GM Alice |
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Absalom awakens to a clear and breezy Erastus morning this Wealday, and the City at the Centre of the World is a hub of activity--business as usual, in other words. None are perhaps as excited as a small group of fledgling Pathfinders, however, who have arrived bright and early on summons to Skyreach to begin their first mission for the Society. You pass through the great stone gate that guards the Grand Lodge and make your way across the grounds to the largest stone fortress in the complex; the enormous, white, five-towered palace stands out amongst all the others, and indeed, amongst all the other buildings in the surrounding city.
Directed by a chamberlain through the many halls and rooms of Skyreach, you enter a surprisingly fancy reading room decorated with exquisite paintings of the city. A worn oak bookshelf full to bursting with old Pathfinder Chronicles sits against the far wall, and there are enough scattered hardwood chairs around the room to seat six people. Sitting on a large, plush bench is a wiry old man with a wild grey beard and a finely-dressed, full-figured Taldan woman whose displeased expression belies her boredom and annoyance.
"Ah, the new recruits! So good to see you all," the old man says chirpily, waving you inside. "Please, take a seat."
The grizzled old man peers around at you all with milky, half-closed eyes and a half-smile. "Ah, yes, I definitely see some familiar faces from the training process. If you weren't aware, my name is Venture-Captain Declan Dreng, and I do hope you are prepared for the mission I have for you today."
"But first, may I introduce you to our marvellous guest here--the Lady Gloriana Morilla?" The Taldan woman tilts her head slightly in acknowledgement of the introduction, but otherwise makes no move to greet anyone. Apparently oblivious to any social slight on the lady's part, Dreng continues with a smile.
"I don't suppose you've heard of Escadar, have you?" he asks, before answering the question before anyone has a chance to display their knowledge of local geography. "It's a city on the Isle of Erran, the smaller of the two islands that make up the nation of Absalom. It houses much of Absalom's war fleet... but much more interesting to us is that it was built around one of the only surviving Azlanti ruins we know of."
"Recently, a contact from the Low Azlanti embassy in Escadar approached us with an offer. It seems they have discovered a unique relic of Azlanti origin on the Inner Sea's floor! Fascinating, I must say; we had assumed the place would be picked to the bones by now." The old man chuckles to himself. "We have the unique opportunity to add it to our collection for study, and the Decemvirate is very excited to see it come into our possession."
"Of course," Dreng feigns an exaggerated sigh, "nothing in life ever comes for free, and in return we must deliver one of our catalogued items to Escador in exchange. The Low Azlanti drive a hard bargain, so we need you to escort a relics broker to Escadar so that he can authenticate the Azlanti item and mediate a fair deal on the Ten's behalf."
"Seems simple, right? Wrong." Dreng raises one gnarled finger in the air, looking all the part of an elderly lecturer. "First rule of the Pathfinder Society, recruits, is that it is never as simple as it appears."
"The Aspis Consortium, those sneaky, conniving, moral-less bastards, have also tendered an offer for the relic. If we cannot finalise the agreement with the gillmen of Escadar within 30 days, they'll go to the next best offer. And we simply cannot have that. To make matters worse, those Aspis cretins have funded a warship to patrol the waters just beyond Absalom's harbour which has been preventing Pathfinder agents from sailing to Escadar unmolested. Our last batch of operatives went missing off the coast just a few days ago."
"Luckily," Dreng says with a sparkle in his half-closed eyes, "the beautiful lady and I have come up with a solution. Do tell them, m'lady?"
Lady Morilla stirs from her silence and speaks in a strong, demanding voice. "I have used some of the Empire of Taldor's most skilled operatives to plant a false crew manifest and course plans with the harbourmaster, ensuring that the Aspis Consortium spies who certainly keep an eye on such matters believe we are moving our relic to Escadar on a ship tomorrow morning. This decoy should occupy the Consortium sufficiently for you to travel overland to Escadar with plenty of time to make the final agreement with the gillmen before the Society's Window of opportunity runs out." A faint smile crosses her face for just a moment. "The Taldane always try to support our friends in the Pathfinder Society... as I would hope they would do to us."
Dreng laughs to himself absently, but deigns not to comment further. He then turns his attention back to the Pathfinders. "Go to the Siphons in the Puddles," he says, quickly explaining that the Siphons are an underground and often flooded emergency tunnel system where many... questionable elements reside. "We have a contact there--one Grandmaster Torch--who will be able to give you a map for a smuggler's trail through the Isle of Kortos' centre that should allow for relatively easy and secret overland travel to Escadar."
"After you meet with Grandmaster Torch, you will meet up with the Society-hired appraiser and relics broker named Nester Rees. He'll come with you to Escadar to verify the authenticity of the gillmen's relic." Dreng pauses a moment, a surprising look of seriousness replacing his formerly jovial appearance. "You are all responsible for Rees' safety and for the success of his negotiations through this mission. Do not fail in this duty."
Almost as quickly as the seriousness appears, it passes, and an easy smile returns to Dreng's face. "I've arranged lodgings for you at an Escadar tavern called the Grindylow's Goblet. That's where the gillmen will meet with you. Once you arrive, send word to the Low Azlanti embassy, and have Master Rees conduct the negotiations at the tavern on the Society's behalf. And then, of course, return with the relic in tow."
"Are there any questions, recruits?"

