Tark Boulderbreaker |

"Well, I'll be damned... They chose a dwarf to be running around in dark caves" - Tark roars - "I'm already thinking this is going to turn out alright!" - he adds turning to the others.
Dot, and thanks a lot for taking me on board on this one Watcher - Tark will try to live up to the tales of dwarven resilience, stubborness, and ale drinking. Really looking forward to this one.

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OK, we have Theragul A Tiefling Cleric. Given his background, I assume he is some kind of Battle Cleric, which is all good.
Then there is Ran Voker, Human Bard (Archaelogist) (I like Archaeologists), who is going to be our skill monkey.
Jean D'Fleur, Suli Paladin searching for a lost artifact. Uses a Glaive.
Tark Boulderbreaker Dwarf Fighter, uses a Bardiche and then presumably switches to Greatsword for up close work.
Gabr Mos'ata Inquisitor of Abadar, (another favourite class of mine) with a mission to repatriate the hidden wealth of the world.. Uses a Longbow by preference.
abd then there's me. Magnus Tate.
Now from my point of view; I am not a front-liner, but I do need to be close enough to use my spell effectively. looking at the area of effect, the squares diagonally forward would be safe, so it makes sense for me to have a frontliner in each position (assuming we have the space); since our front liners all use reach weapons (as do I ) we then have multiple overlapping 'fields of fire', and once a large number of opponents have been funnelled into range, I can let loose with my burning hands, leaving the frontliners to mop up.
Gabr presumably would seek to be a second ranker to use his bow effectively while still being covered, Theragul will want cover while laying down Buffs and be near enough to the front to step in after.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

Tark Boulderbreaker |

Posting from my phone, so the formatting may not be the best ;)
I am really wanting to play the proverbial dwarf, since I miss that from the 'old days' - that being said it is more a matter of character attitude than exact build. I am assuming that GM Watcher is ok with some tweaking (maybe I shouldn't? :D), so apart from his gruff demeanor, and being as tough as can be, Tark is not really 'set in stone' and I have not yet fully decided if I just want to make him a tough pebble to chew on (with a big armour and shield, dealing less damage, thus presenting less of a menace to bad guys who may simply try to ignore him - I might consider going 2w fighting for one/two - weapon/shield hit combo), or a hard-hitting up in your face kind of guy that simply cannot be ignored because it just hurts too much to do so :D
Since we have multiple 'reach' characters, playing Tark also as one might be beneficial to us - a frontline with two or three reach combatants can really dish out some pain before they close in, mainly if we can hit them hard enough from afar that they simply cannot help but closing in.
I could make some improvements on Tark by making him an Invulnerable Rager instead - Superstition would REALLY make him a nut magically hard to crack (as a 'fighter type' I am aiming at making him as resistant to magic as possible), without it meaning any change in character attitude or feel, while shoring up some additional skills (I really have a hard time playing unskilled characters :/) I would probably make him an Urban Barbarian also, whose rage would be more akin to that 'in the zone' dwarves fighting stance. So, I guess that depending on GM Watcher allowing some last minute changes, Tark can really be customized, while retaining all the dwarven charm :D

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Excited to be along. Theragul is set to be a battle cleric, eventually armoring up with a big weapon and swinging away after a couple of buffs. Longspear for reach situations but the Bastard Sword is his favorite. Carries a shield for when he needs to turtle up a bit, but prefers to swing away.
As a general rule I'm more of a "what feels right for the character" rather than a min/maxer but am open to suggestions as things move along to make sure he fulfills his roll in the party.

Ran Voder |

Ran's primary attack is going to be his shortbow, but with his shield in one hand and whip in the other he has a decent AC (17).
I could change some spells in his load-out. Maybe sub in Dancing Lights for Prestidigitation? For spellcasting he's mostly going to try to be clever with his illusions; an archaeologist's buffing ability is mainly limited to himself.
He could also swap out Know:Arcana for Local, Religion, or Planes, since Magnus has Arcana covered right now.
Input is appreciated. I'll have his gear finished up soon.

