Miranda Vaughn |
Miranda has one of her people make a reservation for the 21st of September.
M. Reynard AKA Ragathiel's Hand |
*spends the time before the mission meditating at a nearby shrine to focus her thoughts and energies*
M. Reynard AKA Ragathiel's Hand |
*meditates some more* 'Dot'
M. Reynard AKA Ragathiel's Hand |
There is a pbp that this character is being proxy'd in at a high-level event via pregen. It was supposed to be done by now but the GM has had a serious family life crisis. She is attempting to resolve the scenario, but it may be a very close thing. Just a head's up.
DM PatheticWretch |
I'm going to kick us off a little early, though I likely won't post much until the 21st. Go ahead and introduce and RP a bit. Reynard, if you are not finished up with your other character, do you want to join us with another character, or should I find a replacement?
You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits.
Coming to the meeting place—an odd choice of venue, as it is a street corner far from the Grand Lodge—a lone beggar garbed in baggy robes approaches. The only figure visible in the constant drizzle, the beggar sticks out his hands for currency.
“Have you any coin to spare, fine folk?” The question hangs in the air for only a scant moment before the figure pulls back his hood to reveal the wizened face of Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng. He gives a crooked smile, soaked head to toe from his unprotected time in the rain. His clothes smell faintly of cabbage.
“Sorry about that,” he says with a wink. “I always like to play a little joke on agents when I stumble across them during my jaunts into town. Now, why did I summon you fine folk here again…?” Dreng shakes his head from side to side, as though trying to knock water out of his ears, despite the constant downpour.
[b]“Ah yes, the Wounded Wisp! I’m undercover now and can’t stray far from the site I’m watching, but I need someone to retrieve a package for me from that fine establishment. It’s among Absalom’s most storied taverns, you see, and one that holds a special place of privilege in the Society’s lore as the place where the organization began. Well, I could drone on and on about it, but standing out in the rain is doing none of us any favors.” As if anticipating agreement, the bedraggled venturecaptain produces a small slip of folded paper from one of his many stitched pockets. Dreng quickly shows a glimpse of the page’s contents: a map detailing the location of the Wounded Wisp bar.
“The bartender is a woman by the name of Heryn Gale, a fine lady who came to own the Wisp after the passing of her father from—oh, bah, it’s really getting too cold for me to give a proper history lesson! If you could just go to the Wisp, and tell Heryn you’re there to pick up my parcel, it would be most appreciated. I’ll be around here for several more hours at least.”
.Pregen/2. |
A tall and strong Shoanti exemplar, Crowe stays with his earthbreaker always in hands. With a no-friends face, he walks through the streets when the "beggar" approached him.
When the VC Drandle Dreng reveals his face, Crowe looks suprised, What a f...?!, he almost hit the man with his earthbreaker as an immediate action. Almost.
After recognize Drandle Dreng, he listen to his words and greets the others only saying I'm Crowe. Let's do our job..
Yarricki |
Yaricki was reaching for her coin purse when Dreng reveals himself and sheepishly puts it back in her clothing.
With a puzzled look on her face she asks Dreng "In my confirmation assignment Venture Captain Shane told us the Society was formed in the Pig's Paunch. Can you explain that? Oh, and let me introduce myself I am Yaricki and this over-sized wasp is Buzz"
Miranda Vaughn |
An attractive young human woman joins the other Pathfinders in 'meeting' with Venture-Captain Dreng. Although currently dressed in a simple explorer's outfit, her manner and bearing suggests someone of a more noble class, or, at the very least, a snob.
She does nothing to disabuse this notion as she looks up at the rain and begins to complain, "My gods, this is absolutely dreadful. My hair is getting completely ruined! I was under the impression that these briefings take place in private chambers, not in the middle the street for the whole world to see!"
Quickly realizing the spectacle she was making herself, she forces an apologetic smile, "Ahem, forgive my outburst Venture-Captain, it seems you have caught me flat-footed with this improvised rendezvous. I'm sure that I speak for the others when I say that we would be happy to fetch this package for you. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you and teaching me some humility."
I'll get that old geezer back for this someday, this I vow.
FYI, Miranda has implanted her Mesmeric Mirror trick into herself. The first time she gets attacked or becomes the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, one duplicate of her appears that acts as the mirror image spell.
M. Reynard AKA Ragathiel's Hand |
Still alive for a 9/21 start as posted, still waiting on GM on other thread for resolution, in fight with last encounter now...
M. Reynard AKA Ragathiel's Hand |
It is exceptionally unlikely at this point. My GM in the other thread has been incommunicado for the past two days. Go on without me, set me to inactive on this thread, and sorry about the inconvenience. *hopes that the GM in said thread's family is okay.*
EDIT: If needed, though, I can bring in a FRESHLY minted rogue? Hot off the presses, even?
