PbP GameDay 2: The Confirmation (Inactive)

Game Master cuatroespada

Explore. Report. Cooperate.

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Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

Korvin moves up next to Taro, mattock in hand. He takes a step or two forward from there, as if to charge through the bottleneck, but checks himself. Instead, he yells out in Skald, "Kom og hent oss, råtten seg!" and readies himself to attack the first one that comes in reach.

Readied attack (PA): 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 1 = 5
Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 + 3 = 14

Male Arrancar

Tarō, Azura, and Korvin ready themselves at the mouth of the bottleneck. Tarō enchants his blade as Korvin let's loose a shout that brings the undead creatures shambling toward you. As soon as the first one comes into view, Azura looses an arrow that whizzes past Korvin's head to stick firmly in the zombie's shoulder, but the creature continues its advance, apparently unimpeded. As it reaches Korvin, he brings his mattock down with a mighty swing, but fails to connect due to the erratic shambling of the animated corpse. As the creatures crowd the narrow corridor, Elise and Liara both brandish their holy symbols sending waves of positive energy to wash over the abominations, burning them as it purifies their very essences.

GM Screen:
A: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22A: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
B: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8B: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
C: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13C: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Round 2 - Fight!
Zombie B
Zombie A
Zombie C

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)


The Tien man launches a two handed strike with his now enchanted Katana.

Attack 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 1 = 19
Damage 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Bardic Knowledge(zombies): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Azura was perplexed over the lack of effect of her arrows and tried to think back over the stories of brave heroes fighting undead for the weakness they sought.

She begins to sing a wordless, lilting melody to inspire her comrades in their courageous efforts.
Begin first round of Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage. All allies receive a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Male Arrancar

You recall from stories that the undead fiends' desiccated flesh is somewhat tough to pierce and bash, but it is taut and still slices like human flesh. You also remember that they are slow and uncoordinated. They are perpetually staggered as the condition.

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Forgive my OOTS moment... to the tune of Row, row, row your boat:"Rend, rend, rend the flesh of the undead thing!"

"Use slashing blades if you have them, they are fleshy things still. And if you can put some distance between you and them, they will waste time closing the gap before they can attack you again."

Azura puts her bow up and steps back from the creatures to give room for the others to step back.
Move action to stow the bow and 5 ft step.


Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

Korvin grunts with effort as his swing goes wide instead of connecting, and he has to stop the mattock's momentum. He brings the weapon back around for another blow...

Attack (PA, rage, bardsong): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 11
Damage: 2d4 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 12 + 1 = 18

Male Arrancar

My apologies, I forgot to mention that zombies can still charge up to their speed.

Azura begins humming melodiously as she combs her memory for stories of these foul creatures and their abilities and weaknesses. She seems to sing the words as she informs her companions of the zombies' poor mobility and of the effectiveness of slashing blades. Meanwhile, Tarō brings his enchanted blade to bear against the undead menace, Azura's voice filling the Tien man's and the other Pathfinders' hearts with courage and an unbreakable morale, removing the thing's left arm and nearly its leg as well. It shambles on but barely. Korvin swings his mattock again very nearly connecting effectively, but the angle of attack is slightly off and the creature's tough skin deflects the attack.

Showing no instinct for self-preservation, the mangled gillman corpse swings it's good arm at Korvin, but the Ulfen man is able to dodge the attack. The other two reach aggressively past, unable to reach the bloodrager.

Zombie B
Melee Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Slam Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Round 2 continued...
Zombie B
Zombie A
Zombie C

Dark Archive

Channel Energy 2/2, Firebolt(7/10)
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Active Effects:
SoF(7m), Resist Fire(14m)

Elise will channel again.. The power of Calistra radiates through the room once more, burning undead flesh..

1d6 ⇒ 5 DC 12

Looking at Korvin.. "Comon you sexy piece of man meat, beat that zombies ass!"