Tark Boulderbreaker |

I'm also finishing up on Tark's gear. Thanks for the freedom of choice GM Watcher, but I guess I will stick to my guns as is, and play him in the original version - a straight up fighter. After all, if I feel like dipping barbarian or some such, it isn't a dramatic stretch for a fighter ;)
As far as knowledges go, I am all for trying to get some balance in the group. I just gave him Dungeoneering and Engineering - it seemed it would fit in with his dwarven ancestry more seamlessly. Also I really could not help myself and gave him Craft Armor - not sure how many times we will be able to use it but hey! I'm a dwarf! :D

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I may tweak Theragul a bit before the 25th... no major changes though. Was looking at the Crusader archetype but it just seems like a rather bad deal. Except for evangelist clerics seem to lake good archetypes.

Jean D'Fleur |

Awesome. I agree that three pole-arms users ought to dominate melee for the early levels. Jean also can serve as a party face, but is skill-less in all other areas. If we survive to second level, he will start gaining not insignificant healing capability. (Going to pick up Greater Mercy at third)
"May the power of love protect us on our quest!"
GM Watcher, have you decided what the nature of Jean's artifact is? Anything that might have been kept in a Shelyn temple will work.

Gabr Mos'ata |

I've got to make my stats 20pt buy and do a few last minute adjustments to gear and such but I'm stuck at work for a few more hours. I will finish up and join the RP this evening. FYI, I'm in western Canada and generally unable to be on the computer at work so the vast majority of my posting will occur between 7-12pm mountain daylight time.

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Yeah..I've changed my skills around a bit. Originally pulled them together in a rush and ended up with a couple of skills that don't make sense (Fly, appraise), so I've taken them out and added Knowledge (Nobility) and Knowledge (History) to reflect his Noble background and his interest in old ruins.

GM Watcher |

There may be some overlap. I'm currently reading through the book and seeing where I could place it, or where it would be.
I like how you guys have set some of your own goals, because it makes it less difficult for me :)
However, I will ensure that you know what your employer has given you as your task, and I'll post it here since you would already know.
Your task is to find where a team of adventurers known as the Fire Hawks has disappeared to. They were last adventuring within Rappan Athuk, and it includes some high-profile individuals including Venthraine's own son. However, due to the aforementioned tension between Hallowfell and the other countries, he cannot directly act to investigate.

GM Watcher |

The delay was because I didn't have access to my laptop for an extended time. My girlfriend dropped in for the day, and priorities had shifted accordingly.
There shouldn't be anymore significant delays, though my next post will certainly be delayed until 5(ish) pm MST due to aforementioned priority shift.

Gavmania |

I am going on holiday on 19th July to 29th July. If necessary, feel free to DMPC Magnus (try not to get him killed, I rather like him, lol). It's unlikely that I will be able to get online while I away.
Do we need to arrange watches? As a human I would be best on the first or last watch, and it will also help me get the requisite sleep to recharge my spells (not that that is a problem this time round).

Ran Voder |

Ran needs to recharge his spells, too, so he'll need to either be first or last watch. I can't hit the Roll20 site right now so put his bedroll wherever, near the other PCs.

Gabr Mos'ata |

Bah, I apologize guys but I either didn't realize or missed that some of this game would be on Roll20. It looks like a fantastic program and not all that difficult to learn but I'm just not up to doing it right now as a flooded appliance problem has husband and I starting a massive reno due to the water damage.
Thanks for selecting my character and best of luck on your adventure. I'm sorry I can't stick around for more.

GM Watcher |

Just follow this link:
It should work assuming you have an account there already.

Gavmania |

Just follow this link:
It should work assuming you have an account there already.
when I press it, it doesn't even send me to Roll20!

Tark Boulderbreaker |

I'm not exactly sure I understood GM Watcher - when you say you didn't know exactly how to continue it, what do you mean? Story wise, or..?
May I ask also what technical issues? With Roll20 you mean?
That being said, if you still feel motivated as a GM after this long hiatus (a motivated GM is essential in any game, and you are supposed to also have fun with this), Tark is still game.