Weekly Geeks - Revenge of the Kobald King Path (Inactive)

Game Master Krallek

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As the room clears Gill hands you the letter and the coin. He also impresses upon you the need to make haste.

Letter of commission

You have till noon tomorrow folks. I'd get started if I were you.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

i need permission to view the doc??

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

same problem.

Staryth mutters, "Mysterious fellow."

Ditto. Got blocked. Permission request sent.

Indeed Staryth...Think I may do a bit 'o buyin afore we get to the list, care ta join cousin? I need to get my "basic" adventuring supplies anyhow. I didn't bother during character creation since I wasn't sure if I'd make the cut. I suppose this is a good time to do so lol!

Sorry, I'm testing out Google Drive for the first time. I much prefer dropbox for sure. I will give this a few more days of frustration before I send it packing. The three of you now have access. As soon as the others attempt to click it I will give them access as well.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

permission request sent.

Well now this is most exciting. to think just the other night I was stuck sleeping under a bridge and now to be a prt of a great adventure.

Ah to heck with this. Here are the dropbox links. There is no way I am going to be adding permissions to every single map and file I link.


Edit: Oh, and I've added the world map and the letter link to the very top of this gameplay forum. I will always put the current map link there as well so it will be easier to find.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

Ok. The drop box linked worked just fine for me. Thanks.

Staryth raises a brow after reading the letter, "Wait, I'm a bit confused. Is this fellow wanting us to buy all these items or just pick them up? Because these don't sound cheap by any means."

I have never DMed here myself so I don't know how but you might want to hook up the discussion threads. It helps keep gameplay clearer and less prone to ooc clutter if that's your preference.

The bag of gold will cover the costs. We do not need to role play out those purchases. There will be enough gold left over for purchases of any sundry items you may want to stock up on. There is about 1200 gp. The group should discuss how to best spend those funds. Prices will be their lost price in the core book or the pfsrd .

Male Human Magus/1 HP: 10/10 AC: 16 or 20 Initiative: +3 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +2

Geesh, this lot is already chummy and they havn't even spoken to me yet. This will be awkward... Damaran shifts uncomfortably by the door. He scans the tap room now that many of the patrons have left. The lightheartedness of the man seems to have all but fled his features.

Perception:1d20 ⇒ 6 Damaran pokes himself in the eye. Bah! Bloody hell he says rubbing the pain away.
Damaran is watching for people who are taking too much interest now that the "employees" have been selected.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Quoting this for ease of reference. Thrilled to be onboard and really looking forward to the game!

DM Krallek wrote:

Gill looks at the note and reads it to himself nodding in agreement at the selections. Then he opens up the bag and takes his commission out by carefully counting out 100 coins of solid gold which he carefully tucks away in a strongbox under the counter. Ladies and gentlemen, gather round, the man in red has hired a number of you for a job.

Each of you notice immediately, even in various states of inebriation, that Gill has lost his accent and pleasant demeanor. He is all business right now. After a brief pause, Gill continues, he wants to hire the following people for a one time job ... a somewhat dangerous one time job. If you perform well, you will be compensated well and possibly be given an opportunity to do more lucrative jobs. Otherwise ... he stops for a moment to look up at you well you can fill in the blanks there I think. Congratulations Staryth, Jeggrim, Gilthanis, Fulito, Damaran, and Marianne you are hired.

Gill then reaches into the bag again and pulls out a single odd looking coin and hands the rest of the purse to Marianne with a serious look. You've been designated as the one to look after the accounts. Given your family history and your familiarity with money that shouldn't be a problem. Yes the man in red knows all about you ... all of you. I'd not cross him if I were you. He does business in here from time to time and more than 1 of his employees have mysteriously gone missing. There is a list of supplies you will need on this paper. Go get them and gear up. Once you are ready, you are to meet at a warehouse near the docks. When you get there just ask around for The Ferrett and someone will tell you where to go {or a knowledge local check dc 14 will get you there too}.