Wazziri Two-Fang |
Pokes head in. "You need a replacement?" *kicks Modesta out* (Alt chiming in)
A tengu folds herself out of the shadows and into the party formation rather casually, watching both directions.
"Wisp. Package retrieval. On it." Her tone is terse, like she's exercising the economy of words to prevent others from locating her position save those already in the conversation.
Thank you for your patience!
DM PatheticWretch |
You are welcome to use your replacement character...no worries.
"The Wounded Wisp was a bar once frequented by the original members of the Pathfinder Society before the Society was even formed," Dreng explains to Yarricki. After a few more words back and forth, the Pathfinders make their way toward the Wounded Wisp.
Feel free to make a knowledge: history check to know more about it...
The Wounded Wisp is located in the Foreign Quarter district of Absalom, close to the grounds of the Grand Lodge. The group has no difficulty finding the establishment with the map Dreng provided.
Almost every initiate or member has heard of or seen the building at some point. Built from dark, discolored wood, the exterior of the Wounded Wisp is the image of an iconic dive bar. Stained and barred windows obscure direct vision into the establishment, though ruddy yellow light bleeds from a window in the front hall. The only distinguishing feature on the Wisp’s exterior is a thick wooden sign hanging from above the bar’s entrance. A brass ring fitted onto the sign anchors a lantern—referred to by the staff as “the wisp”— that hangs there during the evening hours.
The smell of smoke and spilled ale assails the senses in this wide-open area. Walls of dark-stained wood make up the sides of the Wounded Wisp, while well-used wooden tables are spread throughout the space. A raised area in the back of the establishment houses several additional tables and eating areas for groups seeking more than just a good drink. An austere bar supported by kegs instead of wooden panels commands the northern end of the room. A stained-glass cabinet stands behind the bar, its dark panes cracked in several spots, yet not so opaque as to conceal the several dozen types of hard liquor within.
As the Pathfinders arrive, a handful of different groups are already relaxing around the bar, enjoying drink and food offered by the Wisp’s staff. The current talk of the bar is that Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, a Mendevian crusader who recently arrived from the north, plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.
A halfling Janira for anyone who has completed The Confirmation and knows who she is, a human with a holy symbol of Sarenrae around his neck, a pair of half-orcs, and a studious-looking man occupy different tables and enjoy a drink.
Yarricki |
"Look Buzz! There's Janira! Yarricki tells her wasp "Hi Janira! Remember me? You led us through our confirmation assignment in those caves. Are you alright now? That was a close battle wasn't it?"
Yarricki suddenly remembers her manners and looks if there are others at Janira's table "Oh, my apologies, I am Yarricki and this is Buzz. We are out here on our second assignment, we need to...." and she remembers that silence is a virtue.
Wazziri Two-Fang |
The stereotypical tengu watches the bar as the party enters, looking for individuals who may be of local importance... or that she's heard any rumors or stories about.
She doesn't approach, however, she'll let the more diplomatic members of the party have first crack.
Knowedge: Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
.Pregen/2. |
Ignoring those inside there, Crowe will get close to the balcony.
He looks to the first person behind there and speaks: Heryn. Heryn Gale. I'm looking for her. I have to speak to her.
.Pregen/2. |
The stereotypical tengu watches the bar as the party enters, looking for individuals who may be of local importance... or that she's heard any rumors or stories about.
She doesn't approach, however, she'll let the more diplomatic members of the party have first crack.
[dice=Knowedge: Local]1d20+4
Huh! You really like this race, Karasuma!
DM PatheticWretch |
Janira embraces Yarricki as she would a dear friend. She excitedly tells the gnome about her most recent mission, and details begins telling a story about Society founder Durvin Gest and the fabled Lens of Galundari.
The half-orcs respond in a friendly manner to Boram, despite their gruff exterior.
They make for easy conversation, and seem eager to share stories of battle over a mug of ale. They also appear to be on friendly terms with the Wisp’s staff, and receive prompt and friendly service.
"You are speaking with Heryn Gale," the bartender responds to Crowe with a wink. "What will you have, and what can I do for you?" she asks with a friendly mien.
.Pregen/2. |
I'm here in the name of Drandle Dreng. He requested to me and my friends there to come here and pick up his parcel, he says with a serious face.
Miranda Vaughn |
Since Crowe seems to have the package retrieval well in hand, Miranda makes her way over to the studious looking man and flashes him a smile, "I'm not sure what's on your mind, but it seems important. Mind if I have a seat? I was caught up in the rain and I need to dry off. What brings you here?"
DM PatheticWretch |
"Ah, yes. You are expected,"Heryn responds to Crowe. "If you will give me a few minutes, I am waiting for my replacement to arrive so that I can step away from the bar. But you and your friends can have free drinks on the house while you wait. Feel free to mingle with the
other patrons while you wait."
