Thoris - What Lurks Beneath (Inactive)

Game Master Almagafor

For my DMPCs buddies.

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Ironrot, the name is appropriate. The vision before you is the same as countless other mining towns of the north. Ramshackle huts are jumbled together on streets that received little if any planning. A forest of evergreens looms over the town, mist cloying along its branches. The roads are unpaved mud and the constant smell of feces greets your nostrils. Other unpalatable smells hang in the damp air, blood and guts from the butcher, a bitter scent drifts from the direction of the mines themselves, and of course the mass of unwashed people crowded together for safety from wolves and brigands.

A half built palisade can be seen on the east side of town, the wood rotted and ruined. The road from the southeast jack-knifes back and forth following no particular logic. The only point of order you can see is the legion encampment sitting above the town, to the north. Among its tents move men of the 14th legion, red cloaks flapping in the midmorning breeze. You are greeted at the entrance to town by a pair of their number.

A tall, dark, and brash one is the first to speak, "Your business in our fair town?"

The other is somewhat more taciturn, simply eyeing you over his shield.

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"Looking for my brother." the towering man in the old legion armor rumbled.

The armor was somewhat peicemail. All the insignia had been removed and some non-regulation peices had ben added here and there. It was clear that the man wasn't a legionnaire, but it was also clear that he used to be.

The tall one eyes Vex up and down, "Well, you are a big one. What are they feeding you?"

The taciturn one speaks, much more subdued than his partner, "He's of ogrish blood Wistram, or something like. We haven't seen anyone like you here abouts. Feel free to look at the Stargazer, though, its the local tavern."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

There is a shout from the distance and a small figure comes hurtling into view racing along the muddy road with his cloak sailing out behind him.

"Ho, little brother! I thought that was you looming away there, come to join me in gentile family exile? We just don't fit it at mother's dinner parties anymore do we?" Blim says grinning as he slows to a saunter and then a halt.

"I've got a letter to deliver, fancy tagging along? Won't take a second and then we can head to the tavern and see what trouble we can find in this delightful center of culture..."

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas' eyes focus on the guard who adressed him.

"This is where I am meant to be today. Yesterday I was not and I know not what tomorrow brings, but for now I must be here."

His eyes grow distant for a moment before snapping back into focus.

"Is there a place I might find lodgings for the night?"

FYI: That letter is addressed to "Matias Raam"

When Mithas speaks it is the large legionnaire who addresses him, although he stares blankly for a moment, "Aye, the Stargazer might suit you."

The other legionnaire addresses Blim and Vex, "Well, you are an interesting pair, where might your letter be going?"

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"Actually, I'm a halfling." Vex says to the guards. "Here's my brother now." he says with a smile and a wave.

Looking down at Blim, Vex rumbled "I'm just glad to finally catch up with you."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim waves his hand dismissively,

"Well you know me, not one for stopping to smell the roses. Never let the grass grow under your feet say I."

Turning to the legionnaires he snaps off a friendly, but casual salute,

"Letter's for a Matias Raam, don't suppose you lads can speed my trip to the tavern and provide directions can you?"

The legionnaires eye each other for a moment before the big one speaks, "Colonel Raam commands the cohorts here, his tent is in the middle of the encampment."

The taciturn one speaks, "Best hurry, its rarely good to keep Raam waiting."

You hear whispers in your head, Theys important, follows big and little brothers

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim sighs,

"Right you are, we best be off then," he says, suiting actions to words, as they walk away he asks, "So how've you been Vex? You ever find a halfling lass with a hankering for a biggun' or are you seeking larger ladies?"

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Vex sighed and shrugged with a wry smile. "Went home about a half a year ago. Even after I convinced the Wellbottom sisters that I really was me, they just didn't seem as interested as they used to be. They were as curious as ever, but I think the fear that I might hurt them was stronger than any curiosity. Can't say I blame them really. Sometimes I still forget how strong I am now. Feels like the world is made of vellum sometimes."

"There was a human barmaid who seemed interested in me a few weeks ago out on the edge of the territories, but I just couldn't... I don't know... she was pretty I guess, but her legs were taller than you are. It just seemed... wrong, you know?

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim chuckles,

"I've always had a weakness for large women, they are so more readily available as a rule! But I know what you mean, I wouldn't want to settle down with one, and I don't even think you can have a half halfling. Errr, do you think you can still... I mean would your little'uns be, well, little?" His face suddenly falls, Don't tell me carrying on the family name is going to rest on my shoulders? If mother figured that out I'd never escape her!"