Then Gill hands Marianne the strange looking coin. That one deary is of most importance. Do not lose that. Do not give it to anyone other than the foreman at the warehouse. Do not show it to anyone else ... Well you get the idea right? Once you have all the supplies on that list, get to the warehouse and hand over the coin. You will be given some cargo and a destination at that point. Again I must reiterate, buy everything on that list. If there is any coin left over, then by all means get anything else you might find of use and/or split the remaining coin amongst yourselves.
Marianne, you notice the mysterious coin he hands you isn't a coin at all but a wax seal roughly the same size as a coin. On the surface is a symbol of a ferret with a snake in its mouth.

Marianne listens to Gill's words giving each soul named fro employmenbt a congratulatory smile, though each gets just the tiniest bit more brittle until her own name is called and she squeals in glee - before turning beat red and trying to pretend she did no such thing.

She takes the coins with a solemn nod, she has no love for accounting, but she can get by. And examines the strange wax seal for a moment before tucking it away carefully in a pocket on her blouse beneath her chainmail, a feat which requires some barely decent adjustments.

Then when Jeggrim throws a tree trunk arm around her waste she cannot help, but laugh out loud,

"This is going to be brilliant! We've got a halfling, an elf, two dwarves, a dancer, and me! Fulito can even sing a song about our exploits!"

Elated she kisses both dwarves on the forehead, but then catches Lagah's eye and sobers up swiftly,

"I'm sorry I won't have the chance to work with the rest of you, hopefully we'll see each other again and get to work together. But for now I wish you all the best, except you Gronk - I hope the worst happens to you and you end up deciding the world is a splendid place afterall and being happy. I suppose we better be off then, wish us luck everyone! Thanks Gill!"

Gill re assumes his friendly demeanor and accent and smiles and says good luck to ya! to Marianne.

The evening is whittling away quickly he adds. Best be getting about arranging for your transport.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"And to answer your question, I'll be happy to help you, Jegg."

Though I maybe slow to respond. Busier night than I anticipated.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Basing this in the Pathfinderwiki entry for Almas, and a lot of well that sort of makes sense ;)

Moving out into the street she motions for her new companions to follow her, while trying to quell a giddy girlish glee that would be entirely unbecoming in a serious adventurer.

"I think we have more than enough coin Staryth, I only have a vague idea what a lot of the listed stuff costs, but I'm fairly confident we will end up with coin to spare. Does anyone fancy themselves a negotiator by the way, I've a fair hand at diplomacy, but if we have to deal with some poe faced matron I might not be the best choice - some women think being beautiful is a crime, generally those with faces like a boar chewing wasps," she inflates her cheeks and puts on a sour expression waggling her finger chidingly.

"We should head to Smithtown, most of the horse traders are down that way - I got my pony Snowdrop there, when I was little that is. I bet the trader can tell us where to buy a wagon, maybe we can even get horses and wagon both from the same fellow and get a discount. Food we can pick up at the market, and we can get weapons and armor from Smithtown, though I'm not sure what we need in that regard... I'm sure someone at my Temple Gallery can sell us a wand of healing. Hmmm, maybe we should get the horses and cart last? What do you think hons?"

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"A pity some see that. Dwarves bring beauty into the world all the time and we aren't always thought as lovely ... even the plain can learn to better the world."

At the idea of horses last, he strokes his beard, "I don't know...
seems to me we could use the cart and horses to carry the material, but Jegg and I should be as good as two packmules if need be, so whatever you like."

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"And to answer your question, I'll be happy to help you, Jegg."

Though I maybe slow to respond. Busier night than I anticipated.

Me too. I have company over and keep stealing away like a halfling to check in on things!

It sounds like the DM assumes we "purchase" those items and have 1200 left to spend, or about ~200gp a player. Jeggrim really doesn't need much (he's not very keen on worldly possessions, I'm down to spend my share however the party sees fit).