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"Is there any bad blood between the Ten and the Azlanti hence the suspicion? Well I guess if it's an interesting relic then might as well suspect everybody. Very well, I'll discuss the plans with Grandmaster Torch." with that Clacent gives a bow and walks away.

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Dreng smiles a little. "We've used Rees's expertise on many occasions, and he's always come through for us. You can trust him." The old man strokes his beard, reliving old memories in his mind. "Rees has worked for us for some time now. In his youth, he even tried going on field missions as a Pathfinder, but he's got a weak constitution--heart problem or something, I think--and it limits his ability to travel. He's got a sharp mind though, and he definitely knows his stuff when it comes to Azlanti relics."

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A tall, nay, hulking man with dull gray skin, red eyes and tusked mouth sits uncomfortably in one of the chairs. He wears a simple laborer's garb, but a dagger is sheathed prominently on his hip, a funny curved sword on the other side, and an odd pair of wooden cylinders linked by a chain are tucked into his belt. He fidgets from time to time throughout Dreng's speech. When all is said, he grunts. "So, we walk across the island, yah? No chance for a horse or wagon? Huhuh." he says, grinning.

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A typical Halfling is sitting in one of the chairs. He wears comfortable clothes and seems eager to start his first assignment for the Pathfinder Society.
Venture Captain, my apologies. Can you tell us what distance it is to the other side of the Island?
After getting an answer:
Venture Captain, thanks for your answer; should we provide food and shelter during the trip for Rees, is he on a special diet because of his weak constitution?
After getting the answer to that question:
Venture Captain, my apologies again; can you also tell us what mode of transportation Rees will be using?
After getting an answer to these questions the halfling takes a notebook and starts making a shopping list.

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"The exact distance I'm not sure of offhand. It's something like 80 or 90 miles as the crow flies, I believe. I think Torch knows a little more about the geography than I do, to be honest."
"I'm unsure about Rees' diet and transport--you'll have to see him about that. But I'm sure you won't need to do anything special on his behalf short of protecting him from any dangers that might arise."

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Garret looks up from his notebook.
Venture Captain? These gillmen are aquatic, right? How will they be able to meet us out of the water?

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Dreng chuckles to himself. "Ah, my apologies; I forgot that most people are not too familiar with the Low Azlanti. As you can guess from their common name, they have gills and do indeed prefer to live underwater, but they seem able to breathe air as well. Their embassy in Escadar is connected directly to the sea, I believe."

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A tatooed and lanky man with dark greyish skin tones paces slowly behind the halfling. A long and mundane cloak drapes from his shoulders, comes to a tattered and shortened length near his shins. His head ever bowed in a contemplative air raises slightly.
His mouth flexes as he tries not to succumb to his gentle stutter. "Mm-m-mister Venture Captain, howww do we find these Siphons?"

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I am ready to go, will follow anyone who tries to lead the group to the Siphons
Garret will mumble under his breath on the way to the Siphons.
That 90 miles should take us between 3 and 4 days, then we need account for some more days if things do not go according to plan. That is six days times five meals for three humans, two elves, a half orc and myself. Will need to bring a whole load of food then. I really hope that these folks know how to appreciate good food, otherwise this might be a tedious journey.

