Vosil Comarenza |

OK, so that makes Turn 10 as follows:
Unrest goes up by 4 due to failed Stability Check
Claimed hex D6, built a Farm
Built a Jail in Concord
Collect Taxes: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38
Gives us 12 BP +5 bonus BP = 17 BP
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 26
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 23 BP
Control DC 31
On to the Event Phase for Turn 10 - over to you, OGGM

Vosil Comarenza |

Ignore the above, I've just remembered that the Town Hall gives us a 50% discount on the Jail! Meaning it only costs 7 BP, not 14 BP.
So at the end of Turn 10, the details are as follows:
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 26
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 30 BP
Control DC 31

Old Guy GM |

Event: 1d100 ⇒ 13 Event!
Event Type: 1d100 ⇒ 76 Dangerous Settlement Event
DSE: 1d100 ⇒ 51 Localized Disaster - An early thaw causes the Tuskwater to flood Concord!
# lots affected: 1d6 ⇒ 4 random lots: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 2, 10, 7) = 25
house, mill, brewery, jail
Stab check house: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (12) + 26 = 38
Stab check mill: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (11) + 26 = 37
Stab check brewery: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (18) + 26 = 44
Stab check jail: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42
An unusually warm and early Spring thaw brings flood waters down from the north. The Tuskwater reaches flood stage quickly, threatening the streets of Concord. Fortunately, quick action by the people keeps the damage to a minimum - just a lot of mud and water everywhere. It's a mess, but no one was killed and no structures were lost.

Vosil Comarenza |

Great! Spreadsheet updated. Turn 10 is over.
I take it we leave it there for now, as we're about to go exploring.

Vosil Comarenza |

OK, I've added the dryad's help (+2 Stability) to the Kingdom sheet.
Our stability is now 28, against a control DC of 31, which is pretty good!
Plus our treasury is in surplus, even with the plus/minus of what we're giving to Narthropple and when.

Vosil Comarenza |

I've added Melianse's bonus to the Kingdom sheet. Stability is now 30, against a control DC of 31.
Loyalty is only 19 - we're trusted, rather than loved.

Vosil Comarenza |

Turn 11 start, Gozran 4708
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 30 BP (but we owe 3 BP to Narthropple)
Control DC 31
Ok, stability check is go! Dregan or Edric to roll.

Vosil Comarenza |


Vosil Comarenza |

Is a natural 1 an auto-fail? If not, we pass the check (just!) which gives us +1 BP. If it is a fail, Unrest goes up by 1.

Vosil Comarenza |

OK, so the stability check was passed when Unrest is at zero = +1 BP.
Upkeep Phase: Consumption = zero.
Edict Phase: subsidised Narthropple's Expedition -3 BP
Edict Phase: claim a hex (-1 BP). I suggest that we claim F2 (plains), as that gets us close to Oleg's. Build a Farm (-2 BP) and a Road (-1 BP)
Edict Phase: construct buildings. OGGM's recent posts in the Gameplay thread helpfully reminded us that we don't have any walls around Concord, which means that a group of mounted bandits could actually do a fair bit of damage. According to the map, Concord backs on to the Lake on its South and West sides, so presumably we only have to build 2 City Walls to make it secure (although I'd appreciate a ruling on that, OGGM) which would cost 4 BP. If OGGM rules that we need 4 City Walls to do this, it will cost 8 BP.
Thoughts? Or should I just go ahead on that basis?

Old Guy GM |

Most medieval cities had walls all the way around. Sides facing water would have a 'water gate' of some sort that you had to go through to get to the wharves. It's really up to you. If you don't have them on the lake side, you'd be vulnerable to waterborne attack. All decisions to be made.
One thing to consider: we haven't yet got into the district building in the city. The bottom line is that your city will grow, larger than the original walls. Concord wouldn't be the first city to have an 'Old City' behind the original walls and then have other walls later on. Something to consider.

