Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master NielsenE

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I too am willing to make a cleric. I've even got one ready.

Pulling out if this, Have fun guys.

I'm gonna throw this guy in there: Morgrym

Race/class/campaign trait/mythic path:
Dwarf/Barbarian(Inv. Rager)/Stolen fury/Champion

I've been reviewing backstories and character sheets all evening; feeling very inspired. I'm hoping to extend invites to 1-2 characters in the morning and will then work with those initial people to select the rest of the party. There is a slight chance I'll decide to offer two tables, I'm that impressed with the submissions.

Finished. Basics of the crunch are done, but I will wait to see if I am chosen before I finalize. I will choose my tactician feat when I know the party make up.

Marrit Farwine
LG Halfling Cavalier (Order of the Shield)

Traits: Rich Parents, Exposed to Awfulness.

Mythic Path: Guardian.


Marrit was born into an easy life of wealth and luxury in Canorate. He was of average height, weight, and build with unremarkable brown hair and brown eyes. His father Garen was one of the primary craftsmen that sculpted the scale model of the inner sea region the Imperial Castle’s in Markwin Teldas' war room. This work becamse one of the most talked about subjects in the city which resulted in Garen and Markwin Teldas becoming fast friends. Their family attended many ceremonies and celebrations at the castle and it wasn’t long before they were widely accepted into Molthuni nobility.

A few decades passed and the time came for Garen to retire. While still relatively young, Garen had grown tired of the chaos of the castle and decided to move their family, along with a number of other halfling families, to the edge of the Backar Forest. They built a small secluded farming village nestled against the border of the wood. Their community mostly consisted of fellow craftsmen, with a few farmers, brewers, and bards. This came to be the happiest time in Marrit’s life, more specifically the nights they spent feasting around their large fire pit, singing and dancing into the small hours of the night.

On one brisk Autumn day he was out gathering firewood when he thought he smelled smoke. Then he heard the cries of alarm, which quickly turned into blood-curdling screams. With horror he realized what was happenging. He dropped his load of wood and sprinted back to their village just in time to witness his family and friends being slaughtered, their camp being overrun. Some sort of demonic horde was crawling over their encampment, murdering and laying waste to all he knew.

With the images of his loved ones being eaten alive seared into his vision, he fled blindly into the forest. The next few weeks were a blur of sorrow and heart-piercing anguish. He barely survived, subsisting on berries and foliage, frequently waking in the night to the sounds of his own screams. He was plagued by nightmares, reliving the slaughter over and over again. He was also constantly being pestered by the mischevious Fey that inhabited the deeper parts of the wood, but soon realized that the animals of the forest didn’t seem to mind his presence. Foxes, bears, wolves, and deer constantly passed through his makeshift campsite and he shared what he could of his foraged meals with the creatures. His unexpected bond with the animals seemed to help soothe his ravaged emotions, and over time the nightmares lessened and he began to regain the ability to think clearly.

Evetually he was stable enough to return to their village to bury his family. He gathered what little supplies he could from the wreckage and luckily the hidden coffer containing his inheritence remained intact. He swore an oath over the graves of his loved ones to do everything in his power to protect those without the means to protect themselves. He returned to Canorate and immediately headed to the libraries within the Imperial Castle. Over the next few months he devoted himself to finding out as much as he could about these demons. Was this a random act of violence, or was the slaughter deliberate? Could Nirmathas be behind it? He wasn’t sure, but in the end he decided to head north to Mendev to find out.

He finally arrived in Nerosyan and immediately began training in the arts of warfare and mounted combat. He also spent time training a wolf as his mount. He named her Gwenna after his late mother. She had charcoal fur and yellow-green eyes. It wasn’t long before she became his trusted mount and companion. He devoted himself to protecting the weak and steming the flow of these demons into Avistan.

His first assignment was to pose as a mercenary, escorting some halfling witch of the Pathfinder Society to Kenabres. He was eager to offer up his lance and sling in the fight against the demon horde.

Good luck everyone!

@GM Eric, did we need to take from the roll if requested. If so I will take the +4 racial to demoralize opponents. If not I will keep alter self 1/day.

Good luck all.

We'll see what happens.

*Listens to her Thrush for distraction....*

@Ashe, you can keep alter self if you don't like your rolls.

Will keep alter self then thanks.

I'd like to throw in a character that I'll need to reskin to work -- (this would be the conntected alias) -- Arigoder Senari.

Human/Fighter (eventual Holy Vindicator)/LG/Exposed to Awfulness/Guardian

I was thinking that the early demon-type attack would be when he lost his family in the first place, headed away and followed the mercenary path (as per the current backstory) -- "died" again, thinking himself resurrected (showing both the heartiness that comes from Exposed to Awfulness and also helping to explain his extreme devotion), he was drawn back to his homeland to serve as a Crusader.