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A tall, slim elf steps forward from the back of the group and stands next to Shivaan. His long black hair sparsely streaked with grey, braided with thin leather straps, swings at his back while he looks around the room. His stern gaze finally settles on the Venture-Captain.
”This artifact, what do we know about it? Can one person carry it or will we need a team? Can we hide it in a satchel or will we need a crate? What is its purpose? Is it a weapon? I am curious...” Thayn says as he scratches his chin with the back of his hand “could you tell us more about the piece to help prepare ourselves for our return trip?...And perhaps a bit about this Nester Rees, how will we identify him?”

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A rather ordinary looking Elf in a worn cloak sits silently in thought. After carefully listening to all the old man has to say he looks up, first at the Lady Morilla, then at Venture Captain Dreng, and asks:
I've no doubt, Venture Captain, that this discovery would be of interest to more than just ourselves and the Aspis Consortium. Are there any other groups or individuals we should be wary of on this journey? Perhaps some who may not have explicitly expressed interest.
The elf follow's up with a second inquiry:
Do we have any information as to the nature of the object we are to procure? Perhaps from the Gillmen themselves, or our own diviners?.
Satisfied by the Venture Captain's answers Valnir lets his companions know he is ready to depart when they are.

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The big gray-skinned man laughs, "I carry it for you little Elves and Halflings." he says with a grin that shows off his tusks. "I'm ready to go now. It's easy; take man to meeting, bring back thing." He stands from his chair which creaks from having his weight removed from it.

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His mouth flexes as he tries not to succumb to his gentle stutter. "Mm-m-mister Venture Captain, howww do we find these Siphons?"
The venture-captain smiles gently at Shivaan's language tic. "Easy there, no need to be nervous. The Siphons are in the Puddles district which is roughly south-west from where we are. There are plenty of openings to get down into it... it's connected to the sewer system in places, so you'll probably be looking for a man-hole to climb down into. Just ask around, I'm sure you'll find someone able to send you in the right direction. Take the initiative, Pathfinders!"
”This artifact, what do we know about it? Can one person carry it or will we need a team? Can we hide it in a satchel or will we need a crate? What is its purpose? Is it a weapon? I am curious...” Thayn says as he scratches his chin with the back of his hand “could you tell us more about the piece to help prepare ourselves for our return trip?...And perhaps a bit about this Nester Rees, how will we identify him?”
Do we have any information as to the nature of the object we are to procure? Perhaps from the Gillmen themselves, or our own diviners?.
"I'm not quite sure what the Low Azlantis' relic is, to be honest. The Ten did not inform me--I suspect they don't know. I don't expect it to cause you any issues returning it to the Society... these things are rarely larger than something you could easily carry in a backpack with room to spare."
Dreng stands up from his position on the bench beside Lady Gloriana (she's still looking mighty bored, and is now inspecting her neatly manicured fingernails) and moves to the bookcase, procuring a small, wooden box from the lowest shelf and proffering it to the group.
"You'll be trading this for it," he says, opening the lid for all to see. It appears to be a marble statue of some kind of fish-like creature, although one fin is missing. "It appears to be part of a collective, or perhaps a fragment of a larger object. Without its companion pieces, it's worthless to us. Feel free to re-use the box if you have trouble keeping the Azlanti relic safe, eh?"
"As for Nester Rees, he's a middle aged man of Garundi descent--a spry sapling to me though, heheh." The old man chuckles to himself. "He's quite tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and walks with a cane and a limp. Once you return from Grandmaster Torch's... er, abode, I'll send him a missive to meet you just outside of the Grand Lodge."
I've no doubt, Venture Captain, that this discovery would be of interest to more than just ourselves and the Aspis Consortium. Are there any other groups or individuals we should be wary of on this journey? Perhaps some who may not have explicitly expressed interest.
"I don't expect trouble from any other parties. Only myself, Lady Morilla, Grandmaster Torch, and Rees know of this mission. Well, and of course, the Decemvirate." Dreng smiles thinly. "Of course, it would be wise to be careful for any dangers that might find you out in the wilderness. Could be anything out there."
Lady Gloriana heaves a pointed, annoyed sigh, and Dreng offers her an apologetic smile before looking back to the Pathfinders. "Any last questions, then?"
As the group asks their final few questions and prepares to leave, Lady Gloriana starts to stand up from her position on the cushioned bench and reaches her arm out for assistance from the nearest person. If nobody comes immediately to her aid, she clears her throat pointedly.