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

I umm yeah what she said Liara says slightly taken back by Elise's word channeling energy of her own.

channel: 1d6 ⇒ 6 dc11

Male Arrancar

GM Screen:
A: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 A: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
B: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
C: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 C: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Elise and Liara again invoke the power of their deities. The lead zombie crumbles into a pile of ash as Calistria turns her punishing gaze on the beasts, followed immediately by the other two as Shelyn's loving light permeates their beings.

Combat Over


Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

One last attack...: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25

Perhaps inspired by Elise's words, Korvin slams his mattock into a zombie from underneath in an upwards swing, sending it flying back... or it would if waves of holy light weren't already turning it to dust as the weapon passed through it's decayed flesh. The big man stands there blinking in surprise and catching his breath, while he looks around for more foes.

Dark Archive

Channel Energy 2/2, Firebolt(7/10)
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Active Effects:
SoF(7m), Resist Fire(14m)

Elise will search the room, taking 20, for a 28 search..

"Well that was exciting.. Got my loins all worked up.. Shall we search about?"

Male Arrancar

GM Screen:
B4: 1d10 ⇒ 51d10 ⇒ 7

Among the fallen bodies, you find a note written by the dhampir that details plans to start an army of undead made from the “fish people” who have been frequenting this cave. Among his belongings you discover a suit of +1 studded leather armor and an elixir of swimming.

Elise, taking her time to search the room carefully, notices a concealed passage in the northern wall.


Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

"Lets." the barbarian says with a leer, "I'm sure we can work something out."

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

"maybe this leads to a way out of here that the minotaur does not know of" Liara chimes eager to change the subject from Elise's loins

Dark Archive

Channel Energy 2/2, Firebolt(7/10)
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Active Effects:
SoF(7m), Resist Fire(14m)

"Wasn't there another way to go? Should we check it out before going this way?"

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

but the sooner we get out of here the sooner we can make our way back to the lodge Liara says always eager to make her way back to civilization

Male Arrancar

Is no one else going to weigh in?

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

I am for the concealed passage, Taro says, checking for traps.

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Azura makes sure to take the dhampir's journal to take back with them.
"Let us see what the secret door conceals before we leave this room."

She waits for Taro's pronouncement on the door.


Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

Korvin eyes the secret door, or the approximate area that Elise indicated it was in. "Will I fit?" he asks her, with a motion towards that area. "If so, lets do it."

Male Arrancar

No traps between the Undead End and your current location.

As you proceed you find yourselves in a maze of tight passages with steep ascents and short climbs. The floors are slick and incline steadily as you make your way east. You begin to hear the faint sounds of combat and a familiar woman’s voice half-shouting and half-reciting, “As the legendary Gregaro Voth successfully battled the wild beasts in the deepest reaches of the Mwangi Expanse, so shall I defeat you, foul servant of Lamashtu!”

GM Screen:
B6: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Azura's Initiative:: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Elise's Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Korvin's Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Liara's Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Tarō's Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Janira's Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

GM Screen:
Other: 1d20 ⇒ 131d20 ⇒ 7

Also, we're on initiative for this part. Use the map.

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

Sound like trouble.

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

"is.. is our Halfling guide haunting us for leaving her to the minotaur? Liara says timidly looking for more zombies or ghosts.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Dark Archive

Channel Energy 2/2, Firebolt(7/10)
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Active Effects:
SoF(7m), Resist Fire(14m)

"Let's get up there, double time!" She double moves..

Male Arrancar

Please check the map and tell me what you'd like to do this round. I'll move you for now.

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

Perception first then Straight move ahead, expecting some sort of trap.

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

^ what he said

Male Arrancar

Fair enough.

Tarō Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

I moved you back a bit as a result of your perception check.

As you move along the narrow corridor, you notice something strange about the space about 10 feet ahead of you. There's something there.

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

Halt! Something ahead about 5 paces or so...

