Sandru |
Besides a few CLW potions or something and "stakes", is there anything Sandru needs to make him a viable candidate?
"I could have been a contender..."
Also, as to INIT... was thinking to swap out "Reactionary, +2 INIT" for "Helpful, +4 Aid Another". Seems less super soldier and more in tune with his uncanny observation skills.
Gaston Blackacre |
Gaston - I count one extra feat but you list rapid reload/toughness on the same line, so maybe I misunderstand what you mean.
You are correct that both rr & toughs would give me too many feats. There are a couple of places where I still have decisions to make that I have noted for myself by putting multiple items on the same line. I should be finalizing those decisions in the next couple of days so that I am ready to roll.
Ianez Gastnicht |
![Lucky Ben Willhuff](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LuckyBen.jpg)
I've added traits and rearranged skills on my character profile, but I still have to purchase equipment. Re spells, independent of CHA bonus I'd get 4 first level and 3 second level spells per day, and CHA adds one of each.
The archaeologist shouldered his pack, nodding. "Of course. You were right to come and get me; I'm only sorry I didn't come sooner. Let's go to her at once. As long as no one minds my going armed on the street here!"
Sharmune, Radiant of the Night |
![Wild Elf](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/WildElf_final.jpg)
Darious, The Second
Male Elf Ranger 6 | [Chaotic Neutral]
Age 120
Looks Brown hair, Brown eyes
Height/Weight 5'4" tall, 145lbs. (Medium)
Homeland Darkwood
Deity Ioun
Campaign Night of Werewolf
Representing Sharmune
HP 40
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Initiative +8 = 4 [Dex] +4 [Improved Initiative]
Action Points (Lifetime) 10
SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Acrobatics* +10 = DEX 4+6+0
Appraise +2 = INT 1+0+0
Bluff -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Climb* +11 = STR 2+6+3
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Diplomacy -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Disable Device*† +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Disguise -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Escape Artist* +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Fly* +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Handle Animal† +9 = CHA -1+6+3
Heal +10 = WIS 1+6+3
Intimidate -1 = CHA 11+0+0
K (Arcana)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Dungeoneering)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Engineering)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Geography)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (History)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Local)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nature)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nobility)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Planes)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Religion)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Linguistics† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Perception +3 = WIS 1+0+0+2 [elf]
Perform -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Perform -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Profession† +10 = WIS 1+6+3
Profession† +1 = WIS 1+0+0
Ride +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Sense Motive +1 = WIS 1+0+0
Sleight of Hand*† +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Spellcraft† +10 = INT 1+6+3
Stealth* +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Survival +10 = WIS 1+6+3
Swim* +11 = STR 2+6+3
Use Magic Device† -1 = CHA -1+0+0
* Armor Check Penalty 0
† Trained Only
Base Speed [ 30 (6 sq.) ]
AC [15] = 10 + 1 [Cloth] +4 [Dex]
Touch AC [14] Flat-Footed [11]
Base Attack Bonus +6
Basic Melee Attack +8
Basic Ranged Attack +10
Attack Bonus
Rapier +10 18-20
P 1d6+1
Attack Bonus
Off. Rapier +10 18-20
Fortitude Save +6 = 5 [base] +1 [Con]
Reflex Save +9 = 5 [base] +4 [Dex]
Will Save +3 = 2 [base] +1 [Wis]
CMB +8 = 6 [BAB] +2 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +21 = 6 [BAB] +1 [Str] +4 [Dex] +0 [size] + 10
Improved Initiative
Two-Weapon Fighting
Two-Weapon Defense
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Combat Expertise
Extremely Fashionable
Scholar of the Great Beyond
Classically Schooled
Dilettante Artist (Elf)
Merchant of the Great Market
Slayer's Oath
Rich Parents
Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 58lbs.
Medium Load: 116lbs.
Heavy Load: 175lbs.
Lift Over Head: 175lbs.
Lift Off Ground: 350lbs.
Push or Drag: 875lbs.
2 Bonus Languages (Int)
Ranger Spells Per Day
Level 1 1 + 1 [Wis]
Special Abilities
Low-Light Vision
Elven Immunities: Immune to magic sleep effects. +2 to saves vs. enchantment
Elven Magic: +2 to caster level checks vs. spell resistance. +2 to Spellcraft (magic item properties)
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Weapon Familiarity: longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows. Any weapon with 'elven' in its name is treated as a martial weapon.
Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
Hunter's Bond
1 Favored Terrains = Wilderness
2 Combat Style Feats
Wild Empathy
2 Favored Enemies = Undead, Lycanthropes
Experience Points 0
Nameless, child of Original |
![Eando Kline](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/36-absalompathfinder.jpg)
@DM -Rules question- Do we have Hero Points? If so, is the Antihero alternate rule available as an option?
Second rules question- is the Massive Damage optional rule in effect? I do not particularly like either of these, but you are the GM. It is entirely up to you.
@Sharmune Your character sheet mentions Action Points. What are these?
Kinetic_cards |
![Ramoska Arkminos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9047_Arkminos.jpg)
@Darious -
Languages - You can have Common, Elven + 1 more (because INT mod is +1 and no ranks in Linguistics)
Traits - You can have 8 listed, but you can only have 2 total.
Everything else looks good, the only thing I would suggest it looks like you haven't spent your 16K gold yet, you might want to buy a Ring of Protection +2 (8,000 gold) and a +2 magic bonus for one of your rapiers (also 8000 gold)
Or you might buy two Rings of Protection +1 (4,000 gold @ 2,000 gold each), the +2 magic for one of your rapiers (8,000 gold), and +1 magic for the other (2,000 gold)
Just a suggestion. But whatever you do, reduce those traits!! :)
Ianez Gastnicht |
![Lucky Ben Willhuff](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LuckyBen.jpg)
IIRC, action points are an optional 3.5 rule from Unearthed Arcana; I don't think they made it into PF, though. At least, a search of the PRD comes up empty. I can't check d20PFSRD from work, so it might be there.
ETA: Ninja'd by the DM! Also, I have equipment largely done except for some consumables and possibly one more item.
Gaston Blackacre |
BTW, I'm all done but the hit points and the reason for being on the street.
6d8 ⇒ (8, 3, 3, 2, 8, 1) = 25
[EDIT: looks like avg+1 to me. Also, per the character sheet, I'll be putting my favored class bonuses there, for a total of 31.]
Also, reason for being on the street will be that I'm tracking a lesser-rank noble whom I suspect of being involved in some evildoings and/or society of evildoers. More elaborate description to come.
Up to our GM, of course, as to whether my suspicions are correct and/or it has anything to do with our campaign and/or if I even get to it.
Kinetic_cards |
![Ramoska Arkminos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9047_Arkminos.jpg)
Everyone has put in a lot of work and given the July 4 holiday, I think we'll say the campaign will start next week on Tuesday July 10 (I will be away on Monday.)
I suggest for the campaign everyone is expected to post at least once daily. The exception is Wednesdays and Sundays (to give everyone a break a couple of days.) This is a minimum. Everyone can post as many times a day as they want to.
I will often contribute DM posts before 8 pm...but I will sit down and have a DM session in the evening, which means you have until 8 pm EST to post if you have expectation of feedback the same evening (I will rule on things by midnight EST and the story will move on.)
If you do not post on a given day, your character is subject to DM control.
If anyone has concerns with this, please PM.
Sandru |
I hadn't seen that... it's not posted as such:
Now, that you mention this... I see an indication in the Copyright, at the bottom. Sorry.
I was wondering if you'd allow the experimentation (as part of the tinkering) to act like "Adopted", which allows you to pick another race's trait, genetic selection. Thought they could be trying to make him "subordinate", while taking advantage of his uncanny powers of perception.
Game mechanics and balance, it seems to work... this is just an alternate method of aquisition.
If not, that's fine.
Was just adding flavor and interaction.
Nameless, child of Original |
![Eando Kline](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/36-absalompathfinder.jpg)
Everyone has put in a lot of work and given the July 4 holiday, I think we'll say the campaign will start next week on Tuesday July 10 (I will be away on Monday.)
I suggest for the campaign everyone is expected to post at least once daily. The exception is Wednesdays and Sundays (to give everyone a break a couple of days.) This is a minimum. Everyone can post as many times a day as they want to.
I will often contribute DM posts before 8 pm...but I will sit down and have a DM session in the evening, which means you have until 8 pm EST to post if you have expectation of feedback the same evening (I will rule on things by midnight EST and the story will move on.)
If you do not post on a given day, your character is subject to DM control.
If anyone has concerns with this, please PM.
Alright, sound good. Tuesday July 10 it is. I am really looking forward to this campaign:).
Sandru |
@Gaston and Ibanez - didn't mean to ignore you guys, just missed the posts rgds Sift. Sandru is a Trapsmith, with Perception +16, vs. Traps. Will not trigger unless fails by 10, with
Disable Device +13.
That being said, sure I will botch the roll once in a while. Aid another might do the trick and free you folks up to take spells that expand or repertoire. We're suppose to fail some trap checks, as long as statistics are in our favor.
