[PF] Hell's Rebels Table 1

Game Master Alyksandrei

Posting Expectations:
Gameplay Thread - at least 1/week, preferably more. I tend to be more active on weekends, but I know others are less active then.
Total - at least every 2-3 days. It's ok to just post in Discussion "Still here. Still paying attention. Waiting for something worth reacting to." or something along those lines

I will be rolling your initiative (as soon as I get everyone's charsheets formatted how I want). You may state your action(s) for the turn/round in any order; I will resolve them in whatever order makes the most sense: in initiative order, or, if that would break a really cool move, in narrative (whatever-makes-a-better-story) order.

I've been playing a lot of 5e lately, where modifiers and sneak attack work somewhat differently. I do my best to remember the correct rules for the table I'm at, but sometimes I forget. I'm working on rereading the CRB, but haven't gotten very far yet. I do know the rules, I just get mixed up sometimes. So if I start telling you you have advantage, or that you should roll sneak attack damage when you don't think you should, remind me which edition we're playing.

Traits: I don't remember what NOTY originally said about the number of traits per character, but I think it would be more interesting if you have 2 traits plus a campaign trait. So...you must have a campaign trait, and you may have up to 2 additional traits from allowed sources using the normal trait rules.

Profiles: In the "Classes/Levels" box, I'd like you to list your AC, HP (x/x), Initiative modifier, Perception and other important (to your character, for now) skill mods, and your saves. It would be nice (but I won't require it; it's a lot of work to type up) if you could get a full character sheet into the "About [character]" field - check out my other aliases (particularly Delyn) for an example of what I mean. It can help a lot when a player disappears or doesn't respond and needs to be botted (I won't do that much, I promise!) in order to move things along after a few days of waiting. And having your most commonly used stats in the "Classes/Levels" box means it shows up under your name when you post - less window-switching for me when I need to, say, roll everyone's initiative.

Bookkeeping and Logistics: I'm not a big fan of tracking all the little bookkeeping and logistics details, so I plan on using the "everyone levels up when the story needs them to" method of XP distribution, and I really don't care how much your gear weighs. Just keep it reasonable and I won't have to apply encumbrance penalties.