Fence – In addition to your other duties, you move black market items for the Smoke Knights. You gain +2 to Appraise (Appraise is always a class skill for you) and can sell stolen items for half their worth in Absalom. (*Instead of 25%) This can replace the Profession/Craft requirement and you may roll Appraise for job rolls.
• Student of Skullduggery- You have had a Family Member or Mentor in one of the Thieves Guilds in Absalom. Choose one of the following skills: Stealth, Disable Device, or Escape Artist. This skill is always a class skill and you gain a +2 trait bonus. You may attempt a knowledge skill untrained if it deals specifically with criminal activity (Thief Guilds, Historical Heists, Prominent Criminals, etc.).
• Foreigner- You are not native to Absalom. You must start the game living in the Foreign Quarter living in a work house owned by the Smoke Knights, they take 4 gold out of your pay for rent. Living in the Foreign Quarter is not an easy life. You gain Improved Unarmed combat as most of disputes in the Foreign Quarter are handled with violence, yet not many go so far as murder since it carries a death penalty. You handle bets at the Crimson Coin for Gladiatorial events and hear many things about the goings on in Absalom. This covers your Profession requirement and you can use Intimidate as a job roll to collect unpaid debts. You gain +2 Diplomacy or Knowledge Local to gather information. One of these is a class skill.
• House Affiliation- You are a member or close associate of one of the Major Houses of Absalom. You gain Knowledge Nobility as a class skill with a +1 trait bonus in addition to house specific bonus (Choose One)
House Ahnkamen: (Osirian Heritage/ Osirian Sympathies) you gain proficiency with a Khopesh(Curved One Handed Weapon 1d8 Slashing 19-20crit Trip). You start the game with 100 additional gold pieces worth of Osirian Jewelry.
House Avenstar: (Kyonin Heritage/Internal Loyalty) Scion Lord Tylvran is very old and it is unknown who he will name his successor. This has made the other Houses to be extra courteous to anyone associated with this house, as they are in no hurry to anger a potential council member or district nomarch. You gain +2 to intimidate and diplomacy when dealing with a member of opposing house. One of these skills are always a class skill with an additional straight +2 trait bonus.
House Candren: (Taldan Heritage/Andoran Loyalty) Scion Hugen runs one of the largest fleets in Absalom and requires that all members of his house are familiar with life at sea. You gain +2 to Profession Sailor and Swim skills. They are always class skills. You may live at the docks free of rent.
House Damaq: (Keleshite Heritage, Qadiran Loyalty) Scion Lord Kerkis is the Lord Exchequer of the Absalom Mint. His financial abilities run in the family and are taught to all members of House Damaq. You gain +2 to Appraise it is always a class skill. You start the game with 50 extra gold.
House Morilla (Taldan Heritage/Taldan Loyalty) Scion Lord Celedo is the Guildmaster of Mysteries, and a Trademaster. You gain Knowledge Planes, Arcana and Religion as class skills. You may reroll any profession or craft skill to determine money earned for services, including job rolls.
House Ormuz: (Thuvian Heritage/Thuvian Sympathies) Scion Lord Yamthar is leader of the Eternal Envoy, members who are known to have used the Sun Orchid Elixir to extend their lives. They share the experience longevity has given them. You gain +1 to all knowledge skills and may choose any two as class skills.
House Shamyyid: (Keleshite Heritage, Qadiran Sympathies) Scion Lady Xerashir, Bey of Sarenrae and Watcher of the Starstone. Members of House Shamyyid gain +2 to Knowledge Religion and it is always a class skill. Once a day you may seek out healing (Cure Light Wounds) at the Temple of the Shining Star (Sarenrae) free of charge.
House Tevineg (Chelish Heritage, Chelish Loyalty) Scion Lady Xansippe is known as the “Beloved of Asmodeus”. Affiliation with this house carries with it a bit of infamy, you gain +2 to Intimidate and it is always a class skill, but receive -1 to diplomacy with the other Houses. You start the game with a Cold-Iron Weapon.
