Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, pop-eyed mosquitoes and….
Wait a minute! That intro is for a completely different joke! But all joking aside, I’ve decided to try and steer a “Zagyg’s Gauntlet” type game. So, give me a few moments of your time and decide if you are interested.
Details: Stated in the recruitment, plus:
• 20 Point weighted buy. No stat below 8 or above 18 before racial adjustments are applied.
• Game: This is a dungeon crawl. You will not be exiting the dungeon to explore a world. Do not bring a mount unless you want to be leading it, not riding. Druids with dinosaur animal companions…. Highly discouraged! And there is no plot. The monsters are in the rooms because the power that created the dungeon put them there! Food? They plan to eat you!!!
• Experience: There is no "story" experience. I will report XP gained at the end of an encounter. Active characters will split it evenly. If you level up, please send me a email with the changes you plan to apply to your Alias.
• Please wait for a reply to your email before you “BAMF” or whatever noise you want to make, in to the “action”. Your entry may, or may not change things. Depends on the capriciousness of the GM....
• No input from a player: I will not be NPCing characters for this. If you do not post an action and the initiative order reaches your character, I’ll give one day, then your character phases out. This does not mean that you exited, just that your character has inexplicably turned into a ghostly figure that has no effect on the current situation. Note: If this unbalances whatever is happening, the power in charge can freely change the situation. If you are in single melee with a creature it might phase out with you, and return with you.
• Equipment/Food/Water/Resting: I will do my best to keep things interesting, but please have all details required on your CS. If the CS has no food, you will be hungry. A wizard without a spell book or spell components? A cleric without a holy symbol? Or a rogue without thieves tools? (Actually, there are rules for improvised tools….) No bedroll? Count on not getting a good night of sleep.
• Posting rate: I plan to post as quickly as I can to keep the game going, hopefully multiple times per day if I see input.
• Initiative: I post surprise (individual surprise, not party) and an initiative list and update it each round. Being first on round 1 doesn’t assure you the same on subsequent rounds. Ditto being last!
• Dungeon Level change: Going down MAY change the CR level of the encounters. (to a higher level) Going up MAY change the CR level. (to a lower level) Either also MAY not. Going up will not increase the CR and going down will not reduce the CR.
• Once the door closes: Attempting to return to a previous level may, or may not work. Once you have closed the door on a level, it will probably change to a completely new, populated level.
• Time passes: If you stop to rest, craft stuff, etc., wandering monsters may interrupt you. And remember that you will have to eat and drink.
• Death: If you are in a combat and certain to die.... You may choose to leave the game. BAMF and you are out. You can move on to another game. Feel free to bring in another character, but not the same one. No clones please! If you decide to accept the death of your character, the others may thank you for the supplies as they loot your body. Or they may not!
• One final note: There is one character coming along with the game from the previous. He is not first level because he earned some XP previously and was nice enough to stay with me. He's also a GM on this board. And he can provide a little RP when you join him.... After all, you have no idea where you are or how you got here. Maybe he does?