeking inside but not daring to enter. It took some persuasion to actually make him sit and wait outside, but the druidess doubted that Nadya would appreciate his treading on her floor.
"I'll go with you, Garran, if you don't mind. I've got some errands to run too." She gives some thought to Eladorn's idea. "It could work. I did suspect that my mother came from Irrisen. Sadly, I don't know enough about the country to resist further inquiries about which city I'm from..."
GM My Black Midnight |
"the town is not super religious. the witches tend to frown on most organized religions, other than occasional Jadwiga who follow Zon-Kuthon or Lamashtu. but they don't usually go so far as to restrict the ability of people to observe their practices. there is a small chapel here dedicated to Pharasma."
"as for your story, saying you are from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings is likely the safest option, as most people here won't know much about that country, but close enough that it wouldn't sound as crazy as a bunch of people from Taldor winding up here.
Garran Oakthorn |
”My father did come from the Linnorm Lands.” Garran comments. ”But I plan on telling folks only that I’m a traveler.”
Hey GM, how do you want to do the shopping? Garran still needs a real cold weather outfit. I wouldn’t mind an armor upgrade as well.
Sigrun Barstad |
Sigrun nods. "I spent some of my childhood in Kalsgard, as well. 'Traveler' sounds good. We aren't planning on staying here forever, after all." She doesn't, however, mention where they plan on going next.
GM My Black Midnight |
"very well. Waldsby isn't a large town, but we probably have most of what you would need. we have an herbalist, a blacksmith, a trading post, the temple, and a tavern. if you're having trouble locating anything just ask, I'm happy to help you find things.
any mundane supplies and gear can be found easily here, either post in gameplay or make a list of what you're buying in the discussion thread. magical items might be harder to find, but a limited supply is available. if you have something you're looking to buy add it to the discussion thread and i will let you know if you find it, or do any % rolls to determine if you can find one
Now, if you'll excuse me for a bit, I have some preparations to make. a few more supply runs and I will finally have worked off my debt and my family can be reunited. she pauses, a little misty-eyed Almost there, Thora, hang in there
Eladorn |
"Tell us more about your debt. You've been a great help to us; could we help you with this?"
Eladorn will pick up a pair of snowshoes, and will ultimately want to end up at the tavern to gather information about the town and current events here.
GM My Black Midnight |
Nadya sighs, but she sends her son out of the room and gestures for you to sit.
"I do not know what you can do to help, but I will take any chance of aid that comes to me.
several months ago, my daughter met the witch who rules over this province. Nazheena was here in Waldsby on some business that I still don't know for sure. anyways, my daughter ran across her in the market square, and repeated some choice words that she heard myself or other townsfolk speak in private about the Jadwiga. Nazheena was not amused, and decided to make an example of my daughter.
She took her away from me, took her to that damn ice tower of hers. I have been working tirelessly since then to earn enough money by running supplies to the tower trying to earn my daughter back.
Her name is Thora, she is a sweet girl but has yet to learn tact. I fear for what she is going through locked in that tower with that horrible woman."
Garran Oakthorn |
”Thora...” Garran’s expression saddens. ”I’ve heard that name before. It may be, that we have business with Nazheena as well. Can you give us directions to her tower?”
Is there a masterwork breastplate available, GM? That and cold weather outfit should do me for now.
Sigrun Barstad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sigrun freezes (no pun intended) as she hears Nadya say the name of her missing daughter. The witch hut, and the doll...maybe the girl was still alive, but the chances didn't seem good, if the witches were involved.
nothing to buy for me, I think.
Eladorn |
"If nothing else, that witch must have something to do with the portal. We should definitely investigate her tower." He nods at Nadya. "If we can help your daughter at the same time, all the better."
Linge Hagebak |
Much like Garran, Linge goes rather pale upon hearing Nadya's story.
"That's horrible! How far away is that tower? Did other people go missing?"
Is there any chance I might find an armor for Horn?