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Shivaan shifts his head jerkedly in one direction as if a sudden far off noise caught his attention. There is clearly nothing that would cause such pointed listening. With a scratch behind his ear he returns his gaze abruptly back to the group, missing the opportunity to assist the Lady.
"I am ready to errr, see Master Torch. Thank you Venture Captain. Lady."
After a sublte head nod, Shivaan opens the door (if there is one) to the street, with an eye for the nearest manhole or resident who could provide direction.
Looking for manhole
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Gather information for Siphons entrence
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

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Garret tries to help Lady Gloriana to her feet, after Clacent clearly misinterpreted the Lady.
That man is clearly not the brightest around, I wonder what the Venture Captain thinks he will add to our group

GM Alice |

Having caught Clacent's attention, Lady Gloriana indicates with some disdain that she would like a helping hand to stand. As a Taldan noblewoman, it's likely that she's simply used to that sort of treatment in the overly-fancy courts and castles of her homeland. Luckily, Garret seems to understand her implications more clearly.
Unfolding the paper reveals a handwritten note signed by the Lady herself.
Dearest Pathfinders,
As you know, the people of Taldor share a proud history that traces their blood to the ancient Azlanti who founded our great nation. I have a letter that I ask you to deliver to the Low Azlanti embassy in Escadar; my request requires no additional effort on your part other than carrying a simple envelope. I have no hesitation in telling you the letter asks the gillmen to consider an alliance with the nation of Taldor—if the letter finds its way into the gillmen's hands, it would please me greatly.
A new dawn will rise over Taldor,
Lady Gloriana Morilla
Addressed this to Garret since he actually helped her up. In case you saw the original post. :P
Another edit: I changed stuff in the spoiler because apparently there's an error in the adventure regarding it... lol.

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I did not see the post to Clacent until after I posted, think we were typing at the same time
Garret looks at the note in an unconspicous manner
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Garret wants to have a short word with the Venture Captain, if that is not possible without the Lady seeing, he will depart with the rest of the team.

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Venture Captain, the lady just gave me this note, is it alright with you if we deliver this letter on her behalf to the gillmen??

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That's funny lol cause I can easily imagine me and Garret answering at the same time in real life. Besides I won't help her stand up anyway since I'm a little aloof to humans that wrecks nature, justifying my favored enemy (humans) hahaha!

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When I read the description regarding Lady Gloriana's coughing my first reaction was "Yes my lady?". Unfortunately that is not how I envision my character...

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Thayn listens intently to the Venture Captain's description of the relic and Rees. His eyes dart from Dreng to Lady Gloriana, watching their interaction with the group. He finds it unusual that Lady Gloriana suddenly stands with her hand extended and watches Garret awkwardly help the lady to her feet.
As the group completes their discussions and exit the hall, Thayn follows the last adventure through the door with a final bow to the Lady and Venture-Captain.
Perception: 1d20+9=22

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With pleasantries over and their questions answered Valnir gives a nod to the Venture Captain and Lady Gloriana, then exits the room and makes his way out of Skyreach.
While not yet in the Puddles, Valnir keeps an eye out for entrances to the sewers.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

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I am very comfortable in the middle of the group;-)
Also I imagine that there will be no chance to discuss matters with the Venture Captain without the lady noticing, so I will step outside
Garret steps outsides Now, where are the docks again?
Can you imagine, I always understood that a Pathfinders first assignment was a tour around Absalom, we get to go out to another island! I hope there is time to change into something more suited for exploration.

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I'm fine with rangers taking up point and rear. My AC definitely makes me a middle of the pack type 'o guy
Valnir looks toward his short companion, Garret.
"Yes, very different indeed from what I've been led to expect. Let's hope we can prove ourselves with little impedance. Though, I also hope that it doesn't prove too uneventful," Valnir states with a sly smile.

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It looks like Clacent is set up for melee and Thayn for range, so it should work out pretty good with Ranger bookends. I have no problem taking the back.
Thayn follows the last of the party out to the street. He catches Clacent's eye, as the human discusses his plans to take point with the others. Thayn, recognizing a fellow Ranger, silently nods his approval and stands at the rear of the group, watching as the others prepare their gear and determine how they are going to proceed.