So tell me cousin, ye ever ride one 'o them horses 'afore? Ta be honest wit ye, I'm not too keen on bein at the mercy 'o one 'o them beasts! In fact I find meself more at ease round bears and wolves them horses! Jeggrim bursts into laughter at the absurdity of his situation. Its soundin like speed and shadow are ta be our friends ta see this though though...so I suppose I'm up fer tryin!And indeed, if any gruntin 'o groanin, 'o heavy liftin is needin ta be done, ye've got yerselves a pair 'o dwarves stout as any that ev'r walked!

Following Miriannes lead, Jeggrim falls into step, taking in the sights of the city around him. Shouting at the human man he hadn't met yet, but piecing together his name from Gill's proclamation, Damaran, why don't ye join us? Haven't spoken two words ta ye since ye walked in the door and fell from yer chair! I'm 'sposin now's a good a time as any. Best we get ta know ye 'afore we find ourselves on the road surrounded by gods know what!

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Marianne nods, "Yes we need to get to know you Damaran, but we also need to hurry, so walk and talk honey. Walk and talk. As to the money, well we seem to have plenty of healing with me and a wand, maybe we could get some scrolls? There are some spells that are nice to have occassionally, but which I just won't prepare much - like protection from evil in case someone gets enchanted. Beyond that it would be nice to have to heal less, so maybe Staryth could trade out his scale mail for half plate, Damaran, Gilthanis, and Fulito could change their leathers for chainshirts like mine - but probably not as spiffy. I'm happy with my armor for the moment, and I plan to be behind you real fighters when I can help it - thankfully glaives are long enough to sting from a safe distance."

Would have made a suggestion for Jeggrim to, but can't see his sheet in his profile. Not including the return resale values of their armor, that would come to 900gp.

Male Human Magus/1 HP: 10/10 AC: 16 or 20 Initiative: +3 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +2

Agreed sir dwarf Damaran says with a grin. The man sweeps into a bow I am Damaran Al'Tugari, son of no one important, swordsman, wizard, gambler! It is a pleasure to meet you all. The man straightens looking at Marianne. He takes her hand and bowing again, kisses it lightly. Some, more than others. The man turns serious once more. We best get a move on. Are we splitting up or heading out as a group?

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Marianne rolls her eyes, but does not seem displeased by Damaran's boldness,

"I think we should stick together, we only just met afterall, and I was told to mind the purse so you can hardly be spending its contents without me in tow can you hon?"

Male Human Magus/1 HP: 10/10 AC: 16 or 20 Initiative: +3 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +2

A fair enough assessment. Shall we? Damaran gestures for the others to go ahead of him.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)
So tell me cousin, ye ever ride one 'o them horses 'afore? Ta be honest wit ye, I'm not too keen on bein at the mercy 'o one 'o them beasts! In fact I find meself more at ease round bears and wolves them horses! Jeggrim bursts into laughter at the absurdity of his situation. Its soundin like speed and shadow are ta be our friends ta see this though though...so I suppose I'm up fer tryin!And indeed, if any gruntin 'o groanin, 'o heavy liftin is needin ta be done, ye've got yerselves a pair 'o dwarves stout as any that ev'r walked!

"Rode a pony once, docile one though, I'm no...what's the human word? Equestrian? They do make good speed though."

"Beyond that it would be nice to have to heal less, so maybe Staryth could trade out his scale mail for half plate, Damaran, Gilthanis, and Fulito could change their leathers for chainshirts like mine - but probably not as spiffy. I'm happy with my armor for the moment, and I plan to be behind you real fighters when I can help it - thankfully glaives are long enough to sting from a safe distance."

"Trade it eh? Possible. Feels wrong to use coin for myself I haven't yet earned for my own protection, but I can see prudence in your version as well. The problem will be fitting. If I had the time I could adjust one myself, but that can slow us down. Big city though, so that bodes well." Startyh considers. "I know little of these human lands so value the advice of you long legs."

As Damaran introduces himself, Staryth nods, and gives his usual introduction "Staryth Torhammer, third to bear that name."

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

couple ? DM, can i use the wand cure light since it is on my spell list even tho i can't cast spells yet without making a UMD check? Is the 1200gp with or without buying the wand of CLW? Can I sell some gear and will it be 1/2 or full price?