Anyway I can make it out?

Male Arrancar

Knowledge check? It's a bunch of junk some of which seems to be suspended in a not entirely transparent substance.

Round 1
Azura - no actions taken yet.
Tarō - moved up and spotted anomaly. standard action left.
Korvin - no actions taken yet.
Liara - moved up. standard action left.
Elise - moved up. standard action left.

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

I don't have the right knowledges but... That would generate caution

Something semi visible or incorporeal - everyone back, out of these narrow tunnels!

He moves away from the 'it' 30ft as a standard.

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Bardic Knowledge: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Azura considers the anomaly before them. Whatever it was, it was between her and a friend that needed her aid, and that would not stand. She would go around or through if necessary.

I believe knowledge Dungeoneering is what we need here, but it doesn't look like anyone has ranks in it.

Male Arrancar

It is and I was counting on you making that check. You did. It's a young gelatinous cube. You know stuff about oozes and that this particular type secretes a powerful paralytic slime.

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

hmm I was assuming I would follow taro expecting him to be a good meat shield before combat started but I guess I will draw my weapon if not out and if I have a move left I would 5ft back so we can surround it


Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1

I'll move up and put myself between whoever is furthest forward (looks like Liara?) and the cube. If she's backing up, though, I'll stop as soon as I'm past her.

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

Its a narrow corridor where we are forced to engage one at a time against an unknown foe - it's crappy tactics. You draw it into a space where we can all try something

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

actually if we lure it to the space I am currently occupying we can have 3 ppl attacking it 4 with my reach heck we may be able to do so if it is standing in front of me with diagonal attacks

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Azura moves up next to Liara. "Be careful, friends. These things can paralyze their victim as they engulf them into their mass and then slowly digests their 'meal'. It does not see or even think, only consumes."

She fires an arrow at the cubelike ooze.
Attack w/ Comp Shortbow(PBS): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 1 = 16 Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4

Oozes are slow, it would take it 3 rounds or more to get it off map and we have no clue how far the corridor goes in either direction. I like Liara's plan.

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

also I haven't moved my char back because I don't know if the walk forward was counted as a move action or not :3

Liberty's Edge

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13

Ok, if Liara ends up further back, Azura will adjust to stay in line, moving west down the northern tunnel, she only moved 25 ft so far.

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

sure? you really should try front lining some time Azura with your untouched bard :3

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)

let me check the map

Silver Crusade

AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)
Liara Vashj wrote:
actually if we lure it to the space I am currently occupying we can have 3 ppl attacking it 4 with my reach heck we may be able to do so if it is standing in front of me with diagonal attacks

Retro'ed my move to step side ways and into the side corridor but luring it out of the tunnel or into a side tunnel we could out run this this or get a 4-5 on one attack going.

Male Arrancar

That's fine, you all can be pretty much wherever you'd like to be at the end of this round except that Tarō has already used at least one move action and Azura has moved and fired an arrow.

Dark Archive

Channel Energy 2/2, Firebolt(7/10)
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Active Effects:
SoF(7m), Resist Fire(14m)

Elise fires her bolt as well..

Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

ok moved my character back and am ready also I moved Korvin up to the spot he indicated

Male Arrancar

You position yourselves as Azura and Elise fire their ranged weapons into the gelatinous creature (if such a thing can rightly be called a creature) dislodging pieces of it which immediately whither separated from the whole. It quivers in pain and oozes toward you, slamming into Korvin and coating him in an anesthetizing slime.

Melee Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Slam Damage: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6 plus a DC 18 Fortitude save vs. 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) = 3 rounds of paralysis.

Round 2
Young Gelatinous Cube

Grand Lodge

female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /

seeing the jelly cube move towards her Liara strikes at the cube as many times as possible in defense

Aoo?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Twirling her glaive in a overly dramatic defensive style Liara strikes the cube like a artist vigorously strikes a unpainted canvas.

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