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I guess we are following Clacent to the docks area. There we will probably ask around for directions to the Siphons.
Garret is pondering what to do with the note, if not asked anything he will not mention it to the others

GM Alice |

Thayn, I would prefer if you rolled using Paizo's dice roller. [*dice]1d20[*/dice] is how you do it, minus the asterisks of course.
Venture Captain, the lady just gave me this note, is it alright with you if we deliver this letter on her behalf to the gillmen??
You wait until Lady Gloriana has excused herself with the rest of the Pathfinders before speaking with the venture-captain. He seems heartily amused by the whole affair, chortling so much his bulging belly shakes.
"Ah, that sneaky woman... a Taldan can't say two words before embroiling themselves in a web of politics. I should know--I'm from the country myself." Dreng grins widely. "It's up to you to decide what to do. I'm sure the good Lady would appreciate it. So long as you perform the main mission in a timely manner... it's not my business what else you do."
The Pathfinders move south through the Foreign Quarter--the hub of immigrant activity in Absalom--through to the water-logged Puddles district. This lower-class area features a festering lake in the very centre, and most businesses tend to be calf-deep in water even at low tide. It's a very rough and tumble area; for the most part, only those who really cannot afford to live elsewhere making their livelihoods in the district--as well as the few too stubborn to leave or the few too dishonest to miss the opportunity to prey on the downtrodden.
Thanks to the rangers' watchful eyes, they manage to navigate safely through the district, avoiding at least one street urchin's attempts on their purses. Shivaan speaks briefly to a dishevelled young mother they pass by, his silver tongue easily able to garner directions to the Siphons by befriending the baby on her hip first. A short while later, you climb down a manhole into the sewers, and follow the surprisingly well-lit passageway beside the water channel until coming across a nondescript wooden door with a large, burly half-orc standing guard outside of it.
"You the Pathfinders here to see Grandmaster Torch?" he asks with a grunt; he seems to size you up briefly before granting you entry, leading you inside and directing you to a particular room within. Beyond is a large stone room that seems to somehow be free of all standing water or even airborne moister, very odd for the Puddles indeed. A dark-haired, horrifically-burned man in his late-middle years sits in a large bathtub, and two waifish attendants continually pour cool water over his cursed, festering wounds. A handful of heavily-armed half-orc bodyguards stand at attention nearby, eyeing you warily.
"Well met, Pathfinders," Torch says as he rises to greet you, his voice gravely, and he sneers--or perhaps smiles; it's hard to tell. "I see you are the newest batch of the Decemvirate's pawns. Good luck keeping yourselves alive from now on. You'll certainly need it."
"Let me give you a word of warning. This next task is much more dangerous than the venture-captain may have told you." Torch steps out of the bathtub, and his attendants sling a soft, white towel over his shoulders. Nodding to one of his half-orc guards, the h'orc retrieves a rolled-up piece of parchment from within a drawer behind him and passes it to the group. "I've made it my life's work to ensure Pathfinder agents are given all the tools they need to return home from their myriad adventures. This map is the tool I give you. Follow the directions on my map as strictly as you can. Deviate from this path and you may encounter challenges far beyond your abilities."
Torch turns from the group a moment, seeming pensive. The terrible burn wounds spread over his wide back like fractalised whip lashes. "Many would paint me and those who believe like I do as betrayers of the Society, but this is far from the truth. I have no love for the Decemvirate... but I am completely loyal to the corps of the organisation." He turns back around and looks at each of the group in turn. "Each and every one of you."
"If you believe you have been mistreated by the Ten or their representatives... don't hesitate to let me know upon your return from Escadar. My network of agents and spies is vast. I am a powerful ally to have on your side."
"Now be off! You have a long journey ahead of you. But remember, don't deviate from this map! It's designed to get you there and back safely!"
Anyone have any questions for Grandmaster Torch?

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"Your words of warning hint at additional knowledge of the task at hand, Grandmaster. What dangers await us on this journey? We were warned of the Consortium, and normal perils of adventure. Are there other threats lurking that should be known to us?" Valnir asks Grandmaster torch, believing him to know more than he has said.

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Torch chuckles, his laughter short and barking. "Never trust the Ten's words. Always be ready for unexpected challenges. If I knew for sure of hidden dangers, I would let you know up front. I do not want to lose another batch of Pathfinders on some political folly."
"But what can I tell you. The Kortos Mountain area is trackless wilderness. That in itself should be warning enough. This map is something I... procured from an ex-smuggler." Torch's thin-lipped, toothy smile makes you wonder what he means by ex-smuggler. "Though I've never taken the route myself, I was assured this avoids a number of dangers along the way. The mountain tops are controlled by flocks of harpies, and minotaur tribes rule the mid-ranges; this route should take you through a mountain pass for the most part. There are several tribes of centaurs that live at the base of the mountains as well, but they tend to be more... amenable to talking than the others. There's been sightings of dragons and chimera from time to time as well."