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Mithas approaches the odd matched pair,

"Excuse me, but I'm new here and you seem to know your way around. I was wondering if I might tag along during your errand and you could point me in the direction of the Stargazer if we pass by."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blinking Blim looks up at the stranger giving him a quick once over,

"Er, well I don't really know my way about either truth be told, but we'll be needing beds to so we'll be headed there eventually. I've got to drop off a letter first, but you are welcome to tag along we're going for a drink or two after, and the more the merrier they say. I'm Blim Boldfoot by the way, and this is my little brother Vex - he's just full of hot air, hence the biggness."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Ves snorts at his brother's comment and nods to the other man. "Hi."

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

"That seems a fine proposal. I am Mithas Aran and we are well met today. I would not want to delay your errand, so lead on."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim nods,

"Right you are lets get this over and done," he says, hurrying forward and making a beeline for the center of the encampment, snapping off a lazy salute here and there and calling, "letter for the Colonel."

Ont he way he addresses Mithras,

"So what do you do then Mith? Me and little bro here are ex legionnaires, and the black sheep of a proud Imperial family, sort of looking for a place in the world - does that sound about right Vex? Sort of waiting to see if something interesting comes up you know, in my experience life usually throws something up - especially if you punch it in the gut hard enough. I'll probably sniff around in the tavern see if there's anything that sings out to me."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"I'm trying to avoid my place in the world. Lately everyone seems to think I belong on the front lines of someone else's fights. It gets a little old."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"Nah, that's not your place in the world that's there place for you - important difference. By that logic my place in the world is taking some boring desk job, attending soirees, and pumping out babies with some boring little socialite who faints at the sight of blood. B&$~$$# to that say I!" Blim replies glibly.

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Vex grins. "That last part doesn't sound so bad..."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim snorts,

"No it sounds terrible, I can get a girl if I feel a hankering, I don't need to be tied down, thank you very much! If I ever do decide to get married it'll be to someone with a little gumption who has seen the world and wants to see more!"

The legion camp is much better planned than the town. Penants with the old numerals for 14 surround it and mark the main paths between tents. The camp looks temporary and contains enough housing for two or three cohorts, about one hundred and fifty to two hundred men. A ditch about the height of a man has been dug around the camp and stakes placed inside to form a second line of defense. There are three ways into camp equidistant from each other and guarded by five to ten men each. You enter the southmost entrance, between your bluster and the calls of a dispatch for the colonel you are not stopped.

The colonel tent stands dead center of camp. Outside a few maniples attend to drills, washing linens, cooking, and other camp activities. Tied to the outside of the front tent flap is another of the ubiquitous penants and a fine horse, a courser likely, is staked nearby. The tent flap is kept open and inside you can hear a man of clipped tone addressing someone in Elven.

It's a report about two soldiers fighting in the local tavern.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5
Blim Boldfoot wrote:

Blim nods,

"So what do you do then Mith? Me and little bro here are ex legionnaires, and the black sheep of a proud Imperial family, sort of looking for a place in the world - does that sound about right Vex? Sort of waiting to see if something interesting comes up you know, in my experience life usually throws something up - especially if you punch it in the gut hard enough. I'll probably sniff around in the tavern see if there's anything that sings out to me."

"Once I was a simple woodcutter, but that was a time long past. These days, I am a but a simple wanderer, earning my keep the best I can."

"I believe your colonel is within.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim nods, but makes a talking gesture with his hand, clapping his fingers and thumb together. Once the conversation is concluded he steps forward so he is visible through the tent flap and calls,

"Letter for Colonel Raam. Blim Boldfoot, Courier Lieutenant retired, may I enter Sir?"

Inside you see a human and elf. The human is standing, evidently the one giving the report, clad in legion scale armor with sword at hip and bearing a centurion's rank. He's dusky skinned and has a hard look about him, you would place him in his middle years. The elf, seated, has light skin, shoulder length silver hair, and blue eyes. The elf wears a silvered breastplate, mithral likely, and leathers cover his limbs. Leaning on the small writing desk before him is a curveblade and you can see the hilts of a number of weapons beneath his red cloak.

The elf speaks first, his tone is even and lyrical, "I'm Colonel Raam, enter legionnaire and let's see this letter." Taking the letter he dismisses the centurion.

"It appears your father wishes me to find you gainful employment, Blim, the implication is that you serve the legion." Raam smiles, but the smile never quite reaches his piercing eyes, "While I have command here, this is not my legion to recruit for. I do however have a task for you. The mayor here is requesting legion assistance. He wants someone to explore the mines, he lost some men in a new shaft and some things don't add up. Go get some sleep at the tavern and I'll arrange an audience for you with the Lord Mayor in the morning, he'll have more information. Questions?"

