Kingmaker PbP

Game Master Egoish

Five brave souls attempt to tame the wilderness and forge a kingdom.

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After tearing a chunk from Andrej with its bite the creature moves along the branches to strike at Silva with its claws...

To hit:1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 7 - 2 = 17
Damage:1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

To hit:1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 - 2 = 8
Damage:1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Knowing his chances to hit the creature are low Egan call upon the power of his fiery god to guild his party's weapons.

Casts Bless

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Can it finish a full attack if it moves along the branches?

It has a climb speed so it can 5ft step.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

OK thanks

Silva five foot steps out of its reach and attacks.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Forgot bless so add one

Silva's arrow strikes the creature in the forehead and it drops from the tree, the wound looks deadly but it does not bleed. Even the other greivous wounds across its body are begining to knit back together.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

It appears that the fire weakens it. Do we have anymore fire? Should I keep putting arrows in it?

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Sounds like we are still in initiative then.

I have no more fire spells. Nore do I have oil, acid, or alchemist fire. I do have flint and steel. Keep shooting the thing until we can get a fire going.

Egan spent all his money on his dog.

On Egan's turn he will will cast Cure Light wounds on Anza and then move towards C-4 to heal Andrej next round.

Cure Light: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

You spend half an hour gathering fallen wood to create a fire big enough to consume the beast, Andrej and Silva take turns in hacking at the creature to keep it incapacitated.

Once the fire is burning brightly the creature begins to burn and shrivel, suddenly the fire explodes in a huge flash blinding you for a few seconds and you hear the creatures deep roar and hear the creaking of its bones as the dead beast lurches back to life. Your sight returns and the creature looms before you, its flesh still afire and its eyes burning with hatred, its claws reach out towards the party and it takes a step forward...

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej tries to take its head off with a swing.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Creepy. Did anyone have any oil, alchemist fire, or acid in their supplies?

During that time Egan will have cast two Cure light spells on Andrej

Cure Light: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6) + 2 = 9

Stumbling back 5 feet in horror Egan fires his crossbow wildly at the creature.

crossbow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 71d6 ⇒ 4

The roaring subsides as your attacks simply pass though the creature. As you recover you bear a high pitched tittering behind you.

Turning you see a tiny colourful dragon with butterfly wings and a tiny creature with cricket legs and a female elves body, humming abiut joyfully they seem to find your reactions hilarious.

"Their faces... A picture."

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class
Egan 'Little Fire' Thermogauge wrote:

Creepy. Did anyone have any oil, alchemist fire, or acid in their supplies?

During that time Egan will have cast two Cure light spells on Andrej

I had two Alchemist fires but couldn't afford to trigger an AoO - was gonna play dead and throw one. Also,thanks for the healing - Anza dead ala Redshirt?

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

I stabilized her the round she went down, so she did not bleed out. And I healed her for 4, but have not heard if that got her up or not. Ego? I am out of first level spells for the day after a bless and 3 cures.

Egan tries to look stern at the newcomers, even angry, but begins to giggle slightly after a moment and then joins them in a good hearty laugh.

He quickly casts enhanced diplomacy and addresses them in Sylvan.

A good joke. he says laughing. We have killed your troll I am afraid. He was quite fierce. I hope you are not angry but he attacked us from the tree there and has injured Andrej there and hurt my friend Anza quite badly. His wounds were healing so we thought be had best burn him. Do you know where his layer was? Were there others of his kind in the area? We would like to be your friends if you would allow it.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

The faeries chitter at Egan...

"You misunderstand, we warned you of the troll but you came anyway. We just wanted to have fun and help you, but you were good sports so we thought we should have just two more japes."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

I see. Yes we saw the warning, but after other jokes, how were we to be sure it was not also a jape at us? So, friends then? We have rid these woods of this threat and now we go to claim our reward. There is a reward isn't there?

Egan starts out laughing and at the end looks concerned.

And what of Anza? Is she up and around? Is she dead? I don't know if I should be morning or rejoicing. lol

Anza is injured and unconcious but alive.

In common "Your reward is the gift of laughter, but if you can climb a high tree the troll had some shineys. Sorry about the pranks but we had to test you, we knew when you ran to save your friend that we liked you."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Andrej, you feel up to a climb? My arms are too short to make it to the first branch.

Egan goes over and sits with the fey, offering to share what food he has with them, says something in sylvan and giggles.

Maybe he will fall.

After a moment he adds.

My friend Anza is still hurt. She won't wake up and I can't help her any more today Can either of you help her?

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej looks a bit pissed as the fairies laugh at his expense but shrugs out of his chain shirt and then climbs the tree.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Egan casts Guidance on Andrej as he begins to climb.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Silva sees the fey speaking and fails to understand the conversation. I do not understand these fey and their ways. How do you laugh at the current situation. Erastil have mercy on our guide.

Is everything OK now Egan?

Silva kneels next to Anza and checks on her condition.

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Take 10 + 6 + 1 =17

After scaling the tree Andrej returns with a mouldy and broken adverturers pack, inside you find a chirurgeons bag along with two potions labled with "clw" and a pouch with 5 platinum coins. There is also sme ruined paper that was probably a letter but now is un readable.

Anza is fine, the healing has saved her life but she will need more magical healing or some bed rest before you can continue.

"Your friend seems grouchy, should we try to cheer him up."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

He is rather grouchy, but he is brave, and can climb good. Its likely any attempt to cheer him will only make him more grouchy. I have tried and he just does not understand humor. Best to let him brood. Maybe shinys will cheer him.