Assuming there's interest in that, I'll write it up -- the idea behind Ari is, mostly, to be a "near-paladin" -- by making an LG Holy Vindicator -- someone who's more concerned about protecting and helping, but with a more violent and nasty edge (so much so that I'm thinking I might shift from Abadar to Ragathiel...), and not so much caring about the "niceties" that most people expect from paladin types. The idea is to have him really be that kind of fevered devout guy.

Updated profile with more in depth background, personality and appearance. Included here for easy reference.


Asura grew up in Nerosyan. Her father was a crusader who perished fighting the demons of the Worldwound. Before his passing, her father never spoke much of Asha’s mother, any mention generally met with sadness and reserve. The most she ever really knew was that her father deeply loved the woman and always referred to her as a “Blessing from the heavens” Asura grew up like many other children of the crusade, instead of toys and games there were weapons and training. While Asha knew she was different than most of the other children she was generally well liked and never had issues with others.

Upon her father’s passing she was all alone. His estate had some money but due to her unusual heritage and her slower aging the money eventually ran out and in most peoples standards she was still a child. After the money ran out she had to resort to other means to continue living. She spent several years on the streets stealing to survive and became very good at it. She was always conflicted with stealing but it was her survival at stake so she did what she had to. Eventually she fell in with a bad group of criminals who noticed her skill. While she was still not happy with the life she was leading and continued to harbor anger and resentment for the circumstances that put her there she was happy to have “friends” once again. On one of her failed heists with this group she tried to rob a grand cleric of Abadar, the groups thinking was that those of Abadar generally held great wealth and treasure. After a quick fight where the cleric dispatched the other miscreants he very easily spotted Asura’s celestial heritage and took pity on the girl, especially after learning more of her story. Taking her under his wing he taught her of Abadar and his ways. With such a rough past and the still burning hatred for the demons who took her father and put her in the situation she was in she turned Abadar's tenants to fit her own hunger for revenge against the demons and to seek out their destruction.
After some time she split ways with her mentor trying to etch out her own path. Once again in Mendev she started looking for work, something where she could use her talents, get some money and do some good. She found Efwin a well-respected alchemist who needed help with his business as well as someone with skills that fit Asura's description. Now working for the alchemist she helps him run his business as any good follower of Abadar is apt to do, while assisting him on the side in obtaining hard to find reagents and dealing with any pesky lesser demon threats Efwin doesn't have the time to bother with, a job she much preferes. She still waits for the day she can bring a serious blow to the demons and prays on the regular for that opportunity.

Asura is petite and extremely lithe. Her hair is a golden blonde with spots of very colorful feathers which you can’t tell if they are decoration or actually part of her hair. Her features are very sharp, and her eyes are so blue they almost seem to glow. She almost always wears her studded leather armor which is dyed a dark navy blue and can commonly be seen with her longbow.

Asura is calm and calculating. She is nice enough to those she meets but has a hard time connecting with others and forming long term relationships, which sometimes makes her seem anti-social. In fact, she is the opposite it just requires her to really make a connection with someone. She hates all things demons and that is one of the things that really gets her blood boiling. In such cases, she can be very cold and aggressive.

Added the stat block and his background to his profile.


Toffer had no idea what to do with himself. He felt like he should have recognized that Kenabres, a city on the edge of the Worldwound, probably wouldn't be filled with drunken debauchery and revelry. Yet, he was bored out of his skull. Being a good person and a good warrior of Iomedae was one thing, but he was still human and required stimulation.

The clerics of Iomedae would complain to him that he didn't understand what it meant to be a paladin, but Toffer disagreed - usually by throwing a beer in their faces and snorting in laughter. In Toffer's mind, being honorable and valorous did not stop you from enjoying life and certainly didn't force you to be nice to people who didn't deserve it.

He would defend even the lousiest of people's life with his own, and wouldn't complain (out loud) in the process. He would fight evil in any form he saw it.

So why was it that this entire city had such a large stick up its collective backside about having fun? So, he found himself walking the streets looking for a tavern that didn't look like it was spit polished on an hourly basis. It was getting to the point that he wanted to go into the Worldwound by himself just to relieve the boredom.

Asura left Efwin’s shop in the early morning a large pack over her shoulders. She was coughing and sneezing, apparently coming down with a cold of some sort. She shrugged it off, Asura came down with minor colds a lot it seemed. She had a lot of errands to run before she could get to the fun stuff of trying to get some demon blood for Efwin’s research. She knew all the spots some of the lesser demons would commonly nest and was always very cautious not to get in over her head.

She walked the streets of Kenabres stopping at various churches, shops, a few private homes, and finally a select number of taverns either delivering finished alchemical products or gathering supplies or payments. Outside one particular drinking establishment she had such a sneezing fit she nearly dropped her pack, still some of the potions and supplies spilled out over the street. Luckily, Efwin always used his specially enhanced vials and containers that withstood a lot more wear than your common glass container so nothing broke. Still now she had to spend some extra time chasing after the rolling vials she lost. Great… chasing bottles eating into my demon hunting time, just what I need… with a huff of frustration she re-set the pack and went to running after the fleeing vials.

