MrWakka's Wrath of the Righteous online Campaign

Game Master MrWakka

A weekly online campaign using, and Raidcall; as players work their way through the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path.

Silver Crusade

I am planning on running an weekly online WotR campaign using Raidcall for voice & for a virtual tabletop, as well as a campaign page over on

Currently I am looking at Wednesday or Sunday evenings, sometime between 6pm-10pm est to start, and it being a 4 hour or longer block. More specific times to be determined as I get people signed up and see what works best for the group. Start date to be determined when we have the players and schedule worked out.

Character creation rules are listed over on the OP page here: Character Creation

If you would be interested in taking part, post here or send me a pm. I would note that one potential player is new to tabletop games, so some patience is likely to be required.

It's been a while and I've been looking for a new game. A Wednesday schedule from 6-10 would suit me just fine. I work on Sundays though. As far as characters, I'm partial to melee classes, but I can take on whatever kind of class you're lacking.

Silver Crusade

I know another player is planning on a tiefling magus, and the other is considering a ninja. An additional melee isn't out of the question. Though getting some additional casters wouldn't hurt if anyone else is interested.

I'll mark down Wednesdays 6-10 and see how it works with the others. I am still looking for at least two more players, for a total of 5. Assuming schedule wise everything works out with zerceses, we have three thus far.

Silver Crusade

It appears we now have a full group for the time being.

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