Inn of the World's End

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm soon beginning a campaign based strongly on the World's End volume of Neil Gaimen's Sandman. The party have been pulled from their different worlds and times to the safety of an extradimensional inn as reality quakes and shifts outside. Unlike in the comic, where patrons are expected to simply pass the time telling stories, the idea I'm going with is that two types of people are drawn to the inn: those with some relation to "faults" which are preventing reality from settling and reasserting itself, and those who can help. The party is transported to the time and place of the fault and must resolve the fault.

Faults can literally be anything. An out of place person, a broken law of nature or a time that should not exist are some ideas I've had.

So, I'm looking for ideas for faults. Where they happen and how they can be resolved. The settings can be any genre and setting. I've already written a few, but I want the tone of each adventure to be signifigantly different, and I worry that anything I come up with would eventually feel too similar.

Thanks in advance!

Hitler was never born, and the results are a disaster. The party must travel to 1888 and figure out what has gone wrong and how to fix history.

Plot twist - the perpetrator is a truly nice person, a time traveler who believes she s acting for the greater good.

The consequences if she succeeds: Germany Fights WWII with a leader who is both utterly ruthless and truly competent.

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