Gilthanis, check the discussion thread this is all answered there.

After gathering the supplies needed you head down to the district where the warehouse is allegedly located just prior to noon the following day. It takes a few minutes of asking about but eventually someone recognizes the name "The Ferret" and they direct you to the appropriate building. As you approach, it appears to be nothing out of the ordinary. The building is a typical warehouse if not a bit quiet for the time of day. Your guess is that the trade war is starting to take a toll on business here in Almas as well.

You approach the door and knock and a tall man in a brown cloak opens the door without speaking. He looks you up and down with a great deal of caution. Then he examines the wax seal Marianne gives him. After a few moments he gestures for you to follow him and he takes you into a back office, down a hallway, and into a plain room filled with 8 well armed men and 4 robed ones as well. The room appears to be mostly storage but as the man approaches the south wall he pushes on a torch sconce and a section of the wall pops back and slides open revealing a short hallway. Without pausing the man heads into the tiny opening; ducking as he enters. You follow him into a plain room with whitewashed brick walls. The men at arms follow behind and shut the door closing the room off.

The man heads to the middle of the room and gestures for you to follow and he stops at a small table with what looks like a stone bowl on it. Suspended above the stone bowl is a metal bowl. The man looks Marianne in the eye and says "You say Gil gave you this?" as he holds the wax seal up for you to see. The man looks to the cloaked men along the wall and they all nod in unison. Satisfied the man then takes the wax seal and places it in the upper metallic bowl. He also takes out a vial of orange liquid and pours it into the lower stone bowl and proceeds to light it on fire with a taper from a nearby candle. The orange liquid ignites immediately and burns a very hot blue flame heating the metallic bowl up top. Quickly the wax seal melts away and evaporates revealing a small pellet in its center. The man grunts with approval as the pellet starts to sizzle then burn up with an oddly smelling blue smoke. After a moment or two the entire wax seal has evaporated and there is nothing left in the bowl. "These are the ones" the man says as he looks you over carefully.

Right then, My name is Quinn and I apologize for all the secrecy. In this line of work you can't be too careful. The political situation out there is getting bad ... very bad. The trade federations from each city have hired agents to patrol the road and inland water ways with a charter to disrupt all trade coming into or out of the other port city. It's sanctioned land based piracy is what it is. In the last 12 weeks, this has blown up from a simple trade dispute to nearly all out war.

It would seem the proper thing to do would be to give you forged documents from both sides and have you simply pretend to be legitimate traders to work your way up north. However, these roaming brigades have found it easier to simply kill anyone whom they come across regardless of the paperwork they carry and take their wares to sell on the black market. If they leave no witnesses then who is to say the other guys didn't do it?

Trade has ground to a halt. Farmers crops are about to start rotting in the fields. Lumber mills are shut down. The shelves on the markets are emptying fast. All land based shipping in and out of the city has been halted. They don't control the ocean transport yet so here in Almas we seem to be ok for now as goods are brought in from across the Inner Sea. But legitimate goods are not moving anywhere throughout the country. It's bad business all the way around. Whichever side wins this little trade war will control the flow of goods round the entire region and the loser would be put out of business.

The Ferret operates a little shipping business that runs ... shall we say ... outside the law. We don't support either side nor do we care much who wins. There is a great deal of profit to be made shipping goods to people who are desperate to buy and in return buying the things they are desperate to sell. This disagreement has artificially shifted both supply and demand. We are making a killing in the meantime. We have sponsored 4 missions such as the one you are about to undertake. Two of them were caught in the act and hanged on the spot. One appears to have made it through and is currently on its return trip. Your trip will be unique however.