@DM - Sandru will take Armor Expert so he's more comfortable on his second skin. With current armor, no ACP.
Kinetic_cards |
![Ramoska Arkminos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9047_Arkminos.jpg)
Everyone has put in a lot of work and given the July 4 holiday, I think we'll say the campaign will start next week on Tuesday July 10 (I will be away on Monday.)
I suggest for the campaign everyone is expected to post at least once daily.* The exception is Wednesdays and Sundays (to give everyone a break a couple of days.) This is a minimum. Everyone can post as many times a day as they want to.
I will often contribute DM posts before 8 pm...but I will sit down and have a DM session in the evening, which means you have until 8 pm EST to post if you have expectation of feedback the same evening** (I will rule on things by midnight EST and the story will move on.)
If you do not post on a given day, your character is subject to DM control.
If anyone has concerns with this, please PM.
To clarify, since players are in different time zones
* "at least once daily" means at least once per your day whichever time zone applies
** the feedback schedule still applies - if something is posted before 8 pm EST, you may expect feedback the same evening (i.e. by roughly midnight EST.)
Gaston Blackacre |
@Gaston and Ibanez - didn't mean to ignore you guys, just missed the posts rgds Sift. Sandru is a Trapsmith, with Perception +16, vs. Traps. Will not trigger unless fails by 10, with
Disable Device +13.That being said, sure I will botch the roll once in a while. Aid another might do the trick and free you folks up to take spells that expand or repertoire. We're suppose to fail some trap checks, as long as statistics are in our favor.
Given this information, and the fact that Ibanez also has sift, if no one is opposed, I may swap out Sift for Disrupt Undead.
Sandru |
Thanks, with the lower INT, figured best to not effectively lose skill points to ACP. Especially since he's supposed to be physical.
In the future might want to take extra traits feat and possibly treat feats as manifestations of the intended enhancements, rather than learned behaviors.They could provide some good RP opportunities.
Kinetic_cards |
![Ramoska Arkminos](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9047_Arkminos.jpg)
I have been considering swaping away the Magic Linage trait and Persistent Spell Feat. I think Extend spell will be my replacement, in this scenario. However, for the trait, what I would like most is one that gives Sense Motive as a class skill. Does anyone know of a trait like that?
(Religion trait) Divine Courtesan (CN): You worked in one of your goddess’s temples as a sacred courtesan, and you know how to flatter, please, and (most of all) listen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
(Social trait) Suspicious: You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.
(Human racial trait) World Traveler: Your family has taken the love of travel to an extreme, roaming the world extensively. You've seen dozens of cultures and have learned to appreciate the diversity of what the world has to offer. Select one of the following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
Nameless, child of Original |
![Eando Kline](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/36-absalompathfinder.jpg)
Perfect. I have made the changes. Extend Spell rather than Persistent Spell, World Traveler:Sense Motive rather than Magic Linage, and 6 skill points rather than 4 HP/2 Skill Points for the favored class bonus, landing Nameless on a total of 44 HP.
World Traveler actually works pretty well, in terms of backstory and character. The Original invested himself so entirely in the outside world, that when the world he loved started to fall apart, within his mind was recreated different representations of what The Original had experienced. I am not entirely happy with the fluff, but it works more than it doesn't.
What I was ultimately was aiming for, however, was Nameless's interest in the outside world, since he perceives it as something he is in a position to use for his own amusement.
Thank you for the help!
Sandru |
Do we all know eachother?
Are we sharing the expense and upkeep of some big mansion that looks like it's in need of maintenance and constantly under construction/remodeling?
When in fact, we have laboratories, libraries and are replete with obseratory? Big enough that we can each have our own apartment, big or small.
Sandru doesn't need much, although prefers higher ground... One mediium sized room in a tower really, think "gargoyle". And a yard for critters and garden.
Ianez Gastnicht |
![Lucky Ben Willhuff](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LuckyBen.jpg)
Ianez is newly returned from Absalom and points south, but may have a seldom-used small suite of rooms at a local establishment. He'd fit right in at an Explorer's Club, actually, and that's a fine sort-of Victorian institution.
ETA: Edwardian, not Victorian; the first one was founded in 1904, and HRM Victoria died in 1901.
Earl J V Caromarc |
![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
I have Earl "just call me Caromarc" Caromarc as an Ustalavian noble, living in rented property because the family home's commute is just a tad too far away for someone without teleport.
If someone is happy with sharing digs with an experimental wizard noble, he'd make a great[1] housemate.
[1] though your insurance premiums *may* suffer.