Transmute mud to rock (escaping via transmute rock to mud)

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

So, I am running an adventure path, and in an upcoming encounter, the party will face a mud shaitan in a muck-filled room with a deep pit of quicksand in the middle of it. Included in the shaitan's tactics is that if any PC gets trapped in the quicksand, he is to use transmute mud to rock to encase the PC in stone.

My question is this: if the party cleric is the one who gets trapped (and let's say she is fully immersed in the muck when the spell goes off), can she cast transmute rock to mud to escape?

The spell has VSM components. I don't think she'd be able to satisfy the somatic components within the stone, thus making this a death trap for her if she's the one who gets caught in it. I'd like to hear your thoughts before I take somebody out so ruthlessly.

The spell says nothing about deeply you immersed or any affect on spellcasting. It is basically designed to stop you from moving from you current location. It is not the equivalent of making you paralyzed so you can't move any body parts at all.

The danger in the spell is that you are now setup for ranged attacks, and AoE spells, and there is not much you can do about it.

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