There is a town about 200 miles north of here called Falcon's Hollow. They badly need the goods that are currently being loaded onto your wagon. You are to see to it that the goods make it to the town and broker a deal with the locals. You will find that they are ... eager to trade. In exchange, please return with a load of a rare hardwood that only grows in that region. Then get out of town as quickly as possible so you don't get caught. There are agents in every town watching for both sides. Normally the trip would take 12 days each way. You must be in Falcon's Hollow in under 9 days or our opportunity will be lost. Are we clear? 9 days travel ... no more. Give the horses one of these per day and they should be able to keep a pace of 30 miles per day; even the ones pulling the wagon. He hands you a bottle of pills. Stay off the main roads. Stay off the river. Avoid confrontation if at all possible; it will only delay your progress. If you do find trouble, leave no survivors. Got that?

Ok aside from a few spelling errors the note actually contained 1 typo. It should have read 9 days rations and not 4. The guys filling your wagon place 5 extra days worth of rations in there as well as the cargo. Also, my apologies, all of you would be at least vaguely familiar with the political situation here and what is going on economically. I should have made this more clear in the recruitment forum. Sheesh! Rookie DMs!

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

Checking his new armor to make sure is at a high shine, Staryth stays quiet while things are explained to the group. At first he has his doubts, a lot of this sounds sketchy, shady, and not for an honest dwarf but then...

It would seem the proper thing to do would be to give you forged documents from both sides and have you simply pretend to be legitimate traders to work your way up north. However, these roaming brigades have found it easier to simply kill anyone whom they come across regardless of the paperwork they carry and take their wares to sell on the black market. If they leave no witnesses then who is to say the other guys didn't do it?

At that, his jaw sets, and his eyes spark, Honest trade and honest merchants in danger by these lots? Well, suddenly I'm feeling resolve. I'll be doing some good.

He listens to the rest attentively then nods, "We hear you. Nine days at most to get there, and then head back. Do we have more time to return than we do to get to the pick up?"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

Gilthanis listens, absorbs the given information then asks,Quinn, is there anything we need to know about the patrols? Are they mainly fighter types or do they have casters in their ranks? Also, do the patrol have any set movement schedule? Do we know about where they will be in the countryside on a given day?

Staryth, I assume you are talking to Quinn

Indeed says Quinn the timing isn't as urgent on the return trip so you won't have to push the horses. Other than the mantra most business men adhere to 'time is money' you should be fine on the way back with taking the full 12 days. On that note, you should also find replacement mounts in Falcon's Hollow. That medicine will allow the horses to be force marched for a time but they will need considerable time to rest and recover afterwards.

To Gilthanis he replies Truly it is chaos out there. Those 'chartered' patrol groups are little more than bandits. In fact, its been reported that they even attack each other to steal loot. Not only that, but lately several actual bandit groups have moved in to ply their trade in the chaos. That being said, they will typically stick to the main roads and waterways as that is where the best pickings are. Some of the less successful patrols have been forced off the main routes and are now working the back roads. Those are the roads you are taking.Have someone scout ahead and even behind and keep a watch every evening. Make a cold camp off the road and cover your tracks and you will be fine.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

Staryth nods as his question is answered and more.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Barbarian 1 (HP16 AC16/14, Fort+5, Ref+3, Will+2, Ini+4, Perception+6, Attack +5 or +3/+3, Dmg 1d3+4/1d3+2)

Jeggrim soaks it all in, listening intently to the man's words, trying his best to take mental notes of the details. When the man is finished he quips, Maybe me math skills ain't all that great, but is it 200miles as the hawk flies? 'er 200 miles as yer horses are ta run it? 'Cause by me reckoning, at 30 miles a day that should put the lot 'o us in Falcon's Hallow at seven days no? Or am I missing something? Are ye expectin us ta be delayed along the way, accountin in the nine day window?Jeggrim ponders his own question for a moment before continuing, And aside all that, what exactly are we haulin if ye don't mind me askin? I don't mind riskin me hide for a fair bit 'o coin, but meself would be feelin more confident if meself is ta be knowin all the facts.

Male Human Magus/1 HP: 10/10 AC: 16 or 20 Initiative: +3 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +2

Damaran listens intently with all the others. He pulls a flask from his belt, takes a swig and replaces it. What is the current "climate" in Falcon's Hollow? Are the folks there likely to aid or hinder us?