Congratulations to those thus far chosen! Good luck to those still in the running!

I present for your perusal, Valla Demonspawn (no crunch as of yet)

Neutral Good Tiefling (Demon-spawn Heritage)/Oracle (Outer Rifts Mystery)/Touched by Divinity (Iomedae)/Hierophant

Backstory (WIP):
Valla was born to a small Kellid tribe that once roamed the far western reaches of Numeria. Shamed and frightened by the obvious demonic tainted her child bore, Valla's mother left the newborn to die of exposure in the snow when she was only a few days old.

As luck - or perhaps, fate - would have it, a band of Mendevian crusaders passed by shortly thereafter and discovered the girl in time to save her life. Returning as they were from a relatively successful skirmish on the southern borders of the Worldwound, the band's leader quickly decided to bring the newborn with them on their journey back to civilization, overriding his companions' concerns about the child's otherworldly nature and nursing her back to health with the milk of a wild goat they had captured as a supplement to their dwindling provisions. Roughly one week later, the band reached Nerosyan, and Valla was given over to a local orphanage run by the Church of Iomedae.


pitborn tiefling/cleric of Iomedea/touched by divinity/ divine mythic path/bully

Kazalin grew up a different life than the others in Chelix. He was different, even from the other Tieflings in his small home town. His entire life he was bullied, by peers and his mother. He grew up on the streets without his father. The only thing he could find comfort in was his dreams. Dreams of a Chelix lady clad in beautiful armor. She always seemed to be waiting for him, waiting for him to do something. He tryed to find out what it was but he never could, so for years they watched each other in his dreams.
One day he and his mother left their small town and moved to another one for reasons unknown to Kazalin. While he was exploring this knew town he came across a beautiful building, and on the door, the same symbol that the lady in her dreams had on her shield. The woman he dreamt of must be inside this building! He ran to the steps and threw open the door! The inside of the building has even grander than the outside! The tapestries, the symbols, the armor on display! For a moment he forgot all about the woman, as he took in the sight of this place.

"You cannot be here! We don't want your kind in this place!" The voice broke Kazalin out of his trance. He saw a robbed man coming toward him. "Didn't you hear me? We don;t want your kind here! You are a disgrace!" The man pushed Kazalin out of the door, back into the street.

"No! I must enter this place! You must accept me! It is to Beautiful of a place to disallow anyone entrance!" Kazalin shouted at the man. "What must I do to gain entrance to this place?"

"Simple," replied the man, "Rid yourself of your demonic taint and bring me the head of your mother!" And with that the man was gone, sealing the doors behind him. Kazalin ran as fast as his feet could take him. I must enter that place! I must make them accept me! Soon he found himself at the local market, and at this market he found himself an unattended knife. Kazalin snatched the knife up and bolted into the ally. Slowly he lowered his pants...his tail would be the first to go. A muffled scream escape Kazalin's lips. He looked around quickly, but no one had heard. Good. He wasn't finished. He redressed himself and raised his knife toward his head. Marrow and blood poured down his face his he sliced both of his horns down into stubs. He staggered back to where he had found the knife and replaced it. Those who saw him did not interfere with the bloody tiefling.

He headed home, determined to enter the temple. He found his old sword, the only thing he had left from his father, and waiting. He waited until his mother came home. No sooner had she closed did Kazalin slice off her head. Placing it in a bag he rushed back to the temple and marched in.

"You again! What did ! te....' he say the blood covering Kazalin. "What did you do?! What is that!?" he screamed, pointing at the bag.

Kazalin smiled and held the bag up, "The head of my mother."

That was over two decades ago. He is now a fully fledged cleric of Iomedea. His time in her temple reveled to him who she was, and she now spoke to him in his dreams. He realized that she had been waiting for him to join her church before communicating with him, and reveled that she had a huge quest for him to under take when he had been properly trained for it. She also spoke to the priests at the temple in their dreams, telling them to train the tiefling.

After his time training and learning from the clerics and paladins in Chelix it was time for his quest. Iomedea appeared to him in a dream and told him to travel to Kenebres. Join the Mendev Crusades.

the backstory looks nicer on my character sheet, as the speech is bolded

Tiefling sorcerer headed for archmage.

I've extended invites to six characters and they've all accepted. Thank you for all the great submissions, you made my selection very difficult.

Ah well. Congratulations to the winners, and I'll see the rest of you next time a recruitment thread opens.

Ah someday a kind GM will appreciate the subtle power of Noyte and accept him into a WofR game. In the meantime he'll compose ballads of what he imagines will happen.

Have fun all.

gratz to everyone who made it...see the rest of you next time

Drat. Well, congratulations to the players, and I'll keep trying. Good luck to all!

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