Vosil Comarenza |

True - the City Wall entry says we can construct gates for free, so let's go for a wall on each side of the town (8 BP).
One thing to consider: we haven't yet got into the district building in the city. The bottom line is that your city will grow, larger than the original walls. Concord wouldn't be the first city to have an 'Old City' behind the original walls and then have other walls later on. Something to consider.
Also true; although each district has 36 'lots' and Concord has only built on 14 of them thus far, so we have a way to go before we outgrow the current district :)
Anyway, I'll hold off on making the decision until I hear from anyone else.

Vosil Comarenza |

On the basis that silence is approval, Concord now has city walls!
Sheet amended accordingly. Turn 11 now looks like this:
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 16 BP
Control DC 32
Onto the Income Phase! I'll let someone else roll this.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our kingdom is now 11 hexes, which means we can claim 2 hexes a turn. This allows very rapid expansion, but our Control DC will go up accordingly as it's based on the number of hexes in the kingdom.

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I vote in favour of walls on all sides - the river side ones will be good for ever and we really dont want to get attacked!
Income: 1d20 ⇒ 11 (please add appropriate modifiers).

Vosil Comarenza |

Good thinking - good roll, too! 11 + Economy modifier of 25 = 36, which gives an Income of 12 plus the 5 bonus BP from mines etc = 17.
Turn 11 now looks like this:
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 31 (updated to include the correct modifier for Edric)
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 33 BP
Control DC 32
I've updated the spreadsheet accordingly.
Onto the Event Phase - unless this whole werewolf thing is the Event Phase? In which case, are there any modifiers to the kingdom as a result?

Vosil Comarenza |

OK, Turn 12 Start
Economy 25
Loyalty 19
Stability 31
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 33 BP
Control DC 32
Stability Check!

Vosil Comarenza |

OK, so the stability check was passed when Unrest is at zero = +1 BP.
Upkeep Phase: Consumption = zero.
Edict Phase: claim hexes. We can claim 2 hexes - any suggestions?
Nara: I did a map of Concord a while back, but it's now hopelessly out of date. Might redo it at some point. If you have time, go for it.
Also, OGGM: did subsidising Narthropple give us any useful information?

Vosil Comarenza |

Updated the spreadsheet with the new turn so far and Nara's increase in Int.
Turn 12 now looks like this:
Economy 26
Loyalty 19
Stability 31
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 34 BP
Control DC 32
In terms of hexes, we have two possible strategies. I welcome input.
Strategy 1: Agrarianism. This basically means we go for as much farmland as we can to keep our Consumption down. Hexes F1 and G2 are both plains, so claiming them (2 BP) and building farms (4 BP) is relatively cheap.
F1 is where the Levetons' trading post is, so I imagine Nat will be pleased to have some more farms to run :)
We could also build a road in F1 (1 BP), which means that there's road/river running all the way from the Levetons to Concord!
Strategy 2: A farm/industry strategy, where we claim one farm hex and one "industry" hex a turn; say claim F1 (the Levetons) and build a farm and road as above, but also claim the forest hex B6 and build a Sawmill (3 BP). This would get us closer to the coachwood Resource hexes (A6 and A5) and ensure that we're building up our economy as well as our farmland.

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Given that our consumption is still running at 0 I think we can afford some industry for now. If it came to it later we could move into agrarianism, but diversifying our resource base with the coachwood and so forth would likely be better in the long run.
So I say F1, farm, road & B6, sawmill. :)

Old Guy GM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also, OGGM: did subsidizing Narthropple give us any useful information?
It indeed it does. Jubilost's expedition returns near the end of Desnus, 4708 (turn 12 of kingdom building). His hands over his maps before bidding you adieu. He's off to the south, but thanks you for your support.
Here's what he found:
Tiressia's grove.
An abandoned keep in b7 of elvish design. (woods)
The 'hut of a madman' in a7. (woods)
The swamp witch.
A river ford in D7. (hills)
A 'bowl of hot mud filled with black mushrooms' in B8. (hills)
An island in the middle of the lake with 'strange lights'. (lake)
A lizardman village in a8. (woods)
An abandoned ferry in B9. (hills)

