The Warlord |

After a few words, in a literal sense by Corrad to Wynnter everyone is finally ready to travel to their destinations.
Naelareon Lands
Once all are gone Tristen begins to work.
Small Market
awareness (notice), persuasion/deception (any), Knowledge (Streetwise)
Trading Inn
awareness (notice), persuasion/deception (any), Knowledge (Streetwise)
Woodworking site
awareness (empathy), persuasion/deception (any), survival (forage/track)
awareness (empathy), persuasion/deception (any), survival (forage/track)
awareness (empathy), persuasion/deception (any), Knowledge (Streetwise)
In any location you will roll:
Bartheld Delegation
Lord Darne takes a few men to visit the Barthelds, it is a long travel, but will be there within the month. (You may roleplay or try something of your own making, and you may trigger something, if not I will fast forward).
Grell Delegation
The travel is going to prove very hard for Wynnter, more do to the company she carries than the travel itself. (You may roleplay or try something of your own making, and you may trigger something, if not I will fast forward).

Wynnter Snow |

When they stopped to water the horses Wynnter took the chance to stretch her legs, but more importantly check on the gift steed for house Grell. When she was satisfied that the horse was well looked after she turned her attention to Manrel. Since she spoke with Corrad and a few others from the council, a question had formed in her mind.
When she got a chance she waved the knight over. "Something has been bothering me for a bit, and I have a question for you. Why did you volunteer for this? You could have easily passed this off to another yet you agree to do this. Why?" She questioned. "Most of the others from the Lord's council either have some form of distaste for me because of how I dressed at the first meeting."
Awareness(Empathy): 5d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 6, 2) = 19 17
To see if what he says is true and his attitude towards her.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Bartheld Delegation
Weyland keeps his hands to himself and his tongue silent. He ponders his change in circumstance and the new developments that the most recent Tourney has wrought. Most importantly he keeps by Darne's side to ward away any who would seek to do him harm.
For now, Weyland will be on his best behavior!

Darne Naelareon |

Bartheld Delegation
Darne was honestly unsure what to do, he had never even been on a trip like this for diplomacy but also for a hunt outside of the occasional deer or boar. He thought long and hard for the first days trek and went so far as to count the men of his troupe. I'm assuming less then 30 archers in the group? I do hope so
He looked at the men when they made their first nights camp and thought about how to keep their morale up and inspire them at the same time to stay sharp.
He took a moment and finally decided "Spread into groups of ten, what say we make a competition out of this hunt. I expect you lot to practice, House Naelareon has already proven ourselves recently at a hunt and I'd had to lose our winning streak. I offer one dragon to each man in the group of the team that delivers the critical blow to the Griffin. AND, I will hold a tournament from the winning group to decide who amongst that group will head on to study under out Master of the Hunt." he said hoping that that would be enough to inspire his troops.
If there is 20 or less archers in the group, change the wording to he will offer a GD to each of the archers...all of them, if any of them but the Master of the Hunt delivers the critical blow. And again the tournament to study under the Master of the Hunt.
Persuasion (Charm): 6d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3) + 2 = 16 13...wow, that was s%++ rolling