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Hmmm well, if you are starting us prior to our first change, that probably means I will need to rethink my character/story and such?

Aeolar |

What other magical creatures are in this universe? Are there vampires? Or are Werewolves the only exception to an otherwise mundane world.
to rephrase: what types of magical creatures can we be expecting to encounter in the region?
Zelda: Why not try something a little out of your comfort zone?

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Aeloar OOC everything is in the world. Vampires, Fey, Mages, Prometheans, Mummys, Demons, Spirits, some really angry mortals. IC would your character know about things that go bump in the night
The game is going to be set more or less present day.
I am not going to open up the game until we establish everything we need. That means good characters from everyone. Sheets and backgrounds.

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Hmm might want to at least spoiler that so none of us accidentally read it, or send it to him in a PM like I just did my character.

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Couple of things Aeolar
1. I prefer the sheets either PMed or emailed to me to keep the mystery alives
2. You get three specializations, while they do add +1 to your dice pool they are conditional. So if you wanted the occult specialization to be in Ghosts. You would get that bonus dies when rolling your occult pool when it relates to ghosts only.
3. It seems like you might be using the WtA lists for merits and flaws. Iron Will is a 2 dot merit but requires you to have a resolve of 4
4. Where is Mystic Ability from. I am okay with it I just want the source.
5. Looks like a WtA flaw. Flaws work differently in WtF. Every time it hinders you in game it will give you a bonus experience point. A Dark Fate is fine, but I want to know some of the experiences it has brought your character so far.

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(AbsoluteGroundZero): Zelda Maria Jacobs-Donovon - Irraka Iron Master
please bring the character down to being inline with a mortal
(Algar Lysandris): ? - Irraka Blood Talons
(Lord Zekk): Mike Stone - Rahu Blood Talon
so far so good
(katataban): ? - Cahalith or Elodoth Storm Lord
(PhilofCalth): Sean Fitzpatric - Itheaur Iron Master
(Aeolar): Silent Wolf - Cahalith Bone Shadow
needs work

PhilOfCalth |

When is the game set?
I'm cool with a small town or having it in Seattle, though as a small pack I wonder how we could carve out territory and hold our own against the big baddies in a big city. Especially since there will be elder kindred etc.
Sean (my character) should have a pretty good idea of how to get around the city without being seen. Perhaps our pack can start off staying off the radar of the big guns.
I asked about where it was based because it relates to Sean's background. A small town would mean I'd have to rework things a bit. An outskirt within walking distance of a city(even if it's a 1 hr walk) is fine. A city is perfect.

Aeolar |

Lord Zekk wrote:When is the game set?
I'm cool with a small town or having it in Seattle, though as a small pack I wonder how we could carve out territory and hold our own against the big baddies in a big city. Especially since there will be elder kindred etc.
Sean (my character) should have a pretty good idea of how to get around the city without being seen. Perhaps our pack can start off staying off the radar of the big guns.
I asked about where it was based because it relates to Sean's background. A small town would mean I'd have to rework things a bit. An outskirt within walking distance of a city(even if it's a 1 hr walk) is fine. A city is perfect.
Yes, I second that. My character is a wanderer, so it should be a piece of cake for you ST :)

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Character creation is
Attributes 5/4/3 or I will allow a total of 12 points to be split as long as it is reasonable.
Skills 11/7/4 or 22 + 3 specialties
Merits 7
Drawbacks your choice
Harmony 7. May drop to 5 for 5 or 10 xp
Not sure about the last part. Does that mean we can take drawback and use the points towards XP for our characters?

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You have a harmony score of 7. That is a measure of your characters morality, or rather werewolf version of morality as it relates to the tenats of mother luna. You typically start with 7. You can choose to go down to 6 represent a slightly more debased character and get 5 xp to play with or you can drop it to 5 representing more debauchery and get 10 xp.
The drawback(s) will award extra xp when it hinders you in game.

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you will have some calculation to make after all else is said and done.
your size is 5, unless you want to take the flaw short in which case it is 4
your speed is your size + strength+ dexterity
defense is the lower of your dex or wits
initiative is your composure + dexterity
perception is your composure + wits
health is your size + stamina
willpower is your composure + resolve
XP costs are
Attribute New Dots x 5
Skill New Dots x 3
Skill Specialty 3
Merit New Dots x 2
Willpower* 8*Listed cost is for replacing lost dots only
Affinity (Auspice, Common, or Tribe) Gift or Rituals New Dots x 5
Other Gift New Dots x 7
Rite New Dots x 2
Totem Merit 3 per Dot
Primal Urge New Dots x 8
Primary (Auspice, Tribe) Renown New Dots x 6
Other Renown New Dots x 8
Harmony New Dots x 3

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looks like we need to have a quick dice pool discussion
when you roll for anything in white wolf you attribute + skill is not a modifier, it forms a pool of how many dice you have.
So if you wanted to actively roll for perception and you have wits of 3 and composure of 3. You would roll 6d10 NOT 1d10+6.
perception: 6d10 ⇒ (10, 8, 4, 10, 10, 9) = 51
this is a great example. everything that is 8, 9 or 10 counts as a success. under normal circumstances 10's are rerolled for bonus dice. There are modifiers that give you 9 again or 8 again which means you roll those numbers and anything above them again.
1's always subtract successes.
continuing with the above example
3d10 ⇒ (8, 1, 3) = 12
So with both rolls, I got 5 successes which is an awesome roll.
Lastly there is something called a rote action. Which just means that you have had such skill in it that it becomes child play. After you count all your successes, everything that was not a success forms another dice pool which is added to the previous results. Questions?

Sgt. Mike Stone |

So far so good, I just read most of that in the nWoD book about the rules. I probably will have some questions as we go along and I'll drop them in here.
I've put my tag line in.
I'm done for gameplay right now as I understand it until the others make their introductory posts as I understand it.

Sgt. Mike Stone |

cmon guys, post your intros! I am excited to start, so please get your asses in gear!
Agreed! Can't wait to see what everyone has come up with. We should have a pretty interesting pack!

Aeolar |

Ummm... you're going to run me through the first change? I'll write that, if you want me to, but I thought you didn't...
The first gameplay post pretty much explains it, just a flashback around the campfire while in present day we are already werewolf's in a pack together. Just introduce yourself! :)

Sgt. Mike Stone |

Just putting it in spoilers to keep it neat. It's not stuff that the others aren't meant to know in fact I think we're supposed to read them so we learn about each other. I'm assuming the knowledge is IC.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Sgt. Mike Stone |

I wasn't sure how many to deduct. I figured I would just ignore as many as required. So taking out the last 2, no successes.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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A good thread to go off of for PbPs Painlord's Advanced Play by Post guide
Ah, okay thanks I'll check that out.

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Random roll of dice to make sure I recall how to do it here.
rawr: 4d10 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 4) = 10
OKay cool just hope I don't roll that badly on actual rolls