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Marianne listens carefully nodding along, anxious to appear professional, but she hears a few things that dent her enthusiasm. The poor horses, but I suppose if they get a nice long rest after - I'll get them some carrots. And no campfires, its hardly a proper adventure without a campfire, oh well.

In response to Jeggrim's query Marianne blows a raspberry,

"I have not traveled much, but there aren't many straight roads around we've got about as much chance of making it to Falcon's Hollow on a straight path as we have of finding unicorns and riding them there in a day. And we are taking back roads so I'm surprised nine days is doable. My father told me the only way to travel in a straight line between two places is on a map."

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

Fulito moves his way toward the front so that at least he can see this Quinn fellow.

raising his hand like a schoolboy begging for the teachers attention.

Mr Quinn, sir, I like my pony, Flim-Flam, I named him after my teacher ya know, anyway I don't want to be feeding him these pills and make him, well, sick, and have to leave him behind, He is like family ya know. Anyway can he stay here?

Quinn looks to Jeggrim and says You need to be there in 9 days at the latest; but earlier is better. That gives you two full days for unexpected ... contingencies.

To Damaran he says Well, as was mentioned, here in Almas we haven't felt the bite of the trade war yet because we are still receiving goods from across the inner sea. But, as you can imagine, smaller inland communities are very isolated these days. Falcon's Hollow has always been somewhat 'independent' and so closed to trade but now we hear they are badly in need of medical supplies. That is your primary cargo; alchemical and apothecary supplies. But you are also being loaded up with weapons as well. In times like these people like to feel safe. Communications have been limited but I would think the locals would be very glad to see your wares roll into town. You should be very welcomed if not hailed as heroes. Very profitable heroes I might add.

Doh! Ninjad by both Marianne and Fulito

Edit: yes you can leave the horse here and to Mariane yes you can make it there in 9 days on the back roads ... less if you push the animals.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

"Why do they need medical supplies so urgently? I'll help them if I can, but I fear I am far from the most talented of my order, I can heal wounds, and I have some small skill with fevers and poisons, etc. But I don't have the powerful magics of some of my order. I suppose it makes little difference, we can't afford to spend much more time here we need to get going," Marianne says biting her lip, and becoming more serious as the nature of their delivery is revealed.

[i]Medical supplies, so our quest is a worthy one, even if we must probably overcharge those poor people - though I suppose its a fair recompense for our danger.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"You've a good heart, Marianne, but maybe what we're bringing will be enough. Least wise, it will be better than nothing."

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Male Dwarf Barbarian 1 (HP16 AC16/14, Fort+5, Ref+3, Will+2, Ini+4, Perception+6, Attack +5 or +3/+3, Dmg 1d3+4/1d3+2)

Well that answers me questions then! Sounds like we'll be needin ta run like we got a dragon at our heels! Yay for sore rumps an' chaffed thighs! Jeggrim is half sarcastic but genuinely enthusiastic. With a bit 'o luck we may yet find a bit 'o fun on the road anyways! I don't know bout the rest of ye, but meself is as ready as any could be. I cast me vote that we set off at once! Jeggrim crosses his arms Not sure how I feel 'bout this armor. Bit snug fer me own liking, but I'm not doubtin the advice 'o properly trained warriors...I just...itches! Jeggrim begins tapping his foot impatiently, not the sort to stand around sparring needless words, a look of determination set upon his face.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

Marianne, I will do my best to keep the animals as calm and rested as possible. I would be scolded by my father if I didn't, Gilthanis chuckles softly as he thinks about home, also if all my training comes to fruition then we should have no trouble getting there via backroads in 9 days.

father may all ur teachings and wisdom come hastily to mind when called upon during my travels. Gilthanis eyes 'glaze' over with thought for a moment as he has a flashback.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

Marianne laughs,

"Well it sounds like we are going to be just fine then! Chaffing aside, Jeggrim hon. Let's be on our way then! Does anyone want to drive the wagon? I don't mind taking the reins, but I've never done it before so I don't promise any skill."