Vosil Comarenza |

So, Turn 12 continued
Claim hex F1 (-1 BP), +1 consumption, +1 control DC
Claim hex B6 (-1 BP), +1 consumption, +1 control DC
Build Road (-1 BP) in F1, we now have 9 road/river hexes so +1 Economy and +1 Stability
Build Farm (-2 BP) in F1, -2 consumption
Build Sawmill (-3 BP) in B6, +1 Stability and +1 bonus BP/turn
Economy 27
Loyalty 19
Stability 33
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 26 BP (+6 bonus BP/turn)
Control DC 34
Onto town developments.
I favour building a Foundry (16 BP): if we connect it to the gold mine, that gives us nice bonuses - and it's a great way to mark the 12-month anniversary of our realm: we not only mine the gold, but we craft with it too!
EDIT: I'm also thinking about moving my Spymaster bonus away from Stability and into Loyalty, which would give Stability 29 and Loyalty 23. I think that's a better balance, although obviously it increases the risk of failing the stability check we roll each turn.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia will work the foundry herself if it means getting some good jewelry in her hands!
I like moving the spymaster bonus into loyalty, personally.

Naralesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Maybe we should work the silver mine instead into some weapons in case Edric is feeling a little "wolfy" next month... ;)
FYI, I am going to be away at a convention all weekend so I will not be able to post until about Monday or Tuesday.

Vosil Comarenza |

Love it!
OK, Foundry is built and connected to a mine. Spymaster bonus moved to Loyalty. Edict phase for Turn 12 now looks like this:
Economy 29
Loyalty 23
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 10 BP (+7 bonus BP/turn)
Control DC 34
Also, do we want to give the peasants more than 1 day off a year? For another +1 to consumption, we can give them 6 days off a year. It would be a nice way to celebrate the 12-month anniversary of our realm. Would also give us another +1 to Loyalty.

Talia Khavortorov |

Bah, they're peasants. They should be happy with one day...
Just kidding. Talia loves a party. Let's do it!

Vosil Comarenza |

And done! 6 holidays/year.
End of the Edict Phase looks like this:
Economy 29
Loyalty 24
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 10 BP (+7 bonus BP/turn)
Control DC 34
Onto Income Phase:
Income: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (20) + 29 = 49 Gives us 16 BP + 7 bonus BP = 23 BP
So Turn 12 looks like this:
Economy 29
Loyalty 24
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 33 BP
Control DC 34
Onto the Event Phase - OGGM, over to you!

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Edric spends much of the month alone, either in the small Desnan chapel or up late into the night staring at the stars. He embarks on a rigid regime of prayer, and fasts for some days to sharpen control over his own mind. The practise seems to pay off as he is not troubled by his usual dark dreams for much of the month.
When do we find out about the werewolf thing? :)

Vosil Comarenza |

I'm going to advocate for a six-month stay: the fallout from Grigory's trial might need some dousing, and if we kill him and just disappear again it gives his complaint that we're never here some weight.
If we give it six months, he'll be long forgotten by the time we head off exploring again.
Also, we can do a LOT with six turns to play with!
First order of business: appointing a Royal Enforcer. I nominate Jubal.
OGGM: I need his Str or Dex modifier, whichever is greater.
Actually, first order is a stability check: DC 34
Stability: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (19) + 30 = 49

Vosil Comarenza |

OK, so the stability check was passed when Unrest is at zero = +1 BP.
Upkeep Phase: Consumption = zero.
So Turn 13 looks like this, adding Grigory's unrest (still zero!) and Jubal as royal enforcer:
Economy 29
Loyalty 26
Stability 30
Unrest 0
Consumption 0
Treasury 34 BP
Control DC 34
We can claim 2 hexes a turn; I vote for claiming the plains near Oleg's (F2 and G2) and building farms on them. Total cost: 6 BP, keeping consumption low. We can then build a road in F2 and that puts us in position to claim Oleg's hex next turn.
In terms of building in town, I suggest another foundry (this one can be connected to the silver mine) to boost the economy; and a shrine, as Talia suggested. Total cost: 24 BP.
That would leave us with 4 BP still in the treasury, with the income phase still to come.