Knowledge Nobility DC 10:
See Raam's entry under Dramatis Personae

Knowledge Nobility DC 15:
Raam is a master of legion scouts, typically he is assigned to the 10th Legion. Cali's Bay was a loyalist settlement early in the civil war that Raam put to the sword, men, women, children, even livestock. Following the battle loyalists fled to the cities from country villages, the strain on loyalist supplies shortened the war considerably.

Knowledge Nobility DC 20:
Raam is currently married to Lady Elzbet Raam, a surpassingly beautiful elven woman. She appears to not have any past prior to marrying the Colonel and spends most of her time in the capital. Additionally he appears to have blessings of the gods, his skill and ability appear to surpass mortal men and he seems capable of escaping nearly any situation, no matter how dire.

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Know: Nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

This one has a dark past. the other mind whispered in Vex's. Cali's Bay. Women. Children. Animals. All dead by his command.

How do you know that? You hadn't even woken up during the war.

I did not see it then. I see it in him. I hear the echoes in his ears and the reflections in his eyes. Atrocities leave stains that lie deeper than mortal hands can wash clean.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim sighs, but nods,

"I suspected it might be something of that kind, but honestly I suspect my mother had more to do with it, oh well. Yes, I can do that Colonel, if you could tell the Lord Mayor that I and any companions I can scrounge up will await his convenience at the Stargazer. I'm guessing that the Lord Mayor will have all the information we need, or all we are going to get at any rate, so if that is all Sir I'll take my leave..."

If the Colonel has nothing else.

Blim steps out and fills his companions in on the details,

"Don't suppose you two feel like a spot of gainful employment do you? People are generally quite free with the coin when they are sending you down a deep dark hole to risk life and limb in my experience, I'm sure it will be rewarding."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"I don't like the idea of working for him, but if you're going to do it then I am too."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim blinks,

"Whats wrong with him? Anyways we aren't working for him are we, working for the Lord Mayor, trying to save miners, or at least discover what happened to them. Its good work, downright heroic, there bound to have dug too deep and uncovered some ancient evil. We nip down do a spot of vanquishing, loot their ancient treasures, pop back up to the surface and we're heroes! The ladies are like, oh, Blim you're so dashing! Oh, Vex you're so hugable! Ooooh, Mithas I love your ears! We bask in adulation until we get bored, then ride of into the sunset - everyone's a winner."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"If you say so." Vex said, shrugging his massive shoulders. "Last time we went into a deep place to loot ancient treasure I ended up about five feet taller with annoying voices in my head."

If you would be a little more cooperative you might find me less 'annoying'.

If you were a little less annoying, you might find me more cooperative.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"You did? I thought you just ate your vegetables," Blim says in mock astonishment, "you are sure its not just trapped wind?"

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"Usually my stomach problems don't tell me about how the Legion officer I just met slaughtered an entire town just to cut off supply lines. Usually.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"How reliable are these voices in your head exactly bruv? I mean can you trust whatever is talking to you? Even if you can't it isn't the miners fault the Colonel is a bastard right? Not going to be him dead if we don't take care of whatever is going on there, it'll be some poor sap miner with a wife and kiddies. Lets say we'll take your uninvited consciences words under advisement and try not to have anything else to do with the Legion." Blim says, knuckling his chin thoughtfully as he glances back to the camp.

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Vex nods. "No idea, really, but that sounds good to me."

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

"Hmmm... They dug too greedily and too deep. Perhaps they've awoken some nameless fear in the depths. I would know the truth of the matter."

Winding your way through a few ungravelled, unplanned streets you come to the Stargazer. One of the few buildings in town with a second floor, this is clearly some sort of bawdy house. You see multiple women, and some men, leaning out the upper story windows trying to attract the attention of customers. The jeers of the individuals of ill repute looking for work and the return jeers of several locals and regulars actually serves to lift the oppressive mood of the town and weather somewhat. The entrance is a simple oil cloth covering a squarish hole in the wall. Inside it's not quiet, but not overly loud either. A few barmaids move through a light evening crowd serving what you expect is throughly watered down ale. One of them greets you and shows you to a half empty table before taking your orders. Here and there you notice a red legion cloak mixed in with a crowd otherwise consisting of travelling merchants, street toughs, and a few locals.

Male Orc Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 2/ Fighter 1

I'm going to make my introductory post...hope you don't mind Almagafor.

Just as the rest of the group arrives you see a rather large and extremely muscular man come down the stairs. He is wearing nothing but a loin cloth and a rather angry look on his face. His body is littered with scars and his skin has a dark green hue to it and you can tell he isn't human. He walks up to one of the barmaids.