Changing the subject Egan asks about Fey in this area. You know I had hoped I would find you, and other fey here in these woods. I traveled a long way and have found you at last. I want you to know that I am working for some good big people who want to be friends with they fey and help protect the forests from trolls and bandits and other threats. We want to live close to here if you think that is ok. And we would like to trade food and drink and cloth and other goods with the fey. Do you think that is possible?

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej armours up again and prepares camp.

Can't see any other major predators sharing the same hunting range as that thing... and she can't move for now.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

The gnome will care for Anza through the night.

Heal Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

He will ask his new friends if they can help Anza as well, using enhanced diplomacy.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

And in the morning will heal her again.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The faeries hang around with you through the night. The faerie dragon, who introduces himself as Perlivash spends several hours trying to talk to Andrej, flying around him doing loops and sitting on his helm or shoulder. The cricket like faerie, who introduces herself as Tig Titter Tut is a Grig, she spends several hours talking to Egan in sylvan and common about the area and faeries.

"Faeries don't normally trade, we like gifts though. There aren't many of us here anymore, there are some naughty Mites who live in the hills. I wish we could help you friend but we have no healing magic. We know lots of secrets though, about the bandits and about a place your hunter friend may be interested in."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Since we gave you a gift of laughter, maybe you can tell us some of your secrets? We are going to go and fight the bandits some day soon. What do you know about them?

"We know where their camp is by the decoy wagon, we know there are sixteen of them but six are away. We know where they keep their shineys and where they hide in the trees. We know lots of things."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Egan continues to talk to the fey. I have some gifts for you. He lays out some of his supplies and offers them each one item. Fish hooks, thread, a signal whistle, a clay mug, and twine. You pick. And I have some secrets too. I know about some kobolds close to here and where they get mushrooms. Lets share secrets. He tells the fey about the kobolds and then asks if they will draw him a map in the dirt of the bandit's camp, the decoy wagon, the shineys, and the trees they hide in. The bandits are bad and we want to make them leave this land. he explains.

He can use both guidance and Enhanced Diplomacy to try to be convincing. And it should not hurt that he really does want to be friends with these fey.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

After the discussion of the bandits he asks about the place my hunter friend might want to know about. What kind of place is it? How far is it. What is there? We can play a guessing game if you like.

The faeries will provide a roughly drawn map of the bandit camp and the area around it, when i get in tonight i will put a map together for you.

Her eyes lighting up with glee Tig hops and chirps excitedly. "A game! Lets play..."

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Silva begins preparing the area for a night of rest. While the gnome is communicating with the Fey, he spends time hunting.

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Without the faeries hindering your efforts setting up camp is done with ease, after moving Anza to a tent and settling your horses you gather around the fire to eat, the faeries hovering around for treats.

"So do you want to play a guessing game? You ask questions about the place and we can answer. I bet you can't get it in ten questions!" Tig chirps excitedly.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Ok, but for each guess I get right, you have to tell me something else about it, deal?

Egan settles down to play the game. First guess, Is it in the forest

Feel free to help with guess ideas here guys.

"That was an easy guess, its in the forest and its a building." Tig pouts as she answers.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Well, when we play we normally call it 20 questions, so with only 10 guesses I have to start out easy. Egan explains. Are humans there?

Tig giggles and whispers to Perlivash before replying. "No, no humans."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Hmm. Egan struggles to apply some logic to what little he knows about this local.

By Hunter Friend do they mean Anza? If so I have a thought. And Silva, Andrej, please pipe up with ideas.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Are you speaking common now?

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Yes. You can see above where the DM indicated twice that the Fey had switched to common. I will try to hide Sylvan in a spoiler.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

After setting up camp, Silva comes over and sits next to the fey. They seem friendly enough. Their minds are like those of innocent children.

Silva listens to Egan and follows suit. He pulls a piece of chalk out of his bag and scribbles on his backpack. He hands the chalk to Perlivash. A gift for you my friend. Silva smiles. I would like to be your friend. I have much to learn about the ways of the Fey.

Awaiting Perlivash's response, Silva ponders a good question for the guessing game.

Perlivash hops from Andrej's helm over to Silva's shoulder and takes a grip with his claws, "A gift from the hunter, i will cherish it."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

So, Silva is the Hunter. What might you be interested in that is in a building in these woods where no humans are at?

Lookng around at the thoughtful expressions underlit by the campfires glow Perlivash stops wriggling on Silva's shoulder and leans in close to whisper...

"What kind of buildings might interest you hunter?"

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Silva giggles when Perlivash whispers in his ear and then whispers back.

What is your favorite gift little friend?

Silva pets the little guy and says out loud: Hmmmmm...Is it a church?

Tig looks at Perlvash and scowls, then with a naughty grin says. "No, it is not a church..."

Perlivash then flaps his wings and rears up, his tail whipping behind him. "Do not cheat naughty grig, a temple is a type of church."

"I like those purple boiled sweets that travellers have in winter."

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Intelligence Check on the purple boiled tasties: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 I am not very smart!

Silva becomes excited. A temple? Of Old Dead Eye?! In the Stolen Lands? Could you tell me where to find it?

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Egan laughs as the fact that building is a temple. Tig, Silva got that one right. You have to tell us something more about it. Rules are rules.

"The temple is abandoned and something wrong lives in it, the woods whisper that a man is coming to restore it." Tig says with a huff, "But no more easy answers, i still think churches and temples are different."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

OK. Abandoned temple in the woods. Something bad has taken up there. Now we have to find out where.

Egan laughs, trying to cheer Tig. Ok, Ok. But now we have to find the temple and that's going to be hard. Is it farther from here than the trading post?

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