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

On Marianne's offer for someone to drive the wagon Fulito raises his hand.

I will drive the wagon, that sounds like a great experience, and I am sure, that by the time we reach our destination I'll be a pro at it.

He thinks for a moment
of course If I am driving the wagon I might not be able to play my HArmonica for some travelling music

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"We can take turns driving the wagon if you like. I defer to elves when it comes to handling animals so if we have trouble with any of the horses, I'll turn to you Gilthanis"

Quinn looks at Marianne and answers her question well it seems as if there is a sickness or blight in the area and with the trade situation as it is there isn't much that can be done about it without extraordinary means.

Alright, if we are done with the questions, lets get this thing started says Quinn.

He gestures at the men along the wall and in unison, they open the secret door and file out. They order a bunch of men to work on the wagon. The horses have been removed and are being led down a ramp into the lower part of the warehouse. A group of laborers move your wagon by hand down the same ramp. The party follows in line.

You are led down a long hallway to a lower level which you guess is at sea level because eventually the hallway opens up into a watery grotto. The horses and wagon are loaded onto a barge.

Quinn looks at you and says There are agents within the city looking for all outbound traffic. We will load you up here and take you along the coast to the east and set you ashore well away from the city. You will be able to head north from that point. These men will pilot your barge but they will not be coming with you.

If you have any further questions for Quinn, now is the time to ask them. Otherwise we will resume your journey at the landing.

Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

"Sounds fine." Staryth says Those poor people. I mean, humans are kind of fragile. A plague can wipe em right out.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

I am ready as I will ever be. May Erastil and Desna be with us

off to work I go so I won't be posting as much as I would like lol

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

"And Shelyn, mostly Shelyn hon," Marianne adds, winking at Gilthanis as she hops up onto the wagon.

"All aboard then let's get this show on the road! How about a little travelling music Fulito honey? Get us in the mood for sore buttocks and chaffed bits I don't care to mention."

As they head out of the city Marianne tries to contain her enthusiasm, and decides to get Jeggrim and Staryth to teach her dwarven,

"So what's the dwarven for hello? And honey of course. You'll teach me right hons?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)
I am ready as I will ever be. May Erastil and Desna be with us

Knowledge Religion for these strange foreign gods above 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

"Heard of Erastil, not too familiar with Desna. And know neither well, but if they be goodly, I'll welcome their blessings... Shelyn's too, of course." He adds as a side to the cleric among them.

"So what's the dwarven for hello? And honey of course. You'll teach me right hons?"

"Hello is simple, honey isn't a commonly used word as the insects most dwarves knew for the longest time lived underground..." Staryth begins to explain, feeling context and history is part of the language, "Indeed, many FLYING insects underground are considered unclean, though not as unclean as bats. Torag finds bats an abomination or so it is said. However, honey from surface lands is fine, and even before we knew of it there were words for 'sweet'. Indeed, the dwarven word for honey most loosely translates to sunsweet I think. Dwarves mix words like they mix metals." And as they ride he does his best to educate her in a few words of dwarven.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Cleric 2
HP 13/13 | AC 19 | T 13 | FF 16 | Init +5 | Percep +4 | F +3 | R +3 | W +5

I buy compass

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Male Dwarf Barbarian 1 (HP16 AC16/14, Fort+5, Ref+3, Will+2, Ini+4, Perception+6, Attack +5 or +3/+3, Dmg 1d3+4/1d3+2)

Jeggrim eyes the horses suspiciously. He approaches one a bit apprehensive, sticking out one hand cautiously making to pet the snout of the one that is to be his, in a whispered voice Hey there ya bit 'ol beastie. Yer a fine lookin one ain't ye? And we're going to get along just fine ain't we? He attempts to pet the horse. Handle Animal. I figure if I get a 10+ the horse will be calm enough at Jegg's touch to still his insecurity. Below 10 and Jegg will have a bit of trouble adjusting. Here we go 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12Ok nice!

