PbP Game Day - 5-01 The Glass River Rescue (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young

A Pathfinder Society orgnaized play scenario for level 1 through 5, offered as part of the first PbP Game Day. Current map: LINK

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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric


Hey guys - sorry, had a last-minute business trip just before our flagship con this weekend, and so didn't get around to posting that I'd be away. Sorry for the lack of communication. Will get back this evening and we will finish up.

Silver Crusade

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 32/32 | F+7 R+7 W+8 | Init+3 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)
Aasimar Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4

Ok. Glad nothing was amiss.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
Diana Seraphina wrote:
Ok. Glad nothing was amiss.

Agreed. I have another PbP that's stalled bad right now.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Witch 2
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 | HP 16/16 | F+3 R+2 W+4 | Init+1 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)

Glad you're alright. :)

Yeah, sorry about that... I literally spent two days in a warehouse without windows or internet for work, and then went right from there to the lunch with Mike Brock at the con... nutso.

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin 2 |HP 20/20|AC 22|T 11| FF 21| CMD 15| F:+7 R:+3 W:+6 | Init +1 | Perc +1| Sense Motive +4

Sorry, real life ate me for a bit. Going to catch up tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 32/32 | F+7 R+7 W+8 | Init+3 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)
Aasimar Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4

Our Alchemist is having connection issues and is working on it. He asks to be NPCed for the time being.

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11
Krystiana wrote:

"Cepsihir! Don't poke the poor thing. It is probably being tormented by something just dreadful... like a river drake... or Pavanna." Krystiana again tries to give the horse some soothing sounds, but really isn't sure what to do to calm the frightened horse.

Krystiana whispers to the horse, "Don't worry, the mean, ugly devil woman won't get you."

Bwhahahahaahhaahahahhahaahahahah. Seriously, my co-workers think I'm crazy I'm over here laughing so hard :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
Pavanna al-Azario wrote:
Bwhahahahaahhaahahahhahaahahahah. Seriously, my co-workers think I'm crazy I'm over here laughing so hard :)

You're a great anti-hero. Don't change a thing. :D

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin 2 |HP 20/20|AC 22|T 11| FF 21| CMD 15| F:+7 R:+3 W:+6 | Init +1 | Perc +1| Sense Motive +4
Pavanna al-Azario wrote:
Krystiana wrote:
Krystiana whispers to the horse, "Don't worry, the mean, ugly devil woman won't get you."
Bwhahahahaahhaahahahhahaahahahah. Seriously, my co-workers think I'm crazy I'm over here laughing so hard :)

When you're sitting there are as a player and you're thinking, "This is an illusion. I'm sure it's an illusion, but I have to RP my character as if it isn't because she thinks it's real."

You've got to do something to keep yourself out of trouble. ;)

Silver Crusade

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 32/32 | F+7 R+7 W+8 | Init+3 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)
Aasimar Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4

I have to thank Michael A. Stackpole for the helping me realize that an angry horse does more than just take up space. Got to love the X-wing series. Oh course had I been wrong I fully would have expected a painful wake-up call.

The Exchange

Male Wayang Magus (Bladebound / Hexcrafter) 3 / Ninja 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 18 / T 15 / FF 14 / CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+3 | Init+4 | Percept+8 Dark Vis |

If I had any sense, I'd be passing these coded messages in Kelish...

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11

Yes dear, that would be wiser wouldn't it?

Dark Archive

HP(27) AC(16/12T/14FF) Fort(6) Ref(6) Will(2) Initiative(4) CMB(6) CMD(18) Perception(6) Human Alchemist 3

OK after spending hours with paizo's techy people and resetting some things on my tablet I can finally view the site again. Couldn't load the site at all for weeks. Terribly sorry for the inconvience everyone.

Welcome back!

Scorpion and Ossok - can you please touch base and let me know you're still there? I need to know if you are participating in this encounter for purposes of what you get on your Chronicle...

Will post next update tonight - got hung up with family stuff this afternoon. Going to NPC the folks that aren't here, but they won't get credit for "being there" in this encounter...

Silver Crusade

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 32/32 | F+7 R+7 W+8 | Init+3 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)
Aasimar Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4

Ok fair enough. Are we still on track to finish in time?

Hi folks, we are on track to finish by the 4th, assuming people aren't away for the next 2 weeks or so. I am around throughout the next week, and will be able to post on most days but not necessarily on the 24th or 25th. Ideally, if you can post your after-combat actions in terms of healing, etc. I can revert back to your standing orders and move us forward to the next scene without too much interaction. There is one more major scene left, and when we reach that we can go back to regular post mode.

Happy whatever you celebrate at this time of year!

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin 2 |HP 20/20|AC 22|T 11| FF 21| CMD 15| F:+7 R:+3 W:+6 | Init +1 | Perc +1| Sense Motive +4

Pavanna, let's be honest. If you didn't do something to disgust me at every turn then neither of us would be playing our characters correctly.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric
Krystiana wrote:
Pavanna, let's be honest. If you didn't do something to disgust me at every turn then neither of us would be playing our characters correctly.

This is why I love both of you guys. :D

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11

With 2 paladins in the party it's almost not even fair ;)

There is still some RP/conclusion to go, but we are done encoutners, so I'll start working up Chronicles. Please everyone send me an email to vc.scott.young@gmail.com with your Character name, real name and PFS # so I can get them ready to go. Thanks!

There is still some RP/conclusion to go, but we are done encounters, so I'll start working up Chronicles. Please everyone send me an email to vc.scott.young@gmail.com with your Character name, real name and PFS # so I can get them ready to go. Thanks!

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11

Thanks for running GM Lamplighter! This was a lot of fun, too bad about Ossok though :(

Hopefully Pavanna was just enough, and not too much :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Season 5 can bring the pain.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cleric

Has anybody else received their chronicle sheets yet?

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11


Re-doing them right now - I had them all done, scanned, etc. and managed to trash them on my Google drive. Will be outbound in an hour or so.

Dark Archive

Cleric 4 HP: 23/23 | AC 20| 12 | 18 | CMD 16 | Fort +3| Ref +3| Will +7| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +11

Awesome, thanks Scott!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric
Pavanna al-Azario wrote:

That's a strong word coming from Pavanna. :P

Chronicle photos all emailed - have to wait until tonight to re-scan them to send clean copies. Thanks again - just about to post the conclusion and then we're done.

This game has reminded me why I love PbP... thanks everyone for a great experience!

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin 2 |HP 20/20|AC 22|T 11| FF 21| CMD 15| F:+7 R:+3 W:+6 | Init +1 | Perc +1| Sense Motive +4

We were all so friendly with each other... ;)

Silver Crusade

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 32/32 | F+7 R+7 W+8 | Init+3 | Perc+4 (Darkvision)
Aasimar Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4

Quite true ;)

Silver Crusade

Human Paladin 2 |HP 20/20|AC 22|T 11| FF 21| CMD 15| F:+7 R:+3 W:+6 | Init +1 | Perc +1| Sense Motive +4

I miss this game. It was awesome.

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