Mathurin Kerbouchard |

"As for trade goods that we can sell for a profit I feel we should consider such items as furs, silk, spices, and possibly perfume. Those usually have a good chance of selling for a reasonable sum. While these are not the only goods out there to consider I am mentioning these as an example."
Mathurin takes another drink.

GJurn "SALTY" Swurn |

Gjurn slowly sips some rum from his glass as he watches the heated exchange about items for a ship versus magical assistance. Shaking his head, he mutters amateurs. Acting like they are in charge of the vessel.
Standing up, he speaks loudly for all the tavern to hear Well, that has been a rather enjoyable performance for future sailors of the RSS Paradiso. I shall have to ensure that dresses are ordered to your exact sizes, since you both are acting like a bunch of ladies.
Turning to Connor Good sir, I bid you good evening. Should you decide upon me as Captain for the fair Maiden Paradiso, you can find me down at the docks, looking over the maiden and checking her seaworthyness. Finishing with a bow, he turns and walks out, leaving the others staring at his back.

Graskkator One-Eye |

The Orc growls low in his throat at the insolent wannabe captain, but then draws a deep breath and mutters under his breath
Calm as the holy maiden.
After another deep breath he turns back to the others
Since we are exploring unknown waters I see three possible encounters for trade. One: Hunter gathering tribes, here we can offer manufactured goods or exotic items at a good exchange rate... for us anyway. Two: Small village with few resources easily able to produce corn, furs and other raw materials, but not lacking as such in basic manufactured goods. Here we are could sell for exotic items at a fair to average exchange rate for what they can produce, manufactured goods at a poor rate. Finally a city where exotic items could give us a average exchange rate, but we could get a good one for raw materials like wood, corn, fur from elsewhere.
Shrugging slightly One-Eye looks at the others:
I would suggest needles, daggers, axes, cheap jewelry and liquor would make excellent manufactured goods and exotic items like perfumes, spices and silk.

Connor Whalend |

Well, truth be told after seeing the roleplay going on here I would feel really horrible about having to choose and in the end, we aren't that huge an amount...
Character Roles/Character
Captain: Grasskator One-Eye
Surgeon: Rodrigo Dantares
Boatswain: Delmar de Arcadia
Master-at-Arms: Elwood Markley
New Positions
Let me know if these are alright with you, you may modify your characters if you wish but I chose depending on your character.
Navigator: Mathurin Kerbouchard
Lookout: Lucile Bluth
Ship's Mage: Gjurn "Salty" Swurn
I'd really like to keep you all even when we're 7 players. The more the merrier no?
Let me know if this is alright with you and then as soon as all seven have confirmed I will give you the money to purchase the goods for the ships. Each character will be in charge of his or her own section.

Rodrigo Dantares |

Since Mr. Connor seems occupied at the moment...
Rodrigo will rotate himself by turning the toes of one foot at a time, his heels remaining planted in place, to face Graskkator "شکریہ صاحب.میں نے صرف کہا جو میں نے دیکھا، کوئی قیمت نہیں کے فیصلے کا ارادہ کر دیا گیا تھا."
"Thank you sir. I only stated what I observed, no value judgement was intended."
He rotates himself back in his strange robotic fashion to face the rest of the potential crew. "As I said earlier, my skills extend well into the realms of alchemy. Given the proper raw ingredients I am able to assemble many varieties of materials. From gunpowder to magical droughts. I'm sure such things would be valuable in trade, and give the crew greater flexibility at sea."

Rodrigo Dantares |

"Ah, Mr. Whalend. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." He says, not sounding particularly pleased, or displeased for that matter. "I would be honored to serve as your ship's surgeon. Will there be a written contract, or simply a verbal agreement?" He fails to offer his hand for the shaking.
Should we head over to the discussion thread now?