GM My Black Midnight |
Nadya looks around at you and notices the change in most of your faces
"What is it? is it somethign I said? have you lost someone to the witch too perhaps?
in response to Linge, she says
The tower is about a day's journey to the west of town. it is hard to miss, it is a giant icicle that sticks up more than a hundred feet in the air.
you can find your armor needs easily in town, there is a blacksmith that can handle masterwork armor orders
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran doesn’t want to tell Nadya that her daughter is dead. Though he suspects it to be true. Nor does he want to give the woman false hope, though he does harbor a thin wisp of hope that the girl might still live.
”We know someone who has.” Garran’s face now shows anger. ”The kidnapping of children won’t be tolerated. Not if I can help it.”
Linge Hagebak |
For a terrible moment, Linge is torn between telling the woman the truth, or keep it a secret- it seems all the more cruel given that there isn't even a body to retrieve, mourn and bury. All things considered, Garran's white lie doesn't seem like a terrible one.
"We'll go to the tower for you," she says gently. "For now, you can stay with Lars, and hold on to your gold. We will return with your daughter, or we will avenge her for you."
GM My Black Midnight |
Thank you so much. I have not seen my daughter in weeks, I need to know she is ok. if you can save her from the tower, I will be in your debt. but only do so if it is safe. if not, just bring word to me that she is ok so I can rest easier.
with that, she leaves you to explore the town while she unloads the sleds and feeds the sled dogs. she offers to help you find anything you need
Paldo Greenspan |
Paldo suddenly jolted, as if he had been drifting off to sleep. A minute ago he was back in his warm home. A cup of hot tea in his hands and the smell of fresh bread wafting in to his nostrils.
Almost falling over and wondering if anyone noticed Paldo tried to sit straighter as if nothing happened. His mind and body returned back to the cold desolate lands in which he now felt trapped.
"This plan is not only a good idea, but I don't even have to lie. I was told that my parents were actually exiles from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. I have always wondered who they were, however I have very little information to go off of. My adopted parents had found them slain and rescued me from the clutches of their murderers."
Remembering half hearing talk of rescuing a small child and heading to a witches tower Paldo chimed in "I'm up for whatever gets us back home to our warm beds! Sounds like we are all more than willing to help you Nadya."
Paldo Greenspan |
Other than rations, Paldo shouldn't need anything from town.
However being curious by nature he is eager to look around the town.
"Shall we venture about and see what this town has to offer? Especially in the way of food?"
Eladorn |
"That'd be the tavern. We'll can see what the cuisine is like and--more importantly--do a bit of research. Remember, though, we want to keep suspicions low."
GM My Black Midnight |
the group heads out into the town, looking for food and possibly information.
it is very cold out, but not currently snowing. the town is quiet, with not a lot of people milling around outside.
the group heads towards the town center, where a statue of a stern-looking woman stands, hands outstretched.
the town's one tavenr, the White Weasel sits just off the central square.
map is on slide 4 of the document, number 14 is Nadya's house, 6 is the tavern
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran makes his way to the smithy, pausing to admire the statue as he goes.
Buy MW breastplate, sell leather lamellar armor. Buy cold weather clothing.
Eladorn |
Eladorn stays with the group as they shop, then heads towards the White Weasel when everyone else is ready.
GM My Black Midnight |
Garran stops to buy a breastplate. the items for sale are of remarkable construction, it is clear that the blacksmith, a burly human man named Iziamir, is quite skilled. most of the wares hanging in the shop look like farming equipment or sled runners that are being refurbished, but there are several pieces of armor and weapons in various states of construction. the one you receive has an emblem of a white wolf's head on it.
the rest of the group unless others want to branch off as well, head to the White Weasel.
the tavern is small, but comfortable. a few locals are there drinking a few different types of drink. there are a few tables, about half of them empty, and a large oak bar. behind the bar is a small selection of bottles and a large ornate mirror.
the barkeep is a large man who sees you enter and greets you gruffly in Skald
"well, what'll it be?"
a woman behind him looks at you with a barely hidden frown
she looks like she doesn't like the group, but on closer look it seems she is afraid of something. and she keeps glancing at the large mirror behind the bar
Eladorn |
Sense Motive DC 17: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Eladorn's eyes pass over the woman without note as he responds to the bartender, also in Skald. "Something hot; mulled wine would be great. Serving dinner tonight?"
