Skulls and Shackles - The Ticking Clock

Game Master Whiskey and a Bonesaw

A closed Skulls and Shackles campaign for a group of friends.

Hey all! Before we get into character creation, some basics on posting.

1. Basics:

Look at the tabs above this. The two most important are the Gameplay and Discussion tabs. The Gameplay tab is for in-character posts, as well as rolls and quick out-of-character comments. The Discussion tab is for longer ooc questions or discussions.

2. Formatting:

Use Bold text for in-character dialogue. Ex: Keresa fled back down the stairs whisper-screaming "Zombies!", her hands flailing comically above her head.

Use Italics for character thoughts. Ex: "Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap..." looped through Keresa's skull as she watched the disemboweled drunk gurgle to his feet.

Use Out of Character text for out-of-character comments and clarifications. Ex: Damn it Peter, stop misrepresenting my characters for cheap laughs!

How to do all of these and more can be found by clicking 'formatting' below a post window.

3. Aliases:

Each character should have their own alias. Please copy your character sheet into your 'Profile' tab; see here for an example of what I mean. Additionally, please put your HP, AC (+Touch and Flatfooted), CMD, Saves, Initiative, and Current Conditions in the Race/Class Levels/Gender options like in the example.

Pro tip: Write up your profile in notepad or similar, then copy-paste it into your profile. Paizo likes to eat posts if you spend too long writing them.

4. Character Creation:


More specifically:
-We will be using Spheres of Power, but nothing by Dreamscarred Press. Sorry.
-Recommended archetypes: Dragon Skald, Savage Technologist Barbarian, Freebooter Ranger, Base Brawler, Juju Oracle Revelation, Kraken Caller Druid, Huntsmaster Cavalier, you get the idea.
-Avoid heavy armor.
-We will be using Background Skills. Profession (Sailor), Sleight of Hand, and Profession (Cook) all come highly recommended.
-All firearms are considered martial weapons; firearms and their ammunition will only cost 1/4 of the list price. Advanced firearms will not be available.
-The Harpoon and Bill Hook are considered martial weapons.

Once you have an alias, please post both in the Gameplay and in the discussion tabs.

If you all would like to have your characters know each other before the campaign, go for it! It makes the initial part of this adventure a lot easier on me.

Seriously, MAKE PIRATES! Go watch Pirates of the Caribbean or flip through the Image Library if you need some inspiration.

4. Houserules
Added as I think of them:
-Vital Strike can be used in place of the Attack action (i.e., with Spring Attack or on a Charge)