Meanwhile, yhe middle-age man gestures for Miranda to have a seat. He engages in conversation with her, telling her that his name is Yargos Gill, and despite not being a member of the Pathfinder Society, Yargos is familiar with the organization and has worked with Pathfinders in the past. He seems amiable enough, but often gets sidetracked in the coversation, going off on long tangents regarding important military history from the Inner Sea. The man seems to assume that Miranda is knowledgeable of such things.
I'll skip to the chase once we have Nimgaji show up...I don't think he's quite found us yet.
Miranda Vaughn |
The name Yargos Gill sounds somewhat familiar to the neophyte pathfinder, perhaps in regards to a story she's heard about a near catastrophe that was only barely avoided, but she can't quite place him. After a few minutes of polite conversation in which she moderately feigns interest in his stories, she excuses herself to get a drink and joins Crowe at the bar.
Bluff to pretend to be interested in Gill's stories: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
.Pregen/2. |
So, bring me a beer.
Crowe will wait for the return of Heryn in the bar, drinking some beer.
When Miranda comes close, he says to her sit here by my side if you want. Hery will take the Drandle's parcel and bring it to me, as soon as she can leave the bar.
Wazziri Two-Fang |
"Unfortunately, on duty, could I get an herbal tea, please?" The tengu sneezes, which is kind of a sight to behold as all her feathers fluff up for a brief second then fall flat once more.
Miranda Vaughn |
Miranda sighs loudly with disappointment, "Hmm, perhaps I should strike up a conversation with another person in the bar while we wait. What's your story anyway, Crowe? I mean no offense, but you seem hardly the Pathfinder type."
.Pregen/2. |
Miranda sighs loudly with disappointment, "Hmm, perhaps I should strike up a conversation with another person in the bar while we wait. What's your story anyway, Crowe? I mean no offense, but you seem hardly the Pathfinder type."
It was the first time in years that a person wanted to know something about him, his past. Usually he just tell the guy to get out of his way and probably kick his ass, but, maybe with another Pathfinder, he could share a little about his history.
"Hmm... Well...", he looks a little embarrassed while speaks, and keep his eyes on his beer so, "I'm from Storval Plateau. Varisia, you know? As my family, I'm a Shriikirri-Quah, and since I was young, my parents had been trained me to become a perfect horse tamer, as my father was".
He drinks some beer before continue, "but the storm called me. I was born in a tempest day, and the thunders followed me in every dream, every night till the day that I accept them."
This time, Crowe looks to her, "now, I am what I am. An emissary of the storm, the fists of a thunder. A simple honorable man, with a few words and a lot of will to break down my enemies, and the enemies of the Society as well. And you, Miranda? What happened to you to leave a comfort life and become an agent field of the Society?, he finishes his cup of beer and signs to the bartender, pointing that he wants once more.
DM PatheticWretch |
Once Heryn's replacement arrives, she motions for the Pathfinders to follow her. Janira bids farewell to Yarricki, while Yargos continues to drone on to Miranda about military history, even across the room.
Heryn leads the group to the basement.
"You will find the parcel in the store room. It's a bottle of wine from the year before creation of the Pathfinder Society," she says.
The basement of the Wounded Wisp is a stonework affair, having had its foundation strengthened following a significant donation by a Society member, only to suffer damage during an earthquake.
A set of wooden stairs descends from the main floor into a tightly packed storeroom. Barrels, boxes, and crates of assorted foodstuffs and drink garnishes are pushed against the walls or under the stairs.
Several fissures split the floor, leading down to an equally damaged section of the city’s sewer system.
A broad wooden plank serves as a bridge across the fissure, a tight, 10-foot-deep chasm.
"Sorry...we need to do some major repairs. For now, you have to make your way across that," Heryn says as she points to the board crossing the fissure. She then turns and takes her leave.
Yarricki |
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Yarricki carefully checks the sturdiness of the board.
Yarricki |
Your call how that works out in timing
.Pregen/2. |
"Hey, Boram, do you have a rope there with you?, screams Crowe to the halfling. "If you have, throws it to our side. Not everybody here is agile as you. It is for our safety".
Wazziri Two-Fang |
The tengu had already been digging in her backpack when the fissures were seen. The tea was set aside as fifty feet of hemp rope was produced, and then one end tossed across the divide. "Please tie that off somewhere secure, then?"
DM PatheticWretch |
Now safely across, Boram ties off the rope, further securing the rickety bridge. By taking extra care, each party member is able to safely cross without incident.
On the far side of the crevice is a door to a chamber where the Wounded Wisp keeps its supply of specialty wines and ales for important occasions.
It is full of various vintages, sorted by year.
Miranda Vaughn |
Back at the bar...
"Well, you know..." The woman begins to explain but is cut off by the return of Heryn, "I'll explain later, but I must simply get away from that man's relentless droning on about classical warfare."
Miranda daintily crosses the bridge after the others successfully make it safer to cross and joins Crowe and presumably the others in the search for the oldest wine.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25