Linge Hagebak |
Accompanying Garran to the blacksmith, Linge replaces her worn-out armour with one of a better quality. She also shops for a few blank scrolls, and sees if she can find any healing items and alchemist's fires.
Buy Masterwork Hide Shirt, 4 Blank Scrolls. Any [i]Cure Light Wounds[i/] wands or potions available?
At the White Weasel, Linge squints to read the labels of the bottles, clearly uneasy at the idea of picking an alcohol.
"Just a glass of milk, thanks," she finally orders.
As she looks around the tavern, her gaze meets the frowning woman's. Her face goes red with embarrassment, and she turns her head away rather sharply.
Sense Motive DC 17: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran admires the workmanship of the armor. ”A white wolf. Very nice. Is the wolf a common motif around here?” He asks the smith.
sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Garran’s gaze follows the woman’s glances, wondering exactly has her so agitated.
GM My Black Midnight |
the bartender nods. "Sure, we got some soup. nothing fancy, but it's warm."
in a few minutes, the woman brings a glass of milk, a glass of wine, and a few bowls of a greasy soup to the table.
"Might I recommend the tea if you're looking to get warm? she asks the group
Linge Hagebak |
Linge's quite interested in the offer.
"Oh, that would be nice. Maybe after the soup, if you don't mind?" she asks.
Sigrun Barstad |
sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 5
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Sigrun barely glances around at the premises, grumbling a quick thanks to the woman before burying her face in soup.
Eladorn |
Eladorn begins sipping his mulled wine as he tears bits of bread to dip in the soup. After he's made a small dent in the bowl, he begins a whispered conversation with the others.
"I don't like the feel in here, and I hesitate to advertise our investigation to anyone. Irrisen is either fiercely loyal to the white witches, or those who oppose them are too afraid to speak against them, out of fear. I'm afraid we'd learn little of value--and I'm not nimble enough with words to try it subtly, though I won't stop anyone else from trying."
I.e. a negative Charisma modifier with no ranks in social skills isn't the one who should start asking questions that could get us in trouble....
Paldo Greenspan |
With +0 Sense Motive, Paldo just naturally trusts everyone.
Tired of stale rations, Paldo's eyes widen at the sight of the soup as he licks his lips eagerly grabbing a bowl without waiting for the others to choose theirs.
"I'll pass on the milk, but yes Tea would be nice thank you!"
Paldo does his best not to hide his nervousness in this strange place and be as friendly as he can.
Deception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran just has some of the soup and some bread. He nods in agreement with Eladorn. ”We’re just passing through. Simple travelers.” He lets his eyes travel to the mirror behind the bar, briefly. ”We should be on our way after we eat.”
Paldo Greenspan |
Paldo looked over his shoulder following Garran's gaze to a large mirror behind the bar.
"I didn't realize you were so vain Garran, do you always check yourself out that much?" Paldo said with a smirk raising his glass of wine to his lips.
GM My Black Midnight |
shortly, the woman brings some tea for Paldo and Linge. a few minutes later she comes back with a refill, and leans in close and whispers something to Linge
you don't belong here. you should leave. get out of Irrisen, and don't come back
will save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
you feel like you want to obey whatever she told you to do, but the feeling wears off quickly as your will fights against some magic. was it somethign in your tea?
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran chuckles at Paldo’s comment. ”No. From here, I get a good look at the rafters. But there’s nothing going on up there.”
Linge Hagebak |
As the woman leans in to whisper something to Linge, a very strange expression suddenly crosses the druidess's face. For an instant, her gaze goes unfocused and dazed. But in the blink of an eye, it's gone, and were it not for the look of utter confusion on the young woman's face, it's almost as if it had never happened at all.
Linge waits until the waitress's is gone to take care of other customers before leaning in:
"That woman just tried to use magic on me," she whispers as quietly as she can. ""I'll tell you about it later. But don't drink your tea."
Eladorn |
"Well," Eladorn whispers, "if it's come to that, there's probably no sense lingering. Let's hoof it after we try to catch some rumors. But let's get at it." Eladorn, never having looked comfortable here, looks as ready to leave as he ever has, though he puts his best face on and tries to help his companions get any stories out of the locals that they can--primarily by slapping an over-wide smile on his face and nodding along as cheerfully as he can.
