Paul Ackerman 70 |

Under The Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates
By: David Cordingly
Great historic account of actual Pirates. Strips the myth from them and uses actual eye witness acounts for some of the stories. David Cordingly had a Pirate museum exhibit in London for about three years - the guy really knows his stuff.
It's a fast engaging read. It would be awesome to have a Pirate adventure based on facts such as these.
Check it out.

CourtFool |

I picked it up while I was running a pirate campaign but I have not read it yet.
I find it amusing you mention a pirate campaign based on historical accounts. One of my frustrations when I was running the game was that all piratical RPG material assumes you are running D&D with boats.
If you ever run a pirate campaign, I suggest G.U.R.P.S. Swashbucklers, New Dimension Games Pirates series, Green Ronin's Skull & Bones and, of course, Paizo's ship flip mat.