"Miss...I would be liking to speak to management. It seems like the woman that I paid for wasn't able to...preform if you know what I mean and I will be needing a refund." He has a feeling his request isn't going to be met with anything but resistance so he shoots her a look to help get his point across that he isn't satisfied.

Intimidate check to see if he can speak with management:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

His clothing and weapons are upstairs as he didn't want to really scare anyone down here.

The barmaid looks more than a little surprised, her jaw working soundlessly for a moment before she manages to speak, "Give me a moment to get the owner."

She moves to a back room, through the curtain that covers it you assume a combination office and storage room. A few moments later emerges an elderly man, frail and short, leaning heavily on a cane. His hair, what little remains, is stark white and his eyes are a rheumatic yellow with faded green irises. Across his forehead, drawing down his left cheek and lip, continuing down past chin and under his robe, is a horrific pink scar. With him comes a younger man, half his age, tall and broad shouldered with dark hair, beard, and eyes.

The younger man speaks first, "I understand you are not satisfied with one of the young ladies who calls this place home. However, I am unsure what you want me to do, the women here are responsible for any monetary transactions they undergo."

The ancient one chimes in, his voice gruff from age and injury, "Quinn, the man knows how it is, just give him his money."

Quinn eyes show fear as the old man speaks, then after a moment surprise. He fishes in his belt pouch for a handful of silver and holds them out for Yark to take.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim strolls in and looks up at the big fellow with an amused expression,

"How exactly does a woman fail to perform? I really don't know what you mean, have I been doing something wrong all these years. Are they meant to do the work? Maybe orc girls do it differently?"

There is a rustling in his backpack and a small furry face emerges, followed swiftly by the rest of a black and white monkey. The creature stretches hugely giving the orc and Vex dubious once overs.

"Oh your Lordship is awake is he, how very gracious of you Mister Minks," Blim says, a trifle sourly.

Male Orc Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 2/ Fighter 1

Yark's eyes flash with a brief moment of anger and then something strange for an Orc happens, he actually shows restraint. He takes the silver coins "Thank you" he says and then turns to head back up stairs to gather his belongings.

As he does so he turns to the new comer and shakes his head "A man of your...stature doesn't have the problems we Orcs wouldn't understand" he says and then continues up the stairs.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim looks puzzled for a moment and then grins,

"Ahahahahahaha, does he mean that... I mean well, ahahahah. Oh dear, that poor fellow. I'd say its not the size of the blade, but how you use it, but I guess you can't use a greatsword to slice yourself off a piece of sweet apple pie..."

Slapping his thigh he turns to the proprieters,

"Alright there? Me and the fellas here need some booze and some beds, whether they want them filled I couldn't tell you. How much for a room without a view, and what price to upgrade if you take my meaning?"

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

At least he can find a girl.

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"What do you say brother? What happens on the adventure stays on the adventure... Or are you going to claim you've got Tripod the orc's personal problems?" Blim asks, wearing an evil grin.

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Vex just blushed and shrugged. "You go ahead. I don't know if I feel right paying for something that really aught to be earned."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"Eh, rightfully? If you enjoy it and she's willing to do it for coin doesn't seem to be wrong to me. What do you think soiled doves aren't people to, they've got to eat, and none of them are going to be changing professions just because you don't want your coin purse fondled. Still it does lack for some of the thrill of the chase I'll grant you."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

"I doubt they'll starve on account of me. There's plenty who agree with you. I'm not saying it's wrong, I just, I don't know, I guess I'd rather get to know a girl first."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

"Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I just think if you are going to be playing hide the sausage with a Lady you could love you want to be good at it first - and practice makes perfect."

HP 46/46, AC 21, FF 18, Touch 13 Rage 9/9, Judgement 1/1, Intercept 1/1, Retort 1/1, AoO 4/4

Vex shrugs. "Then go practice. I'll content myself down here in the bar."

Male Halfling Magus 3 (AC 20, ff 15, Touch 16; CMD 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Init +5; Perception +8)

Blim snorts, "Nah, not my cup of tea I'm a romantic, must run in the family gods help us."

The one known as Quinn goes back to his office, sulking away.

The ancient one speaks, "I believe rooms are two coppers, upgrades are up to the girls, they get charged two gold a night. I've never known one to not pay her keep though." He extends a whithered hand, "You must be the new arrivals that the colonel sent to help Mayor Karm. They call me Scar, on account of my untouched boyish good looks. I'm up from The Forks, I own this place and a number of others throughout our fair nation, my boy Quinn runs this place for me. Perhaps you can tell me of yourselves?"

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