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Garret listens carefully, wondering if the Grandmaster tells everything he knows.
Sense Motive - Hunch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

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"For someone who haven't taken this route, you seem to actually know your ins and outs. On the other hand, I would trust a smuggler with these things. They seem to avoid all kinds of conflicts when it comes to transporting their goods. Any other words of wisdom? Maybe like what additional equipment or tools that would seem useful?"

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"Thank you Mmmaster Torch. The society has been kind to me and my companions as well I'm sure; I feel prepared for this journey. May I kindly ask where we are to rendezvous with our appraiser? A...mister Rees?" asks Shivaan, ensuring strict eye contact with Grandmaster Torch. Shivaan is feeling slightly unsettled at the charred and burned appearance of the man standing before him being draped in towels.

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"For someone who haven't taken this route, you seem to actually know your ins and outs. On the other hand, I would trust a smuggler with these things. They seem to avoid all kinds of conflicts when it comes to transporting their goods. Any other words of wisdom? Maybe like what additional equipment or tools that would seem useful?"
"Like I said, I have a lot of eyes and ears in various places. I make it my business to know what's going on."
"As for equipment, use your common sense and be prepared for travel. Look at the map," he gestures for whoever is holding it to unravel it. "You pass through a forest, mountains, and a swamp. Make sure you have the tools to deal with such a varied trek. I'm sure at least some of you know a fair bit about wilderness survival--you should be able to handle it."
"The Aspis Consortium...can you tell us anything about them?" Thayn pauses to consider. "Or perhaps you know about Lady Morilla's scheme? Is it still effective?"
"The Aspis Consortium is often considered the Society's rivals. They run a mercantile league that ruthlessly influences markets all through the Inner Sea, often in less than scrupulous ways." Torch sneers again, bitterness creeping into his voice. "The Society doesn't care so much about their mercantile activities, though. It's more that they try to monopolise the same ancient relics and lost knowledge that we want. And they're willing to go to any measure to get them."
"As far as Morilla's plan goes, well, we'll have to see, won't we? It seems like a good idea to me."
Shivaan, Garret asked that earlier to the VC--after you meet up with Torch and return to the Lodge, Dreng is going to contact Rees and get him to meet you there.
If anyone has any more questions for Torch, feel free to ask them, but I'll continue with the scene now.
After collecting the scavenger's map from Grandmaster Torch, you head back to the Grand Lodge and wait for Nester Rees to arrive. Within a half-hour or so, you are approached by a tall Garundi who limps along on a stylish, golden snake-tipped cane. The man nods politely and introduces himself as Nester Rees, his voice strongly accented with an Osiriani lilt. "I am glad to be at your service."
"Have you finished your preparations to leave?" he asks the group. "I suggest we travel light to speed our journey across the island."
You can go shopping and buy whatever mundane equipment you need now, and then we'll set out. :)

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During the trip back to Skyreach:
Guys, Grandmaster Torch suggested that one of you knows what to take on a Forest, Mountain and Swamp trip. I there anything that I should bring?
And shall I take care of provisions? I think we need enough food for 6 days, 3 to 4 days to account for the trip and then 2 extra for emergencies. I have found that a good budget is 5 silver a day for meals, do you agree on spending that amount?
To Reese
Well met Master Reese. I am Garret.
Might I enquire whether you would like to share in our provisions on the journey? I must add that I am reasonable cook and that I am planning this trip to be enjoyable as well as succesfull.
After that, Garret goes to get his stuff and comes back wearing an explorers outfit and leading a pony and a mule. The pony is saddled while the mule has a packsaddle on its back.
Purchases represented in profile, if there is any useful tips from the others I will work that in later. I will also adjust the amount of food I bought depending on the others.
@DM: As both trail rations and a day of good meals cost 5 silver I have assumed that is a fair price for ingredients to make a day worth of very good meals.

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To anyone who agrees that I will do the cooking and buy provisions:
Do you mind already giving me the 3 gold for the ingredients? I am afraid I am not able to pay everything upfront