Diplomacy (gather info), aid another DC 10: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
GM My Black Midnight |
Linge warns the others. once you know something is up, it is easier to see that everyone in the bar seems to be keeping a wary eye on you. no one is being very friendly, and Eladorn's best efforst at striking up conversation get him nowhere.
the barkeep in particular is watching your table closely, keeping his hands out of sight and below the bar.
Eladorn |
...Eladorn's best efforst at striking up conversation get him nowhere...
Eladorn only made an aid another roll. It can provide a +2 boost to another PC's roll, but it's not a check in and of itself. If nobody else attempts a gather info check, then we haven't made one at all.
Paldo Greenspan |
Paldo brings the tea to his lips eager to feel his insides warm up. Just as the warm liquid touches his lips Linge whispers not to drink the tea. Resisting the urge to spit it across the table at Eladorn, Paldo tipped it back pretending to take a sip then slowly lowering it to the table and pushing it slowly away form himself.
Garran Oakthorn |
Garran finishes his soup and bread, then plunks some coin down to pay for it. ”Thank you ma’am.” Garran nods to the woman who brought the food. He steps out, and stands a couple paces away from the door, looking around the village while he waits for the others.
Linge Hagebak |
Is no one trained in Diplomacy at all?
Linge is still shaken by the fact that another woman tried to bind her will, and isn't particularly keen on asking questions around. She finishes her meal as quickly as she can, and is more than happy to step outside the inn.
Once they're out of earshot, she gives a few more details on what has transpired: "That waitress approached me, and ordered us to leave the country immediately. She tried to use magic to force me to obey. I genuinely can't tell if she was trying to get rid of us, or to protect us in some way. But she clearly doesn't want us here... And she's not the only one," she shudders, but not from the cold. "The way they all looked at us here... "
Garran Oakthorn |
”I think she is being watched by magic through the mirror behind the bar.” Garran says. ”I would have checked for magic, but I didn’t want to draw any more attention than we already have .” Garran keeps his voice low as he talks.
Garran has diplomacy. I didn’t want to use it in there. We could give more away about ourselves than we learn. Given the probable scrying.
Paldo Greenspan |
Although protected from the elements by his magic Paldo still felt a chill run up his spine at the thought of being watched by magic in a land such as this. The stories his adoptive parents always told him of how they found him haunted him still.
"Good idea Garran, we should all be doing our best not to do anything to draw attention. Perhaps we should look around and see if anything catches our eye?"
Paldo moves to the statue in the center of town looking for any inscriptions or details about the statue.
Are we able to tell what the other buildings are around the statue?
GM My Black Midnight |
the group finishes their food and makes a hasty retreat back into the town. once there they discuss what they have seen. Paldo looks around the square. most of the buildings have signs on them marking what they are clearly:
2. Blacksmith
3. General Store
4. town hall
5. barber
6. the inn you just left
7. a barn
10. the burnt ruins of a house
11. chapel of Pharasma
12. carpenter
the statue doe not have any sign or markings. on closer inspection it looks very, very similar to the statue of a woman in Heldren. close enough that it may be of the same woman, or made by the same artist
Linge Hagebak |
Linge inspects the statue, rather fascinated by the coincidence.
"Do you think she might be a great hero? Or is it a religious thing? I've never asked myself who the statue might have been of back at..." She catches herself just before she could blurt out where the group has come from. Stupid... "Back at our town."
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Garran Oakthorn |
”We should ask someone who it is of.” Garran looks around for someone who doesn’t seem to be too busy. Or perhaps a child.
Paldo Greenspan |
Noticing the familiarity of the statue to the one back in Heldren Paldo studies it further trying to recall whom it represented.
Knowledge(?): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
All of Paldo's knowledge skills are +7 with the exception of Arcana but I doubt that would be one to roll in this case.
Eladorn |
Eladorn studies the statue with the others. "You say this is like one where you are from? Strange indeed"
Knowledge: 1d20 ⇒ 14 +5 geography, +7 nature/religion