The horse seems calm enough and Jeggrim's confidence grows, and before he knows it, he's giving the horse a proper rub down with a soft brush, whispering in its ear. Ye need a name don't ye? I hear that all 'o the long-un's best horses have proper names. Hmmmmm. Ah ha! Ye shall be me Thunderhoof! Haha a mighty name fer a mighty beast! Jeggrim looks satisfied. He plants his hands firmly on his hips, looking one last time at the beast before turning to the party.

I am ready as I will ever be. May Erastil and Desna be with us

Who be they poin-ear? I think I've heard their names whispered by long-un trappers and hunters, but ta be honest with ye I know little 'o them. And ta yer own god Priestess, I must admit the same.Jeggrim lowers his head, off-handedly inspecting his boots, Aye, I must admit I know little 'o the tenants 'o me kin's own god. I've prayed me whole life fer his guidance, and tried me best ta live be what I think he would be choosin, but to be honest with ye, I've never heard a reply to me prayers, and I'm thinkin maybe he's not hearin me. Jeggrim scowls at his own honesty Never told a soul any 'o this and now here ye are spillin yer guts to what may as well be strangers! Shut yer trap ye dolt! Maybe ye'll all be willin to share a bit 'o yer gods wisdom with a crusty dwarf like meself?

Jeggrim listens to Staryth relate the history of the dwarven language, intently focused. Gods a proper dwarf I is...I know nothing of this! No wonder Torag's forgot about me, I ain't much of a child 'o the smith now am I?Of course I'm willing ta help ya Priesty, but ta tell ye the truth, I'm thinkin Staryth a better tutor than meself! His command of history and tradition 'o our language is far superior to me own. If ye want yerself a tattoo tho....Jeggrim trails off laughing.

Liberty's Edge

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Female Human Cleric 1 (HP 14/14; AC 20, Touch 12, Flatfooted 18; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +8; Perception +4; Channel Energy 5/5)

"Sun sweet! I like that, and it sounds deliscious. You can teach me the proper stuff then Staryth and Jeggrim can teach me to swear - okay hon? I don't think you can say you speak a language you can't swear in. As for Shelyn, well she's easy, try to be happy, enjoy beautiful things, and create them if you have the talent, and value love," she clasps her hands together and looks up sighing heavily ina pantomine of love sickness.

"Zon-Kuthon is her half brother - he's an evil god now, but he did not used to be. And got this glaive called Whisperer of Souls that is supposed to ascend to godhood itself when it feeds upon 100 powerful souls, and then begin a new era of blood and murder. But Shelyn wrested his the glaive from him, and is even now working to free the souls trapped within it, turning it from a thing of horror into a thing of beauty. Supposedly anyone who looks upon Shelyn sees their perfect ideal of beauty, so presumably you would see a dwarven lady with, well, um what do you look for in a dwarven lady Jeggrim hon? Staryth? A glossy beard?" Marianne's tone is genuinely curious, and she pats her glaive in illustration as she talks about Whisperer of Souls.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Rogue 1 (AC 18, Saves Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 HP 6 out of 15?)

Staryth answers, "I'm not sure swearing is something I'm comfortable teaching a lady. Perhaps Jegg can give you some good ones." He does find the tale of Shelyn fascinating, "She seeks to redeem a wrong done by her brother. She's a good sister and does her godly clan proud sounds like."

At the mention of his ideal beauty in a lady dwarf, he blushes, "Beards are for dwarven men, actually. And truth to tell, many dwarven marriages are arranged, though my clan is more conservative than most so perhaps I exaggerate that. But unless my father finds out where I am and arranges one, It'll be some time before I have a lass selected for me." And he'd probably tell me no decent woman would have me after my act of rebelliousness. " But I'm sure your goddess would be very lovely as a dwarf." He considers, "Oh, it might surprise you to know that dwarves have three different words for beauty. Natural beauty, crafted beauty, and beauty that lays within waiting to be exposed." And he relates those words to her.

I'm making #$## up as i go along here. I don't remember if female dwarves in this game world CAN grow beards or not, but I'm assuming if they do they tend to shave while the guys stay vain about their own facial hair."

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