House Rules for "Of Gods and Death"
-25 point buy with 2 traits.
-Traits can be from any campaign/setting/flavor, but the "no two from the same category" rule still applies.
-No feat requirements for non-custom item creation (at market cost), but skill rolls and other prerequisites are required.
-Can take feats to further reduce item creation costs, if desired.
Allowed Material:
-All Pathfinder official Paizo material allowed.
-Prestige classes can be taken even if not in the group, as the Forgotten Realms doesn't have “Red Mantis Assassin” and other specific groups unique to Golarion. However, something similar must replace it. I.E. if you want to play a Winter Witch, you should spend a lot of time in the cold to justify it, even if you aren't in Golarion's Irrisen or a member of that specific group.
-Any base class is allowed, but you need story justification. If you're playing a barbarian and want to eventually multiclass a few levels in wizard, that's fine, but justify it by spending time in libraries and practicing before you take your levels.
-Summoners and Rogues must be of the Unchained variety.
-Barbarians and Monks may be Unchained or original.
-Leadership feat is not allowed
-3rd Party or D&D 3.5/3.0 material available only upon GM pre-approval. Assume an automatic “NO” to any material that has been updated to Pathfinder (such as the 3.5 version of Samurai, Swashbuckler, etc.), but a possible yes for things that have no counterpart (such as the third party “Priest” class that is a squishier version of the cleric). Overall I prefer nothing non-Paizo official. It just makes less research for myself. If you have a concept that just can't be done without it, I will try to work with it, but odds are I can think of a PF alternative. Things are just simpler this way.
-All alignments except CE will be allowed, but I will have NPCs react according to your reputation as individuals and as a group. Simply messed up behavior will probably result in bounties being placed on your head and people hunting you down, targeting you over the less ill reputable members of the group in combat, etc. “But nobody saw me murder that homeless woman!” Remember, Divination magic, scrying, and Speak With Dead are all low to medium level spells. You've been warned.
-No PVP allowed. I don't care what you say about "but my character would..." - Change your character if that's the case. You must get along as a group when it comes down to it. Come up with reasons as a group; I don't care what reasons you have, as long as they hold up.
-Death of a character results in either:
1. A storyline resurrection, which is entirely possible, but not something you should depend upon.
2. A character-driven resurrection, in which the players work through a quest to earn a resurrection from a powerful ally, or to find a magic item to raise you, or perform a powerful ritual, etc.
A) If this is something you just buy, it probably will not be cheap.
B) During such a quest, you can play an NPC the party has met, cohort, or animal companion temporarily.
3. Conversion to undead, which may result in the GM taking your character, or not, depending on the situation.
4. Creation of a new character to replace it, if you absolutely must. The method of mythic ascension makes this incredibly inconvenient for me, so this is a last resort.
The game begins in the "Forgotten Realms" setting, circa 1373 DR (12 years before the Spellplague, 1 year after the 3rd Edition timeline), the Year of Rogue Dragons.
Clerics, Druids, Hunters, Inquisitors, Paladins, Rangers, Warpriests, etc, must choose a single god from the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms pantheon as their patron for spells.
If you desire a domain/subdomain that didn't exist in D&D 3.5, simply choose a god that it makes sense for. I'll likely be okay with any choice you desire.
You CANNOT be a follower of Cyric or Shar, for story reasons. It would be beneficial, if you are a holy character, to be a follower of one of their enemies, but not necessary.
Oracles and Shamans must choose a group of deities based on a theme to follow and receive their spells from - example "the Dwarven Pantheon" or "the gods of good", etc. Oracles are still divine casters, even though they are blessed by a group, and Shamans still gain power from spirits, which are servants of deities.
The game will begin in the nation of Damara, at the town of Trailsend. All of you are former companions of a dwarf named Flargin Ironstone, who has summoned you to help him track down a huge bounty, of which he will explain more when you have gathered.
Starting level is 5th. No Mythic Tiers to start (...yet)
Starting gold is 10,000gp - No single item worth more than 2,500gp. No custom magic items to begin.
Allowable races:
1. Aasimar
2. Changeling (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Hag-Touched")
3. Dhampir
4. Dwarf
5. Elf
6. Gnome (Flavor-Wise are different than their Pathfinder counterparts. Please read up on them if you wish to play a gnome.)
7. Half-Elf
8. Half-Orc
9. Halfling
10. Human
11. Ifrit (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Fire Genasi" and not Ifrits.)
12. Orc (Must be from Many-Arrows, or another "civilized" orc land, or otherwise not the rape-pillage-kill-everything type)
13. Oread (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Earth Genasi" and not Oreads.)
15. Suli (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Genie-Touched")
16. Sylph (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Air Genasi" and not Sylphs.)
17. Tiefling
18. Undine (Flavor-Wise are referred to as "Water Genasi" and not Undines.)