House Gixx (Minor House/Primarch Gyr) House Gixx is a Minor house, but being aligned with the most powerful political figure in Absalom has its benefits. You receive +2 to diplomacy and it is always a class skill. You may spend a Hero Point to meet the Primarch, though his reactions will still depend on the reason for the meeting and roleplaying.
House Kelthlin (Minor House/Irorium) Lord Genfen is the “Master of Blades” at the Irorium (An Arena dedicated to the fighting techniques of Irori) and houses prisoners for other houses to be used in Gladiatorial Events. You may choose one Martial Weapon to be proficient with, if you are already proficient with Martial Weapons you may choose one Exotic Weapon. You gain access to fight in the Arena against lesser prisoners for sport. You can roll your attack for Job rolls and this takes place of your Profession requirement. The crowd always starts out as friendly for you in the Irorium when participating in performance combat in there.
Additional Rules Used:
Hero Points from APG and Performance Combat from UC will be used. No player can start with Words of Power, but they can take the feat the learn them if they choose later from UM.
Other Information/Recent History pertinent to campaign:
Recently Absalom has had a vast increase in immigrants in preparation for one of the largest annual events, The Primarch's Feast. Knights will compete for prestige and envoys from all over Golarion will attend to pay their respects and merchants and entertainers come to make coin during the event. This year it is rumored that Lord Tylvran will name a successor. The Primarch invokes heavy penalties during this time for crimes, and even though opportunities are abundant for aspiring thieves, moving stolen items is more difficult due to these draconian measures. Stolen items are sold for 25% of value + 1% per Appraise bonus. So if your appraise skill was at +7 you would sell stolen equipment at 32% of value. Players with the Fencer trait can sell items for 50% +1% per Appraise bonus. Using the same example as above if such a player with the Fencer trait sold an item had +7 he/she would sell it at 57% value. Certain special items can be bargained over, but due to the high potential for wealth acquisition in this campaign I need to limit this to maintain a WBL standard to a certain degree.
I am going to attempt to incorporate the downtime system in this game. At first you will only be able to gain capital by doing your day to day cover jobs, but as you meet people and events unfold you may gain influence ect.
Ambitious Big Vision:
This game has the potential to go the distance. If you stick it out you could become the biggest crime lords in Absalom.
Day Job Chart from PFS for reference:
DC 5 1 gp ,10 5 gp, 15 10 gp ,20 20 gp, 25 50 gp, 30 75 gp, 35 100 gp, 40 150 gp
Housing in Absalom:
I will give 3 examples of each district per month
Ascendant Court:*Limited to Aristocrat/Adept Characters Rent a bunk 3-10g, Rent Flat 300g, Rent Keep 10,000g
The Coins: Rent bunk 2-8, Flat 100g, Keep 5,000g
Docks: Bunk 1-4g, Flathouse 150g, 10,000g
EastGate: bunk 2-10g, Flathouse 100g, Keep 7,500g
Flotsam Graveyard: Bunk1-2g, Flat 100g, Villa 1,000g
Foreign Quarter: bunk 4-8g, Flat 200g, Keep 8,000g
Green Ridge: bunk 1-5g, Flat 50g, Manor 1,000
The Puddles: bunk 1-2g, Flat 120g, Keep 6,000
Merchants' Quarter : Bunk 2-10, Flat 130g, Keep 8,000
Precipice: Bunk 2-3g, Flat 80g, Villa 1,000g
The Petal District*Limited to Aristocrat Characters Bunk 3-10g, Flat 300g, Keep 10,000g
Westgate: Bunk 1-8g, Flat 80g, Keep 7,500
Ivy District: Bunk 3-10g, Flat 450g, Keep 10,000
Wise Quarter:* House Gixx lives here 50% cheaper in honor of the Spell Lord Bunk 4-12g(usually includes tutelage in exchange for manual labor), Flat 200g, Manor 1,000g
Basic PbP Info:
You should post what your character is saying in Bold thinking in Italics Doing in Out of Character use OOC BOLD for dramatic events. Every post think to yourself did you post enough? Is it clear what your character is doing saying and thinking? If not add more than one sentence.